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Which One Is Worse? RROD vs. PSN

Kotaku - At this point, after 17 days with no end in sight, it's fair to ask the question. the PlayStation Network Outage, or the Xbox 360's Red Ring of Death: Which is worse?

Let's leave aside the data breach, though it is one of the largest in history, and is the feature of this disaster that attracts so much mainstream attention. Within the gaming community, the idea that a console would be completely without its online functionality for this long is just staggering.

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TomInc4889d ago

Red ring is deffos worse.. at least the PSN will come back and isnt really costing people. Red ring is a new console. Anyone who would prefer to fork out over £100 to replace a console rather than wait for multi-player on the PSN to return needs to get outside.

omi25p4889d ago

Red ring is not a new console, You get a three year warrenty so if it breaks you send it off and they repair it for FREE, if they cant repair it they send you a refurbished console.

sdtarm4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

this is just plain stpid, both are issues but completely different, one affects you for a determined period of time but you lose nothing, you can still play your games, and you just lose and extra service for a period of time.

The other is a hardware issue, once you get your console RRoD you wont be able to access the content you paid for, you will probably lose some and you cant play your games neither, it may or may not affect you. in order to fix it you need to do an effort and wait and even after you get your new one you are in risk of getting again.

Stop being stpid ppl, ssly if this makes it to the main page this site must me renamed news for retards.

TenSteps4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

Ha my friend got the red ring 2 weeks after his warranty finished therefore even though red ring doesn't mean new console it's still a problem that could result in someone having to buy a new console.

-All Heil Tman

Godmars2904889d ago

Depending on if the reason the 360 broke-down was actually RRoD and not a few other issues at the time which MS chose not to call or include in RRoD.

And that was after MS eventually recognized RRoD while trying not to recognize it. Release or supply numbers.

They certainly weren't called before congress as things suggested RRoD went as high as 70%

b_one4889d ago

i bought NEW console and dont want some used God knows how console... refurbished shit

tehpees34889d ago

RROD for sure. that breaks it down. PSN is temporary

the_best_player4889d ago

Red Dot Of Death (New Version)

Fox014889d ago

Identity theft or RROD, which is worse?

gamingdroid4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

Although I feel they are pretty similar, the defining factor (surprisingly isn't the credit card number) is your date of birth combined with your name and address being exposed!

You got a broken hardware that is covered by warranty or a network that is down gets resurrected. In either case, at the worst you are screwed for a few hundred bucks and choose a different platform in the future.

However, your Date of Birth can be used for identity theft for the rest of your life. You can't change or retract it obviously!!!

Anyone affected by identity theft knows the burden of proof is on you, got your credit screwed up can affect your ability to get a loan, the cost of the loan, even a job opportunity (yes, credit checks sometimes happen) and set up utility services just to mention a few things.

Makes the loss of game time seem negligible.

Vip3r4889d ago

Warranty only applied to the non slim consoles. Now it's a 1 year warranty.

omi25p4889d ago Show
mastiffchild4889d ago

Well, seeing as the same faults that result in RROD don't ALWAYS result/show as RROD you can have wrangles with MS over the warranty as well. It's not and never was watertight. Also it was the result of MS caring way more about getting a lead on Sony and making devs break exclusive deals from the PS2 days more naturally whereas, even if Sony could have done a bit more, the fact is PSN was attacked by outside influences. MS and our 360's weren't.

Dunno which is more annoying but blame wise I'd say MS were more consumer unfriendly than Sony have been. In the end, though, both are different things but I've STILL lost more online gaming time to RROD and the holiday Live outage than to PSN being down after being hacked. Whatever, both were shitty and I hope Sony gets PSN up for everyone soon as they can. It's dragging on a bit and is going to cost them a lot-but if the PSN is better afterwards and people stop being so daft can't we all be a bit happier and, you know, get back to talking about games rather than which shit smells worst?

Scyrus4889d ago Show
AAACE54889d ago

It's pure flamebait, and we know who the majority of posters will be an which side they will be on!

Sunhammer4889d ago

RROD bricks your console.
PSN, which is only required if you wish to play online, is free and only down temporarily.

Only the hit-seeking retards at Kotaku would attempt to make such comparisons.

Gaming "journalism" at it's finest. N4G, worse by the day.

BattleAxe4889d ago

Well with the PSN outage, my console will still work perfectly, so RRoD is far worse.

wsoutlaw874889d ago

what happens after 3 years? you lose you're console. RROD can happen to you more than once while hopefully this only happens once. The biggest difference however is that i can play demons souls dead space 2 and portal 2, when you get rrod you cant play a thing

somerandomdude4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

They aren't really compatible. rrod is a hardware problem with the 360.

The psn situation is due to a malicious attack. This is a situation that Microsoft could/can be targeted against as well. It shouldn't matter what gaming platform you prefer, as a gamer everyone should be routing for Sony to defeat these hackers. This situation is more a test as to whether a online gaming platform can succeed. If Sony fails then online gaming will fail as well, not to mention companies will take a huge step back from any form of digital distribution in general. Hackers are only defeating themselves by holding back innovation.

Zydake4889d ago

Don't want to be a negative nancy but...

One got shut down for like over a week and maybe will happen once.

While the other happens all the time.. Hmm which one's worse.. -_-

Btw Any1 up for playing Call of the Dead? I want to beat the top guy whose at 40.

Achemki4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

I used to work as a skip tracer, lots of fraud accounts, you're overexaggerating about the name/addy/birthday PSN thing.

Your SSN/NID# are way more important to conceal. Name&addy going out mean little. I can get all that AND someone's phone# by looking in the phone book, an online directory like Blackbook, or by calling directory assistance. I know people who have even activated cable/internet/phone services under kids' names lol. Google maps can even show me how many trees are on your front lawn. People's addys change all the time too. The addy linked to my account/card on PSN isn't even the right one. Means nothing. I can vouch for all the people I've seen approved for fraudulent loans with aliases and wrong addys. Telemarketers ever call you? Then your info is already circulating.

Your local paper publishes birthdays and obituaries every day along with full names and those of family/friends. A million people share your birthday, and probably your name too. Saying I'm Brad Pitt Dec18/1963 ain't gonna get me a credit card with a million dollar limit and a spare key to Angelina Jolie's Manhattan apartment. Try it. :D

Identity theft is a terrible thing, but other than your credit card getting out, there's nothing in this PSN breach that isn't already out there. PSN doesn't have your SSN/NID, birth certificate, passport, health card (if you're Canadian), Drivers License, banking info (if you're smart) people need to take a deep breath.

HolyOrangeCows4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

"Red ring is not a new console, You get a three year warrenty so if it breaks you send it off and they repair it for FREE"
And after 3 years?
And the launch consoles, the ones with the most explosive failure rates, are WELL past 3 years.

Hardly comparable problems.

Anon19744889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

Oh Kotaku. How low will you stoop? "Which is worse, PSN outage or Hitler? Surprisingly, we find it's very close."

Seriously, remember before Gran Turismo 5 came out, and they launched 4 negative GT5 stories in a week, about a game months from launch, and then topped it off with an obviously faked video of reported lengthy load times?

Of course the PSN outage is nothing like RROD. People are going on about "But they leaked people's BIRTHDAY's!" Are you kidding me? Aren't births a matter of public record? I put my name into google and found a family tree with my birthdate on it. I didn't put it there. Ohhh nooes! Someone is gonna steal my identity!

Seriously, the leak certainly isn't a good thing - but I went through 3 faulty Xbox's, countless hours lost talking to incompetent call center reps and had months were I couldn't play games I spent hundreds of dollars on. Contrast that with PSN's outage which has affected my gaming habits NOT AT ALL. I've been playing single player games, like I normally do, without any problems.

And if thieves want to try identity theft on me, I'm one of 35 million others who had their information taken and I know the bank laws in my country are strict enough that no one can do squat with my name, address and birthday. I need to show ID to deposit a third party cheque where I live.

My stress level at having my information hacked is zero. Thieves have probably stolen more information out of my trash over the years and I'm not about to lose one second of sleep over it.

Seriously, go online and try to apply for a credit card with just a name, phone number and birthdate. Or a mortgage. See how far you get. I just don't understand people who insist in living in fear all the time rather then getting informed.

But here's the thing, those claiming that this is some kind of massive breach that should have us all scurrying in fear, look at their posting history. Notice a pattern?

Kotaku is a joke.

InFAMOUS14889d ago

he was saying the RROD was a new console in terms of the fact that when Xbox 360 launched it was a new console and had the issue and in a smaller way still does today... As it stands right now, the RROD issue is far greater. If the PSN ends up costing Sony billions and billions of dollars then we will talk.

jeseth4889d ago

While the PSN outage is getting annoying as I can stand . . .

RROD is probably the worst consumer electronic problem I've ever seen. Failure rates as high as 50% in some tests is crazy. How a company can put a product to market with that many design flaws is unbelievable. I have co-workers that have had as many as 4 Xbox 360's. And every time it is a major inconvenience to them.

PSN being down isn't that much difference than the Xbox Live outage during the 2008 holidays that lasted for 2 weeks. RROD is/was an epidemic.

StoneyYoshi4888d ago

yeah the 3 year warranty didnt happen until a year after the incident got big. so all the ppl who got it at launch had dead consoles after the year warranty ended and they were shit out of luck. then MS got sued a bunch of times so they settled for doing the 3 year warranty extention. so at one point, it was a new console.

Reibooi4888d ago

God I hate these flamebait piles of crap. Doesn't at all shock me Kotaku came up with this crap(one of the reasons I stopped reading that site)

RROD is definitely worse. I mean come on. At one point if you bought a Xbox 360 you were almost guaranteed to have it Red Ring and that lasted for like 3 years before you could safely buy a console from MS and not worry.

The PSN issue is something that A) Wasen't Sony's fault B) At worst didn't even last for a month and C) didn't prevent you from playing all your games(yeah I know some didn't work but oh well). Really there is no comparison.

skrug4888d ago (Edited 4888d ago )


360 didnt have 3yr warranty, when it first came out.

I believe, at first it was 90 days, then after a few months it was extended to 1 year. Then a year or so later, the 3yr warranty[only of rrod].

pixelsword4888d ago


I can still play my PS3, just not online. RRoD prevents both.

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4889d ago Replies(1)
Solid_Snake-4889d ago

identity theft or rrod. hmmmmm id have to go with rrod.

Scyrus4889d ago

funny, considering no one had their identity stolen (yet)

ontop of that every psn user has 1 million$ coverage for free identity fraud soooo stop trollin

TomInc4889d ago

At the moment they've yet to find someone actually affected by ID theft that hasnt lied about it for site views... So im not really viewing it, or the credit breach claims as a worry right now. Plus Sony are covering insurance, so again, no loss.

wsoutlaw874889d ago

you cant steal an identity with a name and address or else the phone book would be worth money. Don't let fear-mongering websites trick you.

jeseth4888d ago

There was nothing stolen that isn't already shared between companies.

The people that think there is security beyond your SSN are just in denial. Name, Address, DOB, hell even mothers maiden names are not "safe" anymore.

People just need to be responsible and ID things on their statements as they come through.

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ChrisGTR14889d ago

i think you mean RROD vs YLOD

TomInc4889d ago

The article mentions RROD vs PSN.

ChrisGTR14889d ago

yea its talking about which is a worse debacle. definitely rrod is much worse. but hes comparing different things, he should compare xbox live crash in christmas 08 to psn crash of 11

a_cold_soul4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

Identity theft > RROD

4889d ago
StoneyYoshi4888d ago

there has been no actual proof that there has been any identity theft. the title says rrod vs psn, not rrod vs psn identity theft.

The_Nameless_One4888d ago

Was there any confirmed identity theft yet resulting from the breech? So far all I saw were some rather shady people claiming they got money charged on their accounts even after Sony said people should start monitoring them.

Seemed fishy to me that the claims started mere days after Sony declared that account information was stolen. You would think as a cyber thief you would want to use the time people had no idea of the extent of the breech.

Plus those people never really explained if thier account hacking was a result from the PSN breech. WHo knows, if they are willing to give Sony their bank account information then they could have done the same on another web site.

Seeing how I went through 5 Xbox 360 in 4 years I would give the RROD the crown. Don't forget that as Soon as Sony knew the extent of the breech they notified people while MS knowingly released defected systems into the market knowing they would fail. Also don't forget how long it took MS to even acknowledge the problem (though they never fully admitted it) and start the their extended warranty program. Remember how MS actually charged people to get the RROD fixed?

Joni-Ice4889d ago

PSN being down for the hack reasons happened once. The RROD happened 4 times to me. You decide.

4889d ago
TurismoGTR4889d ago

Both.. at the moment. when PSN back on, then it's RROD.

saladthieves4889d ago

RRoD was worse. With PSN down, I at least can play single player games. When my Xbox RRoDd, It was:

Hairy Chewie4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

It's like comparing AIDS and Clymidia. One's for life, the others just a pain in the ass.

DelbertGrady4888d ago (Edited 4888d ago )

Does AIDS come with a 3 year warranty? Can I send my AIDS back to MS and get it fixed?

Are you seriously likening RROD to AIDS? lol.

lh_swe4888d ago

That was an inaccurate comaprison but still kinda funny XD

the_kutaragi_baka4889d ago

another shi* of article from kotaku....

don't give hits for kotaku trolls guys.

r1sh124888d ago (Edited 4888d ago )

too many people dont know the facts...
RROD - 3 year warranty and free repair and you get a 1 month xbox live code as an extension for inconvenience, MS will automatically transfer licenses over if you get a different console, so you dont lose anything. After you get your replacement your 3 Year warranty is extended.

Sony PSN hack, your personal details are owned by someone and can be sold because the data was not encrypted.

How is the customer affected:
Xbox RROD - 14-21 days without xbox, but a free 1 month extension code is given back, warranty is extended and xbox is sent back for free (repaired or replaced), unless its out of warranty $120

PSN hack - Personal details can be published on the net like they already have. Personal details can be sold to anyone, or Identity fraud can happen.
US customers are the only ones with ID theft insurance not anyone else in the world...[Hopefully other parts of the world get ID theft insurance because my details are now floating around on the net]
PS YLOD - not sure about the US cost, but I think its £120 (UK)if out of warranty (only 1 year warranty)

SOme people need to not get so offended
Which is worse?

StoneyYoshi4888d ago

nobody knows if our info has been posted on the internet nothing but rumors as far as we know. and the same as our information actually being stolen. nothing but rumors. nobody knows...... all speculation

White-Sharingan4888d ago

I don't want someone else refurbished shit console. Now if they would give me a brand new console then that would be great, but it isn't the case.

skrug4888d ago (Edited 4888d ago )

you didnt mention about, sony compensating, with 1 month PS+ to everyone and extend PS+ to people the same amount of down time, in addition to downloadable games/content.

and also only some stuff are not encrypted, CC are encrypted, passwords are hashed.

Clarence4888d ago

Well seeing as the PSN outage will not cost me any money and I only have to wait for it to come back online.

RROD you either going to spend money for a new console or your going to wait for a refurbeshed console to come in the mail.

RROD is the worse

Solidus187-SCMilk4888d ago (Edited 4888d ago )

looking for hits I assume, looks like it worked :(

EDIT- The worst would be if you own PS3 and 360 and your 360 got RRoD while the PSN was Down. And then you started to get strange charges on your CC and you 360 got lost in the mail. And if the PSN was down for 3 more weeks and the day your 360 is delivered the mailman leaves it by your door, but it rains and floods you porch and gets it all wet. And then PSN comes back up but your dog chewed off the left analogue stick on your only PS3 controller while you were at work.

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Rage_S904889d ago ShowReplies(4)
Kran4889d ago


With the PSN being down, theres a bunch of SP stuff you could be doing.

With RROD, you can't do absolutely anything. With the Slim though, its less likely but it still has its problems.

-Mezzo-4889d ago

For the consumer both are Bad, but i will get the PSN back without any extra cost. While i will have to shell out another $300 if i get an RROD.

Loner4889d ago ShowReplies(1)
v1c1ous4889d ago

when my xbox rrod, MS paid for everything and i got a brand new xbox free of charge.

when my ps3 YLOD, i had to pay sony $100. which is worse....

wedgie4889d ago

I believe you for that, but not really the issue that is being discussed here...

rob60214889d ago

because one company had to pack on a full 3 year warranty to avoid a class action lawsuit; where as the other one didn't. and they only did for a specific flaw that they were owning up to - they didn't warranty your system is the drive stopped reading disks.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2777d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905222d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5222d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5222d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5222d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5222d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5222d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495222d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5222d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5222d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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Bismarn2813d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One