
Starfield datamine shows no sign of Nvidia DLSS or Intel XeSS

Investigations into the Starfield preload files reveal a distinct lack of Nvidia DLSS or Intel XeSS footprints, suggesting it will only support AMD FSR.

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Operation1223404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

I'm glad I have amd hardware. Looks like rtx gpu not getting in first for this game , and this game is probably way more fun than cyberpunk.

darksky404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

FSR 2.0 works with any gpu so no one should suffer performance issues.
The Nvidia fanboys are upset because DLSS wan't included for now.

StarkR3ality404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

Weirdly enough DF did a take on FSR and it works better on Nvidia GPU's if you can believe that..

But yeah FSR is universal hence why it's not as good visually, luckily there's a modder who is putting in DLSS around the launch day so there's that at least.

lelo2play403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

Bethesda likely have a exclusive contract with AMD, so obviously no Nvidia DLSS or Intel XeSS... just like Nvidia have exclusive contracts with other PC games for DLSS.
If you want Nvidia DLSS or Intel XeSS, wait for a mod.

RaidenBlack404d ago

Yea ... Baldur's Gate 3 also launched with DLSS and FSR 1.0 ... no FSR 2 or XeSS ... so users without RTX cards were left with only the inferior FSR 1.0 ... of course, Larian can/may add them in future updates.
I'd say comparatively, Starfield launching with FSR 2 only, is better than launching with DLSS only.
FSR-2 is supported on the vast majority of GPUs.
And its rumored, FSR 3 release date may coincide with Starfield's release. So ... yeah.
Yes, shipping all the upscalers day One is obviously the best scenario ... still, better wait for the September release to draw the final conclusion.
Maybe FSR 3.0 proves to be a much-improved upscaling solution, compatible on most acailable GPUs?

Tacoboto404d ago

Apparently the Steam Hardware Survey only has like a 10% share of GPUs on AMD. Even if that's off and it's 20%, that's still the loser of the market using their influence to diminish the value of the market leader.

AMD even launched FSR2 with marketing that it shares the same inputs as DLSS - implement one and you've basically got the framework down for the other. DLSS is a free plug-in available for Unreal Engine. It's disingenuous to advertise it that way, then restrict what partners can put in.

That same hardware survey shows Nvidia RTX cards are still slightly under the marketshare of non-RTX Nvidia cards, so of course the best result would be all upscalers being supported, but it will always feel a bit hypocritical to me for AMD titles lacking DLSS.

And shame to MS for being so much worse than Sony when it comes to supporting PC features. If you're gonna commit to Day One PC on everything, dont dump your titles out with only the generic solutions used.

darksky404d ago

FSR 2.0 works with all gpu's and also the consoles so devs obviously focused on that. Starfield is primarily an XBOX exclusive so why would Bethesda implement DLSS which doesn't even work on it?

Tacoboto404d ago

Because Bethesda Game Studios titles have been Day One PC releases for the entire existence of them as a development studio.

Or because Microsoft makes Windows and wants to make their PC titles feel like first-class titles.

Or because it's a AAA game releasing in 2023 and Deathloop by their child studio added DLSS to the game a month after release in 2021, so they have knowledge in the organization already on how to implement it.

BeRich233403d ago

Your reasoning makes sense from a pc standpoint but Xbox series does use fsr 2.0 and not dlss.

Soulsborne404d ago

So we comparing larian, which before the bg3 bandwagon no one even looked , to BGS OWNED BY M$..... braindead will stay braindead.

Tacoboto404d ago

... Larian made a CRPG (Computer RPG) that spent three years in early access and still launched without a feature that would benefit 60-70% of Computer gamers.

They especially don't deserve a pass. FSR2 would also greatly improve visuals on consoles.

RaidenBlack404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

Just comparing one upcoming PC game's tech implementation to another recently released one ... nothing more.
Take your console/studio war comments under some other thread ....
We're talking about a game that's not fully out yet ... & since you're a soulsborne fan, comparing strictly to Elden Ring's PC port ... BG3 & Starfield are still miles ahead technically, since Elden Ring didn't launch with a single upscaling feature on PC and not even after the "Ray Tracing" update. Modders had to mod in those upscalers.
Elden Ring launched with myriad of tech issues on PC ... however good a game is, if it doesn't run properly: its not enjoyable ... ~ something that's applicable to previous BGS titles as well.

Amplitude404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

It shouldn't launch FSR or DLSS only. When you already have one upscaling tech it's extremely simple to enable the others. A single line of code, essentially.

It's an AMD sponsored game and they paid to have DLSS and XESS removed so that their vastly inferior upscaling tech is the only option. Basically they brought RTX cards down to AMD's level and destroyed any chance of DLSS3 frame gen

It'll all be modded in within a day I'm sure, but still, I'll never buy an AMD card with the garbage they've been pulling. Inferior cards, poor ray tracing performance, poor upscaling tech, and play absolutely dirty with their sponsored games. They used to be the underdog to route for but...

darksky404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

I bet Nvidia fanboys never saw anything wrong when Nvidia made lots of sponsored games use only proprietary tech that excluded AMD gpu's.

Amplitude403d ago (Edited 403d ago )


Im not that was into PC gaming lol I'm not a fanboy at all. Can't think of a time NVidia ever paid to remove a feature from competitor cards ever though. Maybe it's happened, but any company that pays to remove things from other platforms for no reason is doing a scummy thing in my opinion, and it makes them look bad.

"We can't make a product good enough to compete with your AI tech so we'll just pay to remove the option!"

How is that not dirty

JEECE404d ago

Super disappointing. At least FSR is much better than it used to be.

shadowhaxor404d ago

How is this news? It's been stated for months that the only upscaler was going to be FSR.

OMGitzThatGuy404d ago

Launch soon, gotta get these out before it’s too late.

Tacoboto404d ago

It's been stated that they were partnered with AMD; they never once said "no DLSS" but... As research showed, virtually no AMD-sponsored games include DLSS support.

AMD then declines to say they prevent DLSS from their sponsored titles, even when Unreal titles like Jedi Survivor exclude it *when DLSS support can be added by a free plug-in*.

If there's any news, it's how awful AMD and the companies that get sponsored by them are to PC gamers

thesoftware730404d ago


There is a bunch of downplay articles circulating to get clicks or created by a certain fan base because this highly anticipated title is so near..

IamFrasierCrane404d ago

Hmmm… That behavior seems familiar.. 🤔

403d ago
dumahim404d ago

As I remember it, no one involved would actually talk about it and confirm that it won't have DLSS.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 403d ago
anast404d ago

Everyone knows that Bethesda is going to release a minimum viable product. There will be a ton of stuff missing. But they got it good, because people will still throw money at them. Howard is an A tier hustler. I'm trying to hurt feelings here, just laying it out there.

moomoo319404d ago

I don’t know if minimum viable products get played for years on end and thousands of hours even in their original state….

anast404d ago (Edited 404d ago )

It gets played for years because of modding. Most people aren't playing the vanilla version for 3 generations.

moomoo319404d ago

That is just wrong my dude. People play vanilla skyrim and fallout 3/4 for hundreds of hours. Especially on console. Either way is good mod support from Bethesda a negative thing..? If you dont like their games just say that 🙂

QuarkZ404d ago

He already said that he can't stand Bethesda, yet he's on every article whining about it. This dude is the definition of pathetic.
The irony is that he talks about modding like it's bad and ignores that most companies don't really support it to that extent, and how many of them can really say people play their stuff years down the line? Besides MMOs, not really many.
It's played for many years because they help modding, you absolute moron.

anast403d ago

"That is just wrong my dude"

No, I'm right.

anast403d ago

"This dude is the definition of pathetic."

Following my posts would make you even more so, I would think. I'm the leader in this situation.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 403d ago
thesoftware730403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

You are becoming more "Strange" as the days go by.

"Following my posts would make you even more so, I would think. I'm the leader in this situation."

See that's a delusional comment, "leader?" Such a weird thing to say..do you really feel like a leader on here?

I don't think anyone is "following" your post...when you read the comments section people see your blatant hate that you constantly make everyone aware of. It seem you spend more time in MS article than in the thing you actually like.

The bigger problem is that you somehow attempt to turn something that is a positive for any game, modding, and longevity into something of a negative...that is why they call you pathetic...it has certainly come to a point where you don't even appear logical, or thoughtful with your comments...just hate filled.

anast403d ago (Edited 403d ago )

I wouldn't call it strange to defend ad hominem attacks. This is what people do. And yes, I am the leader in this situation because people that feel the need to use such attacks can not come up with their own arguments, this makes their words similar to a mindless mob.

The bigger problem is how people defend games in which excessive mods are needed for a day 1 unofficial patch and simple things like weather effects and so on. Modders do not only add content, they fix fundamental issues with Bethesda games, and Bethesda gets the credit for making good games. Yes, this makes me a hater for hating on the hustle.

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Starfield: The Settled Systems - All Must Serve

See the moments leading up to the events of Shattered Space in the latest episode of the Starfield Animated Anthology.


One Year Later, Will Shattered Space Save Starfield?

At the end of September, Shattered Space will finally be released, but will it be enough to save the future of Starfield?

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TheNamelessOne19d ago

Still a very healthy playerbase on Steam and Xbox. I'm looking forward to the expansion.

Obscure_Observer18d ago

"Didn't know SF needed saving."

It doesn´t.

pwnmaster300019d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Starfield was the biggest disappointment for me this gen coming from a huge Bethesda fan.
Put countless of hours into morrowind, oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3 /4/new Vegas. Even played all the dlc for those games.
But Star field was the biggest piece of crap I played from Bethesda. I didn’t even play it on gamepass . I actually bought the game to support Bethesda.

Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll.

Obscure_Observer18d ago

"Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll."

Sure... Starfield was your biggest disappointed this gen and now you´re scared for Elder Scroll which is a game that will be directed by the exact same person?

If you really feel that way, you should just drop your act while you skip upcoming games from Todd Howard entirely.

pwnmaster300018d ago (Edited 18d ago )

“I agree, I can’t wait for Bethesda’s next game so they can shut all the haters up..
Been a fan since playing Morrowind on the original Xbox. Good times.

I like Obsidian and I think their next games will be good but let’s get real“


Me from this article 1504d ago.

Go ahead and keep talking.
We arnt all bias like you.

Oh here is another one

“I don’t remember being able to use spell and sword in obilivion.
But at the same time I played as a wood elf archer..
Still pretty excited for it.
Say what you want with Bethesda but their elderscroll game is on point and hope this game can match it.“

I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol

pwnmaster300018d ago

“This is major acquire for MS.
Tbh I’m not really sure what Bethesda make besides elderscroll and fallout, but that alone made me a big fan. If you weren’t investing a PC, Xbox is looking to good to pass up next gen.

I hope this helps Bethesda make a come back.
Literally yesterday if anyone mention them, they would of shitted on them and that was coming from both sides.
I had a feeling they were gonna get purchased.
They been loosing a lot of steam from there fans and this is a great way to regain some back.
Sony was slacking and now they are hurting.

If they don’t acquire more studios, they will lose to MS in the future“


Another one.

Don’t ever doubt me again.

Gamingsince198118d ago

You don't need to justify your opinion to obscure observer , this is the guy that makes 15 alt accounts a week to troll people and complain about n4g being biased lol

17d ago
Obscure_Observer18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

"I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol"

Why wouldn´t I??

A lot of people got disappointed on Starfield for a lot of reasons. Empty planets, loading screens, lack of content, NPCs, exploration, world building, ship building, combat... you name it; and that´s fine!

If you don´t like the game, nobody can blame you if that´s not your cup of tea.

That been said, you called Starfield a piece of sh!t. Literally a 0/10 trash game.

So I ask you: How on earth can *you* expect ANYTHING from Bethesda´s next RPG?

I mean, by your own admission, you have a POS as director, a POS team of developers and a POS engine behind the next Elder Scrolls.

So pardon me if you own comments makes you sound like a hypocrite, because imo, you shouldn´t be "scared" for TES VI at all, you should just give it a hard pass since you know the team behind it. Would you? No. I don´t think you will. And that´s the reason why I told you to drop the act.

Got it?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 17d ago

Starfield's Series S performance modes are worthwhile - but not as impactful as Series X equivalents

Digital Foundry reviews the new Starfield performance mode upgrade for Xbox Series S.

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darthv7221d ago

432p.... wow that is low. But hey... they got it done. Personally I wouldnt play it that way as it would be too soft but for those who have no choice (other than buying an X) at least get something more than the 30fps cap at launch.

just_looken21d ago

It has a better framerate but lower resolution that fallout 3 on xbox 360 just remember that.

Gamingsince198121d ago (Edited 21d ago )

432p ?? Wtf 🤣 that would look muddy on a switch screen let alone a TV.

Luc2020d ago

432p that's worse than PS2. What were they thinking when designing this console

darthv7220d ago

Weren't most PS2 games 480i... (aka 240p)?

Christopher21d ago

Woof. They got there, but that is a very heavy cost. I hope there are gamers out there that are happy with this? But, honestly, that machine? I'm not a fan. Haven't been. I really wish they had just released the single hardware. I wouldn't pay to play at that level in this day and age.

darthv7221d ago

...that's the power of sliders

Christopher21d ago

I'm fine with sliders up until a game like Last Epoch is so hungry for power that I have them all at low while I'm playing BG3 at very high. *grumble grumble grumble*

21d ago Replies(1)
21d ago
21d ago
cloganart20d ago

I'll be a happy dev when Series S is discontinued. 😭

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 20d ago
Knightofelemia6d ago

The Series S is a mistake that a room full of drunks thought was a great idea. Again I can understand affordability but at what cost? Microsoft fumbled the ball and should yet again follow the path Sony took. Same machine same specs one has a disc drive the other doesn't. Personally I would go with the machine that has the most horse power hence the Series X. I don't know about other people but I don't like nerfed down games just so they can run on the Series S. Where I live nobody wants the Series S there have been some pawn shops that have said no to the Series S it doesn't sell.