
EA Responds To Complaints About Dragon Age DLC Scheme

EA/Bioware plans to make it worthwhile to buy Dragon Age: Origins brand new. Introducing a new scheme that is bound to rub a few individuals the wrong way, the company has announced that anyone opting to pre-order or purchase a brand new copy of its upcoming role-playing game will receive with their orders a free DLC entitled "The Stone Prisoner".

The move has since received a barrage of complaints, prompting an EA/Bioware employee to make a response, which can be read in the article.

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ElementX5523d ago (Edited 5523d ago )

I think this is a good move... Give new game buyers something extra. Why buy a used game from Gamestop? They reduce the price by $5 on newer games, might as well fork over the few extra bucks and get it new anyway.

Also, you can find good deals on new games on Ebay, Amazon, and Half.com

@ 2
What are you saying "the moment you sell a game you should have to guarantee a way to pass your DLC along with it out of the box." I'm not following you.

What about new cars??? Say a dealer gives you $1000 cash back on a new car. Do you think they're going to give you $1000 back on a used car of the same model?

TheHater5523d ago

I agree. I think this is a great idea and I will support this. More developers/publishers should do this to get people to purchase games new rather than used.

Tony P5523d ago

It's not as if they're making the DLC itself exclusive to new orders only. You can still buy it later even if you get the full game used.

raztad5523d ago (Edited 5523d ago )

As long as this DLC is just something extra, I dont mind. I never buy DLCs, I prefer to save some money for other games. If game is good enough EA will have my money regardless the dlc.

FreeMonk5523d ago

Epic did this with Gears of War 2 and the 'Flashback Map Pack', and no one moaned about that?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5523d ago
bmw695523d ago

I think should be illegal, or considered by law some sort of foul marketing. You can't discourage second hand market cheating this way. In my opinion, the moment you sell a game you should have to guarantee a way to pass your DLC along with it out of the box.

TheHater5523d ago (Edited 5523d ago )

I disagree with you. So is it fair for developer not to get a cut of the pre-owned market? Do you have any idea how much developer looses because of the used market industry such as Gamestop?

Do you have any idea of how many copies of MGS4, Uncharted, Halo 3, Gears of War 2+1, COD4, and other multi-million selling games looses to the USED game market? All those used game sold, developer/publisher do not get a cut on it.

That why I am supporting the bestbuy used price matching for gamestop used game price. That way, developers still get a cut of the game.

ElementX5523d ago (Edited 5523d ago )

I meant to agree with 2.1

I clicked agree on 2.1 but it added it to 2 :(

Weird. I clicked 2.1 agree, the screen refreshed and it showed my agree for 2, but now I scroll back up after commenting and it's back to an agree for 2.1. What a messed up site

StillGray5523d ago

I don't think it should be illegal. I mean, why? You can always vote with your money if you do not like it.

creeping judas5523d ago

I agree with you 100% on your 1.1 post. But not to this one.

Let me ask you does GM, FORD, CHRYSLER receive kick backs or money from used car dealerships when one of their products is sold as second hand??

Nihilism5523d ago (Edited 5523d ago )

they shouldn't get a cut of the second hand market because that's not how to world works, do car companies get a cut from second hand car sales?, if i sell a cd second hand does the record company get a cut?

this cheap ploy at conning gamers into buying new is b.s, and is a result of unimaginable greed.

once a person buys a game they own it, if they sell it they get some of the money back, and with that money from trading games they get new games, i don't think the thick heads of the E.A and activision execs realize that alot of their new game sales come from money that was gained by trading in games, it's a cycle that continues sales, not stops it, and it's not like everyone who buys a game new trades it in, i never trade games..unless they were absolutely horrific

edit: @2.7
i agree, but car companies don't go crying saying, but teh second hand sales are taking our moneyz, like game publishers do, car companies know that buying a car second hand is a consumer choice, what E.A is doing isn't giving out incentives to buy new their creating drawbacks for second hand

TheHater5523d ago

no they (car companies) don't. But buying a new car, you sometimes get a year worth of gas, free XMB radio for a year, and other services for a year. I do not see people who buy used cars complaining about not getting any of those service. The same thing can apply to the gaming Market. If developers/publisher give people who buy the game new something extra, then people who buy it used should not complain.

iLoki5523d ago

There is absolutely nothing wrong with providing incentives to buy something new vs used. The developer doesn't get any money from a used sale whatsoever.

I think this is a brilliant tactic to support and bolster new software sales.

Poopface the 2nd5523d ago (Edited 5523d ago )

you can still trade in games exactly the same. This still rewards you if you use your trade in value toward purchasing a new game as opposed to a used one. Gamestop only lowers the used game price 5$ anyways. This free DLC is worth 15$ so its still worth it to buy the new copy.

AHAHAAHAHA at the first guy. Why should this be illegal? You cant sell other dlc used anyways unless its on a disk. They are giving a majority of the customers 15$ of content for free as a reward for supporting them. If some chaep azzes really need to save 5$ by buying it used thats their choice. If you want to save money I wouldnt buy it a GS as you will only save 5$ and loose 15$ of content.

You can still trade in games and put that money toward a new game and get the content. If your worried about getting ripped off you shouldnt be trading games in a gamestop anyways.

creeping judas5523d ago

Ok maybe I misunderstood what you meant. But I agree. No one expects the $1000 of free gas, or XM satelitte subscription when they buy a used car.

And like wise, if I pay premiuim for a game, and then sell it. I dont want the person buying my game at a reduced price to get the same DLC that I paid a premiuim for???

Sarick5523d ago (Edited 5523d ago )

A well managed game disc can last hundreds of years. If taken care of the content always remains the same. If it's new or been played by 50 people in doesn't matter because no wear is made to the digital content. A car on the other hand has wear and tear and loses value over time because of it.

If you buy a used car chances are it has a lot of wear and tear. Also take note how fast the value of a car drops.

Games don't really lose value from wear and tear. They get played and the owner decides they're not interested in keeping the game anymore. It's devalued by the owner. The thing is that when it's traded in the new owner gains the 90+ benefits of the software as the original owner for a slight discount.

When the used copy competes with the new factory sealed product the developer loses sales to each used copy sold. It's not like that money is lost to no one. The company's that buy the games for $5 and then sell them for $50 are practically ripping off the developers.

Has anyone noticed this generation the games are trickling as a slow pace especially the RPGs? I Have about 100 PS2 RPG's shelved right now that could be resold for big $$ on ebay. In fact I just recently found a fresh unopened RPG Granda III factory sealed in my collection. Been playing it for a week.

So to put things simple when we've finished playing our games they don't lose value, and the content isn't consumed. The person who picks it up can enjoy it just like a new copy. The only difference from new and used is the dev gets doesn't profit from it. The 3rd party used games seller makes more money selling used games then they do selling new games. The reason is because they can buy them for pennies and sell them for near full retail.

I don't see what the problem is with this external content. You get it free if you by it new. The only people that this should hurt are the people buying used games for pennies and selling them for retail. Then again this could backfire on developers and actually force the used games to be reduced to compensate for the $15.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5523d ago
koehler835523d ago

I see nothing wrong with this incentive.

divideby05523d ago

"scheme"....is the word....

ballsofsteel5523d ago

i don't really see a problem with this reserve or buy it new and you get DLC buy it used and you get no DLC. EA would lose so much money for used game so they give you an incentive to buy new rather than used

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Any game you want to play.


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shinoff2183635d ago

How'd fallout not make the list. Atleast over cyberpunk, tales , and halo. Fallout been around since what 96 98 and has 5 6 games into it. It's full of lore when you play it. I'd even add star ocean to a point.

robtion634d ago

Agree Fallout should be on there.

MadLad635d ago

And somehow Planescape Torment doesn't even make the list.

Crows90635d ago

Hollow knight surpasses these.

shinoff2183635d ago

In lore? I must be missing something

Crows90634d ago (Edited 634d ago )

Yes in lore. Easily missed... absolutely. Never played a game that had me loving the world and lore behind it as much as that one. Most of course wouldn't be able to experience it since it is a more difficult game.

DarXyde634d ago

I can't speak for all titles on this list, but by the time you get to Dark Souls III, the lore is a bloody tapestry of intricacy

Crows90634d ago

Played them all. Im not saying the games on the list dont have good lore...I just think hollow knight had more lore that is hidden but present and more easily explored and accessed. The souls games have tremendous lore but theyre mostly hidden and stay that way unless you look for it and research it. The lore is not very accessible.

DarXyde634d ago


I think that's a somewhat fair assessment. For me, the Souls games are less upfront about the lore, but it does invite your fascination through NPCs, items, locations, bosses, etc. There's this kind of natural progression where the picture becomes just clear enough by doing the essential tasks, but it really makes you want to explore every inch of the world.

TheColbertinator634d ago

Suikoden and Legend of Heroes also have massive lore setups.

agent13634d ago

narration is more important than lore i'd rather watch the story and characters in a more cinematic way instead of searching for notes and stuff that's why i love sony exclusive games like uncharted and gow and hate from software games

shinoff2183634d ago

The article was top ten lore in video games. I think they did a bad job picking games out. I know what you mean though. I just like a variety of games and genres.

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