
Starfield Coming November 11, 2022

Announced at the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, Starfield arrives exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC on November 11, 2022. Play it day one with Xbox Game Pass.

Starfield is the first new universe in 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom. Harnessing the power of next-gen technology and built on the all-new Creation Engine 2, Starfield takes you on a journey through space as you strive to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.

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LOGICWINS1201d ago

Glad we can finally put exclusivity doubts to rest :)

Christopher1201d ago

As a brand new IP, I considered it a given.

Tacoboto1201d ago

And it's exclusive to next-gen!

Coming out exactly one day after Phil's "2 year" window lol - Series X|S launched on Nov 10

Extermin8or3_1201d ago

Well no not really considering we know a ps5 version was in development for several years... infact it seems likely they cancelled it recently...

DigitalHope1201d ago (Edited 1201d ago )

I suspect this will still eventually come to Playstation. It may take a long ass time, but a Playstation version of this game already exists at some level. I just don’t think it’s coming anytime soon but it is coming.

Zeref1200d ago


Name checks out 😂

It will never come to Playstation buddy, let it go.

Elder Scrolls 6, The next Doom, Fallout, Wolfenstein.
All of it will be exclusive. Either build a PC or get an Xbox if you wanna play those.

CaptainHenry9161200d ago (Edited 1200d ago )


Xbox gamepass is coming to all new smart tvs and Microsoft is developing cheaper new hardware for their ecosystem and gamepass or just get a PC, Xbox, or Google stadia. Even some gaming laptops is more powerful than a console now. You have plenty of time since most of their games won't be out until late 2022 to 2023. Personally when all Microsoft exclusives come out the RTX 4000 will be out and the next AMD and Intel CPUs

blacktiger1200d ago

well you have to refund plus cancellation fee for exclusive, don't forget that, and SONY probably don't care cause Xbox needs exclusive

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1200d ago
1201d ago Replies(5)
Godmars2901201d ago

Comment history and bias reputation.

LordoftheCritics1201d ago

The name ARFIE is within the circle. Guess I'm reading too much into it.

Obscure_Observer1201d ago

"Glad we can finally put exclusivity doubts to rest :)"

We knew it from the very beginning. XD

Godmars2901201d ago (Edited 1201d ago )

Actually, what doubts were there? What point is exclusivity when MS has yet to show any actual advantages or features of the Series X. Where Sony has shown the potential of the PS5 with a pack in title, the latest Ratchet and Clank - possibly pissed it away with the next GoW and GT7, MS not only hasn't shown the same, but talking up steaming and streaming devices. So what's the point of Xbox hardware?

Nevermind that we all know that if they could, they'd put GP on the PS5. The Switch.

1200d ago
DJStotty1200d ago

The difference is, Sony sold PS5 by advertising the "next-gen SSD" and then rode that train and everyone lapped it up. So far there is 1 game on PS5 that apparently takes advantage of the PS5 "SSD" potential, but your jumping on Xbox for not "showing" Series potential?

I thought the Series "potential" was quite clear just with the Forza Horizon 5 showing, but lets ignore that, because it shows graphical potential right?

Godmars2901200d ago

How does Forza 5 show off the Series X graphic potential when its an XB1 game?

XBManiac1201d ago

Yes, it will be on Xbox, PC and all other platforms with compatible browser or app. That's a relief, for sure and for millions of players.

ChasterMies1201d ago

Nothing eases my doubts like a teaser trailer with no gameplay.

dumahim1201d ago

A release date a year and a half out, you just know it's going to get delayed.

ShadowKing-1200d ago

Never will I understand exclusivity, no game will ever make me run out and buy hardware for it. I simply own a PS5 because that is where all my friends are, to be honest with all the hardware sales for both ps5 and xbox over the course of this pandemic, stupid decision for some of these games on both side to exclusive. But I guess PS and Xbox are not in the business of making money. IMO to be honest.


Yeah, those two mega corporations, already invested decades into this market, both have no clue what they are doing... We should all just listen to you instead, random internet voice.

ShadowKing-1196d ago

They need to listen to somebody, you create a product and invest millions of dollars into it, your sole purpose should be to sell as much you can to the consumer. Not chance it to exclusives. I just have never ran out and bought a system because of an exclusive game and that is what they are pushing for, more system sales because of exclusives which is smart, but not smart at the same time, you would ultimately generate more sales on that game if it was for all platforms. Just because they are a mega corporation does not mean they are smart with there marketing/sales ideas.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1196d ago
1201d ago Replies(2)
VivaLaManual1201d ago

This is why it's great to have a PC and a ps5. Can't lose out on any games.

1201d ago
CaptainHenry9161201d ago

I agree.. I have a powerful Desktop with a rtx 3080 and a new Asus Laptop with a Ryzen 5900 Rtx 3070 and it can handle everything

NeoGamer2321201d ago

Yup PC has both XB and Sony exclusives. It has more and the best games of most platforms.

The only thing missing is Nintendo exclusives.

Greg28011201d ago

Old Sony exclusives though. That's why a Ps5 and a PC combo is the best.

Can play Sony exclusives on day 1 with a Ps5 and can play Microsoft exclusives day 1 on Pc with Game Pass

1200d ago
NeoGamer2321200d ago

If games lineup is everything, then the PC is the best place to play games. You don't need a combo because you can play all the games on one device.

With games at $70 on day one now, usually full of bugs and don't get the full content suite until about 6-12 months after they ship, I am not sure buying a game on day one is really that smart of an investment. Would rather wait the year or so, get the complete edition, bug free, and the full content.

alb18991201d ago

Yep, Gamepass is just incredible.

Om4ever1201d ago

Why not both a ps5 and a xsx ?
Xsx is a lot less expensive than a powerful PC... Don't understand the logic here... Except that you are allergic to the xbox brand

Zeref1200d ago (Edited 1200d ago )

He can't be allergic to Xbox if he plays xbox games on his PC though...

JackBNimble1200d ago

Except his money still goes to MS so he's fooling himself

Michiel19891200d ago

if you plan to play both pc games and xbox games, it makes no sense to buy an xbox. except if you just wanna torch money for the sake of it.

DJStotty1200d ago (Edited 1200d ago )

Don't tell them that!!!! They are under the impression if they get the games on PC and not Xbox, the money does not go to Xbox but to an anonymous PC manufacturer.. /s

In reality Xbox make more money if you buy the game on PC, as they do not need to take a loss making that Xbox console for you.

DJStotty1200d ago

"f you plan to play both pc games and xbox games, it makes no sense to buy an xbox. except if you just wanna torch money for the sake of it."

I agree :-

£449.99 for a Series X
£1500.00+ for a PC of the same equivalent

Makes complete sense right?

VivaLaManual1200d ago

Because there are PC games that don't come to xbox. Why buy an xbox when I can play that PLUS PC exclusive games on the PC. Also, I prefer certain game genres on the PC, regardless of the system they are. i.e. First Person shooters. M&K > controller for FPS games.

JeffGUNZ1200d ago

Because there are a lot of games that are on Steam or other launchers you can't get on console. So you don't get them on XSX. You got those and Xbox games with PC.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1200d ago
XBManiac1201d ago

And a... Switch Pro? Without Sony conference, Nintendo have the oportunity to put Game Pass conference to rest.

itsmebryan1200d ago (Edited 1200d ago )

All you need is a good PC and a switch
because Playstation games are coming to PC too. So you have every game covered.

DJStotty1200d ago

A "good" PC capable of 60-120fps @ 4K Native, along with a 1TB internal the speed of the Series X, will set you back at least £1500+.

Be cheaper to buy Switch, PS5, and a Series X.

VivaLaManual1200d ago

It takes years for PS games to come to PC.

VivaLaManual1200d ago


Stop dude. No one in this thread is saying choose PC over Xbox because it doesn't give MS money. Obviously hat would be stupid to say. I actually have made my career working with MS products, so I don't mind giving them money. I just prefer Playstation as they have superior exclusives. And of course the aforementioned fact that I can play everything on xbox on my already owned PC.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1200d ago
Crazyglues1201d ago

How much you want to bet it still comes out before star citizen... LMAO... :)

rdgneoz31201d ago

Games being announced this year will be out before Star Citizen...

Godmars2901201d ago

At this point SC will never come out. Only be in perpetual development.

XBManiac1201d ago

Like handres of "launched" games.

XBManiac1201d ago

Well... technically, Star Citizen was launched time ago... and, in the terms we use to have... it is a finished game. Look at Sea of Thieves, for example. It had far less content than Star Citizen. BTW... Have you played Star Citizen?

Godmars2901201d ago

Unlike SC, every other excuse of a "launched" game has campaigns and missions. As broken as they are while offing retail packages.

Though unlike them, SC is suppose to have a SP campaign title that seems as much vaporware as the main open-world game.

CS71201d ago ShowReplies(4)
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Starfield: The Settled Systems - All Must Serve

See the moments leading up to the events of Shattered Space in the latest episode of the Starfield Animated Anthology.


One Year Later, Will Shattered Space Save Starfield?

At the end of September, Shattered Space will finally be released, but will it be enough to save the future of Starfield?

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TheNamelessOne20d ago

Still a very healthy playerbase on Steam and Xbox. I'm looking forward to the expansion.

Obscure_Observer19d ago

"Didn't know SF needed saving."

It doesn´t.

pwnmaster300020d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Starfield was the biggest disappointment for me this gen coming from a huge Bethesda fan.
Put countless of hours into morrowind, oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3 /4/new Vegas. Even played all the dlc for those games.
But Star field was the biggest piece of crap I played from Bethesda. I didn’t even play it on gamepass . I actually bought the game to support Bethesda.

Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll.

Obscure_Observer19d ago

"Now I’m scared for the next elder scroll."

Sure... Starfield was your biggest disappointed this gen and now you´re scared for Elder Scroll which is a game that will be directed by the exact same person?

If you really feel that way, you should just drop your act while you skip upcoming games from Todd Howard entirely.

pwnmaster300019d ago (Edited 19d ago )

“I agree, I can’t wait for Bethesda’s next game so they can shut all the haters up..
Been a fan since playing Morrowind on the original Xbox. Good times.

I like Obsidian and I think their next games will be good but let’s get real“


Me from this article 1504d ago.

Go ahead and keep talking.
We arnt all bias like you.

Oh here is another one

“I don’t remember being able to use spell and sword in obilivion.
But at the same time I played as a wood elf archer..
Still pretty excited for it.
Say what you want with Bethesda but their elderscroll game is on point and hope this game can match it.“

I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol

pwnmaster300019d ago

“This is major acquire for MS.
Tbh I’m not really sure what Bethesda make besides elderscroll and fallout, but that alone made me a big fan. If you weren’t investing a PC, Xbox is looking to good to pass up next gen.

I hope this helps Bethesda make a come back.
Literally yesterday if anyone mention them, they would of shitted on them and that was coming from both sides.
I had a feeling they were gonna get purchased.
They been loosing a lot of steam from there fans and this is a great way to regain some back.
Sony was slacking and now they are hurting.

If they don’t acquire more studios, they will lose to MS in the future“


Another one.

Don’t ever doubt me again.

Gamingsince198119d ago

You don't need to justify your opinion to obscure observer , this is the guy that makes 15 alt accounts a week to troll people and complain about n4g being biased lol

18d ago
Obscure_Observer19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

"I’ll wait for your reply. Knowing you won’t lol"

Why wouldn´t I??

A lot of people got disappointed on Starfield for a lot of reasons. Empty planets, loading screens, lack of content, NPCs, exploration, world building, ship building, combat... you name it; and that´s fine!

If you don´t like the game, nobody can blame you if that´s not your cup of tea.

That been said, you called Starfield a piece of sh!t. Literally a 0/10 trash game.

So I ask you: How on earth can *you* expect ANYTHING from Bethesda´s next RPG?

I mean, by your own admission, you have a POS as director, a POS team of developers and a POS engine behind the next Elder Scrolls.

So pardon me if you own comments makes you sound like a hypocrite, because imo, you shouldn´t be "scared" for TES VI at all, you should just give it a hard pass since you know the team behind it. Would you? No. I don´t think you will. And that´s the reason why I told you to drop the act.

Got it?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 18d ago

Starfield's Series S performance modes are worthwhile - but not as impactful as Series X equivalents

Digital Foundry reviews the new Starfield performance mode upgrade for Xbox Series S.

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darthv7222d ago

432p.... wow that is low. But hey... they got it done. Personally I wouldnt play it that way as it would be too soft but for those who have no choice (other than buying an X) at least get something more than the 30fps cap at launch.

just_looken22d ago

It has a better framerate but lower resolution that fallout 3 on xbox 360 just remember that.

Gamingsince198122d ago (Edited 22d ago )

432p ?? Wtf 🤣 that would look muddy on a switch screen let alone a TV.

Luc2021d ago

432p that's worse than PS2. What were they thinking when designing this console

darthv7221d ago

Weren't most PS2 games 480i... (aka 240p)?

Christopher22d ago

Woof. They got there, but that is a very heavy cost. I hope there are gamers out there that are happy with this? But, honestly, that machine? I'm not a fan. Haven't been. I really wish they had just released the single hardware. I wouldn't pay to play at that level in this day and age.

darthv7222d ago

...that's the power of sliders

Christopher22d ago

I'm fine with sliders up until a game like Last Epoch is so hungry for power that I have them all at low while I'm playing BG3 at very high. *grumble grumble grumble*

22d ago Replies(1)
22d ago
21d ago
cloganart21d ago

I'll be a happy dev when Series S is discontinued. 😭

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 21d ago
Knightofelemia6d ago

The Series S is a mistake that a room full of drunks thought was a great idea. Again I can understand affordability but at what cost? Microsoft fumbled the ball and should yet again follow the path Sony took. Same machine same specs one has a disc drive the other doesn't. Personally I would go with the machine that has the most horse power hence the Series X. I don't know about other people but I don't like nerfed down games just so they can run on the Series S. Where I live nobody wants the Series S there have been some pawn shops that have said no to the Series S it doesn't sell.