
IGN: Dragon Age: Origins AU Review

When publisher Black Isle Studios closed its doors, the Baldur's Gate saga ended abruptly, leaving fans of the High Fantasy RPG series with few other options as polished and fully-realised as Shadows of Amn and its expansion, Throne of Baal. When Bioware took up the crown itself, eventually wowing a legion of players with Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect, a new RPG heavyweight had assured its place in the tomes of gaming lore.

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Feral Gamer5381d ago

Somewhat disappointed by the graphics :(

blitz06235380d ago

Honestly I'm quite disappointed with the score. I'm still getting this game nonetheless. I hope it gets a good score from the main IGN review...

raztad5380d ago


If you dont mind the graphics and sound (voiceovers) this game promises to be a quite solid experience. 8.4 is not bad by any means.

mugoldeneagle035380d ago

Times are extremely tight around my house and I was waiting for some Dragon Age reviews before I started pre-ordering and this score doesn't help, especially since its the 360 version too (I expect the PS3 version to be lower, and that's the console I'd buy it on)

Looks like I might pass on this until I find work, hopefully soon, and narrow my decision down to Demon Souls, R&C ACIT & ACII. Or who knows maybe the US review will be higher, hopefully. I was looking forward to it.

Nihilism5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

I'm very interested to see how it looks graphically on pc, the last few good pc rpg's for me have been fallout 3, the witcher, mass effect and kotor...so not a lot recently, i'm sure it will surpass all the games i just mentioned in the graphics department...i hope it will :S

But graphics aside, i know this game is going to blow my mind

Darkstorn5380d ago

Hmmmm. I was expecting this to receive a considerably better score. Still might purchase it, though.

Sarcasm5380d ago

I've heard from a friend that the graphics are glitchy, even on the 360 version. I'm scared on how the PS3 version's going to be.

champ215380d ago

pc version should look great ;-)

t8505380d ago

pc version dragon age all the way...

mines being pre-loaded via steam.. almost done.

calis5380d ago

Graphics were always going to be average, it's a massive RPG.

ElementX5380d ago

Well, I know it's a large game, but I'm sort of upset that you travel on a map without getting to walk around the world. Bummer! It's unfortunate to see that they graphics look dated about 4 years. I'm sure it'll be a fun game though. I'll pick it up tomorrow.

Montrealien5380d ago

I have been playing this game since friday, I am working on a Elf warrior atm and I tried out the mage origin Yesterday. All I have to say is that the game is amazing and I am loving every bit of it. I am not disappointed in the score because its a great score for a great game from 1 person.

But I must say, I am really getting tired of all the self proclaimed know it alls thinking a game needs a 9-10 to be a good score and then being disappointed because one of the reviews was an 84%, it must be so boring to be like that.

frostypants5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

@1.8, judging by the recommended system requirements, the PC version will look marginally better, just like Fallout 3 looked marginally better on PCs, but it won't be the huge leap in image quality you'd have seen a few years ago. Developers don't put much time into dolling up PC versions anymore.

That said the PC version is still the one to own, primarily given the inclusion of the top-down view that is missing in the console versions. Plus, it's cheaper.

jjohan355380d ago

Does anyone know if this game supports bluetooth keyboard/mouse on the PS3? I no longer have a PC game system.

pangitkqb5380d ago

I can crank the graphics to levels the consoles will never see. Don't get me wrong, I love console gaming, but Massive RPGs with countless items like this scream to be played on PC with a mouse and keyboard for all too many reasons.

MEsoJD5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

Rapes this Game.

Don't get wrong I had interest in this game for my PC but I don't like

the combat system and art.

likedamaster5380d ago

If the graphics are the least bit decent, this game will NOT disappoint.

BlackTar1875380d ago

I agree 84 is a great score 9's and 10's are the plague of this generation not that they dont deserve them but where i went to school if i got a 84 on my test i was pretty happy. You guys must be genius where anything less then a A =failure which means you are probably gonna wind up being unhappy and bored most of your life.

Like i always say some of my favorite games of all time werent reveiewed the highest or well received its a kinda push the hype hype hype all day long and now people think hype=good

mastiffchild5380d ago

Dudes-you can't just blame the punters for the review situation. If reviewers used all the numbers avaiable to them and five/six was the average game's score then I'd agree sompletely with your assertion that pepople are too picky but when some pretty average games get 8/10 and some 7/10 games are barely playable who do you really blame?

Reviewers suffer the horrors of the pressure from fanboys, devs and publishers and as a result we've ended up with a susyem where many condense their marks between the 6(for crap) to 10(for great but NOT always near perfect games)out of ten range. In this system where games as widely reviled as GTA4 get 10/10s and games as weak as Haze get 7/10s at many sites how do you expect gamers to all be level headed over this?

The time has really come where, unless you know of a reviewer who has opinions that nearly always match yours for games or a particular genre, you should just read the words of a few of the better sites/mags and ignore the bloody scoring system. Marking with the decimal(or just a percentage of 100) does allow more deatail in the score but it's still stuck at the 7-10 mark most of the time so, yeah, people are getting very demnding(though with so many decent to great games about that's understandable even from a purely financial PoV)but is it all their fault?

IMO the reviews scoring system as we know it is garbled and inaccurate for a number of reasons(just how often do you find a reviews words bear no relation to the score?).

As far as this one goes, while I'm interested to see whether their bravado over the dev on PS3 was so much hot air and would thus like to try that version I'm really not sure the combat's for me and it isn't really clear from anything I've watched or read so far. Also, with Xmas on the way money's an issue(esp when a game's a time sink like this will be-you want to make sure your time and financial investments are sound, surely?)do reason is there to be really sure about what you buy-as a rental would be pointless you're a the mercy of a review unless [prepred to wait for a few mates to have payed and tell you what they feel.

Review scores though-becoming redundant.

Controversy5380d ago

I'm starving for a great, captivating RPG.

Tony P5380d ago

Been at playing a while and it's fine. It deserves an above average score and an 8 is just that.

To the gfx whores, if you're skipping a RPG because the graphics aren't up to your "standards" then you're kind of missing the point. Maybe RPGs aren't for you.

pain777pas5380d ago

This is a PC game. If your computer can run it, then that is the version to buy. Mods will be a plenty and seem to be able to be better intergrated than even Oblivion judging from the mod video that I saw. I cannot wait to play this game on the PC. If the PS3 gets mods support than I may get that version aswell. Yes I said it aswell!

DaTruth5380d ago

I have limited room for games, I can only play so many. If I can buy 10 games in a year(for example), then I prefer they be 10/10 games than 8/10 games provided they are all games that I am interested in. But obviously I prefer an 8/10 i'm interested in than a 10/10 of a genre I don't like!

Some people might look at the 9.2/10 for Demon's Souls with the graphics that destroy Dragon's Age 8.4/10's terrible graphics!

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5380d ago
Bigpappy5380d ago

I have not payed much attention to LOTR, so those elements may seem new to me. As long as the story flows well and I get to kill and collect lots of stuff, I'll be quite happy. I have never played a Bioware RPG that I did not enjoy. Something tells me that is not about to change. I will give my reviews as I progress through the game. Borderland got a lot of 8's and that game is a lot more fun that some games with 9.5's and 10's. 8.4 is not bad by any measure.

RememberThe3575380d ago

Story is the last thing you need to worry about. But I agree 100% I'm sure I'll love this game regardless of the score.

TheHater5380d ago

A friend of mine played the consoles version and said the controls was horrible compare to other RPG of this type on consoles. If you can, get this for the PC because the consoles controls are a pain in the ass.

Feral Gamer5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

Well the controls seem like they would be better on a PC. The screen shots for the PC version show a line of spell/action icons on the bottom of the screen. It would be easier to select with a mouse.

From the review:
"Radial menus, activated by holding down the left and right triggers, condense layers of selectable spells into a ring of options, and these can be preset to the right trigger, giving you a total of two different abilities mapped to three of the face buttons. Six total spells feels limiting though, and before long, you'll have your six utterly essential skills and you'll find yourself falling back on the left trigger's radial menu"

Sounds like a pain in the @ss

bigrudowsky5380d ago

My first bioware game was kotor and after that, mass effect. i have complete faith in them to deliver something good..

champ215380d ago

you need a mouse and keyboard to play this game efficiently.

playing this with a control pad would be like playing a racing sim on a keyboard.

Nihilism5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

I swear playing GRID gives me carpel tunnel, it's so not cool, any genre is awesome on a keyboard but racing

and according to your disagree-er above this game will not look good on pc...it's a strange old world we live in

ps3ftwin5380d ago

pc is the version to get.

no replacement for mouse keyboard for this genre.

higher resolutions/textures, FPS & mods are an added bonus.

Montrealien5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

Is the PC version better and more efficient to control? Yes.

end of story.

Buy the one you prefer, bottom line is that it is an enjoyable and playable experience on all platforms. I bought it on the Xbox since I have enjoyed every Bioware RPGs on the consoles, they got the hang of getting their games to work well on a controllers even though it is limited. Debating if mouse and keyboard is better or not for this kind of experience is stupid though. I didn't imagine how it is by reading a descriptive paragraph, I played it and I can safely say it works on a controller and that is all that matters.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5380d ago
StarScream4Ever5380d ago

What does the Aussies want?! Next they'll give MW2 a 8.5 or something. Who cares I already got my Steam Collector Editions and its preloading as I type. Shame on you folks down there.

Nihilism5380d ago (Edited 5380d ago )

don't blame us, blame the retard who reviewed it, 8.4 is not a bad score, but they had some stupid complains, they complained about the graphics...but didn't mention the insane draw distances as you fight a dragon or horde of enemies in an open field...silly rabbits


I agree, as long as it doesn't look like banjo kazooie i'm happy, it's an rpg, it's all about the grind baby

Sarcasm5380d ago

8.4 is a good score.

And come on, the graphics aren't that great but I'm pretty sure the gameplay will definitely overweigh it.

frostypants5380d ago

You're bashing the reviewers score? Last I checked, they played the game, and you have not. It's not as if it's an 8.4 in a sea of 9.5s or something. I'm not seing an axe to grind here.

Besides, 8.4 is a decent score.

Acidicpack5380d ago

8.4 is not a bad score

And this being a Bioware I'm sure I will get hours of enjoyment out of it. I have yet to play a Bioware game failed to not get me totally sucked up into its story and world. So the graphics may not be the best but its the story that I'm after and thats where Bioware always nails it.

Its still a day one buy for me.

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Any game you want to play.


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shinoff2183574d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion572d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad573d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90573d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183573d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90573d ago (Edited 573d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde572d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90572d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde572d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator572d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13572d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183572d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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