
GameTrailers: Crackdown 2 Review

"The devastation of Pacific City continues as Crackdown is unleashed for the second time!"

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silkrevolver5194d ago

....frowney face. Too bad. Someone should have told Ruffian that sequels are meant to improve upon the first...

Danja5194d ago

they made minor improvements this seems to me like MS asking them to make another Crackdown because 360 software was lacking this year.. its not a bad game..

DarkTower8055194d ago

Yeah, since when is 7.9/10 bad? It's not a steller game, but for any fans of the original, this should be fun. BTW, nobody slated this as GOTY, just an all around fun game, which it is.

Godmars2905194d ago

Sorry, but how isn't it a bad game if it was rushed?

lzim5194d ago

@godmars290, it isn't bad if it sells to multiplayer and co-op players. It might not even be that bad for single players who aren't looking for story.

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mike90775194d ago

yea it looks like a really good ps2 game

Serjikal_Strike5194d ago

stoppped about halfway? WTF

oh well...score is below anyways:p

DelbertGrady5194d ago

7-9/10. Flop confirmed right?

On a serious note: Can't wait to try out that flying suit.

King Hippo5194d ago

Flopped like a fish out of the water.

gamer20105194d ago

Kind of like MAG and Mod Nation Racers, right.

Sitris5194d ago

So what was your point exactly? Oh that those games 'flopped' right, because games that get above 7s are bad games. That is stupid, 7 is good, so therefor MNRs, MAG and Crackdown 2 are all good games. Play them, enjoy them, don't fight about them.

heroprotagonist5194d ago

I think that was the point. You can't say Crackdown 2 is a flop without saying that MAG was a flop.

I would say that they are all good games, but not great games.

5194d ago
ChronoJoe5194d ago

MAG, at least pushed something new. It doesn't matter the meta, it has a good USP. CD2 has no decent USP.

Modnation, also has a fantastic USP. CD2... nope... (not to mention Modnations meta is 'good'.


Shouldn't have to defend unrelated titles like this. CD2 sucks, if it had a good Unique Selling Point (USP) then at least people could justify purchase, regardless of reviews, but it doesn't.

SOAD5194d ago

Sitris, MAG's metacritic score is a 76.

Crackdown 2's metacritic score is a 72.

Both have average reviews. Don't defend one mediocre game to spite another.

Biggest5194d ago

But this is about Crackdown 2, SOAD. Who brought MAG and MNR into the equation? Looks like it was gamer2010 with the deflection. Crackdown 2 should have been better than this. Some people here told me about the superior 360 line-up for the second half of 2010. They told me that PS3 has shown all their big guns and now it was the 360's time to shine. Crackdown 2 and that Dynasty Warriors game aren't looking too hot right now. My fanboyism can't avoid taking the bait!

Dacapn5194d ago

Wait, THAT'S Crackdown 2? It looks like a damn flash game. I doesn't matter what the score is. That game should be free.

Sitris5194d ago

I never intended to bring down Crackdown 2, the game is good for what it is, thus the scores in the 7s which is a good score, i liked MAG, I loved WKC, LOVED Heavenly Sword, and i think Lost Odeysey is underatted. I was not bringing down Crackdown 2, i was replying to gamer2010s comment about MNR and MAG, if you read my comment again you will see i was not being fanboyish i was in fact complementing all those games!

SOAD5194d ago

I apologize Sitris. My eyes aren't what they used to be.

I still think these games are mediocre. Not bad, just not great.

Crackdown 2 deserves a lot of criticism.

How can Ruffian double dip like this?

lzim5194d ago

@SOAD, lack of a budget and they are working on old hardware and didn't want to 'risk' coding the game from scratch (more than likely another budget issue).

pixelsword5194d ago

MAG got a low scores because it got technically and artistically picked-apart where games with similar or worse graphical and technical flaws like MW2 or pricing issues were brought into the fray and yet were not picked apart.

Happens all of the time with exclusives, eh?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5194d ago
Danja5194d ago

remember the days when 7.9 was a a Good game....

Cant Imagine next gen ...if a game scores below 9.5 it will be called a flop

AllroundGamer5194d ago

"Can't wait to try out that flying suit." i said that to myself too when i started playing the game and when i got it i was like "this is it?!?!", so don't get your hopes up too much... anyway the first game was way better IMHO.

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RXL5194d ago

since when was a game that's practically an 8 a bad game?..

lol god some gamers are too fickle now a days..

T9X695194d ago (Edited 5194d ago )

Since you visited N4PS3G.com, didn't hear shit when MAG received these kinds of scores. What's funny is MAG is actually a really good game, but since this is a 360 exclusive it gives haters a reason to hate.

EDIT: @gamer2010 - Hey there is nothing wrong with Modnation Racers, that game is fucking awesome.

talltony5194d ago

T9x crackdown 2 is the same as the first game but in a new box. Mag is in another league. Mag should have been priced at 40 bucks like warhawk, then the reviews would be much higher. It has nothing to do with being a xbox 360 exclusive. It's worth the hate because it's nothing new.

pixelsword5194d ago

"Since you visited N4PS3G.com, didn't hear shit when MAG received these kinds of scores."

Are you serious? You still hear degrading comments on the game.

gamer20105194d ago

Seems like a pretty good game. I had a lot of fun with the first one and I think this one could be fun as well.

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Looking Back to 2010 with Crackdown 2 - Agent of Mayhem

Darren writes: "“XBOX NEEDS EXCLUSIVES!”. Sound familiar? It’s something that has been ringing in my ears since becoming an Xbox gamer nearly 20 years ago. It’s possibly the longest standing and harshest criticism levelled against Microsoft’s console family, and I can’t say I wholly disagree. However, there are some out there which can slip through the net every now and then. But bucking the trend was the original Crackdown, which was not one of them. It shifted a very healthy amount of units as well as drawing in universal praise from critics. A sequel then, would be a no-brainer."

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IRetrouk1539d ago

It was basically crackdown 1 with zombies, was fun but corners were cut, solid game though.

Minute Man 7211538d ago

I'm still playing this, activating the beacons is a pain in the ass

IRetrouk1538d ago

Collecting those orbs and upgrading your character were addictive, it was just a shame they played it safe instead of going all out, didnt take anything away from how fun the game is though.

1538d ago
RamRod881538d ago

Crackdown 1 was one of the underrated gems of last gen. I loved that game. Crackdown 2 was crackdown 1 with added zombies and gave the map a paint job. Disappointing, but still enjoyed it for what it was with the added wingsuit, toybox mode and 4 player co-op. Crackdown 3 was basically what Crackdown 2 should have been.


Crackdown 1 & 2 Are Currently Free on Xbox One

While it is unclear at this time whether its a glitch or intentional. Crackdown, and Crackdown 2 are now free for download on the Xbox store.

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b163o11620d ago (Edited 1620d ago )


mikeslemonade1620d ago

2 of the weakest graphical games

b163o11619d ago

Oh come on man, Out of all the games under M$.....really

King_Noctis1619d ago

Free is free. They could have done nothing and no one would have said anything.

So what’s the problem again?

xX-oldboy-Xx1619d ago

Sometimes it's better to do nothing, like in this case.

Or are they buttering people up for an xsx version of Crackdown 3? Re-Cracked perhaps?

King_Noctis1619d ago (Edited 1619d ago )

So let me get this straight, you think they are wrong for giving out free games to gamers?Do they force you to download the game? Are the free games expired after a set amount of time? Do they force people to buy an SX version of the game if it comes out?

You know I have seen many stupid comments over the year on this site, and yours is nearly on the top of that list, no offense.

xX-oldboy-Xx1619d ago

No they're not wrong - have at it. Just not a very worthwhile gesture. The games are old, average at best going by people's comments.

Have a crack mate, don't hold back - you couldn't upset or offend me if you tried.

And if you didn't pick up, the second part of my comment was in jest. But you lit are very defensive about ms and their pro-consumer attitude these days.

Lighten up champ - gonna be a long gen ahead haha

Casepb1620d ago

Crackdown 1 was always free.

isarai1620d ago

Yeah this, grabbed it like two years ago. Wish there was a way to play the X-enhanced version on PC

1619d ago
Abnor_Mal1620d ago

Stay at home initiative? Not everyone has Gamepass.

Ulf1620d ago

Crackdown 1 was a *great* game.

franwex1620d ago

Crackdown 1 was fun 13 years ago. Somewhat still fun today

Crackdown 2 sucks.

Crackdown 3 is like Crackdown 1, but with better graphics.

Play Crackdown 3. It’s a fun weekend game.

DARK_WOLF1620d ago

Crackdown 3 shouldv never existed. Of all the games microsoft couldve poured money into making they chose this.

Simply as a marketing game to show off their 'cloud' tech. Sure wasnt made for xbox fans but they tried to shove it down our throats for 5 years regardless.

No thanks.

Kribwalker1620d ago

agreed. crackdown 3 was a fun quick romp

Godmars2901620d ago

CD3 exists as an attempt to showcase a version of cloud supported gaming. That said version fell apart is besides the point.

hamburgerhill1619d ago

I wish they would have just done a Crackdown 1 remake with extras instead of Crackdown 3. All those years wasted on a game that for me felt like anything but crack down.

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Crackdown 1 and 2 DLC Is Currently Free On The Xbox Live Store

Crackdown 1 and 2 were both given for free to Xbox One users to celebrate their launch on the Xbox Live Store and backward compatibility support for the Xbox One. In addition to giving the games for free, Microsoft is now also giving the DLC for Crackdown 2.

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darthv721985d ago

That's cool. i got the game last month on GwG and now the free dlc.

PhoenixUp1985d ago

Can’t complain about free games

Still hate what happened with Crackdown 3 though

Sciurus_vulgaris1985d ago

I'm pretty sure even Microsoft isn't pleased with Crackdown 3 either, as they went silent on it.

1985d ago Replies(3)
TheColbertinator1985d ago

The SP got boring quick.

The MP is ok but I have better games to play now.

jznrpg1985d ago

2 isn’t even worth downloading

annoyedgamer1984d ago

Yea it's a bore. Nothing comared to the original.

Johnson511985d ago

Thats great....I just got game last week and i love it

1985d ago Replies(1)
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