Super Smash Bros. Brawl Details

Though an English-language website has been propped up for American gamers anticipating the 2007 release of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the Japanese website features a constantly updated blog by game director Masahiro Sakurai.
The blog itself doesn't reveal any startling revelations about the game, but gamers starved for information should be pleased to hear a fellow Smash Bros. fan told 1UP he's been translating Sakurai's thoughts on the popular Smash World forums. You can peruse everything on your own, but here's what pops out

f1r3waII K1LL3r6626d ago

Super smash Bros has always been awesome lets hope they keep it up. I wasnt planning on getting a wii but now its way above PS3 in my eyes ill definetly pick one up and its cheap Wiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!

Asuka6626d ago

i'm going to be using StarFox as always, and prove myself to the world that i am awesome when it comes to SSB ^_^

Schmitty076626d ago

Imagine the awesomeness this game will have. Hey Lance, I could beat you any day w/ Link!

Asuka6626d ago

i remember reading that almost all Wii games will have online play, could be wrong though.

But i expect online SSB

was that a challange my friend????

Schmitty076626d ago

My online name will probably be schmi77y05 (just like my XBL GT)
I will see you there!

Asuka6626d ago (Edited 6626d ago )

My name will be one of the following:

i'll let you know which one when i get a Wii, but for now, Crispy seems like its winning.

jinn5925d ago

characters r all that matter in this game

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Masahiro Sakurai Clearly Still Isn't Over Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Cutscenes Getting Leaked

Sakurai's views on cutscenes (and how quickly they'll be shared online) haven't really changed that much in 16 years.

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5 Best Fighting Game Stage Themes

Fighting games and music have a long and storied history together. Here are five of the best fighting game stage themes throughout video game history.

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Tetsujin769d ago

Tekken Tag Tournament 1 Arcade OST - Nina Williams
Street Fighter 2 - Ken stage, Ryu Stage, Vega (Claw), and Guile
Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Karin theme
Tekken 3 Arcade OST - Hidden Characters Theme
Super Street Fighter 2 - Fei Long CPS1 version (found on Hyper SF2 A.E.)
Tekken 2 Arcade OST - Kazuya and Devil theme
Marvel vs Capcom 1 - Strider Theme, Ryu, and Roll

Tedakin769d ago

There should have been at least one Mick Gordon Killer Instinct theme on here.

Rebel_Scum769d ago

Should be some tunes from the first Mortal Kombat in any list tbh.

I really like the use of Mozart’s Dies Irae in Wolfgang Krausers stage in Fatal Fury 2.

azizlksa768d ago

Volcanic rim for Street Fighter 4 is probably my favorite stage theme


5 Obscenely Overpowered Video Game Characters

Developers should always strive to make their products as balanced and fair as possible. Sometimes, video games feature a incredibly overpowered characters that just break the game.

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JSusie5895d ago

Orlandu/TG Cid in Final Fantasy Tactics
Bo Jackson in Tecmo Super Bowl.

The end.