
Xbox 360 is going to get even better, says Molyneux

Lionhead boss Peter Molyneux has predicted that the best is still to come from Xbox 360, as developers learn to take full advantage of the system's hardware.

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Kran4878d ago

I thought what Microsoft has done now WAS the best they could do ¬¬

4878d ago Replies(9)
Ryudo4878d ago

The emphasize the context of every comment to come here. Troll Troll Troll, Dribble Dribble Dribble, Troll Troll Troll.

Kran4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

So does your comment make you a troll right now? After all, you are the third one down right now, until someone else replies nalyd.

@Ryudo below

Says the one trying to prove a pointless point rather than ignoring it.

Jocosta4878d ago

Its "Drivel" not "Dribble".

Ryudo4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Actually I meant it in the English context sometimes used for drooling...


Thanks for "Trying" not "Being" a smart ass though.

Jocosta4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Oh, so you meant they are literally drooling, still makes no sense. Your just covering up your mistake.

Chug4878d ago

Its "you're" not "your"

NaiNaiNai4878d ago

actually, dribble would insist they are idiots, or you know retarded.

Biggest4878d ago

He makes it seem as if someone actually clicks the "reply" button, drools on the keyboard, and clicks "Add reply". Your bad, Ryudo. That was dumb.

NiKK_4194878d ago

why are you even talking about trolls? you're one of the biggest trolls here right now

jke824878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

says the pot to the kettle

snp4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Not that i want to the defend this character, but dribble is fine in my book.

It may well be the case he meant 'drivel', i don't know. But regardless 'dribble' works in context as a visual metaphor for the act of attempting coherent speech here, but achieving not much more than something associated with the physically infantile and in this case (if you're inclined to imagine the state of the person via their words), not particularly pleasant for others to be an audience to.

Sorry, but it annoys me a little when people claim language must follow a single line only with no metaphorical leaps to add colour and life (as if it's mathematics). Seemingly for no other reason than they themselves aren't too good at following these leaps and glimmers when they're sprinkled around. Confusing that 'inability/limitation' with 'a superior knowledge of language/grammar' or some such thing.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4878d ago
the_best_player4878d ago

No games for 360 this year, PS3 has 20 plus exclusives thats just this year.

4878d ago
majiebeast4878d ago

Wahahahaha gears 3 yeah now try and say that with a straight face.

Biggest4878d ago

At least he didn't say Rage. I guess Gears is close enough for them to start using that as their holy grail. It was boring with all the "THIS multiplat will be better than ANYTHING on the PS3!"

wages of sin4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Yes, yes we know. No games blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile you have "20 exclusives" that may or may not be good. You have 20 exclusives of which most people will purchase two or three. You have 20 exclusives that still have you at a massive loss in mind share. From first to third.

Because you know, all those AWESOME (awesome meaning WAY overrated) exclusives have you in first place around the world in the minds of gamers and sales. PS3 fanboys are amazingly delusional. It's like a sad cult.

And yes, I own a PS3. I'm just not crazy like most of you clowns.

limewax4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Well a lot of these exclusive have a particular target audience anyway. KZ3 wasnt for me, LBP2 was and so will infamous and many others. they're an option.... One 360 gamers dont have now unless they wish to purchase games from yesteryears catalogue. No joke I own a 360 and play it everyday. Playing games I bought 3-4 years ago most of the time.

But as for the party chat, I personally think this is intentional. Party chat actually destroyed live in many ways. I play Lone-Wolf. I dont do parties, But I work with and communicate with the team I am thrown into.

How do you propose I do that when everybody is locked off in clusters of private chat? PVT chat used to split games when it was one on one.

Nowadays there no point playing games like CoD etc unless you are already in a party chat group. And before you say get friends lol, I got them but I dont find it fun playing the same people every day. So please tell me why Party chat is so important again?

Active Reload4878d ago

And all of them except 1 or 2 will be average at best. Moving along...

jke824878d ago


yeah maybe average at best, maybe mind blowing...but since game development is a chance industry full of hit or miss in your mind...you would probably like a few more chances to find a hit...say 17 more or so.......ya know just sayin

the_best_player4878d ago

high quality PS3 exclusives

TheDivine4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Ps3 has 3 good games this year kz3, uncharted 3, and resistance 3. Infoumous sucks, lbp2 is boring, what else is there again? Oh yea mlb boring as hell. Ps3 isnt that great this year, better multiplats anyways and im waiting for vs13 and last guardian which will prob be in 2013 lol.

Its sad you judge a system by how many games horrible or not it has.

xPhearR3dx4878d ago

dosnt mean the good bitch

Roonie4878d ago Show
Aarix4878d ago

Man I wish I had $1200 for all those awesome exclusives because everyone knows ps3 exclusives beat any game ever made. (end sarcasm)

palaeomerus4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

" look @ how mad the 360 fanboys are AHAHAHAH!!"

If by "mad" you mean "not buying most of the PS3 exclusives for lack of interest"...yeah. Guilty.

I already bought KZ3 and want Resistance 3. I'll get Uncharted 3 too but I want to wait a while and get ti cheaper probably next summer because once November hits I'll belong to Skyrim. That's it. That's all I want. The rest sound boring, crappy, niche, waggly, short artsy DLC crap, otherwise forgettable, or else they are stuff I'll either rent or buy at a much lower price in a year or two (Motorstorm: Apocalypse, Infamous 2).

Hey, but at least YOU'RE proud of 'em and excited about them right?


With Crysis 2, Portal 2, Duke Nukem: Forever, L.A. NOIRE, Brink, Rage, Red Faction: Armageddon, Torchlight 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Gears of War 3,Elder Scrolls V:Skyrim, Saints Row III, I don't really have time or money to worry much about the PS3 exclusives.

May and November are REALLY going to kick my wallet's ass.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4878d ago
xAlmostPro4878d ago

Let me guess this is all because of the new tech demo's surfacing containing things that can't actually(in factual terms) run on the cnsole unless it was a game at like 10fps and 3 discs lol(or 2 hours long)

Although i hope they do, that way i can stop feeling sorry for 360 hardcore gamers that have a lack of exclusives, friends may think twice about selling their console and i may even re-buy a 360.. although i still don't see anything major coming to 360..

Microsoft are to busy rolling in kinects money

IcarusOne4878d ago

"containing things that can't actually(in factual terms) run on the cnsole unless it was a game at like 10fps and 3 discs lol(or 2 hours long)"

Can you back this up with specifics? I'm curious what tech is being used in that demo that's impossible to run efficiently on consoles. And since you said "consoles" and not "xbox", I'm assuming that means the PS3 can't run it either.

So again, what's the tech?

xAlmostPro4877d ago


There has been 2 tech demo's the one by Epic games and the other tessalation one by this guys studio.

The GPU in the 360 supports hardware tessalation, and thats what 360 fans are hyping about. Saying they've kept it hidden so after these years it can now become even better and far more graphical.

Fact is Tessalation uses a great amount of other resources, so they couldn't use it for everything through-out a full game because like i said the rest of the consoles resources would limit it, such as RAM, disc space etc. Mean although they could use it it won't be efficient and will probably be for something like one games water or fire effect or something, which tbh will be cool but won't create anything groundbreaking.

As for the ps3 i could be wrong but im pretty sure the ps3's GPU doesn't support tessalation, but the ps3 has already used software tessalation for some games :)

Tessalation is the tech im talking about, it's not even 'new'

4878d ago Replies(1)
damnyouretall4878d ago

i love my 360 and all but this joker hypes everything. his games never live up to the hype either. and the milo game had me excited then come to find out it was staged. im not taking his word for shit.

Bravo44878d ago

Well first they need more people (AKA first party studios) who would actually take the time to max it. That is if it can still be maxed. On the PS3 side you got devs on the same "team" fighting against each other! Naughty Dog, GG , Sony Santa Monica, etc. All these 3 are currently working on new games too.

Not trying to be a fanboy here, just sayin' the truth.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4877d ago
Starhawk4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

A MS employee saying good things about the 360, color me surprised. ^^

Aarix4878d ago

Well maybe he knows something we don't. Lol

4877d ago
shoddy4878d ago

thier multiplat are great but very unnoticable.
ps3 AAA exclusive graphic look better than any multiplat games.
you can just tell by the naked eye.

GOW3 and U2 have so much detail on the characters.
mg4 4 too.

kookie4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Ok Molyneux E3 this year

stonecold34878d ago

not really a hardware 6 year and its been tapped quite sometime and with 6 year hardware a console can go far and 360 has peaked already to be honest peace out ?

B1663r4878d ago

Well if the reports are true about XBox's tesselation technology that has been locked up until now, the xbox has another five years of being the dominant console.

Once you get into the crazy high number of polygons on screen at any given time, you stop using pixel shaders, and use vertex shaders exclusively. This allows for the xbox to bypass all the existing limits of lighting models, which by their nature are aproximations. Once models become point clouds, radiocity lighting models and sub surface scatter really start to take off, allowing a whole new level of graphics capabilities.

Also, if I am understanding what is happening, with tesselation, you no longer need to process normal maps, light maps or even texture maps. Each pixel in the point cloud that represents objects merely has a location, normal, color and transparency allowing for extremely high frequency rendering, of effects that were previously done with pixel shaders, and all their associated maps.

This is a double whammy, becuase it also appears to massively reduce the memory footprint of graphic assets.

If what appears to happening here, is indeed the case, Sony will pay dearly for the choices they made with the PS3, and Microsoft has successfully kept a whole new level of capability of the xbox secret.

xAlmostPro4878d ago

It hasn't been 'locked' it just hasn't been used..

Not only that but those articles were only stating that the GPU in the 360 supports it, not that the 360 can and will use it.. other things need to be accounted for such as RAM, disc space, power and other things.

I really wouldn't count on it tbh, they may figure out ways to use it but they won't be able to use large amounts at all.

Without sounding harsh, what you're saying makes you sound like you're 'dreaming'

B1663r4878d ago

Incorrect. Tesselation will reduce the memory foot prints of models, because you no longer need different levels of detail in the models. Also, as previously stated, you can get rid of texture maps, normal maps, and light maps, which are all stored in different levels of detail. Surface characteristics become stored in "materials" which will be several orders of power smaller than the traditional series of detail maps that current techniques use. Also, none of this precludes the use of decals, which would be applied to the color of the vertex structure.

That means the graphics data for a game will actually be smaller and take of less space, allowing for much more detail. Also, in researching this, I found that there are a number of techniqes that have been recently developed that allow conversion from traditional polymeshs to patch based modeling systems.

So another way of thinking of tesselation is as a means of data compression.

Dark_king4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

Its never been locked away and has been used in several games already.Reach used it for water if I remember correctly.The 360 gpu can do tessalation but its nowhere near current gpu tessalation.Its missing a couple pipelines that allow it to run really smooth.O and PS3 can use tessalation to its just not hardware.

Otheros004878d ago

Hardware tessellation is not usable on the 360. The devs have been only using software tessellation. Halo reach water is using software tessellation.

B1663r4878d ago


Incorrect. The xbox xenon processor has dynamic tesselation technology. The 250 million tesselated surfaces it can do per second is enough to teselate a polygon for every pixel on the screen at 60fps, at 1080p resolution. If you would take to time to look into how tesselation is done, you would see that this capability is more than adequate for a game engine to be designed that works entirely on tesselation...

Like that GDC demo we saw the other day.

Dark_king4878d ago

Your right I was wrong its not the pipelines its missing its a couple of stages the domain shader and hull shader. http://developer.amd.com/gp...

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awiseman4878d ago

Hes probably referring to the new game engine that they are working on...It does look good. But moly tends to toot his horn alot..Look at Fable 3...it was lackluster compared to the other 2...

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Peter Molyneux's new game is set in Fable's Albion

Project currently codenamed MOAT.

JusttJD0099286d ago


Misleader of all time?

jznrpg286d ago (Edited 286d ago )

It’s between him and Phil. I’d vote Phil

Obscure_Observer285d ago

"It’s between him and Phil. I’d vote Phil"

If Phil were the man that made my life miserable, I would vote for him as well.

Regarding the topic, it could be both Peter and Phil working together.

M.O.A.T takes place in Albion, so it´s possible that Pete is working on new partnership with Xbox, which imo, is nothing but great news!

GhostScholar285d ago

What exactly has Phil mislead about? I can’t wait to hear the verbal diarrhea you come with.

Cacabunga285d ago

Still waiting for Milo and Kate.. most lmao game OAT

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 285d ago
Becuzisaid286d ago


His name is still used as a selling point for new games? Seriously?

jznrpg286d ago

If anyone knows his name you have to be extremely skeptical that what he delivers will be anything like what he says it would be and that’s best case scenario.

RaiderNation286d ago

He's like the "Tom Clancy" of video games.

InUrFoxHole286d ago

Lol what the hell man?!?!?

Number1TailzFan286d ago

I remember Black & White (PC) but other than that I can only think of Fable, B&W was a pretty cool game tho at the time.

sagapo286d ago

Populous was another one designed by Peter, released before B&W, godlike game as well, pretty good too.

Giblet_Head285d ago

I quite liked Magic Carpet growing up.

Obscure_Observer285d ago (Edited 285d ago )

"His name is still used as a selling point for new games? Seriously?"

The guy is a gaming legend for gamers who actually knows and played his games, like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, Black & White and Fable for example.

Becuzisaid285d ago

I'm certain that most who actually know who he is would contest your use of legend. He's the living, human embodiment of false advertising.

Obscure_Observer285d ago


There´s an abyss between false advertisement and bad games.

Most gamers will get excited for games from great gaming creators rather than focus on their exaggerated promises.

Kojima described his Xbox exclusive game as "very unusual like no one has ever experienced before, leveraging the cloud." He said all publishers he presented the project, called him mad and rejected his game but Microsoft, because it´s too crazy.

Is Kojima exaggerating? Obviously. It´s gonna be a bad game? Hardly.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 285d ago
TheColbertinator286d ago

Imagine a game where Peter Molyneux presents an extraordinary set of ideas that players will enjoy for years to come. Now imagine that this particular game will come out because it will never exist.

Profchaos286d ago

Does Milo live under a bridge there

shinoff2183286d ago

Captain overseller is returning. Ain't heard his name in years.

shinoff2183285d ago

Peter was overselling games way way before cdprojectred, and bethesada

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Peter Molyneux has high hopes for Playground's Fable

One of the biggest reveals at this year's Xbox Games Showcase was the latest Fable trailer. After a lengthy stint of silence, Playground Games gave us a look at bits of the title, albeit in a trailer that was mostly made up of CGI nonsense headlined by comedian Richard Ayoade, who is playing a rather frustrated giant.

Molyneux asked about what he thought about the Fable reveal.

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4Sh0w387d ago

Damm thats a name I haven't heard from in what seems like since forever.

Nebaku387d ago

And we thank the lord each day.

Michiel1989387d ago

he actually was in the news every now and then with a (couple) scam games he made

Double_O_Revan387d ago

The exact same thought came to mind when I read the headline. It's been so long since we've heard his lies and over ambitions.

387d ago Replies(7)
Vengeance1138387d ago

A failed hack designer has high hopes for Fable lol incoming flop confirmed!

Godmars290386d ago

Well, he's not associated with it. Giving interviews talking about features never at any point mentioned with devs let alone introduced.

It might have a chance.

Godmars290387d ago

Peter Molyneux: Hideo Kojima minus ability and skill.

Godmars290387d ago

Think you mean ethics.

Also, whose defending Molyneux? Wasn't his last game a literal ripoff with him offering a prize but not giving it?

KwietStorm_BLM387d ago

I wonder if those hopes are higher or lower than Milo?

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Peter Molyneux's studio 22cans suffers layoffs

From GI.biz: "UK developer 22cans has suffered a round of redundancies, GamesIndustry.biz has learned.

The studio, founded by Fable creator Peter Molyneux, has laid off multiple employees, although an exact figure has not been disclosed.

A spokesperson said: "Unfortunately, due to a number of factors including projects reaching a certain stage in their development, we can confirm that a number of roles at 22cans have been made redundant."

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sourOG1256d ago (Edited 1256d ago )

Doesn’t that always happen with every studio lol? Contract workers for certain stages.

kythlyn1256d ago

I'm just surprised 22cans is still in business. They aren't communicating at all with their customers and they've abandoned their games in early access. Godus is still a mess that they're happy to keep selling without support. I kickstarted that game, and I have regrets.

Skywalker3331256d ago

Indeed, I was almost certain that they had closed down sometime ago :P

sourOG1256d ago

Wow that blows. I haven’t heard anything about them either, I just figured they were quietly working on something like ken Levine’s ghost story games.

Eamon1256d ago

Seriously, what is Peter Molyneux up to these days? In his prime, he was the most famous western developer in the world. Now he's doing f all.

njitram20001256d ago

If you look at the 22cans website...mobile games apparently

MasterChief36241256d ago

People became privy to his practice of promising big and delivering small. He is the perennial example of an artist that has huge ambition but not the resolve to follow through with those promises. I don't dislike him, as he has brought us some good games. But he is a constant punchline for me when I think of developers getting high and mighty.

Jericho13371256d ago

I saw an interview a few years ago saying he was inspired by the mobile gaming market and that anyone can become a “gamer”.

Such a shame, for all his critics he’s brought us some fantastic games and I’m sure he’d still be able to contribute something to the core gaming market.

lonewolf101256d ago

I'm surprised that they are still going to be honest.

fitofficial1256d ago (Edited 1256d ago )

They're not actually layoffs, they're fantastical multi-faceted journeys into lands of unimaginable unemployment giving the worker near-infinite freedom of choice.

jznrpg1256d ago

Yes . Classic Peter Molyneux

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