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Valay5225d ago

I guess this is one of the surprises that Nintendo Power mentioned last month:


Big thing for me here is that the controls are being improved.

butterfinger5225d ago

us to use the d-pad and face buttons would be a welcomed improvement.

The Great Melon5225d ago (Edited 5225d ago )

Yeah, I would love to control Maxwell with the Dpad and write and point with my right hand. I hate it when games are made that act like the person isn't able to effectively use two hands. Hopefully they will resolve the control issue because that was my biggest complaint for the first game.

Madusha5225d ago

YES!! Can not wait. Scribblenauts is legendary.

mjolliffe5225d ago

Ah man I love Scribblenauts XD

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Nyan Cat & Keyboard Cat Creators Sue Over Scribblenauts

John Bedford (Modojo): Charles Schmidt and Christopher Orlando Torres, creators of the Keyboard Cat and Nyan Cat internet memes, are suing Scribblenauts developer 5th Cell, along with the publisher Warner Bros (thanks, Eurogamer).

The crime? Scribblenauts features cameos from both of these feline characters, tucked away as Easter eggs in the original Scribblenauts, the sequel Super Scribblenauts, the iOS version Scribblenauts Remix, and the most recent release, Scribblenauts Unlimited.

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Emilio_Estevez4072d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(2)
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JBedford4072d ago
kirbyu4072d ago

Scribblenauts Unlimited was extremely overhyped.

SilentNegotiator4072d ago (Edited 4072d ago )

By being the lowest rated in the series at a dismal 73-75% average?

Oh yeah...TOOOOOTALLY over-rated. /s

DragonKnight4072d ago

He said overhyped, not over-rated. There's a difference.

PygmelionHunter4072d ago (Edited 4072d ago )

Not trying to sound like an internet badass here but, I want the idiots who disagreed with DragonKnight to take a step forward and explain the disagree!

majiebeast4072d ago

So now you can sue over a meme what is this world coming to. Hey genius you didnt invent the lightbulb its a meme. Hope the creators lose the lawsuit.

PopRocks3594072d ago

Aren't memes technically public domain? I've seen television shows get away with worse.

majiebeast4072d ago (Edited 4072d ago )

Yeah they didnt even copyright from what i know. I just think its is on a entire new lvl of silly. Its like if a comedian copyrighted a joke or something.

I just did some digging and apparently it is copyrighted.

"Saraj00n and daniwell, who hold the copyright for the video and the song"

But that song is based of Hatsune Miku, so wouldnt Sega or the music label own it all together? At this point its just all kinds of retarted. I wonder when poptarts is gonna sue the creator of Nyan cat.

admiralvic4072d ago

In theory they can, but it will most likely be thrown out or at least the keyboard cat creator. It's hard to own the concept of a keyboard playing cat, though you can own the rights to a design. Either or, pretty stupid.

SilentNegotiator4072d ago

You fools! None may take ownership of a meme! Even preceding it's initiation into meme-dom!

Sketchy_Galore4072d ago

Ugh, taking something you yourself put out there as a simple goof for the sake of fun and using it to try and leech a little money out of people who thought they'd join in the joke by referencing it in their game. What litigious little scumbags people are these days.

specialguest4072d ago (Edited 4072d ago )

There's a difference. They put their goofy ideas and creations out there for all to enjoy and freely share. However, when a business or corporation decides to take it and capitalize on profiting off of it, that's where they've crossed that line. When money is involved, it changes everything. The 2 creators also have it trademarked according to the article.

SCW19824072d ago

Sad to see people stooping so low for a little dough.

specialguest4072d ago

I don't see why this is an issue when corporations have no problem stooping even lower to protect their interest for big dough. Yet, it's business as usual in most people's eyes. Good for the little guy fighting back.

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SFX-360's E3 Top 5: DS Games

SFX-360 picks its top 5 games to look out for at E3 2010 for the Nintendo DS platform.

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SiteBot5137d ago

First "Super Scribblenauts" Screenshots

First Scribblenauts 2, AKA "Super Scribblenauts" Screenshots.

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snaredrums5153d ago

In the first Screenshot, is that Canary Mary from Banjo-Tooie?

Also, the game looks very similar to the first one, but it looks good! I really hope they fix the controls this time.