
Should PS3 Owners Play Mass Effect 1?

PlayStation 3 owners are finally getting the chance to experience the second installment in BioWare's epic sci-fi series, but outside of tracking down an Xbox 360 or a PC, there's no way for them to fully experience the first game from beginning to end. Reviewer Kat Bailey weighs in on the pros and cons of the PS3 edition's interactive Mass Effect: Genesis backstory comic, and if its worth taking the time to revisit the Normandy's first flight.

NYC_Gamer4998d ago

yes,if the person has that option.

Chug4998d ago

Exactly. But ME2 is still a great game whether you played the first one or not.

FrankMcSpank4998d ago

Sure, play it. Mass Effect is a brilliant game. Then just make the same choices in the Comic so you will have the same character progression. Or change it up a bit. The comic doesn't replace it, it is just a great way of loop-holing publishing rights issues.

nycredude4998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

I am 22 hours into Mass Effect 2 and while i love it I am starting to feel like Mass Effect 1 was a better game.

Edit: I meant to say story wise. Obviously it had it's technical issues but imo the story was more cohesive.

BkaY4997d ago

i dont understand whats the hype about.. i didnt like it ... its just not my type of game.. i guess.


doa7664998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

even the worst third person shooter I can think of (for example Wanted Weapons of Fate) has better third person shooting mechanics/cover system than the first Mass Effect

the first game had all the secondary stuff nailed, but the primary (gameplay) was lacking

ME2 can be played without having played the first and it won't affect the enjoyment at all

wu-stix4997d ago (Edited 4997d ago )

I hated many things about the first one, shitty menu system, stupid A.I helping your fights to the point that I would have to fight every battle myself not that that was difficult since the game was too easy. It also was slow and boring.

gamingdroid4998d ago

You don't know what you missed until you experience it.

So basically, you are likely NOT to miss ME1 if you only played ME2. However, a new world will open up if you do go back (or even play it prior to ME2) to play ME1.

It's hard to condense a 30-40 hour game into a 10-15 minute comic. It looses a lot of the details, experience and momentum build-up that you will never get from a comic. The option to import your save game from ME1 to ME2 and have some of the little things that you made affect the world is quite a compelling experience.

So if you can, I would highly recommend visiting ME1 if you haven't. Problem is your experience will be distorted if you don't take into account that ME1 is now a 3-year old game!

wu-stix4997d ago

ME1 would have been a lot better had it been shorter without all the fluff (ie go to this planet, drive around in your crappy car, shoot some bad guys beam back to the ship for the next planet to explore). Sure you could skip those parts but even though it's the future you waste time walking around all over the place.

visualb4998d ago


what i know is, they should play me2 regardless if they played me1 or not

a good game stands on its own

visualb4998d ago

aha ok, I guess DONT play ME2 if you havent played ME1. EVER. its not worth it./s

Marceles4998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

Personally I liked ME1 better than ME2...ME2 might be the more technically sound game but I felt ME1's RPG elements were deeper than ME2. I really enjoyed ME1's gameplay and level system other than driving parts.

Dorwrath4998d ago

Agreed with you on this.

I also prefer the M1 story to the M2 story. M2 story just is recruiting, do loyalty missions and fight the bad guy at the end.

doa7664998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

I played Mass Effect 1 when it first came out and played the sequel recently and I could barely remember anything about the story and that didn't prevent me from enjoying the sequel in the slightless

showtimefolks4998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

if you only have a ps3 play ME2 and than play ME1 on pc i don't think it takes a great pc to run ME1 so you should play it to better understand the story

i just bought a xbox360 again in October ME1-2 were the first 2 games i picked up and i kept both and now can not Waite for 3rd to take all my choices into the 3rd game and end the series on a high note


yes but i was just saying for those who played ME2 on ps3 and want to get the complete story. but either way playing both on one system is a better option since your choices carry over

but even if you are playing on ps3 get the whole story play the pc version of ME1 i don't think its that expensive

Newtype4998d ago

If you are going to get ME1 on PC, get ME2 on PC as well.

BattleAxe4998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

I wanted to get ME 1+2 on Steam, but theres no controller support, so its ME2 on PS3 for me. And besides, I love trophies.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4997d ago
RonaldRaygun4998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

Definitely. Not only is it an amazing game, but there's just no way to properly sum up the entire game to completely catch you up to speed for the second one.

In the PC/360 versions, you can import your save file from ME1 into the second one, slightly altering sidequests and little factoids in ME2. Even though this isn't possible on PS3, it's definitely worth playing for the experience and more immersion into the ME universe.

Cajun Chicken4998d ago

I don't think you should ignore it if you've played the second one and enjoyed it. You get a real feel for the universe due to all the dialogue with the different species in the first one. Real shame the driving sections were removed, plus, what's the big deal removing grenades? I still don't get that.

iamnsuperman4998d ago (Edited 4998d ago )

Played the demo its ok might pick it up after killzone 3 due to lack of money but yer maybe in March/April/May (at the latest) time

gillri4998d ago

if you have the option or any way of getting the option then yes

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ApocalypseShadow488d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox487d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast487d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.


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LordoftheCritics688d ago

Better not bring back Shepherd from the dead with some half assed space magic.

Snowb420688d ago

If you get your readiness level high enough in Mass Effect 3, *spoilers* you can see Shepard taking in a breath of air under some rubble. It would depend on whichever ending is canon.

687d ago
Fearmonkey687d ago

.....Search in youtube, mass effect shepard lives

MrVux000686d ago

Where is my ''Indoctrination Theory'' and ''Destroy'' ending gang at?

FPS_D3TH686d ago

I came here to say the indoctrination theory absolutely solidified the ending of this trilogy for me in the best way

Yui_Suzumiya686d ago

Guess you never played it then, lol

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rlow1687d ago

Yeah I saw that at the end of my play through as well. I think they will bring Shepard back….. or at least a mutant version turned villain. Lol