
GameInformer - SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals Review

GameInformer - Sony has made a big deal of how SOCOM 4 supports stereo 3D displays and a PlayStation Move control scheme (see sidebar). Beneath these technological diversions lies a solid tactical shooter that innovates in much-needed areas while retaining some of the annoying and unforgivable problems SOCOM is known for.

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-Mezzo-4914d ago

Awesome, Cannot wait to play it myself, My Pre-Order should be here by tomorrow.


Solid. And is better than Confrontation.


LordMarius4914d ago ShowReplies(3)
lugia 40004914d ago ShowReplies(3)
Ace_19754914d ago (Edited 4914d ago )

Socom 4 beta was God awful. Worst game I've played in years, anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial. It has no pistols, tank controls. And is some sort of Gears/COD wannabe.

Fuckin awful game

Trroy4914d ago (Edited 4914d ago )

"some sort of Gears/COD wannabe"

Lol, okay, so you never did actually play it. Gears... a world where all bullets are made out of cardboard and shellac, and thus it takes dozens of hits to harm even the weakest of foes.

kaveti66164914d ago (Edited 4914d ago )

Whoa, multiple hit kills are a gameplay design choice that many games employ, including Uncharted 2, God of War 3, and Killzone 3, and Halo, and Resistance, and pretty much every other shooter out there except for the military warfare shooters like COD and Battlefield.

Why does Gears get singled out?

Obviously Ace_1975 was comparing Socom 4 to Gears 3 because they're both TPS, so the camera view is similar, and he added COD into the comparison because SOCOM and COD are both military shooters and though I haven't played the Socom beta, maybe both Socom and COD have single hit kills?

Trroy4914d ago (Edited 4914d ago )

That's my point. SOCOM is more like 3rd person R6V than Gears or CoD. Gears is pretty far from being a tactical shooter, despite having a cover system, and its nothing like SOCOM. CoD is a lead-by-the-nose arcade shooter -- there are no tactics, and certainly no squad tactics, involved.

In Gears you don't *plan* and do the surprising, you *respond* to being surprised. There's a BIG difference. Planning makes a shooter tactical. Gears doesn't have that, until you die in a tough ambush, and have to re-do it.

Honestly, it's not really like R6V either, since most of R6V is knocking down doors and surprising dumb terrorists who can't hear through walls, and don't have radios, and from what I've seen of SOCOM, its definitely not that.

Maybe its more like GRAW, I guess. The point is, Gears and CoD are about the furthest comparisons available. Any tactical shooter fan would know this.

Inzo4914d ago

Socom was before gears, so if anything, gears is the wannabe.

sickbird4914d ago

Well THIS is not a classic Socom game. Gears made the cover system popular, the game does play more like Gears than Socom.

BeaArthur4914d ago

They have nothing in common other than being 3rd person shooters. And if you want to really get down to it, SOCOM does now have the cover system that Gears uses. So how about we just agree that everyone steels from everyone.

BlackTar1874914d ago

ace didnt play it. if you think it feels like cod or gears.

LOL you geohot kids today

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SOCOM Confrontation, SOCOM 4 and MAG servers shutting down in January 2014

Original-Gamer.com: "Sony has decided to shutdown the servers for SOCOM Confrontation, SOCOM 4, and MAG in January 2014. SOCOM 4 and MAG were developed by Zipper Interactive while SOCOM Confrontation was developed by Slant Six Games."

Abash4088d ago

Very sad to hear, hopefully Sony continues SOCOM and MAG on PS4

BiggCMan4088d ago

MAG is not even too old yet, this doesn't make any sense. It's still fairly populated with the dedicated fans, even one of my friends recently got back into it. Hell even Confrontation has a pretty decent sized dedicated player base, I think only 4 is pretty deserted.

This really makes no sense, the games aren't old. They better be making new games in the future at least.

HammadTheBeast4088d ago

Come on now, MAG's pretty old, their new console is coming out, and there's only about 5000 individual players coming on every month, if that.

It's run its course, a fantastic game while it lasted. Hopefully, we can get a few massive battles in before the servers close, knowing the community, I expect it.

Also, a lot of MAG is on Dust 514 now, which isn't amazing, but is still alright.

kwyjibo4088d ago

It makes sense.

MAG is no longer selling, so Sony is making no money from it. In fact, it's costing them money to keep it alive.

Maybe with PS4 pay-for-online and microtransactions (read: ongoing support), you'll get a better service.

decrypt4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )


"Come on now, MAG's pretty old"

No it isnt, you want really old check out:

Warcraft 3, Starcraft 1, Counter strike. Then tell me why those games are still running?

Sony closing servers to older games is just a tactic to force users on board their next console.

Its the nature of console gaming, too controlled with console gamers having little to no rights at all. Hell if Sony closes PS3 online services after PS4 launch there is nothing console gamers can do about it.

JAMurida4088d ago

MAG is barely alive now these days. Domination is only playable early AM hours (CST) when the JP players get on and that only last a few hours. Only thing going on is Sabo or Suppression.

Lucky to get an Interdiction or Acquisition going.

Utalkin2me4088d ago

Kind of ironic i recently put mag back in and got all the updates and restored all my skill points. And OMG i could not kill anybody for nothing, it was quite weird. I used to be beast at that game and i went negative for a few games before finally i quit. Felt like i was doing worse for the team then helping.

It wasn't very populated then, but hate to hear that.

BattleAxe4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

H-Hour is the new Socom. You can still support the development studio by way of Paypal, and you still get access to all of the Kickstarter rewards, but only until the end of the month.


H-Hour is set to come out on PS4 and PC.

Corpser4088d ago


MAG was released in 2010, just 3 years ago! You're telling me I should expect online servers to be around for just 3 years?

GasTankKiller4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

"It's still fairly populated with the dedicated fans."

You only see one side of this. Sony sees the stats of how many players are playing on average. No reason to waste server power for a handle full of people. Yes that handle full could be a few thousand but still.

From what I remember during MAGs development. Zipper was given a blank check and setup a server farm for MAG.

No reason to let all those servers go to waste. They will most likely use them for the PS4.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4087d ago
GameCents4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

Where's the outrage? They effectively saying that you've been renting MAG all this time. Online only games shouldn't have their servers shut so soon.

HammadTheBeast4088d ago

There's about 200 people on at any time now.... and most from the free demo.

Corpser4088d ago


So? You're perfectly fine an online-only game that people are still playing will be shut down

JAMurida4088d ago


Yes there is a community, but a very small one. It's the same case with White Knight Chronicles 1/2. Both MAG and WKC I've played heavy enough to say they had a very small community that most likely didn't warrant Sony paying the money to keep the servers going for any longer. It sucks, but it happens when it's a case like this.

If anything, I'm more surprised that MAG is being shutdown much later than WKC was. IMO, it should of been the other way around.

Sitdown4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

Haha, some have no clue of exactly what you just did there. Or am I reading too much into it?

No_Limit4088d ago

In other news, the 2007 X360 online only game, Shadowrun, is still playable on its online server. This show where the priority is for both companies when it comes to online gaming.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4088d ago
Corpser4088d ago

MAG community is far from dead, why?

And no wonder GameStop has been selling the game used for $0.99. It's an online-only game too

fr0sty4088d ago

It's a shame, I enjoy playing MAG more than just about any other shooter out there. I know many do not agree, as it does have some very obvious flaws, but it's a gem of a game beneath them.

MidnytRain4088d ago

Whoa, a dollar?? Are you serious?

Gridloc4088d ago

That's the only problem I have with digital downloads and multiplayer only games. If they shut the servers down your screwed...

Ray1864088d ago

If it has a lan option you can always use x-link.

fr0sty4088d ago (Edited 4088d ago )

I would hope such a service would work for a game like MAG, enough of the community (that is already dwindling) would need to know about that capability, and actually be bothered to want to try using it in order for it to work. I think it's just going to kill the community enough to make the game unplayable, as MAG relies on very large matches.

SIRHC134088d ago

H-Hour. We need you. Deliver the tactical third person shooter goods that we deserve!

MoonConquistador4088d ago

And in a run up to a sequel they should be giving this game away free on PS+ at least, or just make it a free to play game. Its a game I always wanted to platinum but there are never enough people on for domination games etc

Great game though

MidnytRain4088d ago

I do think Sony is expecting PlanetSide 2 to fill the massive shooter niche.

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Former Sony Devs Join New Team

Announced yesterday, a couple of former Zipper developers are lacing up their boots again in preparation to begin working on new tactical shooter, Takedown.

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astroanthony4486d ago

Thoughts of new development team?

SilentNegotiator4485d ago

They're former Zipper employees.

Expectations at minimal, Captain!

SuperBeast8114486d ago

I was looking forward to that game but now that zipper is touching it? I dont know they been making crap for almost 10 years now Socom 1 and 2 are the only thing good they have done

JoeReno4486d ago (Edited 4486d ago )

i really disagree, Unit13 is still my most enjoyed Vita game yet. it was quite good, and I for one am glad to hear this news.

Sithlord-Gamble4486d ago

My thoughts exactly.

Unit 13 is awesome, and IMO MAG is underrated.

fei-hung4486d ago

I bought Unit13 on release but only started playing it yesterday. I cannot believe how underrated and under appreciated this game is.

This game is not only better than the likes of COD in terms of military shooter, but the stealth gameplay is beautiful! It's like MGS but with a more military feel.

SuperBeast8114486d ago

I dont have a Vita yet so I havnt tried it maybe I spoke too soon I was just really burnt by Socom 4 but Ill try Unit 13 when I have the cash.

ExposingLames4486d ago

i've learned this site is nothing but kiss asses and fanboys so I usually don't even comment anymore. I read the news and leave. Although your comment will be "disagreed" into oblivion it is 100% fact. Its also the reason ZIPPER GOT CLOSED DOWN. I'm sure the lower level workers aren't really to blame, but there is no denying their games and how bad they were and what they did to SOCOM. What a joke. Glad Zipper is gone.

dead_eye4486d ago

opinion can never be 100% fact.

ExposingLames4486d ago

@ dead eye. its not opinion it is fact. go search "sony closes Zipper interactive" it didnt happen because they were making great games.

xursz4486d ago

"Big Huge Games" got shut down as well (I hope they get picked up by a worthy publisher), yet KoA was greatly received. I personally think MAG is definitely underrated too.

t0mmyb0y4486d ago

There's a reason you have so many disagrees XD

doctorstrange4486d ago

"TAKEDOWN will be developed on PC as the lead platform, and then brought to consoles afterwards"

NYC_Gamer4486d ago (Edited 4486d ago )

I'm happy that Zipper developers found new jobs...

GamingPerson4486d ago (Edited 4486d ago )

PC is lead platform then consoles coming after.
so the tags are messed up.

I can't wait to see what David Jaffe does on pc unless it's a facebook game.

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UFreqTV's Episode 13 - 2011 Season Wrap up, Newb Tube and Ghost Recon Bullet Points

In this Episode, Jack is joined by Commander Claymore Fury via SatCom as they discuss the 2011 Tournament Season and what is in store for 2012. The Nuketown Hooligans bring a little Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops tips and Lt. Leadhead brings us Ghost Recon: Future Soldier