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Dante's Inferno: PS3 Exclusive "Divine Edition"

Visceral Games, an Electronics Arts studio today announced Dante's Inferno "Divine Edition" exclusive for the PlayStation 3.

The studio also announced that a Dante's Inferno downloadable demo for PlayStation 3 is available for free on the PlayStation Network today. The demo will also be available on Xbox LIVE on December 24, 2009.

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Cronnie5398d ago

EA really seem to be showing the PlayStation some love lately!

Darkeyes5398d ago

This might primarily be to lure the crowd who thinks this is a cheap GOW rip off. EA really ants to shrug off that image from this game and I am happy they are at least concerned about it. I am willing to give DI a try out if it turns out to be really good, but I feel I will have to give this one of miss or rent it with all the huge games coming in early 2010....

EA probably chose the worse time to release DI when nearly 3 games of the same genre are landing in the 3 months time especially near GOW3... So much competition and people thought Xmas 2009 was crowded lol. Everyone ran away from MW2 and will eventually end up eating each others market.

Bereaver5398d ago

Hahaha, that's what I just said.

OmarJA-N4G5398d ago

God of War III
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Dante's Inferno

PS3 your best choice for Hack & Slash games. ;)

toaster5398d ago

They're all still hyped up about GOW3. Competition much? I think DI will be a bit darker.

AssassinHD5398d ago

I am a PS3 owner and I am buying Dante's Inferno. I am also buying Darksiders, Bayonetta, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, and of course it goes without saying that I am buying God of War 3. Now you know a PS3 owner who is buying DI. :)

Dan GamingBolt5398d ago

Don't forget NGS2, ps3 really is the way to go for hack and slash!

and heavenly sword

raztad5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

I agree about EA showing some love to the PS3. First the Bf:BC2 beta and now this demo far in advance to the xbox one.

I cant wait to try the demo. I watched a video yesterday and it looks sick. Those guys are really good at ripping off :D.


Guys this is the video I was talking about.

Game is running at 60fps. The beast master mode looks hot. I'm surprised how fast those guys ripped off GoW3 Cyclop riding.

ultimolu5398d ago

Say what? A demo too?!


Raf1k15398d ago

This is one of those games I'll get when it's cheap but only if I like the demo as I have too many games to choose from at the moment.

callahan095398d ago

This game looks awesome. If it's even half as awesome as God of War, then it'll be totally worth the price of admission. Couldn't have chosen a better game for your inspiration if you ask me. The box-art is really cool, too.

starvinbull5398d ago

In truth doesn't it make more sense to release collectors editions on Blu-Ray. More content = more storage.

m1ndz5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

@cronnie actually EA always favored the ps3 here in europe

80% of EA games are being purchased by ps3 gamers

they have to show sum love

TheTwelve5398d ago

PS3 selling like mad plus they are trying to lure in the people who will only buy GOW3 (like me). And I admit, EA is working on me.


nycredude5398d ago

Although I don't think this will be anywhere close to as good as GOW 3, I have no doubt it will be a superb game as it is from the studio who developed Dead Space. I will be picking this and GOW 3 up instead of Bayonetta.

Lifendz5398d ago

The EA relationship (or Madden specifically) is what some people point to as propelling the PS2 over the Dreamcast. Still not sure how I feel about Dante's Inferno but I'll def download the demo.

Genesis55398d ago

I am buying this for my PS3 as well. I have read a couple of novels by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle set in this universe and I absolutley loved them.

hay5398d ago

And with MSAA used in Saboteur future appears to be brighter than ever.

Guido5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

Awesome. Looking forward to this game. I hear they have some huge bosses and boobs all at 60 frames per second. Can't go wrong with that.

@ Jason 360

You crack me up with the Mass Effect 2 "exclusivity to MS platforms, the 360 and PC"... So is that the argument for 360 exclusives now? They are not 360 exclusive but rather "MS platform exclusive"? lol

Douche-baggery at its finest.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5398d ago

"EA really seem to be showing the PlayStation some love lately!" Well they have to because Mass Effect 2 is stying exclusive to Microsoft platforms the Xbox 360 and Windows PC. They need to throw a bone to PS3 owners because they wont stop dreaming of Mass Effect 2. So they give you Dante's Inferno with a couple extras and a demo to shut you guys up for a while.

ABizzel15398d ago


EA doesn't care about this being labeled as a GOW clone, those words came out of their mouths. And as long as Dante's Inferno is a good game, then at this point I don't care either.

raztad5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

Come on Jason thats the best you can do? you sound a bit butthurt.

It's not like PS3 owners got nothing to play first quarter next year. In fact the PS3 lineup is overbooked. Even in the hypothetical case of ME2 coming to the PS3 I would prefer to have it on summer or a later date. Yakuza3 also coming in march is already too much to handle.

AssassinHD5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

You do realize that unless Microsoft is the publisher, they don't get a dime from PC game sales...right? Even Games For Windows is just a certification. EA is publishing Mass Effect 2 so the whole "Microsoft platform" argument is just ignorant. PC owners contributed to Microsoft by purchasing Windows, but that is where the buck stops. Microsoft gets no further benefit from Games on the PC.

Tell me, what would you call it if someone plays Mass Effect 2 on their Xbox 360, while using a Sony Bravia TV?

What would you call it if someone plays the PC version of Mass Effect 2 on a Sony Viao?

Foliage5398d ago

I don't know why fanboys always try to compare a PS3 exclusive with a multi-platform game and try to create reasons why someone should buy one, but not the other. I'm getting both Dante and GOW, I also have high hopes for both.

The thing with both these games is that they have a lot of historical information to feed off of, so something so incredibly unrelatable can be relatable since it deals with myths and legends we grew up with. I'm getting both because I look for a solid story in the game I purchase. I don't have time for mindless repetitiveness.

Another prime example was Uncharted. Solid characters, and a solid story based in actual historical moments. It helps make the game believeable IMO.

joydestroy5398d ago


omg that looks so sick dude! i can't wait to check out the demo now!

raztad5398d ago


Yeah, that video got me very excited about DI. I know it's still a copy of GoW but come on, it looks like a really good one.

The demo will shed light on graphics (coming from the Dead Space team I'm sure they will be pretty good) and the gameplay looks awesome if you enjoy GoW.

wages of sin5398d ago

I had this one reserved for 360, looks like I'm going to have to switch. I'll still get Bayonetta on my 360 but Dante's is getting a change of plans, unless the 360 special edition (if there is one) is better. Great time to be a gamer, wouldn't you agree?

jack_burt0n5398d ago

Whats that!? show EA the kind of devotion I show ND, Guerilla, quantic, insomniac, PD, level 5 and evolution only if you absorb 95% of pandemic into other studios :0)

leila015398d ago

Exclusive demo, exclusive edition, exclusive beta.... yeah only the evil company Moneysoft does that.

Edit :
I can't believe people actually think EA (or any otgher publisher) is doing this just because they love Sony and not because they were offered some "green".

solidt125398d ago

I am feeling the love! Downloading as soon as I get home.

Sarcasm5398d ago

"I will be picking this and GOW 3 up instead of Bayonetta. "

My thoughts exactly. And no It's not some type of jab against Bayonetta, but I just really didn't like it. It's just way too cheezy for me.

HolyOrangeCows5398d ago

Go go go!

Sarcasm5398d ago

The demo is going to make or break this title. If it ends up being really good, then it just might work.

However, I still don't see this persuading any GoW fans to buy it OVER GoWIII. I mean come on, it's the last GoW game and given how GoWII ended with insane EPICness.

beardpapa5398d ago

lol omg that video ... downloading the demo right now but I feel so bad, it's a complete ripoff of GoW. Still interesting though... but man! Can they be any more obvious?

Sarcasm5398d ago

"but man! Can they be any more obvious? "

Just finished the demo myself...

And yes... GoW Clone fits the bill here.

Seriously... There's like a 95% similarity to GoW.

I'm not even sure I like it. The graphics weren't as good as I was expecting either. Heck, the GoW Collection graphics are even comparable to this. Heck, they might even look better. And it's NOWHERE NEAR GoWIII.

I'm most likely not going to buy this but at least rent it.

Pillage055398d ago

wow, the user comments on that site make every one of us look like rocket scientists...seriously, I used to thing the fanboy talk in here was bad. But they bring it to a whole new level of stupidity.

shawnsl655398d ago

Now.. if only Darksiders can get a demo released this month also. That would be sweet~

raztad5398d ago


It's really funny how those guys ripped off GoW so faithfully. Every detail is in there. I guess they didnt want to mess with a perfect working formula but this is a bit too much. However I enjoyed the demo, as I would enjoy any GoW game and the story seems pretty good.

That said, DI is not a replacement for GoW3 in any way.

HolyOrangeCows5398d ago

I can just imagine all the fanboys rushing into the story, either crying or giggling like a schoolgirl.

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ubiquitious5398d ago

Sony's wallet is now a little lighter.

I guess that makes EA a whore?

Bereaver5398d ago

I completely doubt that it was a huge payment. I think it's leaning more towards the..... "I know Playstation users are going to buy God of War 3 and show no attention to Dante's Inferno... soo... LETS MAKE A SPECIAL EDITION!!! That will get those ps3 fans to shell out a bit more cash!

Hellsvacancy5398d ago

Er not really, its not like The PS3 needs DI weve got the Rolls Royce in that genre cummin out in 3 months time

ultimolu5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

Bet you weren't saying that with Microsoft.

I also doubt Sony paid for this.

EDIT: Was Square being generous with a certain game going multiplatform? EA did a space in Home. I guess Sony paid for that space too right?

ubiquitious5398d ago

With these things you never know how many millions SONY paid. But do you really think EA was just being generous?


tordavis5398d ago

RIGHT but if this was 360 exclusive it would have been because MS made a payoff.

Mr_Bun5398d ago

Maybe Sony paid, maybe they didn't....but Sony have taken 1 more reason to pay for XBL away. The only reason I turned on my 360 more than once a week was to d/l multiplat demos a week or so early.

Fishy Fingers5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

I highly doubt Sony would spend "millions" on this when they're already spending millions on financing their own game in the same genre.

Some people think MS/Sony are bottomless money pits, their not, and I bet the majority of the time people claim X paid for this, they actually didnt.

It's more likely the BR disc allows them to fit the extra content where as the DVD doesnt.

ubiquitious5398d ago

I agree. But it's not.

I'd prefer it if SONY used all that money to better PSN. Cross game chat/invites for firmware update 4.0 FTW!

raztad5398d ago

A bit of common sense is all it takes. Why Sony would spend money making more attractive a game competing with GoW3 for the same market. Sounds to me like financing your competition.

If GoW3 wasnt a Sony property your claim would make some sense.

Fishy Fingers5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

How ridiculous. Not only have you resided yourself to the fact that Sony have financed this, without any confirmation, you now imply they've cut that money from other resources.

It's fun to make stuff up.

djee5398d ago

Yea right.
Like sony would pay a dev millions for a SE of a game that is in direct competition with their own game.
Think much?

Guido5398d ago (Edited 5398d ago )

Of course. MS has been public about paying for exclusives. Sony has not so you would only be speculating about Sony while being completely factual about MS. There is a difference there that I would not expect a 360 fanboy like yourself to understand. And your podcast still sucks arse. It should be called the b*tch-zone, not the warzone. Try reformatting to a plan where you talk about games and not the latest fanboy that hates your guts for being such a tool.

Lifendz5398d ago

Tor Davis is always butt hurt when it comes to positive Sony news. He's only trying to point out a contradiction where there isn't one. You'll never see him doing that crap on a 360 story.

Sarcasm5398d ago

"Tor Davis is always butt hurt when it comes to positive Sony news. He's only trying to point out a contradiction where there isn't one. You'll never see him doing that crap on a 360 story."

lol seems everyone knows this but TorDavis himself. It's pretty telling where you constantly have to tell people "but but but I'm not a 360 fanboy, look I defend the PS3 all the time!"

Disregarding his actual actions of always going on a Sony fanboy rant and always spinning Sony stuff into bad light defending the 360 95% of the time.

shawnsl655398d ago

Sony charges the devs for each 1gig download from the psn demo, so I seriously doubt that Sony would be donating funds to EA.

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Fishy Fingers5398d ago

Look forward to giving the demo a spin later. Bit of a hack and slash demo bonanza at the moment with GOW3, Bayonetta and now this.

avengers19785398d ago

Sony isn't paying for anything, but xbox has also stopped paying for exclusive content, and exclusive DLC, so alot of the companies that were reciving money from microsoft and are not anymore decided that they would give it to Sony. This is not the last of it as you will see more demo's, and DLC for games coming to PS3 first or only.
Now that just as many people own a PS3 as 360 you are going to see more companies that make games with the PS3 as the lead, and more of the games that were exclusive becoming mulitplatform.
It's a good time to be a sony fan.

L-a-i-n5398d ago

I am actually looking forward to this game. I hope it is really good.

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5 Of the Most Unlikeable Video Game Protagonists

There are good video game protagonists, and there are bad video game protagonists.

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GhostScholar356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

I disagree that max is unlikable. Chloe is infinitely more unlikable in my opinion.

gold_drake355d ago

omg chloe was awful. i really hated her at the end haha

Cacabunga355d ago

Abby was absolute trash protagonist in every way..
Tidus was so meh to me..
On villain side, the one i didn’t like wa Micah, because they wanted him to be that way and it was brilliant👍🏽

Rancegamerx355d ago

I agree, I liked Max, Chloe was a horrible friend and a bad influence.

Cacabunga355d ago

Everyone agrees on chloe, I’m sure even ND do.

H9355d ago

Both are horrible, granted Chloe is infinitely worse, it feels like Chloe is just fanservice for people who too over the edge and wasn't written to be a character that makes sense

GooGobbler356d ago

What about that Forspoken Tw*t

MrChow666355d ago

exactly I was expecting it to be a the top of the list

ravens52355d ago

Ye I was expecting her too. Guess they actually played the game. Unlike you and whoever agrees.

gpimlott354d ago

I played through the whole game and think she is one of the worst character Ive ever played as

ravens52354d ago (Edited 354d ago )

gpimlott. How?

Stanjara344d ago

Why would I payed and played the game if the whole internet is making fun of a character?

-Im here to kill Chaos...are you Chaos?

Yeah, I didn't play that game either.

Christopher355d ago (Edited 355d ago )

She's actually not bad. It's the writing itself that is bad overall, but she's fine overall. She's no worse than Miles Morales IMHO. Both thrust into a spotlight and receiving both praise and blame and dealing with it.

Forspoken is a bland game because it's 75% bland, boring, repetitive going through the motions and diversions that add nothing of the value with purposefully gated memory moments that don't feel organic or like you're discovering things but waiting for others to reveal things.

ravens52355d ago

Exactly Chris. Even though I liked the game. I kno u played it. People who actually played it and went thru her dream saw she was a good likeable person who really just acted out due to being alone and unloved. I think your problem is it was open world, I think if it was more linear you may have liked it better.

savedsynner355d ago

Oh no she's bad. Very unlikable even before you add on the bad dialogue. The game could have been quite good with a good protagonist

ravens52354d ago

For all the people like synner. Shes actually half white lol. Inferior complexity is a hell of a thing. You'll be ok.

Nerdmaster356d ago

Most of these aren't even that bad. Especially comparing to others like Squall "Whatever" Leonhart, Forspoken's Frey, and the guy from Atomic Heart.

-Foxtrot355d ago

Squall is one of the best developed main FF characters so...

People talk about his "whatever" thing thats at the start of the game, not the character he eventually becomes in the end.

Nerdmaster355d ago

No amount of "character development", (especially the ones that for me feels sudden and undeserved like Squall's), will justify him being a d**k to my girl Quistis. Even if he found the cure for cancer, from that moment on, I would never like him.
The article is about being unlikeable, and he was indeed unlikeable for at least half of the game.

BrainSyphoned355d ago

Squall is the best protagonists in FF so you can go whatever yourself.

H9355d ago

My good sir, I need to steal that "you can go whatever yourself" because it's gold

BlaqMagiq1355d ago

Except Squall has actual character development.

gold_drake355d ago (Edited 355d ago )

the "watever" is only present in the english localisation.
so your argument doesnt rly ... stand imo.

Nerdmaster355d ago

Good for you that you could enjoy the japanese version. That's not the case for me and the majority of people here, though.

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gold_drake355d ago (Edited 355d ago )

i had to stop reading after the "blatant misogyny" in the Dantes inferno section.

i actually liked Max haha.

the forspoken chick is missing tho

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The Best Hack and Slash Games of All Time on PS3

Grab your katana, and slice your way through this list featuring the best hack and slash games the PlayStation 3 had to offer.

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darthv72699d ago

Dante's inferno... an excellent GoW inspired game. So sad the sequels will never be.

LoveSpuds699d ago (Edited 699d ago )

I recall enjoying it well enough at the time, but it wasn't a patch on God of War 3 which came out around the same time I think.

I own it and fired it up on my PS3 about 6 months ago and time hadn't been particularly kind to it although it still very much nailed the atmosphere and it is a cool as he'll setting and universe.

Inverno699d ago

Dante's Inferno needs the GOW treatment. No cut camera, with a real hellish depiction of the 9 circles and a story as dark and as serious would be amazing.

Yui_Suzumiya699d ago

Still pretty amazing there was a PSP version that was actually pretty good. I remember playing it 10 years ago. I had the PS3 version when it first came out and loved it.

Hellcat2020699d ago

Ahh the memories of playing Heavenly Sword
Such a amazing experience

LoveSpuds699d ago

Yup, I remember being blown away with Heavenly Sword. I remember holding out hope that they would go back and add trophy support as a incentive to go back and replay the game, but I don't think they ever did?

Yui_Suzumiya699d ago

I couldn't beat the final boss though! Spent several days trying but eventually gave up, lol. Still enjoyed it though.

refocusedman699d ago

heavenly sword was such a short, but amazing game. that game should be prime material to be made into a download only remaster.

YoungKingDoran699d ago

I really enjoyed Castlevania, but struggled to get into it again reattempting it a few years back. I still think it does another of things well; story, presentation, level varietily and art style at least. Gameplay maybe has not stood test of time unfortunately which makes it a chore to get through.


Dante's Inferno declared "completely playable" on PC through PS3 Emulation

Dante's Inferno at 4K 60FPS!

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jambola1656d ago

The effort here is overwhelming

darthv721656d ago

Sad this may never get the sequel it deserves. It's still one of the best GoW clones around.

Silly gameAr1654d ago

I agree. I still have my copy, but a sequel would have been awesome.

Ratchet751654d ago

It's the only GOW clone around. 😉

specialguest1655d ago

I would love to revisit my old PS3 games played at a higher framerate and resolution. UC2, TLOU, GOW3, KZ2 & 3, Demon Souls

darthv721654d ago

I know you can with UC2, TLoU and GoW3... just get the PS4 versions. Oh and i think Demon Souls as well.

1655d ago Replies(3)
Ratchet751654d ago

100% with u on that one.
Could you imagine a dead space on ps4/x1 and maybe a VR version.
And what about that Star Wars game they cancelled? They must have regretted it after seeing JFO's success.
This company is run by morons.

Kombatologist1653d ago

Yep. :( They care more about current trends than making a truly great game. It was their fault Dead Space 3 didn't do as well as 2 because, against the devs' wishes, they wanted it to have co-op because MuLtIpLaYeR > SiNgLePlAyEr. It's scary that companies like EA have so much influence on the industry.

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