
BioWare Has An "Exciting Announcement" About Dragon Age For PS3

What's this?! An announcement about an announcement? You have my interest, BioWare, and I greatly look forward to whatever "exciting announcement" you may have planned in regards to the PlayStation 3 version of your upcoming video game Dragon Age: Origins!

Neurotoxin5359d ago

Yay it`ll be released with the other Formats.... Wooo Hooo aren`t we lucky.

Dragun6195359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

I predict that its either

One, they moved the release date back to November 3

Two, Time Exclusive DLC/ Bonus Content

Three, A Dragon Age Home space and I really hope that it's not a Home space.

Four, Mouse/Keyboard support

And Finally five, a demo.

Though I'm just gonna keep my expectations low and believe that it will be a Dragon Age Home Space with features that connects to the game.

gaffyh5359d ago

Most likely the "exciting" news is that the game will be coming to PS3 same date as PC and Xbox versions. Because at the moment it is coming 3 weeks later.

Darkstorn5359d ago

It's probably a Home space. It would be nice if they moved it up or had timed DLC, but that's too much to ask.

UnSelf5359d ago

Bungie annouced Halo 4 for ps3 exclusive?

Nihilism5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

i'm gonnna go ahead and assume that the announcement is that the 'blood dragon armour' in Dragon Age for ps3, will also be usable... in Mass Effect 2 for the ps3

@skittle's, no you do not, but you also don't have crysis, and your getting crysis 2, just so you know i don't own a ps3, so this isn't some fanboy statement, i'm sure mass effect 2 is coming to ps3, bioware have been very coy about it.


so do I, mass effect was an awesome game, if me2 comes to ps3 then all the better for ps3 owners

LtSkittles5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

@Bubble Bioware =/= Bungie

@dchalfont I don't think so, because do we have Mass Effect 1?

Edit, That's not the point I was making. I thought Mass Effect was supposed to be a trilogy, and not having the first one would makes no sense whatsoever. It's like showing two groups of people the first movie of a trilogy where watching the second one w/out having seen the first part would make no sense. If you know what I mean.

SnuggleBandit5359d ago

i hope you are right dchalfront, i hope you are right

JoeRated5359d ago

i think, and i got but all this talk that Mass Effect 2 coming to ps3. i feel part one i going to be on Dragon Age, two games in one cd. and mass effect 2 coming to ps3. i think but hey it might not happen, but it be a smart move if they do

Alcon5359d ago

I really hope its the mouse/keyboard support

Nihilism5359d ago

if me1 comes to ps3, i doubt it would be free, can you image how insane everyone would go?, people that payed up to $99 for it (games are not $50 everywhere in the world) and then it's free to ps3 owners...

Persistantthug5359d ago

But I'd rather have the 2 week later release date if they put in Mouse and Keyboard support for the PS3.

Developers are totally wasting that opportunity on PS3 games.

whothedog5359d ago


"Hey all you Dragon Age fans out there, I got a special announcement for you! Tomorrow, we will have a special announcement for Dragon Age!"

cyberwaffles5359d ago

includes mass effect 1 on the disc? nah, highly doubt it. bioware and EA wouldn't do that. hopefully its exciting and not something lame.

also, notice how kotaku try so hard to make the "exciting announcement" sound mundane and nothing special.

"Now to ponder. What could they be announcing this late in the pre-release hype cycle? Is the PlayStation 3 version un-delayed, moved up a fortnight to release alongside its PC and Xbox 360 brethren? Will there be a Dragon Age: Origins Home space? Who knows?

Crap. It's probably a Home space, isn't it? Guess I'll find out at the PlayStation.blog of my chosen region this Friday..."

a game releasing at the same time as the other system release dates is not exciting and the writer knows how underwhelming the Home spaces are since you have to pay for them. how come every article they do, they always try to do some stealth derailment on something?

Tony P5359d ago

I'm thinking mods. They talked that up a bit a while ago how they'd like to get some kind of user mod download going on PS3 since 360 is out of the question.

Parapraxis5359d ago

Dragon Age: Origins slaying PS3 on November 17

by David Hinkle { Oct 22nd 2009 at 6:30PM }
"Today, Joystiq can officially confirm November 17 as the date for the PS3 version of Dragon Age: Origins. When asked what has caused the minor delay, Silverman told us Bioware "wanted more time to get [the] PS3 [version] to 'Bioware standards.'""

RememberThe3575359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

That would be a HUGE announcement.

I'm thinking either what Tony P said above about mods, they move the release date up, or they tell us what the PS3 version is getting instead of the bonus armor that is supposed to go with Mass Effect 2.

But, you never know with Bioware. They could be announcing that they love the PS3 version and that we all should buy it when it comes out.

Aw, crap... It's probably a Home space!

cmrbe5359d ago

They will never announce ME2 or ME1 before ME2 is release on the x360.

I need to relay ME1 again to really get an idea why PS3 fans want it so much because i just don't see what the big deal is with ME1.

Can't we just leave this franchise for the x360 folks. Don't we already have enough exclusives on the PS3 already?. Don't you guy have PC's?.

LtSkittles5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )


That's not the point. People want to be right about Mass Effect coming to the PS3, because EA owns Bioware who owns Mass Effect, and EA is more of a multi-platform-system company.


@Below If it goes PS3 yay, but if it doesn't I could careless. You should see some of the responses on the Mass Effect forums, because of this rumor. I saw one where the guy said if it did go he would drop all support for Bioware I mean it's kind of pathetic on both sides.

The 15359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

Stop making up sh*t and you won't put yourselves through this every other week. How many times do the developers have to say it's not coming to PS3?

If I were Bioware and EA I would say as little as possible because the more they say it is not coming to PS3 the more trouble they get into. You guys are trying to force them to flat out say hell no it's not coming to PS3. Once that happens SDF would crush the game before it even releases. The bash fest would never end Sony websites and Sony supporters would give the game a very hard time in reviews.

What makes you think they would even announce something like that tomorrow? Why would you think they would even talk about that before the 360 version even released?

Teh Cell would melt and PS3 would flash yellow lights trying to run ME1.

cmrbe5359d ago

then there is no reason for multi consoles. I don't want that.

However, i am pretty sure ME will eventually get ported to the PS3. I blame MS for being idiots and not buying Bioware to build up their first party which is lacking.

5359d ago
The 15359d ago Show
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LtSkittles5359d ago

@The 1

I'm so glad that you've played Mass Effect on the PS3, and know the disadvantages of the game on PS3, and I will stick to not buying it at all. Thank you for doing this for me, and tell me also how other games that are not PS3,and how they will run. Oh Faithful one.

Noctis Aftermath5359d ago

I have 3 things i think it will be.

1 - Dragon Age: Origins dynamic theme.

2 - Release date moved forward, possibly to the same as other versions.

3 - Bonus content for having to wait longer (ie; slaves broken stick of poking)

PS: Mass Effect can easily come out on PS3, i'll show you how.

Mass Effect Stigma
Mass Effect Stigma 2
Mass Effect Stigma 3

Parapraxis5359d ago

Wow, I can't believe people disagreed with my post ^.
The date isn't changing. Bioware confirmed it TODAY.

Foliage5359d ago

A positive PS3 article on Kotaku?

Did they take their usual jab that has to follow anything positive about the PS3?

Yup, they sure did. First they mention how the PS3 version was supposedly delayed, and then they bag on Home. Kotaku is so predictable it isn't even funny any more.

TheLog5359d ago

This game dosent appeal to me anymore after seeing the combat gameplay. The Witcher 2 kicks this game ass in every department, although i dun think we'll see it anytime soon.

hay5359d ago

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DaTruth5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

Forget their announcement and just get Demon's Souls! The vids look kinda crap for this game(not saying the gameplay will be bad).

Has anyone noticed how we don't dump on Mass Effect the way 360 fanboys dumped on MGS4 when they wanted it and started rumours everyday. PS3 owners just say it's a great game and we would want it... without the 10 min elevator rides.

sikbeta5359d ago

That is because we are real gamers, not just whiners

Ravage275358d ago (Edited 5358d ago )

I played ME1 about a year ago on my laptop and i honestly didn't find it all that special. Don't get me wrong, it's a fine game but i rather be playing Fallout 3 if you get what i mean. The 'innovative' branching dialogue did not impress me and the cover system is pretty flawed. Selecting abilities can be a pain, and overall it is just lacking the sort of charm that makes FO3 so appealing.

This is just my opinion but i'd much rather Bioware do a DragonAge 2 than ME2.

frostypants5358d ago (Edited 5358d ago )

I just want this game to come out already. On the PS3 it is going to be constantly compared, fair or not, to Demon's Souls. I hope there's enough to substantially differentiate it (but knowing Bioware, there will). Man this fall is kicking so much ass for games.

@1.33: Yes, any PS3 owner interested in RPGs or Castlevania-type games has NO EXCUSE for not tracking down a copy of Demon's Souls. Still, I think/hope this might be worth owning...in addition to DS of course.

GameGambits5358d ago

I'm almost 99% sure it is Mass Effect 2 for the PS3. The reason is on the Playstation store now there are 3 Dragon Age Origins trailers. One of them at the end says if you buy Dragon Age you get a certain armor useable for both Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2. Now... how can PS3 owners use something for Mass Effect 2 if it isn't announced for it?

I'm sure it'll be either a month later or who knows maybe same day, but it IS going to the PS3. The proof is on the Playstation store and in that trailer.

Neurotoxin5357d ago

I should read tarot cards..... although tbf it was obvious.

+ Show (35) more repliesLast reply 5357d ago
AznSniper5359d ago

Mass Effect for PS3 included with Dragon Age: Origins Blu-ray Disc?

Demonzu Souru5359d ago

Alrighty then.

Probably some armor from a popular PlayStation game.

TheBand1t5359d ago

What armor is that though? I can only think of the Helghast when it comes to armor. Or the armor some of the Chimera wear.

RememberThe3575359d ago

is the only armor that I would want in Dragon Age.

saint_john_paul_ii5359d ago

2 possibilities:

1.Mass effect 1 finally confirmed for PS3, demo included with Dragon Age

2.We get Timed-Exclusive DLC first.

Demonzu Souru5359d ago

Are you guys even reading, at all?

Darkstorn5359d ago

That would be awesome, but unfortunately I doubt it.

TheHater5359d ago (Edited 5359d ago )

probably a demo. Don't get your hopes up guys.

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GF365: "If you’re a reader, this list of great games for avid readers is for you. Games are a form of art, and some have written literature in them."

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Games to play while waiting for Dragon's Dogma 2

Here are some great action role-playing video games to play while waiting for the highly anticipated Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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jznrpg218d ago

Any game you want to play.


10 Best Lore-Rich Video Games

Talented writers can build worlds that are as wondrous as real-life. Here are the best lore-rich video games for you to get immersed in.

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shinoff2183542d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion541d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad541d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90541d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183541d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90541d ago (Edited 541d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde541d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90540d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde540d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator541d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13541d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183540d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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