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Crysis 2 Multiplayer Review PS3 Version-Examiner Detroit

Jay Boycott writes "Crysis 2 multiplayer is hands down the most exciting and entertainingly filled fun of this year. Set in the future, each player is given a Nanosuit which enhances their abilities out in the battlefield. Ranging from insanely fast sprint speeds, crazy sky high jumps, or the ability to pull a Houdini and go invisible; every combatant has whichever enhancement that suits their style of play"

Find out more after the jump!

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Raf1k14840d ago

Pre-loaded this yesterday on Steam and looking forward to playing it.

One thing I'd have loved to see is the ability to bulldoze your way through walls with the nanosuit. With a few more health points and 1 vs 1 deathmatch modes there could be some amazing battles online. I could see myself bursting through a wall after someone who'd gone for cover to reload. Would be amazing for split-screen co-op IMO.

BK-2014840d ago

The MP sucks for me, its a 6v6 CoD game with lame powers instead of perks.


the single player sucks more...the A.I is dumb as horse shite..the graphical glitches the pop in...multiplayer i havnt tried yet but i doubt its a 5/5 going off the single player

ign cvg best graphics? no we all get to play i realise what a troll site you both are..on consoles anyway this game is very average

BK-2014840d ago

Its probably the second best looking game on 360 I'd say with Alan Wake or Gears 3 beating it out but its like 8th on PS3. The AI is very bad on PC also which really pisses me off but its slightly better than the impossible AI of Crysis 1 where they'd see you a mile away even when you try cloaking.

Ju4840d ago

Agree with the Lord. Some awesome visuals ... but pop ins (or load ins) at the begin of each level. WTH is that? No fun either. Tries to hard to be another CoD.

Suite powers are useless in MP. After a while I don't even bother going stealth any more. Now you have to press two triggers when you fire. Armor and Trigger - going stealth is getting you killed because it gives you that "extra" lag - unless you play melee games only. Total BS. Weapons are unbalanced as hell. Pistol kills all. Otherwise get a machine gun. Assault is useless.

The tactical aspect in SP is nice - the visor gives you three options. But it doesn't really matter which one you choose. As soon as you fire a shot its the same in all three modes. Endless enemy respawns and dead stupid NPCs. No way to clear out a path. They all run at you like chicken. No matter what you do.

The best is playing stealth - and it is all so boring. You can get through without firing a single shot. But its half as entertaining than MGS in that respect.

eichenlaub864840d ago

I counted 22 Mods (perks) to choose from.... I'm level 15 and if you play this game like CoD, your not going to last very long. I will say that the MP is harder than CoD and it takes more skill. I'm not the greatest player but this is the most fun playing a fps since CoD 4/Crysis 1

xandmar4840d ago

So what's the bottom line here. Do I run out and get this now? Help me out guys.

Redlogic4840d ago

Yes, I have it for PS3 and I'm loving it. Have not tried the MP yet but the SP is very entertaining and fun.

Ju4840d ago (Edited 4840d ago ) it. Not a bad game. I gave in to my "I want to see for myself"...but just because I got a bonus pay. At least it can tie you over until Socom4 and R3 comes out...I feel a bit disappointed, though.

fullymoated4840d ago

I am a few hours into the single player and really enjoying it. I would respectfully disagree with the AI comments above. If you compare this AI to some other big name single player campaigns (CoD for example), this AI blows it out of the water. The enemies are smart, work as a team, some rush you, some hold back. As opposed to other big name AI's where all enemies stand around like dopes and they take 1 bullet to drop. Combine this with the nanosuit minigame of 'how far can you get with stealth before your energy runs out' makes for a fun game. While I quit a lot of other SP campaigns an hour in because they are so formulaic, this is one that i will play through to the end. Definately worth a rent to try out the SP portion.

xandmar4836d ago

I don't understand how a question gets 4 disagrees but ok. thanks for the info and the recommendations.

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KonaBro4840d ago

While the stealth and armor power up makes the game fun and all, it basically devolved into who can outcamp the other team by hiding in the corners and other bs. I was actively seeking out people and managed to get some nice killstreaks going. So far, I'd have to give the MP a 7.5/10. I'm sure it'll get better once I get to a higher level and unlock some more stuff.

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The Crysis Trilogy Joins EA Access Vault

Featuring the complete nanosuit experience, The Crysis Trilogy has now joined the EA Access vault as a title that's free for those that subscribe to the EA service on Xbox One consoles.

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Games1st1445d ago (Edited 1445d ago )

Just in time for those that got the month trial.

DrDeath1445d ago

Wait? There is more than one? lol


Here are Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE & Resident Evil 2 Remake with Ray Tracing

YouTube’s members ‘Digital Dreams’ and ‘Jose cangrejo’ have shared some videos, showcasing Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod – which adds Ray Tracing/Path Tracing effects – in some really old games such as Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Crysis 2, RAGE and Resident Evil 6.

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traumadisaster1829d ago

I'm still learning how to look for the differences. At first I was focusing on shadows for some reason but I don't think that changes much, is it reflections that change?

rashada071829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

It is supposed to be simulating how light actually works- so yes if light is reflecting off a surface accurately it should show reflection or an effect that matches what you are looking at in the environment. Next time you play a game look at a puddle of water there may be just a "baked" in texture that if you aren't paying attention seems like it is reflecting but it isn't. I would say though if the light is reflecting more accurately I would think that would give more accurate shadows as well.
I am still not 100% sold on it- it looks okay but I can't get over the hardware price jump for better reflections..

Taz X141829d ago

While games won't look immensely better, it opens up more possibilities overall. Understandably, the price jump is huge. But, that can be said for being at the forefront for any new technology. I'm currently using a 2080ti and while I've played a few games that enable it, the gpu also plays everything else incredibly well so it's not like you're buying this tech for ONLY that option. Enthusiasts will pay top dollar to check out the newest things, but this will eventually become an everyday consumer and by then they'll have optimized and become a lot cheaper.

warriorcase1828d ago

Ray/path tracing can be used how the developer wants it to be. Tracing can be used to calculate shadows/lighting, reflection and even audio, where audio waves are calculated on the bounce off material types to simulate enviroment and echos accuratly.

Should also keep in mind that this ray/path tracing system is different and less accurate option from Nvidias RTX branded type. McFly's is a reshade that layers over the top of the game and therefor the quality will vary drastically. For example you can see nice reflection in the Star Wars demo here but it then introduces colour clipping with the light saber. On a video of GTA 5 for example it was incorrectly projecting a reflection of a red car onto the road which caused a very faint red glow on the ground around the car.

If you want to see a good example of a game developed with ray tracing reflection and lighting in mind then you could look up the youtube video of "Control - Exclusive E3 RTX GAMEPLAY Trailer".

DigitallyAfflicted1829d ago

It supposed to add more realistic light Not actually more light effects and explosions

traumadisaster1829d ago

I hate to say it but I’m fine with fake lights, shadows, reflections. I just kind of like the effect, it’s also great it saves resources for other things.

I’ve been checking out some original Xbox games on x360/x1x and the engine has fake light streaming in through a stained glass window, and I love it even though I know it’s not real time lighting. Heck it even shifts as I move about.

I’ve about convinced my self rt and hdr just doesn’t work for me. Before hdr I would even complain damn why are the headlights killing me they are so bright.

I notice most frame rate, then jaggies, then resolution; with the last two interchangeable depending.

Other day watched an enthusiast rave over 4k and the poor guy was in 1080p. I played the same game the night before and thought wow this is clean, I wonder if it’s 4k, but knew differently and I thought wow even resolution is not always important. The next day he apologized and was surprised he could be fooled.

RaidenBlack1828d ago

EA should have released the Crysis Trilogy Remaster for this gen.

FGHFGHFGH1823d ago

How come the lightsabers don't give off any light? Even in the EA star wars game the guy uses it to light up a dark cave. I guess if it is using frostbite it will support rtx cards.


13 Awesome Games Set In Real Places

Jum Jum from Unleashthegamer writes: We gathered the best real setting games we could think of if you’re looking for something in a familiar location to soothe your thirst for real-world games.

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