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Killzone 3 vs. Crysis 2 HD Video Evidence

16BitMonster took one of the best looking PS3 games vs. what IGN is calling one of the best looking console games from the Xbox 360 and compared them side by side to see who wins.

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Community4836d ago
LOGICWINS4836d ago

From this video, I personally like Crysis 2's visuals over Killzone 3's due to the vibrant colors. And yes, I do own a PS3.

Primetimebt4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Don't get me wrong crysis 2 has the best lighting I ever seen in a game but when gets into a dark area it doesn't have the graphical power as KZ3.

Warprincess1164836d ago

I disagree. I think Killzone 3 beats crysis 2 in every category. It just looks so much better than crysis 2

LOGICWINS4836d ago

^^I guess everyone has a different perception of what "looks good"

ChrisW4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Hands down, E.T. on the Atari 2600 looks best! Don't get me wrong, but those were "GRAPHICS" back in the day!!!

ABizzel14836d ago

This is a bad comparison video. The Crysis vid has nothing going on, while the Killzone vid is probably one of the most open levels of the game.

I have both games, and personally I think it's just a matter of art style preference. Crysis 2 goes for photoreal while Killzone 3 has a dedicated art style.

To me Crysis environments and lightning look better (although with a lot less debris, etc...) thanks to the vibrant colors, and openness of many of the levels. But Killzone looks better in more areas than Crysis such as weapons, character models, effects, animations, and more. But like others said when you get in a dark area on Crysis you lose the graphical quality.

It's really just preference, and personally I like both, but I like Killzone a little more due to art style, where Crysis 2 tries for photoreal, but just doesn't quite make it.

Primetimebt4836d ago

@ChrisW hell no Indiana Jone on the Atari

HolyOrangeCows4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Killzone 3: MLAA, HD, no screen tearing, stable framerate
Crysis 2 on consoles: Sub-HD, poor AA, some screen tearing, unstable framerate, poor latency

Killzone 3 wins hands down. Some lighting effects don't save Crysis 2 from being blocky and technically unstable.

Killzone 3 has plenty of large fully rendered levels. The fact that it went with a more linear level design doesn't mean a thing. Well, if you've actually played Killzone 3, you know what I'm talking about.

Kingdom Come4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

@ Warprincess116
Well, of course you'll side with Killzone 3, you're one of the biggest PS3 Fanboy's on this site. And, obviously you haven't played Crysis 1 or 2, because if you had, you'd realise that Crysis 2 destroys its competition. I remember the days where PS3 fanboys used Gears' greys as an insult, yet now its the best colour palette for a game to have... pathetic.

etowntwo4836d ago

@ kingdom

Lol... I remember those days when Gears darker colors were knocked by every psfan on this site .... But since this is KZ, now its he best. Lol... Kids

blackbeld4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

KZ3 is much more better. Look at the action all things flying around explosion and bullets and fast shooting. Crysis 2 I see no ation at all.

Visually KZ3 looks better on the PS3. Off-course on PC is Crysis 2 awesome more with graphics. But gameplay Svcks @ss really boring game no action at all.

ShinMaster4836d ago

That's very true.
Although the PS3 version doesn't have screen-tearing.

This video is too dark, I can't see anything, especially on the Crysis 2 side.

NiKK_4194836d ago

C2 kinda looks better in the video, but when you actually play both of these games, kz3 looks way better, and definitely more polished graphically, and texture pop in is absolutely crazy on C2, draw distance is unbearable, i couldn't imagine sniping on that game (haven't really tried, so...) and the destruction is bad, the destruction that kz3 has is waay better and more realistic in every way than C2's destruction
Crysis 2 is fun, but there are major hits everywhere in this game to get the graphics where they are, and i don't think it's worth it entirely

Menech4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

Yeah this from a fair and unbiased comparison. From the same user that posts such youtube gems as.

"Halo 3 Red Rings This Piece of Crap XBOX 360"

You guys a really pushing your level of bias beyond the point of simple stupidity. To the point of being down right douche bags.

The guy clearly recorded Crysis 2 on next to no contrast.

ShinMaster4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

Can you blame him?
A lot of people were fooled into buying the new next-gen(not) Halo game on the very popular 360.

Anyone would be mad after that happened. Sometimes more than once.

Menech4835d ago


It still throws any creditability this guy had out the window, any none halfwit can see that.

Not to mention that video seems a little dodgy to me, the spent a long time restarting that system. If you remove the power cable slightly you can make your 360 fake RROD.

Not to mention he just happens to be recording a video of a game hes clearly not interested in, when his 360 suddenly RROD.

Sorry but am dismissing this guy as a fanboy nothing more. Not to mention the clear bad contrast used in the Crysis 2 comparison.

ShinMaster4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

When a cable is moved either 2 or all 4 lights turn red, not 3.
3 lights means real failure.

DaTruth4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

@Menech: You don't need credibility to prove Killzone 3 has better graphics than Crysis 2, you just need those you are trying to sway to have eyes!

Currently enjoying both games but it's not even close! Crysis lighting only works with the sun, every other light doesn't produce shadows; lighting in Killzone 2(yes 2) was much better. Not to mention the glitches, unstable framerate, sub HD, low res textures all over the place, screen tearing and poor A.I... this list could go on forever! You know how good KZ3 would look and how much they could add if they didn't care about these things!

This is like having a broken car that doesn't run good and poor design and saying it is better than a perfectly running car that has better design because the Crysis 2 car is blue and the KZ3 car is grey!

Doesn't matter though because I am having more fun with Crysis 2! Super suit just adds a dynamic that makes it more than just shooting! Jumping in Crysis 2 is one of the best things whereas jumping in KZ3 makes little sense!

Primetimebt4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )


If you were smart enough to check the videos you should have been smart enough to check the details. "Please be advised this video was made for 16bitmonstervids so if you enjoyed please subscribe to them" Everyone crying about the darkness in crysis it's because the game clips are from parts where the shadows overtaken the lighting, or hes in the parking garage so don't cry we messed with the contrast when it's darken because of the of shadows of trucks, buildings, etc.

Plus the video of the Halo was made recording the freezing problem to being with and it just happen to catch the RROD. You might want to give your career was a detective up.

Clarence4835d ago

Crysis looks great but, KZ3 $h!ts on it. I don't know what video IGN is using but KZ3 looks way better than what they are showning.

lil Titan4835d ago

this video makes crysis 2 look boring, there was no real cation compared to killzone 3. reupdate the vid with some intense moments of crysis 2...if there are any i still havent had the honor to play that game yet but will soon

Digitaldude4835d ago

Bought crysis 2 on PS3 and its a beast of a game, but the visuals at least on PS3 are disapointing, choppy textures and such. It sure as hell looks good but from just playing KZ3 I'd prefer KZ3's visuals.
But the MP on Crysis 2 is sick.

DualConsoleOwner4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

why is Crysis 2 footage half cutscenes??

and the guy walk as slowly as possible to avoid pop ups and etc performance issues...



LoT said graphics are "virtually identical"

Ju4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

Did anybody ever notice, that Crysis2 buildings all have straight walls (basically cubes) while KZ3's don't?

Take a very good look at buildings in KZ3. There is not a single one which isn't completely bombed out. Not a single "cube" in the whole game. For what it's worth, that requires every single detail be modeled, not just bump mapped.

That basically applies to everything in KZ3. Incl. roads etc. Not a single road which isn't damaged.

If you want to really "feel" how that is different replay some of KZ2's maps in KZ3.

elmaton984832d ago

Kz3 look good, but for some reason crysis 2 looks awesome. Idk bout you guys but I'm getting more out of crysis than kz3.

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Raf1k14836d ago

So do but I have to say that a prettier picture doesn't mean it's technically more ipressive. While I really like the look of Killzone 3 and other dark and dirty war games I think devs should start putting some colour back into the genre.

Ju4835d ago

I like both. I agree that "brighter" games are more popular with the majority of the gaming community. I think CoD is another example why that works.

And, while I like KZ3 for what it is, I'd like to see Guerilla make a game which caters to that audience. Just for the sake of comparison and to see if they can push the boundaries with such a game.

I think KZ3 has two fundamental problems to mass attract gamers (and I speak purely from a business perspective - if you like the game(s) or not doesn't matter): a) it is too dark (incl. dark background story) and b) it has the word "kill" in its name.

Yet, technically, this game blows others out of the water. I would like to see this tech used in a mainstream title with bright colors a la Crysis, CoD, Halo or Uncharted. I think it would be even more impressive - because we wouldn't actually discuss art style here.

LOGICWINS4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

@Primetimebt- Yeah I agree, the lighting is fantastic. Keep in mind I'm just going off the vids I've seen..I haven't had time to play the Crysis 2 demo on PSN yet. But my opinion still stands that it looks better(in my eyes)than Killzone 3 from this video. I'm pretty sure Resistance 3 will top Crysis 2 in the visuals department though.

@dylanquent- I guess in ur world, opinions don't exist.

likedamaster4836d ago

Two great looking games but Crysis 2 just looks crisper & has a lot more going on. K3 is still visually stunning, don't get me wrong.

candystop4836d ago

For me it's Crysis 2 hands down. It's on a completely different level than KZ3 but I will admit KZ3 looks marvelous.

D3athc3ll4836d ago

you must be blind!

Crysis 2 fails - completed it on the 360 and wow, its the most unpolished game ive played in a while!

Texture popin, most unstable framerate, screen tearing alot, and dumbest ai in games ever, oh and don't forget the billion bugs and glitches!

KZ3 may not be as colorful but in the end, color aint graphics alone!!

D3athc3ll4836d ago

you must be blind to think Crysis looks best. Ive completed it on the 360, and it must be the most unpolished game i played in a while

Texture popin, most unstable framerate, dumbest ai en games eva, billions of bugs and glitches, oh and dont forget the screen tearing and sub hd!

KZ3 may not win in color, but in terms of graphics and design, Crysis fails hard!!! The pc version r stable though!!

candystop4836d ago

Either I'm blind or your butt hurt you ps3 fanboy. Crysis2 clearly looks better even with the errors. So now I guess any game with not as much texture pop in or dumb AI (KZ3) is better looking than Cyrsis2 lol.

Motorola4835d ago

They both look good. I think Killzone 3 is a little better.

D3athc3ll4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )


Im not saying Crysis 2 is bad looking! It looks great, but not as much as some ppl say! And boy, it could have been a much better game if they just polished it more, like maybe delayed it a month or 2!!

Anyway, i had alot of hope for Crysis 2, but it dissapointed me alot! Some scenes were alot of fun and great to play, but yea, i just hope they get the dx 11 for pc right and maybe itll be a much better experience on pc max settings!!

Must say the dumb AI made me laugh alot in the game, so it wasn't that bad to experience it!

Killzone 3 > Crysis in most ways (graphics)

Uncharted 2 still my best looking console game! Must say God of War 3's scale were epic, and the textures was >>>>> at most times!

I dont make these things up, i own both consoles and like them both! Gears of War (series) amongst my fav games, and mgs 4 the most fav game!

Xbox 360 = awesome
Ps3 = awesome
Pc = best, but till BF3 comes out, ima wait to upgrade!

Battlefield 3 = best graphics ive ever seen (pc)

In the end... everybody got their own opinions! I just find it hard to respect other ppl's opinions in some areas! But im getting there!

All have nice day! Go watch FPSRussia on youtube!!! Best ever!

trancefreak4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

why the hell you go on the defensive after praising killzone such a hypocrite.

I got the pc version of crysis 2 and its absolutely gorgeous.

Now for killzone 3 I loved the hell out of that game and it kicks ass as a console shooter.

Not only to mention there is so much more action in killzone 3 it feels like a real damn war.

crysis 2 AI suks the characters always mumble the same crap. their isn't much chaos in crysis 2 like kz3.

Crysis and crysis warhead where the pinnacle of graphics and game play c2 falls way short.

Also a snow level on a planet like mars vs a city street in new york. dumb ass comparison and to be honest even though I have gripes with both games I think they both kick ass at the end of the day.

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Bhai4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Crysis 2 is a single, monotonous, city environment, that's showing off some really great lighting...
The effort put into rendering varied environments in KZ3 if had been done to a single theme, that would have been the fairest comparison...

So, KZ3 is a whole lot of environments, has its own lighting+art complexion and it kicks a$$ in rendering each of those envirnments... especially the glaciers,
so yeah KZ3 on top alright :)

Jazz41084835d ago

3 kzis one of the most boring games I have played even bulletstorm blew it away. So yes I'm now finishing crysis2 and finished kz3 2 weeks ago and crysis is another league with open beautiful destructable enviros based on splayer.

monkey nuts4835d ago

I got the ps3 version of crysis 2, and the lighting, even in dark areas is great. It may be different on the 360 but its hard to fault on the ps3. So I'm glad I wasn't swayed by the negatives and got it for my 360. There are so many ways to approach levels and upgrade possibilitys that replaying the campaign will be enjoyed again and again. Play the games not the consoles.

Ju4835d ago

I like C2 a lot. I think it is one of the best looking games out now. I like the scope of the levels, it is breath taking.

And at the same time it is the same over and over again and gets boring pretty quickly.

This becomes pretty apparent when you actually play both at the same time.

Sure, C2s campaign plays nicely - not great, but nicely.

But every time I switch back to KZ3 I am asking myself "what just happened". Seriously. The amount of visual effects going on all of a sudden makes you feel you just entered a different world. And that it sure is.


This is BULLSHIT! Killzone looks JUST AS GOOD IN MULTIPLAYER, while Crysis 2 looks way Better in the Multiplayer but in their single player... in Crysis 2 You get texture popins... as in you are walking and then BAM a box pops in your view but take a step back it dissapears...The worst part is that this also happens to cloaked enemies... Unacceptable! the graphics in Crysis 2 dont have the epic enviroments of Killzone3, and the sound in Killzone 3 is second only to Battlefield...Crysis sound iS THE WORST IN ANY CONSOLE GAME! HOMEFROUNT IS BETTER! I WAS ON PEAR 17 and I jumped out the water and when I went up the stairs... it was still making the splashing sounds... but how can any game with no servers compete in sound and graphics with Killzone?

InTheKnow4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

What a sad display of fanboyism. The Crysis 2 video didn't even fire his weapon until the 1:30 mark? Where are all the set pieces? Where are all the great water effects and lighting? Where are the enemies.

I've played both those campaigns through to the end. Crysis 2 has no equal ( 2011 ) at the moment. Even with severe pop in and AI that breaks from time to time, Crysis 2 really manhandles KZ 3. At this point your dealing with a delusional fan-base in the PS3 that is beyond help.

Crysis 2 is really 2 games. One was a very early in development and the other is the post E3 2010 game that was delayed after they got a glimpse of Bulletstorm, Gears 3, COD, Halo Reach and delayed the release until March 2011. It's not a coincidence that Crysis 2 has the exact same res as Halo Reach or that the water splashing everywhere is a pixel perfect recreate from Bulletstorm. Unreal is a major competitor for Cry-3.

What you see in the campaign is a lot of advertising for their Cry-3 engine. Sandbox game play followed with huge draw distances as well as some vehicle usage. Great variety of weapons and enemies and of course the deal breaker with the nanosuit and all it's RPG-ish upgrades.

The game is a great Hybrid of all the above mentioned games. The multi-player maps alone are outstanding let alone the entire campaign that really shows what can be done with Cry-3.

KZ 3 doesn't have an identity at the moment. Is it Nazi's in space or just a plain vanilla COD wannabe. I think it's both. The releasing of the beta and sp campaign demo actually hurt the sales of this game as gamers had a chance to see that the game is nothing more than a COD wannabe withOUT the cool parts. The sales for the game have been pretty bad for such a big release exclusively on a console that has moved 47+ million units. COD: Black ops on ps3 has sold 10+ million. It's obvious what game is better.

Redgehammer4835d ago

Cry3 looks amazing, I can't wait to see some gameplay footage for Codename:Kingdoms. Since I have not played either games, I have no opinion other than they both look great from what I have seen.

WengYong4835d ago

If you are playing on PC then hell yeah Crysis 2 blows Killzone 3 out of the water. On consoles no way. There are better looking games on both 360 and PS3. Gears 2 supports a higher resolution, more stable frame rate and far better AA. Uncharted 2 is the exact same. Crysis 2 not only has terrible pop in and jaggys but the textures up close look terrible. Cry Engine 3 has wonderful lighting, and yet it still falls behind the original Crysis!

As for your argument of sales showing what is the better game, again thats fail. If thats the case Wii Sports is absolutely the greatest game of all time, which we all know is garbage. Sales doesn't equal greatness. Look at the movies, Kings Speech won an Oscar for best movie and received countless commendations from Movie critics. And yet more people will go watch Transformers Dark Of The Moon. The same applies to games, all games will never come close to CoD in terms of sales, no Halo, Gears, Killzone, Uncharted nothing. Does this make CoD a better game? No not by a long shot.

Can consoles run Crysis? No, but they can run a dumbed down Crysis 2. I like the game, its a good change from the CoD franchise and all, but don't suck the sausage. Its not as great as you think. For all its Sandbox elements it is quite linear.

InTheKnow4835d ago (Edited 4835d ago )

Xbox 360 runs a higher res than Crysis 2 on PS3, is it automatically the better game? Of course not and only an ignorant fanboy would think so. Resolution is only one of many parameters that a game can be judged. A lot of terrible games runs at high resolution, it means very little in the grand scheme of things.

People buy games they like, case closed. Sales are a direct result of people buying a game they like. Critical acclaim looks good on paper but nowhere else. Wii sports is packaged with every wii sold. Kung fu panda sold 3+ million packaged with the 360, is it worth 3+ million in sales? If you want to compare Farmville or other casual games/ free apps to big budget full price titles, go ahead, again your comparing apples and oranges.

Critics rarely if ever BUY a game. While their opinions are held in high regard in some circles, it's a fallacy. Gamers vote with their wallets and that is why COD is the top FPS this gen. The critics panned Transformer, the movie, when it came out but what happened at the box office? Again, people vote with their hard earn dollars.

COD is a multi-plat. Comparing sales of a multi-plat to an exclusive is an act of stupidity. Multi-plat is available everywhere. Only a ignorant fanboy would do such a thing.

Can consoles run Crysis 2, of course it can and it does. It will sell twice as many copies on consoles than on PC. Even the fanboy who created that sad display above certainly knew Crysis is the better of the two games and that's
why he went out of his way to try and discredit it. What if Crysis 2 out sell KZ 3 on PS3. Does that mean nothing? It means something very important but ignorant fanboys won't except the truth.

NOBODY is saying Crysis 2 is the best looking game ever, least of all me. What Crysis 2 was and is , is an advertisement for the Cry-3 engine, an engine they are in the market to sell. That is why, besides the actual pacing requirements of the game, That Crysis 2 offers both sandbox as well as linear moments to the gamer and the gaming community at large, to show it's versatility. Of course that went over your head and every other fanboys head because of blind brand loyalty and a healthy dose of, you guessed it, ignorance.

BTW, It seems the " sausage " your sucking is blocking out the sun and your missing the big picture.

WengYong4834d ago

@ InTheKnowNothingAtAll

Learn to read my friend. Crysis 2 is Crysis 2, same game on both platforms. PC blows both of them clean put of the water. Well Ive never heard of a person that has said "Oh I hate that game, Im gunna buy it." Great use of logic there.

Your argument for sales holds as much water as my argument for quality. IMO is CoD better than Uncharted? Hell no not by a long shot. But people voted with their wallets so automatically it must be the better game right?

And please LEARN TO READ. I said can consoles run "CRYSIS" and not Crysis 2. And no they can't run the original. Cry Engine 3 has been dumbed down for consoles and it sucks that PC gamers get the short end of the stick.

Nobody is saying its the best looking game? Come on even you know thats BS. Plenty of them are saying that. And personally I couldn't give 2 craps if Killzone 3 was outsold by Crysis. If it does congratulations. So if it does outsell it what does it mean? That a multi plat outsold a PS3 exclusive? So what dude. There are things to do outside of gaming.

Oh and thanks for the personal attack too. Your a keyboard of the finest sort.

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Sharingan_no_Kakashi4836d ago

I've been a bit hard on Crysis 2 on ps3. (mainly because crytek hyped it to be something that it wasn't) But my main opposition to is it's sub hd with bland textures. But resolution and textures aren't the absolute way to judge a games graphics. It is extremely detailed. It's water and lighting are really good too. It's water is better than Killzone's (not that killzone actually has lots of water in it though). the game looks really good. Still think Killzone looks better. But the more I play Crysis the more i start to appreciate what it does right. Which is a lot actually.

Pintheshadows4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Its foliage is incredible. I think the issue is that both games are a bit inconsistent. Some of Crysis 2 looks incredible but other parts are disapointing. It is the same with KZ3. I still think they are by far the prettiest shooters though. Until BF3 anyway.

@below, I think the musical score for Crysis 2 is better than KZ3. KZ3s score isn't as good as KZ2. Much like the rest of the game.

Ju4835d ago

Well, I agree. I was a bit harsh with Crysis, too. Yet I think Crytek quite delivered on the PS3.

Visually it is top notch.

I think, from a technical standpoint they can do a bit more. Event though I am not sure if this would actually make a big difference.

But, same visuals but full 1280x720 and stable 30fps are possible with optimization. I am sure they can do it. This won't change the overall look of the game, but will make it just a little bit more fluid and enjoyable.

If anything, this is what KZ3 has no problem with at all. I also think KZ3 has a bigger poly budget. That would be nice to see in Crysis. But again, visually it is already great. Framerate and res up a bit would be nice.

clarkdef4836d ago

@chris lol E.T. was a technicle show piece. But hey this is my favorite game and visuals to boot!

tatotiburon4835d ago

crysis smash killzone on every category

4835d ago
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4836d ago
Klipz-Wish4836d ago (Edited 4836d ago )

Why didn't they show different enviroments of Killzone like they did with crysis? This makes me believe they are comparing the demo. I could be wrong though

16BitMonster4836d ago

Hell, they both look great visually.

axerated4836d ago

funny how u got disagrees for that comment, someone must think they both suck or something! i cant say shit cos iv only played kz3. i tried the mp beta for crysis but that was a bit broken, i personally welcome any game that apparently topples it from its graphical throne! and when i got the cash il give c2 a go

VenGencE9994836d ago


love your comment, wish there were more like it.

16BitMonster4836d ago

No worries, we will put together a better video for you guys if this one has enough interest.

sp1deynut4836d ago

...because your first attempt was complete FAIL. You didn't "compare" anything, the video quality was horrid, and no "evidence" was given of anything. In the future, leave these things to professionals like LensOfTruth.

XabiTheHumble4836d ago

Kinda harsh don't you think? I think it was a decent attempt. I could be wrong.

Redgehammer4835d ago

I disagree
I actually think Digital Foundry's comparisons are more scientific, and overall better quality, but to each their own right? Also, your comment is rude and unnecessarry. Moreover, at least they are attempting something. There are much more intelligent, and mature ways to offer criticism. Unless of course you are treating him the way you wish to be treated. If that is the case then you have my deepest sympathy.

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

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RaidenBlack412d ago
SullysCigar412d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor412d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar412d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg411d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149411d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138412d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim412d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC412d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.

So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138412d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle412d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76411d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

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REDGUM411d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730412d ago (Edited 412d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger411d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca412d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy412d ago (Edited 412d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal411d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright411d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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Killzone 3 is playable with mouse & keyboard on PC via RPCS3 & KAMI

DSOGaming writes: "While Sony does not plan to release Killzone 3 on the PC, Yahfz shared a video that gives us a glimpse at what such a PC version could look like."

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1162d ago
bouzebbal1162d ago

Still looks secure 2 gens later... one of my favorite ps3 moments. With 3D and move the game is on another level

MadLad1162d ago

PC almost always ends up the best place to play games, even if it takes a while.

What would you rather play decades down the line? A game at a fixed resolution and frame, considering you have a working disc, and the hardware?
Or run it on an emulator that can update the experience all around, and let you use whatever control input you prefer?

If you insist on the former, it's really only for the sake of nostalgia.

Applejack1162d ago

I disagree. The main draw for consoles has always be the simplicity of just putting the disc in / downloading it and playing without worrying about anything else. The average person just wouldn’t want to deal with emulation even though it’s very important for preservation.

Terry_B1162d ago

Even emulators are super simple to use.

jukins1162d ago

Youre getting flak because people on here thibk of themselves as pc wizards. But honestly most poeple try and go get emulators and romz they end up with malware.. yes theyre "easy" if you know the basics but alot of people dont. That said the fact that its taken nearly 20 years to get a sustantially better experience for ps3 games than on its native system shows the complexity of getting bc to work. Sony, if they have any intention, should just invest in a vastly better psnow experience.

1162d ago
Vegamyster1162d ago


Most people who emulate don't get malware, you'd have to be going to some weird sites for that to happen, heck years ago people were getting sketchier ad's resulting in malware warning on this site if you didn't have a ad-blocker lol.

SinkingSage1162d ago

Can't get malware if you legally dump your own games, which you should.

Rachel_Alucard1162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

That's fine if that's the main draw, but it doesn't make it a better experience, just a preference. Having the freedom to do the things you can do on PC is what the appeal of PC is. Buying a game on PC means you never have to worry about the console makers just deciding the next hardware shouldn't support the generation anymore, which means everything you bought is stuck on that hardware instead of moving up with everything else. Nintendo uses this tactic to keep reselling the same games over and over at inflated prices. Sony cut all previous gens off the PS4 and sold it back to people in a poor attempt with PSnow. While the PS5 supports PS4 games, that may not be the case in the next gen after this. No to mention shutting off all the previous stores and updates completely. Even MS stopped making new BC titles at some point, so now there's a big list with 17 pages of titles that are not playable on Xbone and are just trapped on older gen. That's not a problem on PC, the reverse happens where you only have to worry if your hardware can play the newest releases at ultra with no issue.

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AzubuFrost1162d ago

Shhh don't say that aloud! You're going to trigger a lot of console infidels here.

Shane Kim1162d ago

I rather play it when it's available then wait 10 years.

MadLad1162d ago

Did you purposely miss the entire point of my post?

Inverno1162d ago

Well that's the beauty of still owning a retro console tho. Those who usually complain about emulation are just being blindly loyal to a company. Emulation is great for many reason, but if I still owned the console then I disagree nothing beats plugging it back in and going down a nostalgia trip

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RevXM1162d ago

The RPCS3 devs are doing great work. And Kami works nicely with it too it seems.
Very neat.

Magatsuhi1162d ago

Been playing mgo on pc with mouse. It's not perfect but I can make it work.

Binarycode1162d ago

2 is the better game.

A Remake would be good. 60fps 2-4k

Omar3li1162d ago

60fps is peasant for FPS games now

1162d ago
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Top 10 PS3 Games We Hope Come Back On PS5

While Xbox has committed to backwards compatibility spanning four generations, PlayStation has continued their stance that the feature isn't important. Well, it is! I'm hoping these PlayStation 3 classics that skipped the PS4 entirely show up again on the PS5 for everyone to enjoy.

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Knightofelemia1340d ago

Resistance, Dead Space franchise, Splatterhouse, Lollipop Chainsaw, Brutal Legends, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved Journey to the West, Mass Effect franchise. Also wouldn't mind seeing a new Wild Arms game remake or HD remaster, the Xenosaga trilogy, a new Parasite Eve, a new Dino Crisis just too many games to list that are forgotten and left in the dark now adays.

Sciurus_vulgaris1340d ago

The PS3 is difficult to emulate. PS3 backwards compatibility on PS5 would require translation from PowerPC to x86. Additionally the PS5 likely would have to mimic the PS3’s GPU and CPU.

ApocalypseShadow1340d ago

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This is what pops up on my web browser. So I can't even read the site. So, forget that. They don't need my data.

But let's get something straight. OG Xbox had around 1,001 games. How many are BC on Series X? **39** THIRTY NINE. Come on! That's wack BC. You can't tell me that's a complete list. Talking about commitment. Game preservation. Ridiculous. Covers nothing.

How many games released on Xbox 360? Around 2085. How many are BC?
568. That's it. Around 1,517 are **MISSING** Stop playing. Tired of that nonsense.

Anyway, the only games I really want from PS3 that would be awesome are Motorstorm and MGS4. I'll take BC. I'll take a remaster. I'll take a remake. If not those, then Killzone 2. And in VR, maybe Sports Champions, House of the Dead Overkill and the Time Crisis games.

That's all I need. But we've gone over BC again and again in every possible way. It wasn't that important because Sony sold 115 million consoles without it. That's proof enough with no outcry. And PS5 has damn near all 4,000+ PS4 games BC. It's not PS1,PS2 and PS3. But that's plenty. I'll take more but you get what you get.

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