dkblackhawk504902d ago

Holy sh*t I just died, awesome!

captain-obvious4902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

ok here is what i think
in 0:22

thats YOU in a helgast uniform
probably a cut scene after a mission

the new bad guys look BAD ASS

those big mechs look GREAT

the new ISA general character seems interesting

scale looks BIIIIIIIIIIG

new weapons i can see some kind of a gravity gun

helgast leaders looks pissed at each other which kinda confirms that helgast civil war rumor we heard about a time ago (you'll join one side)

and new ninja kinda enemy at the end

this got EPIC writing all over it
day one

4902d ago
Iamback4902d ago

have to say that this trailer is EPIC, even if i am not interested in KZ

nix4902d ago

*holds this space for comment*

Pixel_Enemy4902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

I just got a 360 and bought Halo Reach (just to see what all the fuss was about) and I just can't get into it at all.

Killzone's gameplay and graphics have spoiled me. I CAN'T F*)%ing wait for KILLZONE 3!!!!!

Pixel_Enemy4902d ago

If you own a PS3 and you don't get this game, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! Also if you are playing Black OPS instead of KZ3...

WhittO4902d ago

OMG!! This looked AMAZING!!!

Can't Wait to play this aahhhh.

nix4902d ago

*struggles back on chair*

all's well here guys... all's well.


after seeing avatar chat or whatever its called i lost a bit of hope as a 360 owner,exclusives are non-existent for 2011 yet im ment to get excited about a bunch of cartoon avatars holding a tea party....smh

kz3 trailer was emotional

now show me some gears 3

jony_dols4902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )


I'm the same, I own a PS3 and KZ2, and a Xbox and Halo Reach. And I can't understand the praise and sales that the Halo series gets.

I think the Killzone 2 is in a different league in both gameplay and graphics. Is it just me or is the shooting elements feel last gen in Halo, shooting enemies doesn't give the same satisfaction as shooting in KZ or COD...

Halo is running on the fumes of its success on the original Xbox (Reach's gameplay feels the exact same as Halo 1), while Killzone seems to be getting better and better.

Commander_TK4902d ago

Lol, I love it how games try to be like movies.

Retro_Zombie4902d ago

Damn I'm so hype for this game! I have my pre-order locked in, can't wait! : )

Malcolm McDowell is in KZ3? Holy sh*t!

Imtey4902d ago

No comments about the music yet???
KZ has always had an underrated soundtrack

FrankMcSpank4902d ago

I think that is one of the most emotionally driven story trailers I have ever seen. I think GG have just waged war on the GOTY Awards. This looks to be more story driven than even Uncharted. I am so pumped for the campaign. Thank you Geurilla!

kharma454902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

Firstly, well cut trailer with some great music over the top, loved the throwback to the original game with the Hig troops lined up in formation.

Secondly I will say that this game definitely misses Visari, a decision I still hold against GG. He was, in my opinion, one of the most interesting parts of the fiction so I'm disappointed to see him replaced by these two very by the numbers leaders. They are both extremely stereotypical, especially the one with the mustache and the British accent, I felt like I've seen that character many times before. That already makes the game lose a lot of it's appeal story wise for me. I was never too bothered about all the ISA characters and like a lot of other people would rather have fought for the Helghast and by association Visari. He was an anti-hero of sorts.

The dialogue seemed terrible though, typical cheese, this game won't win any awards in that department. "We will win this war" and words to that effect do nothing for me and are part and parcel of the lack of empathy for the ISA and their cause, they seem so one dimensional and dry. Oh that and Rico, because he's an absolute *****. This was why Visari was so enjoyable to listen to, he stirred emotions and spoke in metaphors and imaginative language, unlike the typical ISA generic jarheads with their mohawks and light stubble.

captain-obvious4902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

one thing i just noticed
it looks like the game takes places in different time lines

sev had a different (clean) hair cut and a shaved beard at some point in that trailer

WhittO4902d ago


Ye Killzone always has a good soundtrack, it's one of the things that make a game alot better to men, if it has a good soundtrack.
That's one of the many reasons K2 was better to me than R2.

Also though, this is not original score for Killzone, it's made by a few people for trailer music. I think it was used for a Twilight trailer lol!

CernaML4901d ago

Just to remind everyone, we should probably leave N4G when the release date gets closer. You just know some jerk off 360 fanf*ck is going to come here and spam the ever loving sh*t out of every article with Killzone 3 spoilers.

Cenobia4901d ago


Yeah that 0.22 moment is weird. I remember the exact same scene in an earlier trailer but with an ISA dude standing there. I wonder if this is like a full circle moment or if they changed something in the game after the initial trailer.

MintBerryCrunch4901d ago

pause at 28 seconds....that leader is talking to the ISA and if you listen to what he is saying, that means that the ISA will be working with one side of the helghast faction....he says i know how to lead this nation, i will bring you justice....makes perfect sense, plus at 28 seconds thats Narville on the other side

Headquarters114901d ago


Same here. Halo Reach is the same overhyped crap Halo game. Extremely disappointed. Mind you, I played the hell out of Halo 3. I heard all these rave reviews about how Reach is the best Halo yet. But It's the same shit, nothing changed, the story is crappy. Singleplayer is boring. Barely any changes were made to the multiplayer. Killzone is better in everyway.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 4901d ago
Hellsvacancy4902d ago

I saw too much, wish i hadnt watched it now

INehalemEXI4902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

Can't stop watching.

"This an OutRAAAGE!"

RBLAZE19884902d ago

Smile on my face that whole damn time. Holy shit I was not expecting that. Tho Killzone 2 was awesome as hell guerilla really, really, really outdid themselves this time. They're not known for releasing well cut trailers but this one was un-f'in-believable. The single player looks frickin incredible I can't wait!!! Now to save money that I desperately need or blow it on the helghast edition...Wow that was a magnificent trailer. Looks like people won't be able to whine about the single player being shit. (Plus co-op!!) The multiplayer, also, will not disappoint most people who try it. Man 1st quarter of 2011 and there are already 3 ps3 10/10 games that are coming out in the next 2 months with more to follow. I gotta go drop this heavy ass killzone 3 deuce that built up when I was watching this.

Krypto4902d ago

OHPHUUUKIIINSUM!!! Especially the ending part where the helghast jumps towards them!! sick sick sick!!

Dart894902d ago

Quick someone get a medic in here this man won't have a happy death until he plays Killzone3.

TripleAAARating4901d ago

You gotta be fuckin kidding me, I said it before and I'll say it again, mark my words, by December 31st this year the PS3 will be titled the "greatest video game console in the video game industry's history"...... to many games exclusive to the console will be above my standards for the biased media to keep it down....

NAGNEWS4901d ago

i am not going to wash thiz eyes

Eyeco4901d ago

wow the story actually looks good this time

visualb4901d ago


eyes back on this, forget uncharted 3 I want this first! xD

(FOR A MOMENT i was more hyped for U3 than this, now its changed)

cannon88004901d ago

2/22/11 prepare to jizz in your pants.

sobekflakmonkey4901d ago

I started shivering from excitement...and im not kidding...

4901d ago
jdrman20074901d ago

In my opinion KZ 2 was a steaming hunk of generic crap (albeit a very polished hunk of crap that IMO looked better than Uncharted 2). Playing through the campaign was merely a means to an end and the constant loading was terrible. That's why I was very surprised at how pumped I was after seeing this trailer! I also heard that GG fixed the controls and they even consulted ND about improving their story telling. The voice acting also seems better this time so everything is pointing to a day one buy for me!

Oh and b4 u go labeling me a troll or overreact with mad fanboy hate check my comment history and my 3 PSN IDs (hakim101; dacoolestguyukno; and robinyousss) first...

callahan094901d ago

Constant loading? I only remember a brief loading screen between each level. That makes like 10 loading screens in the whole game and one every hour or two. Most games are worse than that.

jdrman20074901d ago

Yes constant loading. Every time something big happens during a level (which was often) the game would freeze and the little folder with the arrow in it would appear in the upper left hand corner. After about 5-10 seconds (sometimes as long as 15 >=[ ) the game returns to normal. Sorry to rant but I don't ever remember being so let down by a game... At least GG has listened and they're fixing many of these issues so I will be picking up the next installment. In the meantime I'll be playing MP in UC2. In fact, on rite nah. PSN: hakim101

CaliGamer4901d ago


Quote "Oh and b4 u go labeling me a troll or overreact with mad fanboy hate check my comment history and my 3 PSN IDs (hakim101; dacoolestguyukno; and robinyousss) first..."

That's like saying, "Yea, I used the N word, but look on my wall and you can see that I have black friends so it's cool"... or "Yes, I called that mentally disabled person retarded, but if you look on the wall my brother is a retard so it's cool".

Just because you have a PS3 doesn't mean you still aren't a troll, that rant wasn't needed, and factually inaccurate, callahan already addressed that tho.

Trolling for the cause. Keep it up brotha, drop in the bucket for an excellent game. ;-)

jdrman20074900d ago


Alright... After sleeping on it, I can see my rant was a tad unnecessary so I guess I got carried away. However I believe everything I said and how did callahan09 prove me wrong? Was he here recording my KZ2 playthrough showing that what I said happened during my campaign run didn't happen? I can't understand the mind of a fanboy at all I tell you what.

On another note that was a horrible analogy... If I would have said something like "I'm not a troll because I have friends who are not a troll!" then I can see your reference being relevant to my statement.

On another, another note I'm black and I have no problem with non-blacks saying the N-word as depending on the context. I treat it kinda like curse words. Me and my friends curse each other out all the time but if some random dude calls me a b@#$* or the N-wordhe's gonna have some problems. Its a complex issue that most people on N4G can't grasp anyway so I'm just gonna shut up lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4900d ago
EyeContact4901d ago

i just changed my pants again

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 4900d ago
Hands Up For Games4902d ago

That really does look awesome!!

So many good games in 2011 though so little time (and money!).

DoomeDx4902d ago


Are you stupid? Every pause on this video is awesome!!! :D

pxpxp4902d ago

This is an OUTRAGE!!! (lol that was epicness)

NAGNEWS4901d ago

this is sparta!!!!!!!!

Dark-Cloud94902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

can't watch it , my brother is playing and he won't let me see it because it will effict the connection T_T ...

killzone 3 will release in 22/2/2011
my birthday is in 23/2/2011 :D

pr0digyZA4902d ago (Edited 4902d ago )

That will be one sweet birthday.
Just watched trailer and have to say that was pretty epic and some awesome music. Looks like a big budget film.

Also we finally see where assassins creed 3 is taking place. Desmond miles in the future :P

Ascalon944901d ago

haha thats awesome Resistance 3 comes out on mine

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

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SullysCigar395d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor395d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar395d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg395d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149395d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138395d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim395d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC395d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.

So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138395d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle395d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76395d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 395d ago
REDGUM395d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730395d ago (Edited 395d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger395d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca395d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy395d ago (Edited 395d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal395d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright395d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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Killzone 3 is playable with mouse & keyboard on PC via RPCS3 & KAMI

DSOGaming writes: "While Sony does not plan to release Killzone 3 on the PC, Yahfz shared a video that gives us a glimpse at what such a PC version could look like."

Read Full Story >>
1146d ago
bouzebbal1146d ago

Still looks secure 2 gens later... one of my favorite ps3 moments. With 3D and move the game is on another level

MadLad1146d ago

PC almost always ends up the best place to play games, even if it takes a while.

What would you rather play decades down the line? A game at a fixed resolution and frame, considering you have a working disc, and the hardware?
Or run it on an emulator that can update the experience all around, and let you use whatever control input you prefer?

If you insist on the former, it's really only for the sake of nostalgia.

Applejack1146d ago

I disagree. The main draw for consoles has always be the simplicity of just putting the disc in / downloading it and playing without worrying about anything else. The average person just wouldn’t want to deal with emulation even though it’s very important for preservation.

Terry_B1146d ago

Even emulators are super simple to use.

jukins1146d ago

Youre getting flak because people on here thibk of themselves as pc wizards. But honestly most poeple try and go get emulators and romz they end up with malware.. yes theyre "easy" if you know the basics but alot of people dont. That said the fact that its taken nearly 20 years to get a sustantially better experience for ps3 games than on its native system shows the complexity of getting bc to work. Sony, if they have any intention, should just invest in a vastly better psnow experience.

1146d ago
Vegamyster1146d ago


Most people who emulate don't get malware, you'd have to be going to some weird sites for that to happen, heck years ago people were getting sketchier ad's resulting in malware warning on this site if you didn't have a ad-blocker lol.

SinkingSage1146d ago

Can't get malware if you legally dump your own games, which you should.

Rachel_Alucard1146d ago (Edited 1146d ago )

That's fine if that's the main draw, but it doesn't make it a better experience, just a preference. Having the freedom to do the things you can do on PC is what the appeal of PC is. Buying a game on PC means you never have to worry about the console makers just deciding the next hardware shouldn't support the generation anymore, which means everything you bought is stuck on that hardware instead of moving up with everything else. Nintendo uses this tactic to keep reselling the same games over and over at inflated prices. Sony cut all previous gens off the PS4 and sold it back to people in a poor attempt with PSnow. While the PS5 supports PS4 games, that may not be the case in the next gen after this. No to mention shutting off all the previous stores and updates completely. Even MS stopped making new BC titles at some point, so now there's a big list with 17 pages of titles that are not playable on Xbone and are just trapped on older gen. That's not a problem on PC, the reverse happens where you only have to worry if your hardware can play the newest releases at ultra with no issue.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1146d ago
AzubuFrost1146d ago

Shhh don't say that aloud! You're going to trigger a lot of console infidels here.

Shane Kim1146d ago

I rather play it when it's available then wait 10 years.

MadLad1145d ago

Did you purposely miss the entire point of my post?

Inverno1146d ago

Well that's the beauty of still owning a retro console tho. Those who usually complain about emulation are just being blindly loyal to a company. Emulation is great for many reason, but if I still owned the console then I disagree nothing beats plugging it back in and going down a nostalgia trip

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1145d ago
RevXM1146d ago

The RPCS3 devs are doing great work. And Kami works nicely with it too it seems.
Very neat.

Magatsuhi1146d ago

Been playing mgo on pc with mouse. It's not perfect but I can make it work.

Binarycode1146d ago

2 is the better game.

A Remake would be good. 60fps 2-4k

Omar3li1146d ago

60fps is peasant for FPS games now

1146d ago
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Top 10 PS3 Games We Hope Come Back On PS5

While Xbox has committed to backwards compatibility spanning four generations, PlayStation has continued their stance that the feature isn't important. Well, it is! I'm hoping these PlayStation 3 classics that skipped the PS4 entirely show up again on the PS5 for everyone to enjoy.

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Knightofelemia1324d ago

Resistance, Dead Space franchise, Splatterhouse, Lollipop Chainsaw, Brutal Legends, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved Journey to the West, Mass Effect franchise. Also wouldn't mind seeing a new Wild Arms game remake or HD remaster, the Xenosaga trilogy, a new Parasite Eve, a new Dino Crisis just too many games to list that are forgotten and left in the dark now adays.

Sciurus_vulgaris1324d ago

The PS3 is difficult to emulate. PS3 backwards compatibility on PS5 would require translation from PowerPC to x86. Additionally the PS5 likely would have to mimic the PS3’s GPU and CPU.

ApocalypseShadow1324d ago

**Luster Network
Your privacy choices
We and our partners process personal data such as IP address, unique ID, browsing data. Some partners do not ask for your consent to process your data, instead, they rely on their legitimate business interest.**

This is what pops up on my web browser. So I can't even read the site. So, forget that. They don't need my data.

But let's get something straight. OG Xbox had around 1,001 games. How many are BC on Series X? **39** THIRTY NINE. Come on! That's wack BC. You can't tell me that's a complete list. Talking about commitment. Game preservation. Ridiculous. Covers nothing.

How many games released on Xbox 360? Around 2085. How many are BC?
568. That's it. Around 1,517 are **MISSING** Stop playing. Tired of that nonsense.

Anyway, the only games I really want from PS3 that would be awesome are Motorstorm and MGS4. I'll take BC. I'll take a remaster. I'll take a remake. If not those, then Killzone 2. And in VR, maybe Sports Champions, House of the Dead Overkill and the Time Crisis games.

That's all I need. But we've gone over BC again and again in every possible way. It wasn't that important because Sony sold 115 million consoles without it. That's proof enough with no outcry. And PS5 has damn near all 4,000+ PS4 games BC. It's not PS1,PS2 and PS3. But that's plenty. I'll take more but you get what you get.

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