
Sega: PS3 Bayonetta load times will be fixed

Sega is well aware of the of the long loading times that plagues the PS3 version of Bayonetta, and are looking into a the best possible way to fix the problem before the North American version of the game is released.

An inquiry made over at the official Platinum Games boards received a response from Sega that "they were well aware of this issue and are working on a solution."

Another Sega representative made Sega's stance even clearer:

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rtonaey5331d ago

It says much when a company is willing to go the extra mile to satisfy the consumers. Especially in this age when all most of them care about is the almighty dollar

swiftshot935331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )

Going the extra mile? Making the PS3 version run just as well as the 360 version isnt "going the extra mile." If you charge $60 for the PS3 version, its SUPPOSED to run just as well as the other version. PS3 isnt some second thought hand me down console, its just as relevant as the 360. Its especially sad because Bayonetta will sell better on PS3.

"are looking into a the best possible way to fix the problem"

So by best possible fix do they mean a 20 GB install?

Edit: @ below

As the publisher they hold the responsibility to provide what ever Platinum needs to have the PS3 version running well. That includes R&D for the technology necessary, the extra budget, and needed be, the extra time.

PirateThom5331d ago

To be entirely fair to Sega here, they're doing a port of Platinum Games 360 code because Platinum can't/won't do it themselves and they've already got it to run pretty close any further fixes is going the extra mile because this never should have been up to Sega to port in the first place.

In this case, the PS3 version is a second thought hand me down, but not because of Sega.

Da One5331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )

Why Platinum Games won't do it is beyond me, Sega has shown they know what to do when they get behind the PS3

But as the past has proven porting to the PS3 from the 360 is a disaster waiting to happen, it gets worst when you hand your work off to another studio(Orange Box anyone)

Sega was nice enough to discount the game 5 bucks(not a lot but hey) and try to fix the loading times for the game, which to me means, if they're willing to try to go that extra mile I'm willing to buy their game, also i played the Demo, very good game

Noctis Aftermath5331d ago

I'm glad sega are working on a fix for the game, hopefully other issues get sorted out aswell, sega didn't have alot of time to port this, the blame can be placed entirely on platinum games.

IdleLeeSiuLung5331d ago

How about getting the frame rate of the PS3 version to match the 360?

If load time is such an issue, then give the option of installing the whole game onto the hard drive. There, problem solved!

Lifendz5331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )

with all the good Sony vibes lately, the great NPD numbers, the Uncharted 2 sales, an ad campaign the likes of which we haven't seen yet this gen, 3rd party games largely looking the same or maybe slightly better on PS3, etc etc we now have to deal with Sega's big release being ported (or handed to another dev to make) on the PS3?

That bites. Bayonetta looked really cool. I really hope this isn't another Orange Box fiasco. I'd like to think that the PS3 version will be the same as the 360 one but 65 bucks is not worth the gamble.

Maybe I'll have to eat my own words and rely on a lens of truth eval on the game.

CrippleH5331d ago

Tons of other devs learned their lesson and not do ports. Platinum game is doing their first game for this gen and is repeating the mistakes of other devs this gen, by porting the PS3 version.

"History repeats itself".

presto7175331d ago

I wont be touching this for a long ass time.

BYE5331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )


It's Platinum Games fault. Not Segas.

They should have made it on PS3 first and have it ported to the 360, that way both would look identical.

But they took the lazy path and now they blame Sega for it.

Marceles5331d ago

I have the game and load times are pretty much the biggest gripe. The framerate and texture arguments have been overexaggerated...the 360 version may run better, but that doesn't mean the PS3 version is non-playable

Syronicus5331d ago

Yes, it does say much for a company when they will go the extra mile and release a game that is the lesser of it's counterparts plagued with long load times and horrible screen tearing. It's good to see Sega going the extra mile!!!

Pathetic devs and their lazy ports.

NeoCloud5331d ago

Well in the future if PlatinumGames are busy making other games with other game companies then we will have to get used to SEGA doing Bayonetta Games [They Own Bayonetta Oh Yes They do].

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ActionBastard5331d ago

It's good to know a game I considered a rental is STILL considered a rental.

i3eyond the Circle5331d ago

I thought the textures and color was the main gripe most Ps3 users had with Bayonetta.

swiftshot935331d ago

I think the fact PS3 owners will be getting the shaft for a multiplatform game in 2010 (over 3 years after launch) upsets PS3 owners like myself.

i3eyond the Circle5331d ago

That sucks tho.

You'd think a port for a game that isn't a graphical powerhouse would be simple.

commodore645331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )

@ swiftshot

I agree dude.
As a proud ps3 owner I am also sick to death of the gimped multiplats on the ps3, especially now that there is evidence the trend is continuing onto 2010.

I am continually asking myself whether the ps3 is maybe not quite as powerful as Sony assured us it was?
If it really were so much more powerful, we'd be seeing all the multiplats looking invariably better on ps3, right?
That's just common sense.

Yet they're not.
Very disappointing.

raztad5331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )


I think you wasted some bandwith with that "analysis".

Give it up dude. Bayonetta is just a so-so port. I've played ports from the xbox to the PC (*cough ME *caugh) that look crappy even when maxed out. Following your logic the xbox is more powerful than a high end pc, right?

If you want some common sense:
Play KZ2, then UC2 and GoW3 demo while you wait for GT5 and GoW3 in march.


It's definitely saddening to see subpar ports. Both Platinum and Sega are to blame. Platinum first because they pulled a Valve and Sega for the bad port. I guess this help me to save some monies for GoW3 and Heavy Rain.

ultimolu5331d ago

No raztad, let them continue. That's all they can gloat about. Not exclusives but multiplatform games.

swiftshot935331d ago

You know, it is disappointing. It doesnt have anything to do with the power of the console, its just that Sony made the PS3 harder to develop for. You have to put more time and effort into making a PS3 version of a game to match the 360 counterpart. But the PS3 has been pushed to heights we have yet to see on 360, so we already know anything 360 can do PS3 can. Its just that as long as there are more 360s out there, developers will make it first for 360, then port it to PS3 which doesnt turn out well sometimes. There are some exceptions, like Criterion, Infinity Ward, Capcom, Rockstar, and EA Redwood that have their PS3 versions absolutely perfect. They independently develop the PS3 version separately, and match their 360 counter parts feature for feature.

However having a game that runs crap compared to 360 in 2010 is just unacceptable, and I hope Sega understands that.

Darkstorn5331d ago

The 360's code allows for far more mistakes than the PS3's does, and as a result porting from the 360 to a PS3 usually ends up with performance inequality. If devs would simply develop first on the PS3, and then port over to the 360, then PS3 versions of games would look and run better, and 360 games would as well since the code is more stable.

i3eyond the Circle5331d ago


Why does it have to be a competition between multiplatforms and exclusives?

I prefer competition between GAMES.

HolyOrangeCows5331d ago

In that case, the PS3 would STILL come out on top.

It's actually releasing lots of great exclusives and has most of the great multiplats (minus L4D2 this year) which are sometimes a little better (Lost Planet 2, MW2 (See the LOT comparison with fixed lighting), Burnout:Paradise) or a little worse (Assassin's Creed 2, Fallout 3, Dragon Age). And in the end, those games pretty much play the same anyway.

CrippleH5331d ago

There will be no competition in the same games if 1 version gets short end of the stick and devs want both versions to be equal.

I_LOVE_MYSELF5331d ago


Halo3, ODST, GoW1, GoW2, Viva Pinata, Forza 2, Forza 3, Fable 2, Crackdown, Mass Effect, L4D, L4D2, GRAW, Dead Rising, Dead or Alive, Saints Row,

Great games there unavailable for PS3

and when the best multiplat games like:

CoD series, Orange Box (I dont actually count this as a PS3 game it runs so bad on PS3), Rainbow6, GRAW2, Assasins Creed, Resident Evil 5, GTA4, Fallout 3, Dead Space, Splinter Cell DA

:Run MUCH (and I mean MUCH MUCH MUCH) better on 360... Then whats the point in having a PS3?

Unless you like the look of stuttering framerates... but personally that isnt my thing

Odin7775331d ago

I've played the PS3 demo (numerous times, actually) and I haven't really encountered anything that makes the game unplayable. I have a 360 but I'll probably end up getting the "inferior" PS3 version anyway. I just hate that xbox controller...f***king cheap-ass d-pad.

Noob5331d ago (Edited 5331d ago )

CoD series, Rainbow6, GRAW2, Assasins Creed, Resident Evil 5, GTA4, and Dead Space all run fine on PS3. Quit exaggerating comparisons.

"Run MUCH (and I mean MUCH MUCH MUCH) better on 360"

No, not even close. You make it seem like these games run at 480p, 15fps on PS3 while they run native 1080p, 120fps on 360. Your just proof people exaggerate these comparisons to death and try to make it seem these games are unplayable on PS3, which is far from true. I can't believe you used SCDA, that game is almost 4 years old and looks comparable to a Wii game.

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Digitaldude5331d ago

Digitaldude:Damn right you will Sega.

Noob5331d ago

But it's a start I guess.

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