
'Killzone 3' With PlayStation Move Is The Way To Play It

MTV Multiplayer writes: "In the interest of full disclosure, I was not terribly fond of the campaign in "Killzone 2," and one of the issues I had was the controls, which felt slow and stiff. The standard controls for "Killzone 3" feel a bit tighter than its predecessor, but it turns out the best way to play Guerrilla's anticipated shooter is with PlayStation Move, which is something I did last night."

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Moonboots5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

If it plays like Time Crisis demo then no way.. I will take the DS3 as well but I will still take it for a spin with my Move's.

sunnygrg5004d ago

"I was not terribly fond of the campaign in Killzone 2"

Close_Second5004d ago

The campaign in K2 was pretty forgettable. It was sublime in terms of visuals and audio but the single player campaign was pretty generic. I also hated the end of game boss battle with that disappearing reappearing nonsense that was not in keeping with the rest of the game.

Longrod_Von_Hugendon5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Are you kidding me? To be able to use a device in a FPS game and physically point to where you want to aim/shoot is a hell of a lot better than a dual-shock. For SP mode but if we're talking MP well that's another story.

And to the idiots who downvote and claim KZ2 SP was blasé you're full of fail.


Here you forgot to include these two little letters 'U' and 'N' in forgettable.

Jrome5004d ago

Oh...it wasn't in keeping with the rest of the game...even though the snipers could also cloak? Which would mean that the general of the army...would have access to this tech as well?

Shows how much you really payed attention to the campaign.

Kz2 had a good campaign.

Close_Second5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

...had cloaks so when they were still made them damn near invisible but this was not the case at the end. He would disappear and reappear somewhere else and you could not see him as he moved.

Single player again was just another move to point A, plant a bomb or turn a switch, walk to an invisible checkpoint for something else to happen. Not once did I feel like I could do what I wanted to try and change the outcome of the war. Also, for a war that was supposed to be on a planetary scale I never once got the feeling I was in the middle of a fight between two immense opposing forces. It needed to be something more along the lines of the invasion sequence in the Chronicles of Riddick movie but with more resistance from the defending army.

Take away the stunning visuals and this game would not have gotten any attention for its single player campaign.

Sillyace925004d ago

Um, no Killzone 2's campaign was pretty forgetable you guys can deny deny deny but that doesn't mean it's not the truth, and Killzone 2 was never about quick reflexes as stated in the article.

RedDead5004d ago

No one's saying the campaign was bad, it's just Decent, like most shooters it had an 'Ok' campaign. I haven't even bothered to finish it so I can't comment on it. Killzone's main feature is it's online(after it's graphics of course) and it stands up in the multiplayer department(while it lasted)

msbabie200345004d ago

don't even reply to jrome, he praises everything sony. the games, the choices they make to him it's all amazing, and should be to EVERYONE ELSE.

bet he likes vehicles in multiplayer, regen health, repawns too. you guys say "your hard core" gamers, i can list on one hand this gen "hard core games"

trust me the old hardcore gamers are being left out to dry this gen. i tried to stress that in a socom 4 post but he doesn't get it. i guess we are all suppose to love the "call of duty treatment" so many old great shooters this gen have succombed to this gen.

in jrome's world its all flowers and rainbows lol

DORMIN5004d ago

Damn a whole lot of complaining which is better or prefered.


DarkTower8055004d ago

All we need is official GG M4 Revolver and StA18 Pistol attachment for the Move.

Definately playing single player with Move, but most likely using the DS for online, too competative there.

TheLastGuardian5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Don't even compare Time Crisis and Killzone. Time Crisis is on rails and has nowhere near the amount of polish as Killzone 3. I can't wait to play Killzone 3 with my move and navigation controller. RE5 works great with the move and I expect KZ3 to work alot better. We'll have to wait and see if it works better than the DS3 but after playing RE5 with move I expect the title of this article to be very true.

SoapShoes5004d ago

Um the story wasn't anything special in KZ2 but the campaign was freaking great! The cover gameplay was introduced to FPS, the AI blew AI from other FPSs away, and the general gameplay was excellent(although everything can be improved). The story left much to be desired though.

DaTruth5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

"Not once did I feel like I could do what I wanted to try and change the outcome of the war"

That whole level on the bridge and then the run up to the final boss was all about pushing the enemy back and they would often retake ground. It was all about you turning the tide of the war and the A.I. was shining at this particular point!

Maybe you felt the entire game should be like this, but that would be difficult to program from a level design perspective and I'd like to see the list of games that are actually doing this!

Morpheuzpr5003d ago

The exact same can be said about Halo Reach, yet its the second coming of Jesus right.

To the fan of the series (that means ppl who actually played and finish the other 2 KZ games) the story was good at the very least. Most ppl just don't understand KZ storyline and especially Rico's story and his relationship with the helgast or even the fact that Virari invaded Veckta not once but twice.

Oh but Halo fans think that sorry excuse of a story is amazing.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5003d ago
ArchangelMike5004d ago

360RRODFIX - dude try it before you bash it! I'm just saying it might actually be good and enhance the gameply.

360RRODFIX5004d ago

bash? You seriously need help if you consider my comment "bashing", more like PREFERENCE!

Karum5004d ago

How can you prefer DS3 to Move for KZ3 when you haven't tried it?

It's not like this is gonna be a clunky Wii-mote experience.

Nothing wrong with preferring the DS3 over Move for it, but you can't really say which you prefer unless you have a basis for comparison.

KwietStorm_BLM5004d ago

We're already comfortable with the dualshock. Theres your basis.

mastiffchild5003d ago

Then why even look at a "KZ3/Move" story let alone comment? Not having a dig, I just don't understand why you'd care enough to read if you're that set in your ways you aren't ever going to try anything new on this front. If you haven't tried it, to be truthful, you don't know, do you? And if you're happy with the DS3 in every respect why comment here at all?

Karum5003d ago

Having tried only one control scheme is not a basis for comparison when deciding which one you prefer.

Being comfortable with one is fine, but you can't really say you prefer it over another without actually having tried it.

"I don't care to try another control scheme" would be a more appropriate thing to say rather than you basically don't like a control scheme you've never tried.

KZ3 with Move might end up sucking for all I know...I'll be trying it out though so that I can at least actually know if it does or not.

RedDragan5003d ago

You have no basis for prefering the DS3 over Move in reference to KZ3.

What you are showing is not a preference, because you haven't tried the Move in a KZ environment. So you need to replace the word preference with bias.

Using DS3 for KZ3 is you bias.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5003d ago
lodossrage5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

If someone says it's a blast to them, then to THEM it's a blast.

If someone says it's forgettable, then to THEM it's forgettable.

Nobody needs to "deny deny deny" because it's THEIR opinion.

Now about the move. it MIGHT and MIGHT not be good for kz3. the problem is, it's new tech. I just got MAG so I'll see IF I can adjust to it on that game. So to be honest, I can't give any insight on if "move is the way to play it" as this article claims

crzyjackbauer5004d ago

i liked kz1 campaign and and kz2 was good/decent
the multiplayer is were the game sucked

maxcer5003d ago

KZ2 wasn't all that great for me either. i didn't even try the MP. and you say the MP is where the game sucked? good thing i didn't waste my time.

dead_eye5003d ago

Killzone 2 MP is one of the best I've played this gen. Shame you didn't waste your time.

avengers19785004d ago

I will give both a try, but will most likely be playing with the DS3 controller most of the time.

Microsoft Xbox 3605003d ago

The fact that you could say Killzone and Move together in a sentence is why it's already a success.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5003d ago
Cyrus3655004d ago

Interesting, I wonder if Move player will eventually get the advantage, especially when 'on the move'...


There are a lot of examples in MAG.

slutface5004d ago

Move is as almost accurate as a mouse. I can really see the move working well with fps.

Close_Second5004d ago

The mouse still has an advantage over a joystick for its sensitivity and accuracy. However where the move is better is that it provides friction free movement allowing for much more sweeping movements.

I doubted the Move for FPS before it was released but having used it I can definitely see its potential. My only question will be how fast fatigue will set in when using it over dualshock.

msbabie200345004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

i like ya honesty up there. killzone 2's campaign wasn't anything special. i am hoping that aspect of the game changes in killzone 3. your honesty though on n4g will get you slaughtered by bubble raping sony fanboys sadly.

good luck

talltony5004d ago

The story and narrative in kz2. What it did was immerse you like no fps has before. Everything about the campaign immersed me. Every battle, the graphics, the physics. That is where killzone 2 truly shined. It made you feel like you were fighting a war. That is why the campaign is not forgettable. I have played a ton forgettable fps campaigns this gen but won't even bother to mention them.

On topic I think move will be good to play the campaign with but when it comes to online I think I'll stick to what I am used to and use the ds3.

DaTruth5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

Love how you 360 owners always play the victim! I lost a bubble in a Toshiba Cell TV article for trolling when a comment string discussing PS3's turning into Skynet and killing us all, was replied with: "No they will destroy all 360's and Wii's"; To which I replied: Yay, no more 360 fanboys and stated openly I was kidding!

If you even put down the 360, you will lose bubbles on this site! Most of the mods are pretty enthusiastic about their 360's!

I never troll, that was total BS!

thrust5004d ago

lol, are you joking me?

mouse and keybroad owns everythin when it comes to FPS games when consoles started playing FPS games it was bad enough that you used a pad let alone this thing, why do you thing they have added auto aim and are making pads and move games separate.

i guess you have never played a PC much?

slutface5004d ago (Edited 5004d ago )

and I guess u never tried the move with sports champion....archery...then tell me how accurate the move can potentially be with fps

Bolts5003d ago

I have the Move and nav controller and while I don't know how the Move will perform in KZ 3, I can say with certainty that it is no where nearly as good as the mouse for MAG not even close.

The free floating aiming reticle is incredibly counterintuitive and the constant need to wave your aiming point all over the screen can cause some terrible wrist strains. Mouse users keep their sight centered and make very quick precise adjustments when aiming. The current Move implementation is nothing like that.

JoeReno5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )


Wrist strain? seriously.. I havent had an issue at all, but it sure makes you sound like a vagina. Maybe its your LaMar limp wristed Move style of playing thats causing the trouble.

raztad5003d ago (Edited 5003d ago )

"The free floating aiming reticle is incredibly counterintuitive"

It is counterintuitive for someone used to a gamepad for so long. I went through this as well. In the first 2 or 3 hours playing with MOVE I had a very bad time following the free reticule, and always found myself looking at the center of the screen. If you dont give up, it starts to make more and more sense and feel more and more intuitive and second nature.

At this moment I almost have MOVE mastered, my only grip with it is the gesture for knifing. It needs a little practice. Overall I'm very happy with MOVE, and kick or not kick azzes in MAG only comes down to my personal skills and not the control itself.

Regarding the wrist strain, just get a more comfortable position for your wrist.

cyborg69715003d ago

Maybe if wormzer made a controller specific for his limp wristic playing style he would rule. Nice one.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5003d ago
Holeran5004d ago

I see this as being a big advantage after hearing what people are saying after useing the move in MAG. If it works as well as some say it will be a blast.

KratosGirI5004d ago

I didn't really enjoy Move controls with MAG. Maybe this one is different?

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20 Years of Guerrilla: The Story of a PlayStation Studio

The Amsterdam-based studio reflects on its humble beginnings, beloved franchises, and growth through the years.

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SullysCigar409d ago

Up there with the top tier in the industry. Love Guerrilla Games - Horizon Burning Shores is simply STUNNING.

1Victor409d ago

Can’t wait for their next franchise

SullysCigar409d ago

Same. They nailed it with Horizon. The trouble is I also want a new Killzone! Can't I just have it all?!

jznrpg408d ago

I’m with you I want Horizon 3 , Killzone and new IPs

badz149408d ago

I have yet to play Burning Shores as I just started Forbidden West (bought at launch, just unwrapped last weekend LOL) and playing on PS5.

man...I still can't believe the graphics especially now I'm playing it on my LG OLED. that graphics and with stable performance backing it up, GG really is the master of their craft!

Vengeance1138409d ago

32.7M sales in the Horizon franchise! With 8.4M coming from Forbidden West alone! Truly a hugely successful game and franchise as a whole. Looking forward to Horizon III

Shane Kim409d ago

That's kind of a huge drop though. It's only been two games.

VersusDMC409d ago

One year after realease HZD sold 7.6 million.


So not a drop off.

Unless you're saying a HFW should have sold as much now as HZD sold in 5 years?

Vengeance1138409d ago

It's been 3 games, this includes Call of the Mountain. Also no, its a great improvement over HZD.

solideagle409d ago

lol you are comparing:

HZD: 28 February 2017 - May 2023 (6 years+)

HFW: 18 February 2022 - May 2023 (1 year+)

We will see if it surpass original number.

Phoenix76409d ago

@shane, 2 full main games, 2 DLC add ons, 1 VR spin off game, oh and a an official LEGO set.
Not too bad for an ip that's only been on market for 6 years

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 409d ago
REDGUM408d ago

Wow, very impressive. I didn't know the numbers were so high for Forbidden West. Still playing through it myself

thesoftware730409d ago (Edited 409d ago )

Yooo, when I first saw that Killzone 1 footage at E3, my friends my brothers and I were like, Holy shit! When it came out, it didn't look exactly like it, but we sunk so many hours into 1 & 2.

I even liked Killzone: SF, it was a spectacle to look at, and even today it looks good. I hope they make a new one. Can you imagine how that will look, and they can get some modern FPS pointers from Bungie.

blacktiger408d ago

thank you fps lover, I'm with you

talocaca409d ago

Such a wonderful studio. They deserve all their success.

The Decima Engine is absolute 🔥 I'm just mad they have abandoned Killzone.

OzzY-waZZy409d ago (Edited 409d ago )

Kinda wish they move on from Horizon tbh.

potatoseal409d ago

They are probably working on mutiple projects. One of them is Horizon 3, but another is a multiplaer game and probably somehting else.

Imalwaysright409d ago

There were rumours that they were working on a Socom reboot.

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Air Conflicts: Secret Wars - PlayStation Move's Best Kept Secret

Air Conflicts: Secret Wars debuted in 2011, and later updated for modern consoles. However, it's the PlayStation 3 edition that stands out.


Why the PlayStation Move Failed

Sony's PlayStation Move may not have been able to contend with Nintendo's Wii, but it paved the way for PlayStation VR's success story.

SullysCigar1013d ago

I use them most days and have for years 🤷🏻‍♂️

They're definitely way past a needed update, but I've got a tonne of fun out of them, so they haven't failed me.

bouzebbal1013d ago

The best motion control platform it's so intuitive.. Died due to lack of support from Sony.. It had some amazing games

thorstein1013d ago

They are used constantly for PSVR games. So, no they haven't failed. Neither has PSVR (or VR in general.)

Bigman4k1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

The article was talking about why it ps move failed before psvr came along


It failed because it sucked plain and simple.

LOGICWINS1013d ago

I feel that's a bit harsh. To this day, playing Killzone 3's campaign with PS Move/Sharpshooter gun combo is the most fun/immersive experience I've ever had with an FPS.

I think Move was simply not as profitable as Sony wanted it to be, but it didn't "suck".


It most definitely sucked. You people can act like it was something special all you want but it was horrible. The entire motion control fad was a waste of resources and time. Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming. It's ok to admit it...

Minute Man 7211013d ago


The Move was better that the Wii mote. If the Wii was anywhere accurate as the Move was you could say the Wii was better. Sure it sold boatloads but was it really played consistently??

yeahokwhatever1013d ago

I played it in 3D with the move gun on a 100 inch projector and it BLEW MY MIND. I was exhausted, but i finished the campaign standing there.

SullysCigar1013d ago

"Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming"

Just no. Games release most weeks (for years now) that support Move controllers. Some ONLY use Move controllers.

Look, I get you're not a fan, but if you're going to rant, at least inform yourself in advance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1013d ago
LordoftheCritics1013d ago

I would say both Move and Kinect weren't supported properly.

Sony and MS abandoned what could have been amazing.


Kinect sucked too. I would say Kinect may have been cool had it worked as intended but it was ahead of it's time. Both Kinect and Move are gimmicks nothing more. I honestly don't see why Sony still implements "motion controls" recent controllers. Who really uses that crap? And to play what?

Profchaos1013d ago

I so t think Sony abandoned the move it's technically repurposed and still supported on the ps5 just for VR

RedDevils1013d ago

Kinect should be kept as media interactive features.

LordoftheCritics1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

Again if it was supported right.

Where even a fast click of my fingers could get an immediate in game response.

It feels trash because we have been shown or lived with bad versions of gesture based tech. Think Minority Report fast. That could be something.

''You people can act like it was something special all you want but it was horrible.''

No one is acting like it was special, I said it could be amazing.

''I think Move was simply not as profitable as Sony wanted it to be''

Like I said, it wasnt supported. Give us a AAA game with precision gestures well implemented into the game and then we can discuss profits.

1013d ago

I don't deal in "what if". It wasn't supported right and even if it was it was still a gimmick.

thorstein1013d ago

"Like I said, it wasnt supported. Give us a AAA game with precision gestures well implemented into the game"

You just described every AAA PSVR game. And even the indies have incredible integration. No Man's Sky VR is insanely good.

Silly gameAr1013d ago

And, you can act like it was horrible, but I had a blast with my Move. I had the whole collection of House of the Dead, Dead Space Extraction, and RE Darkside Cronicles, The Fight, and Socom 4, and I would play the hell out of those games I even beat a playthrough of the Resistance 3 campaign with the Move. Getting drunk and playing with friends was a freaking blast.

You can pretend that you had a move and played it all you want SPeak the Truth, but it was accurate, and usually on point. I hate when people act like they've played something just to trash it, when they really just have a vendetta, and think the Move is easy prey for your hate.

Minute Man 7211013d ago

Wait you can play Dead Space with the Move?? I need it

Orchard1013d ago

“You can pretend that you had a move”

I love this crazy idea that if someone has something bad to say about hardware/software - they must be lying about owning it and clearly do not own it!

Because all hardware and software has a 100% approval rating from all purchasers…

P_Bomb1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

Shoot I forgot about Dead Space Extraction and Umbrella Chronicles. Had those too. Still do (digital).


I have a vendetta against Move? Lmao that's the most ridiculous comment I've read today. I didn't buy it because like I said motion controls are gimmicks. I had a Wii and it was decent enough but a gimmick although successful. I had a Kinect and it too was trash. Don't act as if you know what I have and haven't owned. Move was nothing more than a Wiimote ripoff

yeahokwhatever1013d ago

SO MANY really great experiences for the Move. The Fight was excellent!

Silly gameAr1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

@Minute Man

There was a game called Dead Space Extraction that you could play the Move with.

@Orchard. Please don't reply to me, because every time I say something to you, I magically end up restricted. So, just ignore me like I ignore you, so there will be no hurt feelings, please.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1013d ago
Vanfernal1013d ago

"Ever single motion controller besides the Wii failed and is no longer being used today in gaming. It's ok to admit it..."

That is demostrably false.... Most VR games have motion controls and the PSVR uses the Move controllers.

SPEAKxTHExTRUTH1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

VR games have a controller most of the time not some magic wand. And VR is not the same as PS move or Kinect. I'm not a fan of VR either. A controller and a couch is all I need for my gaming needs.

Vanfernal1013d ago


"And VR is not the same as PS move or Kinect."

PSVR LITERALLY uses the Move controllers. Now it's just obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. You're saying Move failed and nobody uses it anymore when it's an integral part of PSVR and is still being used in 2021.

ScootaKuH1013d ago

It didn't suck. It worked but the games just weren't there, that's why it failed.

Father__Merrin1013d ago

The move was excellent it was 1 to 1 precise time crisis was a joy to play aswell as sports champions it didn't hit mainstream as it was an addon unlike Nintendo wiimote

1013d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1013d ago
Godmars2901013d ago

Lack of games that proved the concept that 3rd parties could then copy en masse?

Silly Mammo1013d ago

I wish that someone would have made a proper boxing game. I still have a blast with the Sports Champions boxing, but to have a boxing game that was more in-depth would have been awesome.

Dario_DC1013d ago

Try Creed for PSVR, it's brilliant

OMGitzThatGuy1013d ago

Because it was a uninspired ripoff of the Wii controller without the Nintendo library to back it and didn't try to put any real effort into development such as getting their top developers to make games for it and instead gave tech demos disguised as games to their least talented developers so the best can focus on single player only games.

Ryushaa1013d ago

Except the Move was an idea roughly implemented in the PS2. Yes, I'm serious.
Just search on youtube: PlayStation 2 - Motion Controller (2004)

Nonetheless, just like the whole Wii, it was more of a gimmick than a proper input evolution in games.

jukins1013d ago

Exactly. Its funny time and time again sony is the first innovate. Often at its own peril. Like your example the move started on ps2 taken advantage of by nintendo. Sony buys gakai for game streaming only for other companies to overtake them.

Profchaos1013d ago

Are you talking about the gametrak on os2 which used strings to track your hand position I used to have this and a gold game it was awesome but the game itself sucked if it had integration with tiger woods or something it would be way better the tracking was excellent even back then as it wasn't using guesswork.
However the game was very forgiving and no way to turn it harder and no licensed players or courses hurt it.

1013d ago Replies(2)
yeahokwhatever1013d ago

99% of the Wii's games were "shovelware", in fact, I think thats what started that phrase..

EvertonFC1013d ago

Socom, killzone, resistance and tiger wood 14 were great with the move but agree lacked more games.

yeahokwhatever1013d ago

There were plenty of games and I'm glad that not every game became a Move game.

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