
While Players Compare The Recent Xbox and Sony Showcases, I'm Just Happy To Have More Great Games

Ahmed from eXputer writes "While a lot of people compare the PS and Xbox showcases together, it's better to enjoy every unique experience these studios have to offer"

raWfodog437d ago

This article is making too much sense. It’s not gonna get very hot.

Lightning77437d ago (Edited 437d ago )

I still think Sony had the better 3rd party showcase. Metal Gear Alan Wake 2, Dragons Dogma 2 Immortals Of Aveum. MS for once since ever had the better 1st party showing. I say ever because those were 3rd party games MS was showing off during the 360 days.

Flawlessmic436d ago (Edited 436d ago )

Lol who cares about 3rd party when these big main showcases we come to see first party.

Sony's show sucked simple as that, it's gave me cgi trailers for live service games......... never been more disappointed in my life by Sony honestly.

On topic though I agree with the writer I have all consoles so I've wayyyyyyyyy to much to play as it is and it's a great time to be a gamer

CBaoth436d ago (Edited 436d ago )

I don't. Did Sony's showcase suck by its own standards? Yeah but I never discount 3rd party reveals and care where they occur. Absolutely CGI trailers are abysmal, especially when they're not representable to the game. How about those CGI 1st party announcements about games that 3 years later still haven't shown concept art? Or need help from other studios in between? I wish games weren't revealed until they reach alpha stage but alas that's the world we live in. The only CGI I want to see is an actual cutscene from the game for narrative purposes or else we get disappointed by the change in art direction (Avowed stings personally)

anast435d ago

They showed nothing new and nothing that will only run on their SX. The MS was bottom barrel stuff.

Rimeskeem437d ago

I'm lucky enough to afford a PS5 and gaming PC. Best of both worlds.

isarai437d ago

1st party stuff is what I'm always looking forward to most, and I will say at the moment Playstation is really uncharacteristically quiet. Kinda killing me tbh, I wanna see what all these studios are doing like Bend, Asobi, ND, London Studio, Bluepoint, Suckerpunch etc that we haven't heard anything on whatever their next big project is, seems like we should've heard something by now

blackblades437d ago

They'll show it when they are ready but yeah we all agree on that we wanna know what they are working on. If rumor are believe which they were right about last showcase. They will have another this year as well don't wanna show to early that the game will be out for many years.

jznrpg436d ago (Edited 436d ago )

With PS we have 25 years of proof that they will deliver. I am not concerned one bit that they changed their formula.

Instead of announcing games when they are started as projects they are announcing them nearer to release.

There are some exceptions like Wolverine but overall it’s a smart strategy long term.

Games get delayed , changed and sometimes canceled. You don’t have to deal with backlash of delays or this looks different from the reveal if you show the game close to release.

A lot less disappointment and a lot less pressure on the dev teams to meet the deadline that’s set years in advance. It will help to alleviate crunch and backlash from crazy people. It just makes sense.

We know all of their studios are making games and they have delivered since their inception so they have earned my patience.

I don’t want games announced 5 or more years before release like Hellblade 2, Fable, Perfect Dark , Everwild.

I don’t want games being delayed for a year or more like Halo and still be an unfinished game or a game that should be canceled but instead it’s rushed out like Redfall because it was hyped up for a couple years.

MS has set themselves up with all of these way too early announcements for potential failure. Sure their show looked a little better potentially but when the games actually release the chance to disappoint is high because they get hyped up for years and aren’t nearly as good as people hope or they have to go through with the project because fans expect it now and some will get delayed and some may have a sticker that says 60fps or some other feature is coming later because they have to release the game.

isarai435d ago

When they start acting different than they have in 25yrs, I begin to worry. I love Sony and Playstation to death, but a lot of the reasons I do are starting to fade. Support for Indies, push for creativity, pro consumer practices. Now, I don't see nearly as many indie games co-develped by Sony, variety has definitely lowered over the years, and the move away from pro consumer is the biggest hit for me, having to pay for a port of a game you already own, that was free between ps3, ps4, psp and vita, $70 for their games, even a remaster with the mp half gone. Hell that charged $10 for and update uncharted 4 that was free in TLOU2. it's not terrible yet, but where they're headed is what has me worried and wondering wtf is going on. I cannot remember a time they have Ever had this little confirmed to look forward to, sure yes they are working on something and it will release eventually, but after all that talk of ps5 making development faster, why are we waiting longer than ever to get announcements? The whole thing just seems off to me

ApocalypseShadow435d ago (Edited 435d ago )

This is all that needs to be said. Exactly.

Sony has delivered for decades but a showcase showing 3rd party games is supposed to show that Sony's got nothing coming. When we know they always got something coming.

It shows you how impatient and entitled certain gamers are. Thinking they need to know a company's entire strategy or roadmap. And will turn on you at the drop of a hat.

They think by buying the system, they are given a seat on the board of directors.

Isarai, if you believe that Sony doesn't support Indies or are doing less, you're fooling yourself. And Sony continues to push into new areas like with China Hero project and into India.

No one told you or are forcing you to buy an updated game where you already own the original. Back in the day, I bought RE Directors Cut. Capcom didn't force me because I owned the original RE1. Where do gamers get this nonsense. Sometimes Sony charges for something. Sometimes they give stuff away for free. Remember during the pandemic and they gave away all those games? Remember Sony giving away a pack in game for free with PS5 besides a collection of games for buying PS5? Oh. You forgot that shit didn't you? If you believe they aren't making games for PS5 that requires more work at a higher detail, then sell the system because of your impatience. Cars in GT7 take months to make. Just one car. Wake up.

purple101436d ago

Rise of ronin (by team ninja) seems to be next big game after Spiderman.

I think it's timed exclusive but not sure.

raWfodog436d ago


They have stuff in the pipeline so I guess they’ll announce when ready to show.

But tbh I’m just glad to hear details about any new games, 1st or 3rd party. I know it makes a difference to some but I dont care as long as they keep giving me great games to play.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 435d ago
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One Year Later, Will Shattered Space Save Starfield?

At the end of September, Shattered Space will finally be released, but will it be enough to save the future of Starfield?

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TheNamelessOne16d ago

Still a very healthy playerbase on Steam and Xbox. I'm looking forward to the expansion.

Obscure_Observer16d ago

"Didn't know SF needed saving."

It doesn´t.

pwnmaster300016d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Starfield was the biggest disappointment for me this gen coming from a huge Bethesda fan.
Put countless of hours into morrowind, oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3 /4/new Vegas. Even played all the dlc for those games.
But Star field was the biggest piece of crap I played from Bethesda. I didn’t even play it on gamepass . I actually bought the game to support Bethesda.

Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll.

Obscure_Observer16d ago

"Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll."

Sure... Starfield was your biggest disappointed this gen and now you´re scared for Elder Scroll which is a game that will be directed by the exact same person?

If you really feel that way, you should just drop your act while you skip upcoming games from Todd Howard entirely.

pwnmaster300016d ago (Edited 16d ago )

“I agree, I can’t wait for Bethesda’s next game so they can shut all the haters up..
Been a fan since playing Morrowind on the original Xbox. Good times.

I like Obsidian and I think their next games will be good but let’s get real“


Me from this article 1504d ago.

Go ahead and keep talking.
We arnt all bias like you.

Oh here is another one

“I don’t remember being able to use spell and sword in obilivion.
But at the same time I played as a wood elf archer..
Still pretty excited for it.
Say what you want with Bethesda but their elderscroll game is on point and hope this game can match it.“

I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol

pwnmaster300016d ago

“This is major acquire for MS.
Tbh I’m not really sure what Bethesda make besides elderscroll and fallout, but that alone made me a big fan. If you weren’t investing a PC, Xbox is looking to good to pass up next gen.

I hope this helps Bethesda make a come back.
Literally yesterday if anyone mention them, they would of shitted on them and that was coming from both sides.
I had a feeling they were gonna get purchased.
They been loosing a lot of steam from there fans and this is a great way to regain some back.
Sony was slacking and now they are hurting.

If they don’t acquire more studios, they will lose to MS in the future“


Another one.

Don’t ever doubt me again.

Gamingsince198116d ago

You don't need to justify your opinion to obscure observer , this is the guy that makes 15 alt accounts a week to troll people and complain about n4g being biased lol

14d ago
Obscure_Observer16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

"I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol"

Why wouldn´t I??

A lot of people got disappointed on Starfield for a lot of reasons. Empty planets, loading screens, lack of content, NPCs, exploration, world building, ship building, combat... you name it; and that´s fine!

If you don´t like the game, nobody can blame you if that´s not your cup of tea.

That been said, you called Starfield a piece of sh!t. Literally a 0/10 trash game.

So I ask you: How on earth can *you* expect ANYTHING from Bethesda´s next RPG?

I mean, by your own admission, you have a POS as director, a POS team of developers and a POS engine behind the next Elder Scrolls.

So pardon me if you own comments makes you sound like a hypocrite, because imo, you shouldn´t be "scared" for TES VI at all, you should just give it a hard pass since you know the team behind it. Would you? No. I don´t think you will. And that´s the reason why I told you to drop the act.

Got it?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 14d ago

Starfield's Series S performance modes are worthwhile - but not as impactful as Series X equivalents

Digital Foundry reviews the new Starfield performance mode upgrade for Xbox Series S.

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darthv7218d ago

432p.... wow that is low. But hey... they got it done. Personally I wouldnt play it that way as it would be too soft but for those who have no choice (other than buying an X) at least get something more than the 30fps cap at launch.

just_looken18d ago

It has a better framerate but lower resolution that fallout 3 on xbox 360 just remember that.

Gamingsince198118d ago (Edited 18d ago )

432p ?? Wtf 🤣 that would look muddy on a switch screen let alone a TV.

Luc2018d ago

432p that's worse than PS2. What were they thinking when designing this console

darthv7218d ago

Weren't most PS2 games 480i... (aka 240p)?

Christopher18d ago

Woof. They got there, but that is a very heavy cost. I hope there are gamers out there that are happy with this? But, honestly, that machine? I'm not a fan. Haven't been. I really wish they had just released the single hardware. I wouldn't pay to play at that level in this day and age.

darthv7218d ago

...that's the power of sliders

Christopher18d ago

I'm fine with sliders up until a game like Last Epoch is so hungry for power that I have them all at low while I'm playing BG3 at very high. *grumble grumble grumble*

18d ago Replies(1)
18d ago
18d ago
cloganart17d ago

I'll be a happy dev when Series S is discontinued. 😭

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 17d ago
Knightofelemia3d ago

The Series S is a mistake that a room full of drunks thought was a great idea. Again I can understand affordability but at what cost? Microsoft fumbled the ball and should yet again follow the path Sony took. Same machine same specs one has a disc drive the other doesn't. Personally I would go with the machine that has the most horse power hence the Series X. I don't know about other people but I don't like nerfed down games just so they can run on the Series S. Where I live nobody wants the Series S there have been some pawn shops that have said no to the Series S it doesn't sell.


Starfield's Creative Producer On Shattered Space, Mods, And Fan Feedback

Starfield's creative producer, Tim Lamb, reflects on the game one year later, telling us that Bethesda is its own harshest critic.

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anast20d ago

"telling us that Bethesda is its own harshest critic."

If this is actually true, games from this company will never be at current standards.

Christopher20d ago

It's a thing people say to make them feel better. Pretty sure their biggest critics are unrelenting gamers who love to hate for longer than it's worth.

anast19d ago

This is true. And I would like to add their critics are also people that liked their games but had to begrudgingly move on because of the drastic drop in quality.

mkis00719d ago

Fyi all they had to do for space and planet transitions is what outlaws did.