
Joystiq TGS 2009: Hands-on: Bayonetta (PS3)

Joystiq: If you hope to impress the cultural sophistication and profound artistic merit inherent in the video game medium (ahem) upon a doubtful acquaintance, you probably shouldn't count on something like Bayonetta to help illustrate your point. Centered on the exploits of an improbably posh witch and her fashionable pair of gun boots, Bayonetta feels like the result of designer Hideki Kamiya answering every development question with, "Sure, why not?"

The game's hyper excess occasionally veers into the distasteful -- Bayonetta's clothing seems to come and go as it pleases -- but it mostly leads to situations that feel creative and surprising. Even a boss fight avoids routine by constantly changing pace: a battle on a bridge eventually becomes airborne after the whole structure is flung across the stage, and the ordeal isn't over until after a brief chase and a final showdown atop a winding set of stairs. Sure, why not?

Ninji5382d ago

Just a generic hack & slash.

Bodyboarder_VGamer5382d ago (Edited 5382d ago )

Graphics are kinda crappy(well lets be honest, they are crap) but it seems like this game goes beyond Devil May Cry when it comes to gameplay and cheezyness, which is good for these kind of games.

Riding motorcycles? Fighting on top of falling debris? Insane transformations? Mega huge crazy bosses? Man this is too epic!

Mommy's a witch! Yeah, but japanese game development it's failing... /sarcasm


Bayonetta Developers Discuss Plans Of A Sequel

The creator of the Bayonetta franchise Hideki Kamiya appeared in an interview and discussed the plans for the future of the series.

CrimsonWing69456d ago

Let’s hope they don’t go the prequel direction… yeesh


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jznrpg460d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal460d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


How Bayonetta's Character Has Changed Since 2009

Bayonetta's character design and abilities have changed a lot since the series debuted in 2009, with new costumes and dark arts in every title.

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