
Street Fighter X Tekken First Characters Selection Image Teased By Yoshinori Ono

Check out the first Street Fighter X Tekken Characters Selection screen which teased by Ono.

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RockmanII74803d ago

So since it is rows of 4 and most likely one half will be SF and the other tekken, It's safe to assume that the game will have 16/24/32 characters. My money would be on 24.

dalibor4803d ago

We won't know until the game drops in for sure. To many factors to be considered that in essence could alter the outcome of the total amount of characters that will be in the game.

NellyNel_7_1_34803d ago (Edited 4803d ago )

Cool pics! I can not wait until E3 this year to get more info about the game!

8BitSoul4802d ago

Interesting! It seems like Capcom is really treating this game with as much love and attention to detail as they've done with Street Fighter for the last couple of years. Hope Namco does the same with Tekken x Street Fighter...

So far, the confirmed SF characters are: Ryu, Chun-Li, Ken, Guile and Abel. The Tekken charaters at the moment are: Kazuya, Nina, King, Bob and Marduk. Can't wait to see a full character reveal!

With the recently released Mortal Kombat, and Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, SF x Tekken and Tekken x SF down the pipeline, the fighting genre seems to finally have it's triumphant return to the world of gaming:D


Street Fighter X Tekken May Be Purchasable On Steam Soon

Or it's about to leave the storefront like another Capcom title.

Darkegg156d ago

When they announce tekken x street fighter, let me know.


Street Fighter X Tekken - A Look Back at the Franchise's Biggest Misfire

With Street Fighter 6 now upon us, it's time to look back at some classic Street Fighter titles, beginning with Street Fighter X Tekken.

boing1378d ago

It was a cool gamble imo. In reality, everyone were waiting for Namco version, Tekken X Street Fighter.

Ryuha1234h378d ago

I don’t know. I enjoyed this game. I thought it was a great crossover.

TricksterArrow378d ago (Edited 378d ago )

Yep, played very little of it, but from what I played, it was serviceable enough. Could've been better? Yes, but then again, you can say that about pretty much anything.

maniacmayhem378d ago

What killed this game was their planned reliance on GaaS with the whole gem system. It made little sense and made the game extremely unbalanced. Not to mention the unbalance of most of the characters, especially on the Tekken side

Sgt_Slaughter378d ago

Ahhh the game that Capcom had DLC on the disc on release yet you had to pay to unlock it


Street Fighter & Tekken - A Mash-Up Not Meant for Greatness

VGChartz's Daniel Parker: "Tekken and Street Fighter - two giants of the head-to-head fighting genre. A clashing of decades-old titans that was once thought to be a dream matchup that would never happen. It ignited a flame of excitement that quickly fizzled out and became a cautionary tale for game developers."

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bacrec11345d ago

The inclusion of gems ruined it from the start.