
Bungie: Halo: Reach Is Going To Blow People’s Minds At E3

You’ve played the multiplayer beta and E3 will bring you the first look at the single player campaign. Bungie’s Sandbox Designer, Josh Hamrick, informs that Bungie is ready to blow people’s mind with their Halo: Reach presentation on monday’s conference. The Halo series is known for having truly fantastic campaign experiences, and it looks like Halo:Reach won’t be the exception.

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qface645158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

i doubt it considering they have pretty much shown so much of the game
they even had a beta of the game already

not much left to be blown away by if you ask me

then again there is that phrase again
"blow peoples minds"
i kid you not everyone says this sooo much this generation that phrase has lost all meaning to me

GreenRingOfLife5158d ago

I mean the Beta totally BLEW ME AWAY.. I have never seen such good graphics on a console (and I own both 360 and ps3)

5158d ago
NastyLeftHook5158d ago

i remember about a week ago you flooded my inbox with stuff like..."ps3 sucks hahaha!" "go green!" dude...you do not fkn own a ps3, stop putting on a front.

omi25p5158d ago Show
mrv3215158d ago

What's your PSN, we could play IN IMAGINARY LAND.

Blaze9295158d ago

honestly, ever since the beta ended I actually forgot all about this game.

Dude4205158d ago

I don't know what you're trying to get at here, I forgot about other games after playing their betas (like BFBC2, COD4 etc...) and that's probably because we have other games to look forward too.

Boody-Bandit5158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

and you never responded.
You are just a person that trolls the net seeking attention. You live on this site and possibly others like it with dozens of accounts. There is no way you have enough time left in the day to game for as much as you troll.

Prove me wrong What's your GT information? I honestly wont publically post it if you provide it but I will come on here and say GROL actually isn't full of sh!t and admit I was wrong.

On Topic:
This article was probably taken out of context because Bungie doesn't strike me as one of the usual boasting developers in gaming today. I don't think they are pounding their chest over Reach. If anything they are probably more excited about their next venture and stepping away from Halo.

The Reach beta felt more like Halo Combat Evolved than Halo 3, which is a good thing, but there was nothing mind blowing about it. It plays well but it is a mild upgrade in graphics to 3 with classes to choose from, nothing more.

I think games that might blow peoples minds is Rage, Killzone 3, Castlevannia, Agent (if it's shown), maybe some new Last Guardian footage, GT5, etc, but it wont be Halo Reach. Halo Reach is a monster title when it comes to popularity and sales but it's blowing people minds days ended last generation.

Gears of War 3 stands a much better chance of impressing 360 fans than Reach does.

Nac5158d ago

I love me some Halo, and liked the Reach beat alot, but best graphics on a console? No sir. Best Halo graphics perhaps. In reagrds to best looking console game it looks like Crysis 2 may take that crown.

rezzah5158d ago

LOL, who are you trying to convince?

bakasora5158d ago

It might blow the kids mind, older us have seen it all.
And the halo armor look like some kind of plastic armor, maybe because its too colorful.

NYPunk885158d ago Show
harv7115158d ago

OK let me put out these disclaimers,
1. I don't own an Xbox
2. I love my PS3 and I am almost level 13 in trophies as proof.
3. I think that GreenRing is a troll and deserves some grief from the community for his obvious trolling.

OK, now with that out of the way, what on Earth are you talking about? I mean if reading a comment on these forums makes your dick go limp, then I can only assume that normally you have a hard on while your reading these forums, and that is quite disturbing to me. Did you even think about what you typed in before you hit the add reply button?

Hanilugtehul5158d ago

you are always full of fanboy bs!

ShadowCK5157d ago

ITT: PS3 Fanboys butthurt because they know they will never play this masterpiece.

Halo Reach has stunning graphics. To argue that is plain ignorant.

Nac5152d ago

Looks like Rage is going to be the best looking console game.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5152d ago
Mista T5158d ago

I was disappointed by the beta honestly. too much of a lack of balance and it reminded me too much of mw2.

SixZeroFour5158d ago

lack of balance? so what was your winning combo then?

halojunkie5158d ago

im so sad i just want to cry...

peowpeow5158d ago

Besides bugs, isn't that why they release a beta in the first place? =/

aviator1895158d ago

that's why they call it a BETA...
If you've heard any of their podcasts or read any of their post-beta weekly updates, you'll know that they've already fixed and balanced numerous problems from the beta. It's a beta, so of course they're going to be some balancing issues pretty much in a grand scale.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5158d ago
SixZeroFour5158d ago

i wanna see campaign in action, and ill be a happy man

and you are right about the term "blow ppls minds", its just like the term "epic" and the like, ppl over used the term that it isnt what it originally meant...just like the rating system 10/10 mean what 8-9/10 used to mean...and now ppl are constantly using it that they will have to start resorting to 10+/10 soon (see hiphopgamer for example) which is total ridiculous because there should never be something over 10/10

Inside_out5158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

Well I'm looking forward to it...lol...Halo is always amazing but I think Reach will be the best Halo EVER...Nobody needs to be offended...The trailer is around the corner and the game will be released in 14 wks...Can't wait...

Munky5158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

They have shown nothing from the campaign, and the beta only had a fraction of the content the full game will have. So if anything they have shown very little of what the final game will be like.

SixZeroFour5158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

actually its a good thing he thinks they showed so much of the game, when in fact it was really a small portion...makes you realize how big the game will be...anyone who follows bungie weekly updates know what im talking about :)

EDIT typo

Eamon5158d ago

lol the "Blow you away" or "Blow people's minds" has been overused so much to the point that even HHG uses it to hype shit up.

Arnon5158d ago

I guess you didn't read the article stating that after the beta, the game had basically a complete overhaul in gameplay mechanics and graphics.

Cold 20005158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

The single player blowout is def going to blow us away. Just wait and see.

ActionBastard5158d ago

Your true Halo fan with probably be blown away. Your typical 360 fanboy loves anything "exclusive" and will claim to be blown away, even when they are not. PS3 fanboys will hate on it or compare it to KZ3 with absolutely no reason to do so. PS3 and 360 owners (like myself) will probably rent it as Sony has all my money on lock this year, as last.

And yes, "blown away" has lost all meaning this gen. As has the 10/10 review score.

Kroganwrex5158d ago

Yeeah. Not true at all mate. I own both consoles too and Sony certainly hasnt got a grasp on my money...

In fact there are more games on the 360 I have bought this year so far including multiplats. The ps3 is awesome, but there is so much choice on the xbox now too, no 1 console can have a "lock" on my money.

ActionBastard5158d ago

Bygones? I haven't bought a single 360 game this year and the last one I played to completion was Splinter Cell. Just play my PS3 more.

candystop5158d ago

Why on Gods green earth you would play your PS3 more beats the hell out of me but then again you obviously have different tastes which is fine.

Munky5158d ago

If you didn't buy Mass Effect 2, then I really hope you rented the game.

palaeomerus5158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

Yeah I've been spending most of my money on multiplat games too this year (like last year and the year before that). So far, Darksiders, Bayonetta, Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, Dragon Age:Awakening, Final Fantasy XIII, God of War III, Borderlands Add On Pack, Super Mario Galaxy 2 all made the cut.

Upcoming probable purchases for this year include: Transformers: War for Cybertron, Crackdown 2, Halo:Reach, and Fallout: New Vegas,

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5158d ago
poopface15158d ago

Look at all the trolls in here. I think we are gonna need a bigger bridge.

menoyou5158d ago

Didn't Geoff Keighley say Halo:Reach trailer would blow us away last year and everyone kinda just yawned? Sounds like more Microsoft hype. They pretend Halo is awesome because of the sales when in fact they simply spend more than the game development itself to advertise it. Massive fail.

TROLL EATER5158d ago

this will propably have the most content ever for any FPS game. cant wait for the E3 bombshell

candystop5158d ago

SO Sony shows everything before E3 to avoid going head to head with MS and you guys are trolling about Reach sucking. We have yet to see the single player yet so why don't you haters sit back and wait for the show Monday.

Immortal3215158d ago

halo isn't as linear as most shooter games.

I don't even play shooters but, that wouldn't stop any of you guys from watching a review from a guy who prolly don't play games.

TheXgamerLive5158d ago

because you know sooooo much better than BUNGIE huh? ha ha ha ha ha ha you idiot. i so glad we have you around for a walking talking joke.

Elimin85158d ago

Enough, Make some new IP's.

Tiberium5157d ago

"i doubt it considering they have pretty much shown so much of the game
they even had a beta of the game already"

I'm sorry qface64 you're wrong. They've shown a lot of the multiplayer. But we've barely seen any of the campaign. Also there is forge, firefight, theater, etc. They have a lot of stuff to show off.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5152d ago
hardcorez5158d ago

qface64 is the new alaa on this post, convenient?

ZombieAutopsy5158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

Just show me the campaign and i'll be set.

Cure5158d ago

then clearly you dont own a PS3 - not bashing Halo

but to say you havent seen better graphics and your a PS3 is bullsh/t

LordMarius5158d ago (Edited 5158d ago )

hook, line, and sinker

don't feed the troll
although the reactions from you all is pretty funny

emk20045158d ago

but i doubt it, my mind has only been blown by deadspace so far this gen, turn off the lights and turn the volume up with surround sound at night, freaking amazing.

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6 Friendliest Characters in Games

GF365: "Oftentimes, video games have characters who are antagonistic and really not very pleasant. Here are some of the friendliest characters in games where you might not otherwise expect to find them."

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thorstein338d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


10 Best Lore-Rich Video Games

Talented writers can build worlds that are as wondrous as real-life. Here are the best lore-rich video games for you to get immersed in.

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shinoff2183574d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion573d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad573d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90573d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183573d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde572d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90572d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde572d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator572d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13572d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183572d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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Halo’s best Bungie campaign has its worst feature fixed after 12 years

Halo’s best ever campaign mode developed by Bungie has had its most annoying feature fixed after more than a decade, making the sci-fi FPS game better than ever

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SullysCigar658d ago

Awesome news - so can we look forward to playing Halo: Infinite with no online issues circa 2033?

just_looken658d ago

"You can download the improved Reach AI mod at Mod DB" This was a mod 343 did nothing so the online will be fixed in our dreams.

SullysCigar657d ago

Par for the course with 343.

Profchaos657d ago

They did say they had a 10 year plan for infinite we just all assumed it would be DLC could of been a 10 year netcode rollout.

But seriously this is a mod the community won't be able to modify infinite in the same way

Cikatriz_ESP658d ago

Combat Evolved was the best campaign, and it's not even close.

just_looken658d ago

You should have tried this version of reach when it first came out remastered for a year there was no sound because 343 could not locate the sound files.

It was a special challenge.

badz149657d ago

more like the bunch at 343i are simply mentally challenged


Well I guess 12 years is faster than most fixes. I guess this is a cheap way to "remaster" something nowadays.....by just fixing something that used to always be broken.

zidane1341657d ago

Did you even read the article? This is a mod to improve AI from back almost 2 gens ago. Nobody is claiming this is remastering anything. Yeesh.

Crows90657d ago

Halo is dead. Microsoft has other shooter franchises it cares more about now. 343 are no longer Xbox golden studio. They are likely to shift things around or even close it all together and give the IP to someone else.

343i decided to pummel the IP into the ground...and when they see it didn't quite look like Glenn's face they decided to just keep on pummeling. Not sure if Glenn is the IP or the fanbase in this case though.

Profchaos657d ago

343 were never the golden studio they were a hastily thrown together b team when bungie said we want to do something else cya

Crows90657d ago

Well ...I didn't want to say it but I agree. Makes you wonder why Microsoft gave them the IP and didn't keep Bungie or any of the talent they acquired from any studio.

CobraKai657d ago

“ Halo Infinite, Halo 3, or Halo: Combat Evolved. It’s hard to say which of the sci-fi FPS games offers the best experience all round.”
He lost me with Halo Infinite.

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