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Why Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the best game from 2010

From DamnLag:

"Super Mario Galaxy 2 was our runaway Game of the Year. As Steve said, Our Laggiest of Laggy awards wasn’t an easy decision; a lot of great games came out this year. But Mario, per usual, came out on top when it was all said and done, and now’s the time to explain why. Steve, Genki, Doug, Kyle, Vince and myself were all asked to discuss a certain element of the game we found so great, that it was worth writing a few paragraphs to explain. These are the reasons why SuperMario Galaxy 2 stood out among the crowd, and why we thought it was the best game of 2010."

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Community5012d ago
Valay5012d ago

It was definitely one of my favorite games of the year. I just loved how entertaining it was. Although, I think Galaxy 1 is just slightly better.

showtimefolks5012d ago

its more of a personal taste.

for me the best game was well 2 games, Yakuza 3 and RDR

RDR to many was a great game but Yakuza 3 was so great and i don't expect everyone to agree but that's the thing with GOTY or best game its what you liked the best for that particular year

Overmind4205012d ago

Maybe the best Wii game, but not the best game overall. That would have to go to Starcraft 2.

boogeyman9995012d ago

Hard to compare don't ya think?

jammydude5012d ago

Not Heavy rain, God of War 3, GT5, Halo reach or any other game? My personal GOTY was a three way split (so indecisive, lol) between GOW3, GT5 and Heavy rain

FinalSpartan5012d ago

Its simple

Mario Galaxy 2 owned PS3 & Xbox 360.

PS3Freak5012d ago

Lol, you're joking right?

FinalSpartan5012d ago


its only does

97% Metacritic name me what PS3 Xbox 360 exclusive match its quality

hey forget the highest rated exclusive this gen. Lets talk about how freaken awesome the game actually is?

PS3Freak5012d ago

It's Mario of course they are going to give it a high rating.

So are you saying that because GTAIV got a 98 in 08, that it was the GOTY that year. We all know how overrated that game was(although it was still quite good).

punkpop1015012d ago

Damn right ps3 fanboys damn right.

ChickeyCantor5012d ago

"It's Mario of course they are going to give it a high rating. "

I know that reviewers arent always honest.
But when a game is bad, they will say its bad. You can't deny a bad game.
Mario games are just that, great games.

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God of war 3 was the best game last year

Theyellowflash305012d ago

God of War 3 had the best graphics of the year..... was not the best game. Especially gameplay wise. Bayonetta and Castlevania Lords of Shadow both had more complex and depth in there battle systems and in Castlevania's case the story was better for me. I didn't even understand GOW 3's ending until my friend read a wiki on it and told me what I just saw.

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Xanatos20005012d ago

*sigh* I guess this makes Galaxy 3 auto-GOTY if that ever comes out.

MechaZain5012d ago

It IS the best platformer of all-time

jammydude5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

Personally I'd vouch for LittleBigPlanet 1 or 2 but to each his own :)
@ Alphamale
You do know SMG1/2's stories were their biggest cons right? The same old rehashed mario story seen in more than 200 other mario games /=/ amazing storyline. LBP1/2, while maintaining platforming game mechanics, offers a lot more than SMG1/2.

-Alpha5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

SMG is a far superior platforming game, I don't see how LBP comes close, especially considering that SMG is a 3D game fully built on solely platforming. A more appropriate comparison would be other 2D sidescrolling gams like Donkey Kong.

SMG actually has more appropriate platforming mechanics and a much better campaign (think double jumps, etc). The bosses, platforming, and story is much better in SMG, while LBP is more oriented towards having a fun social experience and the campaign is more to demonstrate the creativity tools as opposed to creating a platforming game.

LBP2 actually does a little more with the power-ups and such but that game is again more a creative toolbox with the emphasis on making genres.

Baka-akaB5012d ago

LBP2 is an excellent platform games on its own , asides from the creation craze .

But let's not be silly , on its own as a platformer(a part i insist upon) , it's not better than SMG .

hell the also excellent ratchet and clank would be better than LBP in those aspects .

PS3Freak5012d ago

Ratchet and clank, Jak and Daxter, Littlebigplanet, Sly Cooper say HI!!! Also, Super Mario 64 says Hi too. Super mario 64 was and always will be the best traditional mario game.

jammydude5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )

Erm, guys. It's an opinion lol hence "to each his own" Personally I preferred LBP1 and look to prefer LBP2 as a platforming experience as opposed to SMG, but that's just me :) Just don't go spouting
"SMG is a far superior platforming game", "The bosses, platforming, and story is much better in SMG", "But let's not be silly , on its own as a platformer(a part i insist upon) , it's not better than SMG "
as if it were fact. Those are just opinions. The agrees and disagrees are also people's opinions. Opinions are not fact, just cool it a little.

@ alpha below
Yup, both of them. I've not completed both, mind, but spent a good few hours on each to give my opinion on it

Arguing an opinion is fine, as long as definitives like IS, ISN'T and AREN'T aren't used to imply factuality in a paragraph devoid of non-fiction.

Knushwood Butt5012d ago

@ Alpha

Just as well you edited out your comment about SMG2's story...

-Alpha5012d ago (Edited 5012d ago )


I was speaking in comparison to LBP regarding story. Have you played SMG btw?

Yes it's an opinion but I don't see why it can't be argued/discussed. We are talking about what makes a platforming game and I don't think LBP has the level of depth that SMG does. Boss fights are very shallow in LBP and I don't see how they are more enjoyable, for example, do you? In addition, the AI in LBP is practically non-existent consisting of simply jumping on their heads as opposed to what you may find in SMG, the boss battles are better constructed, etc. Are you really stating that this is an opinion, because I don't see how it is so. It's not to say you enjoy one over the other but I don't see how LBP compares in terms of certain platforming aspects.

LBP's platforming is limited by 2D if you are going to compare it to a 3D game. I don't see how platforming games like SMG, R&C, Jak, etc. are inferior to a 2D sidescrolling platformer. The comparison doesn't seem right. You would be better off comparing it to Super Mario World.


I wasn't trying to assert fact, I was just as well stating an opinion while arguing against yours-- sorry if it came off as assertiv.


My comment on the story is there, I just edited some of it where I meant to talk about the campaign as opposed to just the story

ChickeyCantor5012d ago

"Personally I'd vouch for LittleBigPlanet 1 or 2 but to each his own :) "


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bananlol5012d ago

Best platformer of all time? I dont know about that, personally id say that all the 2d mario games are far superior. Now NSMBWii on the other hand was goty material. That + friends + beer = the most fun ive ever had with a video game...ever. But back to galaxy 2, got the game but never beat it. There is just something with it that leaves a foul taste in the back of my mouth. I guess its my GTA4:)

rainbowfission5012d ago

Great read, glad to see something other than a shooter become the game of the year.

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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melons199d ago
Barlos197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.

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Knightofelemia1293d ago

I know it's not a Wii title but it can be played on the Wii I want the Metroid Prime games on the Switch I have never played them.

darthv721292d ago

I wouldnt mind seeing a conduit compilation on the switch.

Yi-Long1292d ago

Would like to see MadWorld getting a proper new release.


5 Wii Games that Need to be Ported to Nintendo Switch

5 Wii Games that Need to be Ported to Nintendo Switch - The Nintendo Switch would be a great home to the following Wii games...

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Community1339d ago
Nyxus1339d ago

Pandora's Tower and The Last Story.

northpaws1339d ago

Switch needs less ports and more original games.

DefaultComment1339d ago

what it needs is not your opinion that's for sure.

northpaws1339d ago

Omg, you are so witty, somehow can provides even less value than my comment. I don't know about you, but I prefer Pikmin 4 over Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 9 over Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, BotW2 over BotW Wii U port, a new Donkey Kong instead of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze from Wii U...

But I guess I am just being weird here, who the fuck would want a new entry. /S

Neonridr1339d ago

Red Steel 1 & 2 Remastered Collection please. I adored the 2nd title.

Cuzizkool1339d ago (Edited 1339d ago )

I don’t think it would be so bad to turn Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort into a continuing franchise. The Wii isn’t around anymore, but we still get New “Super” Mario Bros, which the original “super” was based on the Super Nintendo console. Nintendo tried switching it up (heh) with 1-2 Switch, but that wasn’t nearly as big a hit. I think if they did an HD remaster of Wii Sports, or a new entry in the “series”, it would have immediate name recognition and would pull in some casuals, as well as some who want to get that sweet sweet nostalgia.

iplay1up21339d ago

I did not like Skyward Sword. I played till the bird part, and just couldn't do it anymore. It felt like a chore playing it. Also, I am a Zelda fan, and this is the only Zelda game I didn't like.

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