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Dead Space Extraction is now on PS3 - features co-op, move support and more

Dead Space Extraction is now exclusively on the PlayStation3 with Dead Space 2 Limited Edition for the first time in full HD. Dead Space Extraction on PlayStation 3 will offer the entire single-player game now complete with all-new trophy support, as well as co-op gameplay, using the new PlayStation Move motion controller. Key features revealed...

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This is extremely old news. This has been announced since June.
DMason5048d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
I don't understand how this is relevant. This was announced during E3 and all the other details were announced a long time ago too. This is old news.
CranberryPub5048d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(0)
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Bad Editing
Dead Space Extraction now on PS3 - features co-op, move support and more That's the original title. Take out exlusively.
Wildarmsjecht5048d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community5048d ago
Baltis5048d ago (Edited 5048d ago )

Exclusively? How can this be when it's on the wii? Kinda vague and misrepresented. I still look forward to playing it with move, though. Gotta use that thing for something, right? Heck, I haven't had a reason to play it since launch day. I 'm not aware if you can use the nav controller for it or not, but I want more nav support out of move. I'd love to see Two nav controllers supported in game for real. One for each hand.

Karooo5048d ago

Sports champions is a fantastic game, use it with heavy rain, wait for time crisis etc

Active Reload5048d ago

He's right though, it isn't an exclusive anymore. There isn't any way to spin that.

Kos-Mos5048d ago

karoo you sound a little too desperate.
Sony is a great gaming-company with many great games on their consoles. Probably most of my gaming have been on a Sony console so that you know I`m no Sony hater, BUT for the love of god can`t people admit move is a direct copy of Nintendo`s success, and therefor it is just a gadget you will use for 5% on your gaming on PS3.

Biggest5048d ago

If you go by the wording, the multi-pack is exclusive. Of course the single game Dead Space: Extraction is not an exclusive. But the combo of DS:E and DS2 is an exclusive combo.

zootang5048d ago (Edited 5048d ago )

Why are people so quick to discredit Sony? They bring games, they have always brought games.


People want a HD Wii, Sony brought it and improved greatly on it. "5%" you do know it can replace the DS3 for games like MAG, Resi 5, Killzone 3, Tiger Woods, Dead Space 2 and plenty more to come.

nycredude5048d ago


Did you buy the Move? Have you played it extensively. Do you also own and play the Wii? If not they you shouldn't be talking. Only people who haven't tried it say it's a copy of the Wii. It's miles ahead of the Wii bro.

Kos-Mos5048d ago

It`s really useless to discuss with people sometimes; Praising the move beyond. We know it`s a better tech than Wiimote, but people try using your brains: It`s the same bloody product with an update.
How many people owning a Wii wants HD? Ask please. 50 % probably don`t know the meaning of HD. 40 % don`t care.
And there are 10 % (we, the biggest gamers) who cares. And I`m in the middle because when I get drawn in by games like Metroid, Mario, Litlle King`s Story I don`t give squat about 420,720,1080(p)(i).
Do you? If so then you must have big issues with gaming as gaming is mostly about playing, not movie watching, unless it is Metal Gear or Xenosaga which is in it`s own godly league.

vsr5048d ago

Like masseffect, portal exclusive on xbox

FunAndGun5048d ago

Kos-Mos is bad at percentage estimation.

Kos-Mos5048d ago

I knew there were alot of fanatics on the forums, but not so many blind ones. You disagree at me, but make no valid argument.
When kinect "upgrades" eyetoy tech it`s utter bullshit. (I will never defend ms so that be clear).
When sony "upgrades" Nintendo Wii`s tech it`s halleluja.
For me it`s starting to be al-qaida fanatic tendencies in here.
Haha :)
It`s so easy to look down at people that can`t discuss.
Now I retreat from this post. I assume people will team up against me with disagrees and non-valid statements like: "fuck you for saying move is a copy, when it is it is...blrrrp"

Holeran5048d ago

Kos-Mos you obviously haven't even played the move or are in denial. It should in no way really be compared to the Wii but they are both motion controllers so people put them in the same group. Nintendo is the first to really use motion controls and Sony is the first one to make motion controls work right. Put them side by side and they aren't in the same ballpark, it's not about the graphics it's about the accuracy.

wsoutlaw875048d ago

@kos-mos "50% probably don`t know the meaning of HD" thats a stupid line what is this 2004. and with your whole trying to act smart by using the "use your brain" what you say doesnt make sence. everything is an update of something and move is a much better update. are you still playing snes no even though other systems are just an update. Its more precise and you cant even compare the power and graphics ps3 vs wii

Blaster_Master5048d ago

Sony has been working on the PSmove since 2002. How in the hell is it a Wii rip off? Its more like Nintendo pulled a Microsoft, put out obsolete tech out so they can be the first ones in the market. Fact.

rockleex5048d ago (Edited 5048d ago )

Its not the "same bloody product with an update".

I bet you never even knew that the WiiMote even with Motion Plus still can only track angles, and that it can not track the controller in 3D space.

Here's a video with proof, skip to 45 seconds into the video.

The Wii does NOT track X, Y, or Z locations. It only tracks the angle of the WiiMote.

The Move is not just an upgrade with more precision. Its an evolution that brings a totally different aspect that the Wii doesn't even touch on.

And I haven't even mentioned the camera which allows augmented reality.

Minimox165048d ago (Edited 5048d ago )

Blaster_Master, answer Kos-Mos, the move had been in development BEFORE the Wii. and if you said that Sony want to steal the success that can't be happen because what make Wii great it's that Nintendo always look like a Brand to kids and that what parents like and also Sony it's not follow them, they are making they own path and for me it's the best path to the gamers.

(KOS-MOS I hope you are not the same KOS-MOS that play WKC :( )

Rumor5048d ago

Thank God for blu ray

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5048d ago
Taggart4515048d ago

You DO know that the Nav controller isn't an entirely separate entity, right? The Nav is literally, the left half of the Dualshock 3. So two Navs would be like....having a Dualshock in each hand.

Adva5048d ago

He is too stupid to understand that :)
Get a DS3 if you want 2 Nav's.

jeeves865048d ago

Except there's no pause or select button. :/

Apotheosize5048d ago

Because it comes with the 2nd game on the same disc. Both games coming together is the exclusive part.

FriedGoat5048d ago

Plus the nav has almost no Move abilities at all, just the standard 6axis inside. Does this guy even have move?

Gamehead365048d ago

the nav has sixaxis? link please?

KillerPwned5048d ago

Their is games that use the Navi for one RE5 Gold edition. I own that i use both controllers and love it.

Klipz-Wish5048d ago

"Dead Space Extraction is now exclusively on the PlayStation3 with Dead Space 2 Limited Edition"

Im pretty sure they meant the whole package was exclusive

phatak5048d ago

it said dead space extraction comes exclusively to ps3 with dead space 2 limited edition. read b4 u type. It should have instead said dead space 2 limited edition coming eclusive to ps3 with extraction

Knushwood Butt5048d ago

The Wii version only sold 50 copies so while not strictly an exclusive it might as well be.

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r0gueZA5048d ago

well I assure you that it is the entire press release as they sent out..

I was a little confused by it to

5048d ago Replies(1)
MsmackyM5048d ago

Is this a FPS or a railshooter?

YoshiMeetsU5048d ago (Edited 5048d ago )

On rails, as least the Wii version is.

Where is the Kinect version EA? Didn't we hang Capcom from a post because they released Case Zero exclusive on Xbox because satans taint aka MS and Capcom are pure evil?


Evildoomnerd5048d ago

Shows the events that took place on the Ishimura before Issac and his crew showed up.

HeroXIV5048d ago

Gotta admit there is 1 down side to Move and that's there are no games for it. Move has no gaems. :(

Sports Champions is AMAZING, Heavy Rain obviously is too. MAG is OK but it's really not the best game for it. Waiting on Dead Space Extraction and then...? Then what Sony?! Cmon, some PSN titles would be nice. :)

plb5048d ago

Sorcery, KZ3, Time Crisis etc etc.

bakagaijin785048d ago

Tumble is a PSN game for Move and its actually quite good. My daughter bought it and I think I've ended up playing it more then she has.

wsoutlaw875048d ago

ya tumble vs a friend is a lot of fun

nycredude5048d ago

Add to that list Killzone 3, Socom 4, Tiger Woods, Tumble, Echochrome 2, John Daly's prstroke, Time Crisis, Sorcery, EyePet, not to mention there is a bunch of older games that uses just the ps eye. Plus it controls your xmb which I think is cool. The fvcking thing has been out less than 2 weeks.

Have patience...

Ravage275048d ago (Edited 5048d ago )

well said :)

Don't forget the PSN exclusive RTS -> UNDERSIEGE

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Dead Space Games Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Dead Space. It’s a beloved horror series – one that yours truly can’t stop talking about on stream! Yet there are more Dead Space games than you may be aware of. So it’s my duty to introduce you to the best Dead Space games, and one very, very bad one. It’s time to grab a plasma cutter, cut off the limbs of terrifying necromorphs, and decide once and for all (on this website) which of the Dead Space games reigns supreme!"

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Community725d ago
-Foxtrot726d ago

Dead Space Extraction better than the original Dead Space?


lucian229725d ago

I played all three. Didn't find them fun, just had nothing to play. I don't think I beat third game though. Combat was super clunky, graphics and art design were ugly imo, story in first game wasn't too bad, rest were meh.

Over hyped series imo, also it doesn't help horror games don't scare me, so I guess that's a big reason for me too.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

Play Alien Isolation on Hard or Nightmare.

Start on the movie DLC so that you don’t have to play a bunch of campaign in order to find out if you’ll be scared.

lucian229725d ago

I heard that was a good one. Honestly vr games scare me with jump scares because of how the threat feels real.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

There isn’t an official VR mode, unfortunately.

The audio should pull you right in if you use headphones.

CDbiggen725d ago

Just finished playing the first, enjoyed the fact Isaac was a silent alien crushing psycho doom-guy type. Just started the second yesterday and I'm annoyed he's a talker now and sounds like a regular guy who hasn't been through hell, but I suppose he couldn't remain silent.

VersusDMC725d ago

Dead Space 2 is my favorite followed by 1 then 3. All are good to me though. Just beat all 3 on series X and they hold up.

Xenial725d ago

As simple as 1,2,3.

Extraction, then Ignition.

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Link Cable Gaming Podcast: Episode 23 - Halloween

This week the Link Cable Gaming crew gets all dressed up in their finest Halloween garb to discuss their favorite horror and even just spooky games in a special Halloween episode!

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EA Talks About Closing Visceral And Single-Player Games

The decision to close the studio and shift the focus of the Star Wars game is not a statement about the future for single-player games, EA says.

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DarkOcelet2460d ago

"'This was just a single-player game [and it] needed to be a live service.'"

What kind of a stupid mindset is that? It didn't need to be a damn live service. Single player games can work and you have the damn Star Wars name attached to it so it will sell well regardless of it having MP or not.

Ashlen2460d ago

How can you say this.

"We are seeing an evolution in the marketplace, and it became clear to us that to deliver an experience that players wanted to come back and enjoy for a long time, that we needed to pivot the design."

And then say this in the very next paragraph.

"It wasn't about, 'This was just a single-player game [and it] needed to be a live service."

I would say "do they really think people are this stupid?" But since people keep buying EA games after all the crap they have done over the years and decades that made gaming worse... I guess, yes, yes they are.