
Badass Bosses - Metal Gear Ray (PSU.com)

PSU.com takes a look at some of the most memorable boss fights in PlayStation history. This time around, we turn our attention to Metal Gear Solid 4's iconic battle with Metal Gear Ray.

Eric29294935d ago

This is an epic boss battle indeed!


20 Saddest Video Game Moments of All Time

Cultured Vultures: If you’ve got some feelings you want to dredge up all over again, or if spending more than 15 minutes on Twitter has caused you to become completely numb, these are the saddest video game moments that we will never forget.

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mandf226d ago

Kingdom hearts was really sad at the end. The darkness when Jenny dies was shocking and sad

shinoff2183225d ago

Mine have to be last of us, Joel's daughter. Maybe it hits different when you have kids vs bot. I'll throw ff7 up there to. On the verge of looking like some sort of love triangle then bam, death

Christopher225d ago

The reveal trailer for Fast & Furious Crossroads

Knightofelemia225d ago

I think Dom's wife's death in Gears 2 was sadder then Dom. Dom's death in Gears 3 just felt rushed.

phoenixwing225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

John Marston dying and ff7

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PS3 exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 was once ‘running beautifully’ on Xbox 360

The game's assistant producer says the number of discs was an issue.

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darthv72461d ago

Obviously they would had to remove all references to bluray in the game had they actually proceeded to make this happen. Id bet it would be something like at least 3-4 discs though.

Flawlessmic461d ago

The most interesting thing to hear is that there was no exclusivity deal, which we all assumed there was.

It was simply Sony's forward thinking and tech that put them in the position where there console was the only one that could do it the way Konami wanted.

This gives me hope mgs 4 will definitely be a part of the volume 2 collection

GhostScholar460d ago

The fact that mgs 4 hasn’t been on ps4 or 5 is a real head scratcher. Seems like a really dumb move. Also if it was such forward tech on the ps3 why wasn’t it put out on ps4? Doesn’t makes sense.

CobraKai460d ago

Forward move at the time. Plus the PS3 exclusives arent the easiest to port and Konami, especially with the fallout of MGS’ creator, probably won’t invest the time and money on it.

They would also have to get rid of Apple products. The PS3 and PSP in the nomad. Rerecord the inside joke about swapping discs and mentioning the PS3.

TrueGamer79460d ago

MG4 is my personal favorite of the series. I’d def rebuy the remake to play the game again. I do wonder why they haven’t ported 4 to ps4 or ps5.

neomahi459d ago

@ Cobra Kai - I don't know, man, they've gone a while without making money since Kojima left, I think they're wanting to make money again and that's money, just not as might as they might think. They're better off letting Metal Gear lie in infamy and letting new aspiring developers that want to work on new games, like Silent Hill are their best bets

CobraKai459d ago

They were invested in pachinko and soccer. Konami used to be one of my favorite game companies, then they just didn’t care about video games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 459d ago
neutralgamer1992460d ago

Now that both Xbox and PlayStation use Blu-ray wouldn’t those jokes stay in and instead apply to Nintendo now

Computersaysno460d ago (Edited 460d ago )

MGS4 is about 32GB. Most of the big data files were merely uncompressed audio and high quality HD video used extensively in MGS4. The game used the space because it was available, not because it really needed to.

You could probably more than halve the space required settling for normal 360 compression codecs and say 720p compressed video files. Fit the whole game on two dual layer DVD discs.

Case in point was MGSV ended up only 25GB, despite that game having massively better visuals and big environments. Second case: FFXIII was 38GB on PS3 but only 18GB on X360, because compression.

I_am_Batman460d ago

The MGS franchise always had real-time cutscenes so those aren't compressible video files. The older games had some real-life video footage but they've stopped using these with MGS4, so I don't know what extensive usage of HD video you're talking about.

Computersaysno457d ago (Edited 457d ago )

Actually Metal Gear Solid 4 had about thirteen minutes of of HD video at the very start of the game, but the point was the 7.1 soundtrack throughout was uncompressed. Eight channels. This was a massive chunk of the data on the disc. The game had 8 hours of cut scene audio alone. Plus music and dialogue codecs and everything else actually in game!

It wouldn't be very hard to compress all this down to far smaller file sizes with minimal quality loss. It certainly wasn't the visuals or texture assets that made the game file size 32GB! None of this was critical to the game actually working compressed and mixed for 6 channels which was far more common anyway.

I'm glad that I cleared that up for you.

sparky77461d ago

The good news from this means it should be possible to port to current gen consoles if they were able to get it to run without the CELL.

I do remember back then how everyone said it was only possible on the CELL reminds me of todays it's only possible on the PS5's SSD.

MrDead461d ago

A regurgitation of fanboy buzzwords with no understanding, context or meaning.

Aloymetal460d ago

That's their 20+ yrs side effects of sodium intake, delusions, hopes and dreams. also known as la la land syndrome...They all suffer from this.

RaidenBlack461d ago

Can't comment on the 'only possible on the CELL' part but if a game was made specifically utilizing CELL's complex architecture, then it was more difficult to port but not totally impossible.
Now if there exists a X360 port of MGS4, then it should be relatively feasible to port to x86 based systems.

XBManiac460d ago

PowerPC based CELL and Xbox 360 CPUs had little in common with x86.

KwietStorm_BLM460d ago

A smart person says a game made for the Cell makes it harder to port to other platforms. A sparky person says a game made for PS3 is only possible because of the Cell, or any other negative PlayStation derivative.

Magog461d ago

So porting it shouldn't be hard. A 360 is very similar to modern console and PC structure.

ChasterMies460d ago

Xbox 360 is not similar to modern consoles. Xbox 360 ran on a multi-core PowerPC processor. Apple had to write Rosetta to make PowerPC apps run on Intel processors when they switched from PowerPC to Intel. It’s why Xbox 360 backwards compatibility is on a game-by-game basis. Funny enough, the Cell Processor is a custom PowerPC processor.

XBManiac460d ago

Remember that CELL was also PowerPC based arquitecture...

shadowknight203460d ago

As much as I would love to play mgs4 again, and I still hope to, I know playing it will bring back my old school Metal Gear Online days, and I miss that part of the game so, so much. 😢

Shane Kim460d ago

Man MGO was so damn good. That and KZ2 are probably the best multiplayer games imo.

Chocoburger459d ago

The game is still online via fan servers, I think its even playable on PC these days. You can play MGO 2 right now if you wanted to, nothing is stopping you from doing so.

RedDeadLB460d ago (Edited 460d ago )

isnt this old news anyway? did they not say that Microsoft were generally more interested in Rising back in the old days?

From the mouth of Snake himself: https://youtu.be/vkdKNuzO1R...

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Kojima talks about Metal Gear Solid 4 as the game celebrates its 15th anniversary

Hideo Kojima discussed some of the creative processes behind Metal Gear Solid 4 as the game celebrates its 15th anniversary.

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Nyxus469d ago

Hard to believe it's been 15 years already!

Silver_ShadoWolf469d ago

I loved the movie Metal Gear Solid 4.

atsugiT2469d ago

Thats crazy.. 15 years before that, starfox was brand new. It seems like ages between those two, but mgs4 feels like it just happened.

Nyxus469d ago

Yeah, it's also pretty crazy to think there's far more time between now and MGS4 (15 years) than between MGS4 and MGS1 (9 years).

autoglope469d ago

Still amazing looking and playing game ,.. about 5 hours too many cut-scenes) But still love it,..

Sniperwithacause468d ago

Well it has a story to tell, and it tells it perfectly with those cut-scenes.

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