
Tiger Woods Series Makes Some Changes

For their upcoming Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 title, EA Sports plans to make some changes.

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Tiger Woods 12 Balance Board Swing Comparison

David Kenson writes "Tiger Woods 12 manages to squeeze out a few more improvements on Tiger Woods 11's already full rostrum of options. Like last year, MotionPlus allows the game to capture a one-to-one backwards and forwards stroke, but now it adds the Balance board into the swing equation for the first time."

He provides a comparison of the different version of Tiger on the Wii, which highlights the up-and-down nature of the EA franchise.

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holdmykidney4937d ago

That's a very thorough look at the last five titles in the series as compared to the latest. I have to say that I'm occasionally addicted to golf games, although I prefer them on the arcade-y side (I loved Sensi Golf on the Amiga!). If I take the plunge again this will be really helpful!

paulgovan4937d ago

There was a Seni-golf?!! Why did no one tell me about this!

holdmykidney4936d ago

Sensible Golf on the Amiga sold very badly and was considered a commercial failure, I believe; but, I thought it was an excellent title.

GaryMcC4936d ago

Not 100% sure about using the balance board. I suppose it isn't as vigorous as Raving Rabbids but the board isn't as stable as a golf course. Interesting use of the board though.

btk4935d ago

Noe this seems interesting...

DoFuss4933d ago

Good grief... well I guess if I played golf this could be an amazing teaching tool. As I don't Ill have to play it with features all turned off if I want any hope of success. Still good for EA to at least be trying to make use of the Wii peripherals and iterating on a franchise on a console where most developers just pump out lazy ports.


Tiger Woods and Madden Meet PlayStation Move Tomorrow Night

PSLS writes:

EA was recently confirmed as a strong supporter of the PlayStation Move, and it looks like they will be showing off their work thus far tomorrow night.

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JonnyBigBoss5270d ago

I have a feeling Tiger Woods will be a blast with PS Move. I want it bundled!

whateva5270d ago (Edited 5270d ago )

The Move controller makes you want to Buy Golf and Tennis games again.

they should make a golf game that use augmented reality to put you in the game with the golf club and your floor becomes the green.

Redrum0595270d ago (Edited 5270d ago )

tiger woods' game are always very promosing, fun and innovative.

EDIT:... dissagrees, are you serious? it was a small joke that took no shot to no one. console, or publisher. i swear, there are so many lame ppl on the N4G forums.

ryano232775270d ago

Tiger 10 & Grand Slam Tennis are arguably the best ways to play these sport games.

I also expect EA to re-introduce their Baseball series to capitalise on a sport that will work extremely well with Move.

What gets me excited is if Madden/Tiger (sports in general) get made for Move - they will also get made for Natal. We will start to see the PS3/360 versions being different.

Str8laced5270d ago

Well to bad i will not be buying anymore Tiger Woods games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5270d ago
Cevapi885270d ago

the Move will be an excuse for EA to keep chruning out the same games every year....we already barley see any new gameplay elements as it is...

they will play it off with the whole..."look now you can throw the ball and hit the golf ball just like the pros!!!!"

GiantEnemyCrab5270d ago

They've been doing this for the last 3 years on the Wii. I'm sure EA have a ton of shovelware ready to slap a Move logo on it and pretend it's a whole new experience than what they've already been doing with Nintendo.. lol

Cevapi885270d ago (Edited 5270d ago )

exactly my point....at least im not alone in this lol

only difference is it will be in HD...or sub HD seeing as how many devs are shooting well below 720p

topgeareasy5270d ago

controls will be more precise and accurate

because of PSN, online will be better than the wii's online

ApocalypseShadow5270d ago

even cheap PSN games are HD.and actually very good.

like hustle kings,high velocity bowling,etc.

and porting games to ps3 from wii could result in better physics models and detection.besides textures and graphics.

but the cool thing is that there are "BUTTONS."

Cevapi885270d ago

because its not Sony who is making these games....it will be 3rd Party devs....and you know how many games we have already seen that havent hit 720p let alone 1080p which i can only keep dreaming of

Foliage5270d ago

Games that can't hit 720p?

You mean like Halo 3, Alan Wake, and FF13 on the 360, along with various other low resolution games (mostly on the 360)?

Yeah, at least the PS3 offers the highest resolutions more consistently than any console out there... if you are going to whine about resolutions on consoles, Sony should be your last target.............

Str8laced5270d ago

My god it will be a complete different experience than the wii. Better controls, better graphic in HD, better online play.

PeptoBismol5270d ago


welcome to my ignore list.
way to be completely biased against the Move. Goodness dude.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5270d ago (Edited 5270d ago )

Don't worry, wait the 1st Party Games for Move, and you will see why is worth it to have Move for the PS3.

Besides will be better than Wii, don't worry.


More accurate
Body Tracking
Face and Voice Recognition
Better Online in all aspects
HD Graphics and other features that other Motion Controllers fans will be jealous because they don't have a Computer Entertainment System (AKA PlayStation 3).

Cevapi885270d ago (Edited 5270d ago )

you know how many of you totally misunderstood what i said...i have no problem with the Move....im actually excited about it...what worries me are the 3rd party devs who will take shortcuts like they did with the Wii just to make a quick buck...im not targeting Sony about HD, but devs who dont try to make the best game possible out there...and devs have done this on the PS3....im excited to see what sony's 1st party devs will come up with because Sony will be in full support of what they can come up with...


ALFAxD_CENTAURO thank you for at least understanding where i am coming from...i am not worried about the Move...its just that people will begin to call it a gimmick when we see unfinished games being brought to the PS3....im excited to see what Naughty Dog, Zipper, GG can come up with...if they show some awesome games....Move will be a first day buy for me

PeptoBismol....dude i could care less if you ignore me...to misunderstand what i wrote makes you look dumb...i was criticizing EA not the Move...read the article first and then critique what i had to say...we know that EA sports hasnt really given us much new in terms of gameplay mechanics besides Be a Pro

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5270d ago
Blaster_Master5270d ago

I might get Tiger Woods if EA supports it with the PSmove. I dont even like golf that much but it sounds like it could be loads of fun.

Nitrowolf25270d ago

you know with MOVE/NATAL this may make me move towards sports game more. I play them but not that much, this will def make the experience better if they are done right

GrandDragon5270d ago (Edited 5270d ago )

I seriously can't wait for the Ape Escape 4 bundle! I've been waiting for almost 8 years since AE2 came out because I never really got a chance to play AE3 so AE4 with the PS-Move is going to be awesome!

1999 Ape Escape 1 on the PlayStation FTW!

booni35270d ago

wats better? virtual sports or physical sports?

ryano232775270d ago

Physical sports of course, there is nothing in life better than the moment you are on the field/oval/court etc playing your chosen sport - whether for fun or for Millions.


Damn, it's like saying what's better, a Real Guitar or Rock Band/Guitar Hero.

Obviously is better the real stuff.

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