
Bayonetta Xbox 360 Already Leaked on to the Internet

Xbox Lifestyle writes:

"It seems that the pirates have once again leaked a highly anticipated Xbox 360 game on to the internet before its release, with Bayonetta becoming the latest casualty."

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Microsoft Xbox 3605305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

That's what the 360 do

deadreckoning6665305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

Ur right Saaking, its a shame such a masterpiece like Bayonetta will be leaked on to the Internet and people won't pay to play it. Either way the game should do well. The 360 version of Modern Warfare 2 got leaked early also and it was the #1 game in November. I can't wait till January!

Lol, the hatred people have for this game is hilarious. Most people saying its overrated probably haven't even given the demo a shot. I loved the demo so I'm buying it(along with God of War 3). I could care less about what reviews say.

Dark_Vendetta5305d ago

The word "already" is not neaded. They are already selling the 360 and Ps3 version here in Munich since like 3-4 days (Germany), so its not early leaked.

LordMarius5305d ago

now I really want to get a 360, free games count me in, since there is no way Im even going to pay for Live, lol

rextyrann5305d ago

in germany. means sony is done patching the ps3 version?

hows the framerate and the ps3 version doing of the german bayonetta ps3? that would be intresting to know...

sikbeta5305d ago

Too God Damn Early, this game will release on January/February, right?

F*ck those pirates, that's all I can say........

rodeoo5305d ago

might tick some people off with this statement....the game is only ok. its a brawler..nothing special and the jpop soundtrack gets a little annoying

Raz5305d ago

Gosh, Sony and Microsoft must be mad that pirates keep ripping off their games...oh wait, Sony doesn't have that problem. Never mind.

Infernostew5305d ago

The ps3 doesn't have that problem. Unfortunately, PSP on the other hand...

sak5005305d ago

@raz "sony doesnt have a problem"

If i'm the dev i'd still choose 360 platform since even if the game gets pirated on 360 but it still sells higher than ps3 version.

Also dont forget the 95% better multiplat games on 360.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5305d ago
omimasum5306d ago

despite 360 games being leaked, they always manage to sell well

Perjoss5305d ago

lol @ people disagreeing with facts, what was MW2 again? 5 360 copies for every 1 ps3 copy? or was it 6. Maybe ps3 fans just prefer to rent, i dunno.

Somnipotent5305d ago

i buy a majority of my ps3 games... i only rent those that i'm not so sure of. and did you think that most people who bought MW2 did so to play online without risking getting banned? i know people who had MW2 for a few weeks before release and they got banned, went out bought an arcade and bought the game.

Rocket Sauce5305d ago

It's the same deal with movies. Wolverine was leaked an entire month before it released in theaters, and it still made $90-something million its opening weekend.

Piracy is not as bad as people make it seem.

5306d ago
Mista T5306d ago

who cares I think this game is way overrated by reviewers like Edge

-EvoAnubis-5306d ago

I agree. I played the JPN demo, and my initial thought was "meh." In a year when I'm seeing a new God of War, I fail to see why I should bother with this one.

heroicjanitor5306d ago

Not like there are many modded 360s left now anyway.

Microsoft Xbox 3605305d ago (Edited 5305d ago )

WHAT?! The modded 360's never went away. You could still play pirated games on a banned console. Just not with online multiplayer/services.

KoB4EMvPi5305d ago

I just finished playing it on my Banned 360..
Game is actually pretty good considering that i wasnt going to waste a DL disc on this game.

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