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EA to blame customers for Dead Space sales instead of themselves

Nintendo DPad writes: "We have all seen the numbers behind Dead Space Extraction, and frankly, they're horrible. Unfortunately, EA will in turn blame Wii customers for not buying into their mature title efforts."

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ndpad5391d ago (Edited 5391d ago )

Really wish more third parties would take Wii seriously. It is no wonder third party sales are low on most games.

nycredude5391d ago

They should have called it:

WiiSpace: Dead Extraction

I kid... I kid... Hmm...

STK0265391d ago

they tried. Red Steel (decent), No more heroes (very fun, but wans't exactly good looking), MadWorld (fun, beautiful but black and white isn't for everyone), House of the dead Overkill (very fun, but short), The Conduit (nice visuals, good controls, but bland and the story was pretty bad), Dead Space Extraction (fun, good looking, but a rail shooter) and murasama (great game overall). But the thing is, none of these sold really well. Some did good, but not X360-good (saying X360 since it has the highest attach rate, or does it? argh, can't remember...). It's sad to say, but the market simply isn't there it would seem. Maybe it's because it's pretty easy to have backup games play on the Wii, or maybe because there's just too many kids and "casuals" owning Wiis, but either way, you have like 50 millions Wiis sold in the World, and most third party "core" games don'T reach the million mark. On the other hand, both the 360 and the PS3 have many third party games reaching the million mark, yet each has about half the market share that the Wii has.

erathaol5391d ago (Edited 5391d ago )

I like how the Wii continues to perplex developers/publishers. When considering Nintendo's history with their last 2 consoles and third party support its a very humorous twist of fate.

slipkoRn5391d ago

If they were to make a sequel on hd consoles they have to put the black suit as their main or give the player options.

AKNAA5391d ago

"EA needs to understand that Wii core owners are no different than those of Xbox or PS3 core owners, we all want quality."

LOL! Not up to wii fit standards I guess... what a shame I tell you.
those third party developers who made madworld, house of the dead and no more heroes are just as disappointing!! argh! they are so not taking wii titles seriously!!!

wii fit. wii sports. Nuff said! damn lazy a$$ developers.

p.s I will buy DS: extractions when it comes on the PS3 when their motion control is released.

ABizzel15391d ago

EA is right to blame the Wii audience, because they only buy Nintendo games. The majority of "Hardcore 3rd party title" have done horrible numbers on the Wii especially considering it has an install base of over 50 million (Resident Evil 4 being one of the few exceptions selling 1.6 million). No More Heroes considered one of the best games on the Wii only sold 500k which is good, but when you have 50 millions systems your game should be pushing 1 million easy.

The problem is for one Dead Space only did ok on the 360 and PS3 until the price was dropped to $40 and $30 which is when sales picked up. The Wii isn't the place for third parties, the PS3 and 360 are.

5391d ago
edhe5391d ago

It's not the devs that aren't doing it right - it's the publishers.

Have you seen one advert for DSE on primetime? The wii audience watches more telly than browser windows. What they need to do is a two-part marketing campaign, 15 seconds each side of the ad break, on major shows that families watch.

Advertise that it's a Wii Exclusive, easy to play, coop experience and try to impart some of the dramatic tension of the game, not the graphics or the story.

Redempteur5391d ago

" The original Dead Space was unable to pass the million mark on either of the HD consoles.
How successful did EA expect Extraction to be when making it on-rails? "

And if anyone know the answer, please tell me ...

sikbeta5391d ago

EA, in order to get more sales next time try to put this titles:

Mario Space: Extraction
Luigi Space: Extraction
wii sports Space: Extraction
kirby Space: Extraction
pikachu Space: Extraction

IMO these titles sound better, but I don't think will sell better

Dead Mario: Extraction
Dead luigi: Extraction
Dead wii sport: Extraction
Dead kirby: Extraction
Dead pikachu: Extraction

coolfool5391d ago

I have a few points:

The game reviewed pretty well.
The content is definitely mature.
I think "proper" hardcore gamers wouldn't have bought the wii anyway.
From a "real life" perspective, my friend has this game and absolutely loves it. He has no problem with the on-rails nature of it.

I guess I don't understand what the real problem is. For the most part the wii buyers really ARE a different demographic to PS3 and 360 buyers so why would you pretend it isn't?

Isaac5390d ago

Half of Wii games sold with the Wii are Nintendo games. The fact that the Wii sells with Wii Sports doesn't help much, many casuals just get the Wii for that game and never buy another game again (let alone use their Wii). Others just buy it for exercising and maybe get an additional controller (that's what Wii Play is for). So basically Nintendo has those three game sales almost guaranteed, and if it's not those, then the Nintendo fanboys will get one of the dozens of Mario games that are available on the platform (Mario Galaxy, Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Strikers, Mario and Sonic 1, New Super Mario Bros (LBP rip-off), Mario Kart Gamecube 1.5, Mario and Sonic 2, Mario Party, Smash Bros Melee 1.5, etcetera), and maybe Zelda, Pokemon and Metroid. Then the rest is basically for those third party ports from last-gen franchises (Resident Evil, Okami, Bully) or established franchises (Call of Duty, Rockband, Guitar Hero) and shovelware (games that imitate the Wii brand like "Active" from ea or more Wii crap). What are they left with? New IP for hardcore games that flops because no serious gamer buys a Wii.

The fact that the Wii has a negligible amount of internal flash memory, and the virtual console and Wii Ware can't be anything other than Epic fails.

I sometimes wonder if Nintendo would make more money by going multiplatform, that way they would save R&D in making consoles, they would have a huge install base with all platforms, and they could sell their add-ons/accessories the same way EA and Activision sell theirs with their games. I also doubt they would make crappy ports for other consoles, they would most likely take advantage of the hardware they would use. I would love to see what Miyamoto would be capable of doing with 50GB Blu-ray, cell processor and a new add-on of his choice for the Zelda franchise.

ChickeyCantor5390d ago

" New Super Mario Bros (LBP rip-off)"

O the irony.... HAHAHAHA.

" The fact that the Wii has a negligible amount of internal flash memory, and the virtual console and Wii Ware can't be anything other than Epic fails. "

It goes up to 32Gb, of course if you buy one of them SD-cards.
And i dont see how those 2 service's are "epic fail".

You sure you dont have the fanboy gene?
Well onwards you go, Sony is waiting for you soldier!

flash745390d ago

I really enjoyed the first Dead Space on the 360, and I lok forward to any future installments like that. I will admit though, I have absolutely no interest in any on-the-rails shooter. Those games just flat out don't appeal to the masses. The only time they ever see play is at an arcade like House of the Dead series. Why they choose to blame Wii players for there lack of success is a joke. Port it to the PS3 and the 360, and the sales will flop there too. What a shame that all that time and effort was wasted rather than using it to make a sequel to the first one.

dabri55390d ago

Miyamoto would probably make a game about jogging or something. It would use not even 1/30th of the space provided by BlueRay and would probably run off a DS game engine.

Face it. Miyamoto has stated this himself. He doesn't care about games anymore. He is more interested in toys. This is exactly why you see the accessory happy Wii.

I'm not saying the guy knows how to make some money, but if you think he would crank out something special with better hardware, you are wrong. He just doesn't care about that stuff. He especially doesn't care about cranking out as much as he can from hardware.

ChickeyCantor5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

Actually catguy,
If you read miyamoto's interviews its clearly obvious he sometimes points out( but in a subtle way) that he is also frustrated due the Specs of the Wii. Any developer wants to have more power to expand their ideas.

And he has been making games for years, saying he doesn't care seems a bit out of this world.

" but if you think he would crank out something special with better hardware, you are wrong."

Actually you are wrong, he clearly stated in his last interview that he will make use of the hardware at hand.
Its also up to the Art-directors and such to put out a good final product not just miyamoto, gamedesign/development is pretty broad you know.

otherZinc5390d ago

I've purchased every EA sports game since 1989. Now, I wont buy **** until everyone can make an NFL Football game.

**** all EA Games until that contract is over!

thesummerofgeorge5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

they knew it was a risk, unless they're oblivious to the fact that the wii is the tricycle of gaming consoles, so noone's really to blame, it just didn't work out... but if anyone were to blame, it's not little 7 year old timmy's mom for not buying him dead space.

Isaac5390d ago

Wow, you addressed nothing with your mindless "HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA". The new mario that's coming out has plenty of similarities to LBP, like the fact that it's a co-op platformer. Sure, Mario invented platformers, but LBP invented create/share/play.

Also, how many of those Wii's actually have 32 GB on them? Most have somewhere between 512MB-2GB. Even 32GB is too little, that's why Sony and Microsoft are selling 120-250GB storage solutions.

Are you sure you don't have the fanboy gene yourself? *looks at comment history* *Nintendo fanboy confirmed*

I never denied having a preference; but I love Nintendo games and I'm sure Nintendo and everybody else would do better if Nintendo was a multiplatform company (not just software because they could sell a sh1tload of peripherals).

ChickeyCantor5390d ago

"Wow, you addressed nothing with your mindless "

Actually i addressed something with the "irony" part.
If you truly believe NSMBWII is a LBP rip-off i suggest you jump out of the window now.

" Even 32GB is too little, that's why Sony and Microsoft are selling 120-250GB storage solutions. "

Wii's content does not go up to 1080P,games do not take gigs of data, therefor the 32GB will suffice.

ReviewsArePolitics5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

@Isaac, almost completely agree with you, except I own a Wii and I buy many of the games that don't sell that much. I am probably one of the less than 100,000 on the Wii though...

@Sidar, you still failed to address the dozens of valid points Isaac brought to the table, so your "laugh" is still a pitiful attempt at... whatever you were trying to accomplish, lol. Did you not have anything better to say?

Oh, and how many of those Wii owners have a 32GB? So since Wii isn't HD, it doesn't need as much storage? Not everything related with storage has to do with resolution. And again, how many have MORE than 512 MB or 2GB? You fail.

"If you truly believe NSMBWII is a LBP rip-off i suggest you jump out of the window now. "

Instead of addressing Isaac's point, or acknowledging any similarities, you resort to this? And you call others fanboys? lmao

corneliuscrust5390d ago

Sidar is saying it is IRONIC because you're saying Mario (amongst the ORIGINS of platforming) is ripping off LBP.

And he's laughing because it's pretty funny that anyone could seriously think that at all. If you are hinting at the simultaneous multiplayer aspect, New Super Mario Bros had that on DS... there's not really much ground to stand on if you're saying a MARIO game is a rip of a recent platformer

Pika-pie5390d ago

If you cant play it with your Grandma then it wont sell on Wii. Its a totally different market, all the hardcore gamers who purchased a Wii at launch have now moved onto the PS3/360. Nintendo know this... they dont care seen as how they are making millions.

EA would have more look with a sports game that uses the balance board

ReviewsArePolitics5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

"Sidar is saying it is IRONIC because you're saying Mario (amongst the ORIGINS of platforming) is ripping off LBP."

So, since miyamoto is out of ideas, ITS OK to rip-off of other's ideas because, by inventing a genre, he owns it now and can take ideas from anyone without giving credit, right? That's pretty dumb. THAT is the irony, that Mario is now taking ideas from games in its genre (sort of, though Mario is not giving you a level editor and allowing you to share your creations), not that anyone says Mario is taking from others, because *that's what is actually happening*; and it's ok, all games borrow from other games. It's not the first time though, Mario also took ideas from Ratchet and Clank's spherical worlds, something Nintendo fanboys in a Wii article will never admit.

"there's not really much ground to stand on if you're saying a MARIO game is a rip of a recent platformer "

Uh, yes there is. It's stupid from sidar to imply that Mario is completely original and that Nintendo (or Miyamoto) don't have to give any credit to other games. Have they ever given any credit to anyone? Sony and Microsoft have credited Nintendo with innovating and restarting the industry; but I don't recall Nintendo giving Kudos to Microsoft for innovating in the online space or to Sony for expanding to frontiers that Nintendo was never able to tap with its home consoles, be it with marketshare, sales, technology or cinematics in games.

So funny how all the Nintendo fanboys think Nintendo invented everything and therefore can take ideas without giving credit.


@below, lulz at you getting all emotional over this. I understand YOUR point about calling it ironic, but the irony isn't so much of him calling Mario a LBP rip-off, but rather, the fact that Mario now borrows gameplay elements from LBP and Ratchet. I don't think he meant Mario is a rip-off of LBP, simply a few gameplay elements (like 4-player co-op), which is true. You seem to not have many good ideas to get your point across, just resort to ad-hominems and violent wishes.

"Multiplayer has always been there, no matter what game.
In no way is NSMBWii a rip-off.

LBP fans are taking it to a new dimension its pathetic."

Uh, 4-player online Co-op was always there? In 2D mario games? Before LBP? That's news.

"No thats what your angered fanboy mind thinks."

Not really, that's how you guys act. Also see how you Nintendo fans credit Nintendo with a lot more than they really did, but always fail to mention that they were a constricting monopoly in the late 80s. Nintendo fanboys also justified cartridges back then and Gamecube's minidiscs, and wii's lack of horsepower.

"No one here claimed Nintendo invented everything, but MULTIPLAYER can NOT be ripped off in any concept since its been there since the beginning of gaming."

Mention 4 player online co-op 2D multiplatformers before LBP then

"If you want Miyamoto to credit Media mole, then Media Molecule should credit those who made 4player games on the NES( yes some NES games supported 4 players) or any other system that did that."

I dont' care if he does, but you guys fail to acknowledge any other games (because you don't play anything that isn't Nintendo apparently). Why would Media Molecule need to acknowledge him? So he has to wait for them to acknowledge that? lol, Miyamoto has initiative, but whatever, don't go off the tangent here. The point is that Nintendo is not 100% original like you want to think, they do borrow ideas from others just like others do from them. It's the nature of everyone, not just the games industry.

Anyway, to stay on topic, I think EA simply failed to aim to anyone in particular with this game. The (extremely few) hardcore gamers in the Wii population probably didn't give a sh1t about this one as the system is flooded with on-rails shooters. Also, it's just a spin-off of the original.

ChickeyCantor5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

" Did you not have anything better to say? "

If you seriously dont understand the irony of him saying that LBP is a Mario rip-off than, you too jump out of a freaking window.

" So, since miyamoto is out of ideas, ITS OK to rip-off of other's ideas because, by inventing a genre,"

Multiplayer has always been there, no matter what game.
In no way is NSMBWii a rip-off.

LBP fans are taking it to a new dimension its pathetic.

" So funny how all the Nintendo fanboys think Nintendo invented everything"

No thats what your angered fanboy mind thinks.
No one here claimed Nintendo invented everything, but MULTIPLAYER can NOT be ripped off in any concept since its been there since the beginning of gaming.

If you want Miyamoto to credit Media Molecule, then Media Molecule should credit those who made 4player games on the NES( yes some NES games supported 4 players) or any other system that did that.

Sounds stupid doesn't it?

" , the fact that Mario now borrows gameplay elements from LBP and Ratchet."

Like what? LMAO.

" I don't think he meant Mario is a rip-off of LBP, simply a few gameplay elements (like 4-player co-op)"

you can not rip-off multiplayer.
Thats the most ignorant BS someone ever said. If Nintendo should credit for that, than MM should credit their 4 player support from other companies. Its that simple.

ReviewsArePolitics5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

"you can not rip-off multiplayer.
Thats the most ignorant BS someone ever said. If Nintendo should credit for that, than MM should credit their 4 player support from other companies. Its that simple."

Uh, when did I say MM "invented multiplayer"? I said MM brought 4 person multiplayer co-op to 2D platformers. It's not really the same thing as saying that MM brought more than 1 person together in gaming. You Nintendo guys love to quote out of context and to set up straw men arguments.

Prove arguments wrong that I didn't bring in the first place don't help your point.

"Like what? LMAO."

Funny you call others ignorant when you don't know anything and can't even do a little research yourself. Nintendo thinks Mario Galaxy is original because of Spherical worlds when they were available before on 3D platformers, namely R&C.

Also, I just told you how Nintendo borrowed from LBP, it's patently obvious. It doesn't matter if Nintendo didn't "take a look" (how could anyone tell?), but if you knew anything about anything, you'd know that in all media forms, those that came before with any innovation are credited with the innovation, even if later devs didn't bother to "take a look".

Also, why do Nintendo fanboys never give the F*** up. Just admit you are wrong and that's it. Or is your conviction so strong that you can't see the truth as it is? I know you have the reputation of being the biggest Nintendo fanboy in here (even if they are almost non-existent nowadays), but I am willing to dispute that and see if you are actually reasonable.

ChickeyCantor5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

" I said MM brought 4 person multiplayer co-op to 2D platformers."

A yes cause Ideas never were made before any productions at all!!
No it only exists after a game does it!!! LOL.

" Funny you call others ignorant when you don't know anything and can't even do a little research yourself. Nintendo thinks Mario Galaxy is original because of Spherical worlds when they were available before on 3D platformers, namely R&C. "

Aaaaah yes cause New super mario bros Wii does Galaxy!!

" Also, why do Nintendo fanboys never give the F*** up. Just admit you are wrong and that's it. "

The question should be, why do people like you think others are always wrong.

The fact that you think you are " right", you actually believe im being unreasonable. It doesn't work like that sally.

" Why would Media Molecule need to acknowledge him? So he has to wait for them to acknowledge that?"

Where did i say " him" , i said the companies for using 4 player multiplayer.

" Mention 4 player online co-op 2D multiplatformers before LBP then "

Count the games that supported 4 player.
How is that any different? Just because they are both platformers, doesn't mean its a "rip-off". If we go by that then LBP is 90% a rip-off from Super mario Bros on the NES.

" Uh, 4-player online Co-op was always there? In 2D mario games? Before LBP? That's news.
No multiplayer has always been there concept wise, and NSMBWii isn't even online.
So your point on saying its a LBP-rip off only makes less sense now.

" (because you don't play anything that isn't Nintendo apparently)."

I own the game, LBP that is, and i played NSMBWii at a game event...sorry buddy LBP sucks compared to it.
So even if its a rip-off, Nintendo is apparently doing a better job at it.

The multiplayer aspects are also different compared to LBP.
I know, i played both games. You cant say i didn't =D.

ReviewsArePolitics5390d ago

"A yes cause Ideas never were made before any productions at all!!
No it only exists after a game does it!!! LOL."

Anyone can claim "oh, we thought that before". Nobody said the idea exists after a game does it, what was said that nobody did it before, therefore whoever did it afterwards should never claim their idea is original, even if they think they thought it before (because there's really no way to prove that).

"Aaaaah yes cause New super mario bros Wii does Galaxy!!

Point missed, another fail. Nintendo borrows ideas from other games, it does not necessarily have to be for New Super Mario Bros Wii. Are you even trying to win an argument?

"The question should be, why do people like you think others are always wrong."

Not really, but you have no point this time.

"The fact that you think you are " right", you actually believe im being unreasonable. It doesn't work like that sally."

Uh, you are proving you are unreasonable, silly.

"Where did i say " him" , i said the companies for using 4 player multiplayer."

Uh, you failed yet again: 4 player online co-op 2D multiplatformers, not 4 players.

"Count the games that supported 4 player.
How is that any different?"

4 player is generic and has been done already by dozens of games. It's a given in most multiplayer games that you'll be able to play with even much more than that. All the features that LBP does in a single package is pretty new, and Nintendo is borrowing something (not that it's bad or anything, everyone does, but Nintendo fanboys don't want to admit it because in their view Nintendo are gods among men when in reality they just make some truly great games that take about 3 to 5 years to be made, each. Quick fact: LBP was announced in March 2007, almost 3 years before New Super Mario Bros Wii, enough time for Nintendo to "incorporate" something into their game(s)).

"Just because they are both platformers, doesn't mean its a "rip-off"."

The "rip-off" or the borrowed idea would be everything NEW that LBP is doing, NOT EVERYTHING, but you fanboys love to jump the gun so quickly because god forbid anyone speaking wrong about Nintendo or you flip out.

"If we go by that then LBP is 90% a rip-off from Super mario Bros on the NES."

Not really. Creating a game that lets you create and share levels with so many dynamic features, online 4-player co-op, not to mention the aesthetics of the game are too different and much more ambitious.

"No multiplayer has always been there concept wise, and NSMBWii isn't even online. So your point on saying its a LBP-rip off only makes less sense now."

Actually, that only helps my point, considering Nintendo couldn't even pull that off, so they had to only partially borrow. So they basically had to make the co-op offline (which can be done on LBP), but couldn't take it online. How could they not, considering online gaming is pretty standard today. That's why Nintendo makes a profit, because they underdeliver and you guys are all over it.

Also, you still fail to address other 4-player co-op 2D platformers before LBP, especially ones made by Nintendo. So you fail, yet again.

" (because you don't play anything that isn't Nintendo apparently)."

"I own the game, LBP that is, and i played NSMBWii at a game event...sorry buddy LBP sucks compared to it."

Not according to most gamers and the few respectable critics left. LBP is one of the best rated games this gen anyway and has brought to the table a lot more than Nintendo has with any of its games THIS gen. NSMBWii? Not that much.

"So even if its a rip-off, Nintendo is apparently doing a better job at it.

Only to you. Laughing in your own delusion again?

"The multiplayer aspects are also different than in LBP.
I know, i played both games. "

Nobody said they are equal, but Nintendo did borrow some ideas, or at least somebody did it before them, but hopefully Miyamoto won't belittle other developers as he has done before by feeling "flattered" even though some of his games have flattered other devs.

Nintendo borrows some ideas, get over it.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 5390d ago
PhDInParapsychology5391d ago

Making this an on-the-rails shooter really was a terrible move. The original Dead Space was great and this could have made such a good companion piece. If this had been third person it would have been a day one purchase for me; instead I'm going to wait until this gets clearanced 75% off at Target. Shouldn't take long at all the way it is selling. Nice to see another developer blaming the consumer. Because not really marketing the game was a brilliant decision, right EA?

The Lazy One5391d ago

It would have controlled like crap as a third person shooter. Really an on rails experience will play better on the wii.

I'm surprised so many people are so upset. This really does look like one of the best on-rails games I've ever seen in arcades or on consoles.

OpenGL5391d ago

Does anyone honestly prefer rail shooters to the 3rd person survival horror style seen in the PS3/360/PC versions?

n4f5391d ago

on rail is just laziness
the original dead space control like resident evil
resident evil 4 on wii sold well because it was a good game and had WAY better control
so saying that on-rail would be a good idea and saying it was a guided shooter it laziness to me

PhDInParapsychology5391d ago

@ The Lazy One - There's no reason 3rd person conrols wouldn't work on Wii. Walk around with the nunchuk, swing the remote left to right to melee, up and down to curb stomp, press C to zoom in when you need to shoot. B to shoot, A for alternate fire. Really could have been a great experience. It is a good rails shooter, but it's not as great of an experience as it could be.

mastiffchild5391d ago

Yes, Dr.Laztone can't hacve played the sumptuously controlled RE4 Wii edition if he think's DS in Wii wouldn't have worked off rails.

To me the success of that port is what really shows Capcom up for being lazy over recent Wii games ion that and other series(Wii makes and rails shooters FFS and weak demi ports like CTRD alongside another old gem orted well in Okami. Only MH3 and it's online Japanese cashcow got any real love and that's a fact, sadly, e.g why no SFWii?

Sadly EA have really followed suit after the DS team REALLY id their best for us all and didn't either push the game via ads or manage to get Ninty to push it on the Wii Channel/Shopping Channel as the could do with any big Wii games like PSN or Live do for their platforms. I always say that the lack of Wii demos available kills a lot of games on the console esp when you think a lot of Wii gamers know sod all about what's coming or what a certin game they never heard of might be like.

Sales of REsi4 show hw big the potential market is for "core" games on Wii but noone has EVER gone after it properly-not even WaW advertised like other platforms, did it? That game sold well inn the end but only through it's name and word of mouth I'm afraid which is exactly how The Conduit and Madworld managed to die practically before they were born. Same for NMH and Okami(again!). I think a change in attitude from Nintendo is needed to get 3rd party(and even some of their own)mature titles selling(and possibly help keep the new Wii gamers on Wii/Ninty consoles as their tastes grow rather than them leaving for more mature offerings on the HD twins).

Most "core" gamers knew Extraction was good but offered little replay as a RAILS SHOOTER(the big mistake IMO was making another one of them)and many other new Wii gamers just won't know what it is, how it plays or what a Rails shooter even is. Ninty and their 3rd party devs need to be there to educate the changing tastes of their new demographic of gamer if they want them gaming on Wii(or whatever comes next from the big N)in the middle future.IMO abviously.

The Lazy One5391d ago

and how do you look up and down or turn sideways? There's a reason nobody uses the Dpad for movement anymore.

either way, the game isn't lazy. It's literally the best looking game in an entire genre in a long time. It's a different experience than dead space was originally, and there's no reason that's a bad thing. A good game is a good game because it's fun, and I'd rather have a great rail shooter than a crappy third person shooter any day.

I'd bet nobody here has even played it yet.

ChickeyCantor5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

" on rail is just laziness "

Im not a developer, but it really pisses me off how "gamers" think they know so F'much about concepts and actual production.

Why don't you go try and turn a concept into an on rail shooter without loosing the vibe of the original settings.
Apparently they did a great job on translating the scenario's into gameplay. Many reviewers have stated that its a great addition to DEAD SPACE.

Doesn't seem like a "lazy" production at all.

" and how do you look up and down or turn sideways? There's a reason nobody uses the Dpad for movement anymore. "

You can always use the IR for your aiming/camera controls. Not just in First person views but also in third person views.

If they give it the ability to be customized like in The Conduit (or other FPS upcoming titles) then i think it would work great.
(I think these kinds of control would work better in TPS than FPS honestly, the aiming dynamics are more clear. Btw RE4 did it too remember, but that one was restricted to its original concept, shoot while standing...but it should also work while you are running)

dabri55390d ago

You are actually way off on your assumptions the developer was just lazy. They made the choice to put the game on rails so that they limited the user view to exactly where they want it at all times. This allowed this to push more polygons/ effects on screen at once. They made the mistake most 3rd party devs are making with the Wii. They concentrate on making the game look just as good as a 360 / Ps3 game.
What they don't get is even if thy max out the Wii hardware, it will only look like a really lame 360/ PS3 game. People aren't impressed. If you want your game to be successful on the Wii, there has to be a cool gimmick/ new way to use your Wii mote to get peoples attention.

It's why I feel the Wii fails as a system for anyone BUT nintendo. It requires every developer to think of some new way to use a dumb controller. Yeah, you can be rewarded with great game sales if you do but the thing is, there are only so many ways you can use the Wii mote and odds are, if you think of a good way to use it in a game, its either:

A: too gimicky that its only viable for short amount of time like a wario ware style game

B: Already being used by one of Nintendo's games thus making your idea seem like a ripoff and unoriginal.

Nintendo didn't plan on this console being successful because of the games. If they did, they wouldof sold the Wii hardware at a loss like every console maker does at first and then made the money back through its software. Nintendo instead took the Wii and sold it for a profit guaranteeing that even if they could just push the console on people and no games sold (hmm sound familiar?) they would still make a killer profit which they have been doing. In fact they have done so well with this model, that instead of thinking about what great game they can release next, it's become, what awesome accessory can we release next at a ridiculous price?

The Lazy One5390d ago

He was already using the IR for melee attacks.

frostypants5390d ago (Edited 5390d ago )

Obviously it was made on-the-rails because of the Wii's inferior horsepower. They couldn't create the atmosphere they wanted without a certain level of graphics detail, and that was only possible by removing a degree of player freedom (thereby strictly controlling the environment, meaning less processing).

They could have watered down the graphics, but Dead Space is all about atmosphere, and perhaps they felt that they couldn't maintain it sufficiently with the degree of graphical-nerfing that would be required for a non-rails game.

Face it, people. The Wii is a current-gen system by timeframe only. Processing-wise, it is a generation behind, and developers just can't achieve what they need out of its hardware. It's a party-game system, with a (very) few solid exceptions, but exceptions nonetheless.

ChickeyCantor5390d ago

"He was already using the IR for melee attacks."

Therefor they need to rethink their control scheme, if it were to be a Third person shooter than the controls would have been matched to it.

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Smacktard5391d ago

protip: develop a NOT railshooter.

FiftyFourPointTwo5391d ago

Solution: Once the PSWand is out, make a PS3 version.

OpenGL5391d ago

Please don't, unless it's like a $10 PSN title.

DoctorXpro5391d ago

If the game was on PC/PS3/360 I'm sure EA would be whit a better smile.

phantomexe5391d ago

I love the ps3 but you are a ps3 fanboy, your no gamer dead space for the wii was great.I played it at a friends and had to go out and buy it.Fact is no On-rails shooter going show up on the ps3 that ps3 owners like myself are going buy and the same goes for the 360!So why should EA expect wii owners to be all about buying it? It is a good game but it's still on-rails and because EA like maney other companys on the wii are to lazy to make a game FPS or 3rd,instead the wii gets more on-rails shooters.Its lazy sh** that you cannot blame the hardware for,look at the conduit, new IP and look at how well it sells are to this day.EA made a good on-rail but that all it is a ON-RAIL.

mastiffchild5391d ago

Yeah, few ads, no demo(ever, thanks Ninty-if I owned a third party dev house the lack of chances for demos on the Wii would dissuade me from makingnew IP on that platform tbh-except maybe for WiiWare at really low costs but with the bit of support the shopping and other channels give those games)and a poor pricing policy make me wonder just how they(EA) ever thought it would sell on the Wii.

As, say, a premium WiiWare title(ignoring storage for the sake of this comarison and argument)at £17.50 or thereabouts it could have been a real goer-maybe with some online co-op. However just how much better would it sell as a similar package with thw Wands on PSN for example? With the decent(by comparison) number of DS fans already on the platform AND the natural fit for it as a PSN title I can see it doing REALLY well myself and the damn same on Live with Natal.

I would say that over 70% of Wii owners , to thisvery day, are unaware of Dead Space: Extraction's existence. Of those that have heard of it how many will have much of a clue what it is? About half? And of the rest how many would know what a rails shooter was?

It never had a hope in sales terms as EA didn't take notice of how or why other good mature Wii titles failed to sell so why they bothered with half an experiment IDK. There wnon't be more of them, however, and it signals the end of EA's mature ambition for the console even though it's ALL their fault.

The Conduit failed to sell as it was a relatively inknown dev and to the more interested who followed development a little the game just failed to reach it's goals and, frankly, was a bit of a let down and a mature Wii game needs to be RE4 quality to sell it would seem-or at least COD! Maybe HVS and Sega can pull it off next time round but this sales thing on Wii is a prickly subject and I don't think Ninty themselves help these games succeed in any way on their consoles and one day they will need them, and games like them, to really succeeed when many gamers brought to the hobby by the Wii syaty looking for deeper gaming experiences on a more regular basis-and lots of them will , imo, as we all start as a casual gamer don't we?

Bottom line though-EA let their devs down and now blame gamers(many of whom they failed to even tell about this game)for their idiocy and shortsightedness when they could have offloaded a little at Ninty's door if they didn't want all the bad karma.

Sadly, though, however good and innovative Extraction is in places (and AS A lightgun shooter)ot was never the game to ignite sales in thisarea for EA and Wii.

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Dead Space Games Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Dead Space. It’s a beloved horror series – one that yours truly can’t stop talking about on stream! Yet there are more Dead Space games than you may be aware of. So it’s my duty to introduce you to the best Dead Space games, and one very, very bad one. It’s time to grab a plasma cutter, cut off the limbs of terrifying necromorphs, and decide once and for all (on this website) which of the Dead Space games reigns supreme!"

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Community725d ago
-Foxtrot726d ago

Dead Space Extraction better than the original Dead Space?


lucian229725d ago

I played all three. Didn't find them fun, just had nothing to play. I don't think I beat third game though. Combat was super clunky, graphics and art design were ugly imo, story in first game wasn't too bad, rest were meh.

Over hyped series imo, also it doesn't help horror games don't scare me, so I guess that's a big reason for me too.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

Play Alien Isolation on Hard or Nightmare.

Start on the movie DLC so that you don’t have to play a bunch of campaign in order to find out if you’ll be scared.

lucian229725d ago

I heard that was a good one. Honestly vr games scare me with jump scares because of how the threat feels real.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

There isn’t an official VR mode, unfortunately.

The audio should pull you right in if you use headphones.

CDbiggen725d ago

Just finished playing the first, enjoyed the fact Isaac was a silent alien crushing psycho doom-guy type. Just started the second yesterday and I'm annoyed he's a talker now and sounds like a regular guy who hasn't been through hell, but I suppose he couldn't remain silent.

VersusDMC725d ago

Dead Space 2 is my favorite followed by 1 then 3. All are good to me though. Just beat all 3 on series X and they hold up.

Xenial725d ago

As simple as 1,2,3.

Extraction, then Ignition.

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Link Cable Gaming Podcast: Episode 23 - Halloween

This week the Link Cable Gaming crew gets all dressed up in their finest Halloween garb to discuss their favorite horror and even just spooky games in a special Halloween episode!

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EA Talks About Closing Visceral And Single-Player Games

The decision to close the studio and shift the focus of the Star Wars game is not a statement about the future for single-player games, EA says.

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DarkOcelet2460d ago

"'This was just a single-player game [and it] needed to be a live service.'"

What kind of a stupid mindset is that? It didn't need to be a damn live service. Single player games can work and you have the damn Star Wars name attached to it so it will sell well regardless of it having MP or not.

Ashlen2460d ago

How can you say this.

"We are seeing an evolution in the marketplace, and it became clear to us that to deliver an experience that players wanted to come back and enjoy for a long time, that we needed to pivot the design."

And then say this in the very next paragraph.

"It wasn't about, 'This was just a single-player game [and it] needed to be a live service."

I would say "do they really think people are this stupid?" But since people keep buying EA games after all the crap they have done over the years and decades that made gaming worse... I guess, yes, yes they are.