
Little Devil Inside Developers Address Complaints of Racist Character Design

NeoStream writes: We will be making the following fixes to the current characters but if it ends up not being suitable to the game as a whole, we may change the design entirely.

1. Remove the Dreadlocks.
2. Change the bold lips.
3. Change skin tone.
4. Tweak the dart blower so it looks less like a joint."

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mania5681504d ago

why? censoring things in games is never the right move, the people who complain about this things were never going to buy your game anyway, trying to appease the 1% while ignoring the 99%, they just want to complain, there are some people who where to buy your game who might now not be so happy about it, never censor your games developers...

Greg28011503d ago

Yeah this is just plain stupid. Im black myself and i dont see anything offensive about that design. And i know that im not the only one.
They should just ignore that 1% that are feeling butthurt about this.

NecrumOddBoy1503d ago

I thought their looks was just a mix of BOTW's moblin troops and the Tikihead from Crash. "Tribal" is not a color; it is a theme. Now I feel like we are going to allow that 1% to ruin everything for everyone. Outrage and cancel culture will be the death of art.

medman1503d ago

LOL...you folks in here are pathetic. You're calling those who are complaining "butthurt", and yet here you are butt all hurting because of the developers decision on what to do with THEIR game. Typical.

deleted1503d ago

Wow. Yea, I was doing this design for fun this last year, inspired by Tiki culture. (unfinished)


What went through my mind was the Crash Bandicoot tiki mask guy and tiki mask culture in general. :\ The furthest thing from my mind was depicting anything racial in a negative way.

1503d ago
chiefJohn1171503d ago

I'm black and I find them offensive

mikeslemonade1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

America getting soft by the day. And it’s not 1%. It seems like it’s close to 50% that believe in this racial justice movement.

So Little Mermaid remake gets to be black but these characters in the game can’t be black and tribal, give me a break. Y’all trying to have it both ways as usual.

@medmen if they had asian or white peasants I don’t care either. Just give me the story on how it’s intended. Now they gonna make the characters grey or green maybe which makes it hella cartoony.

PrinceAli1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

and because you're black you speak for the blacks?? Lord knows you dont speak for me so whats your point?

Reading through this thread just highlights how dumb and prejudice a lot of you guys are.. it's sad.. for people who don't care you seem to really care about people caring... The only thing you guys seem to be latching onto is how 'soft' everyone is and 'butthurt' rather than realising offensive material or HOW something can be offensive... people aren't become 'soft' and lashing out they are rightly voicing their opinions and reality... what you are saying is 'People are soo soft now and get butthurt all the time' which translates too 'i wish we could go back to a time where we could be openly racist and prejudice without being called out for it and with 0 accountability'

rdgneoz31503d ago

It's like they've never heard of Pixel Junk Monsters 1 or 2...

mikeslemonade1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

^y’all assuming again. I never said be openly racist. We can’t have a dark skin character showing tribal elements in a video game? Now that’s being a whiny and butthurt person. That’s too elementary. That was the last thing I thought of when I was watching the game, I didn’t connect that as being black people characters.

mikeslemonade1503d ago

Zombies are usually white skinned in the media. They are dumb and slow at walking. Now we don’t hear anybody really having an issue with that.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1503d ago
Zeref1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

If your game is offending a group of people. it should not be out there. This was clearly a stereotypical depiction of african tribal culture.

Doesn't matter if they were going to buy it or not.

mandf1503d ago

So we cant have a tribal African influenced game. The woke response is its created by white people. Remember friends TV show had no black people and how wole they were but it was created by white people. Paying homage to a culture shouldn't be a insult.. everything in today's culture is influenced by all past cultures. The world is just becoming a bunch of haters. No wonder why I smoke so much weed.

morganfell1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

Who is the arbiter of what is offensive? Is this nature of being offended restricted to only a few people? Can Caucasians be offended? Did masks like that actually exist? See where this is going? It is a slippery slope generated by the Perpetual Eternally Reactionary Victims Establishment.

The truth is that once you give in it never stops. They will simply move onto something else until they absorb you into their group think collective.

Zeref1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

Who is the arbiter of what is offensive?
The people who are being offended. There is not one group of people that decides what is offensive.

Is this nature of being offended restricted to only a few people?
Of course not.

Can Caucasians be offended?
Of course.

Did masks like that actually exist?
Masks like this do not exist. That is the offensive part. its a stereotypical depiction of how WHITE people see african tribal people.

See where this is going?
I do not see where this is going

BenRC011503d ago

Bet you're 14 and white af. Did your little basement group give you a round of applause for this post?

NecrumOddBoy1503d ago

"its a stereotypical depiction of how WHITE people see african tribal people."

Game is made in South Korea dude. Quit being a racist.

mandf1503d ago


I dont know if you are replying to me. I'm 44 and did1 12yrs of my life behind bars where real racist shit goes on not some oh we had it first shit. Life is not just what you see.i n the history of the world all races have been enslaved. All races have been wronged. Right now its it's about basic human rights not oh he borrowed from my culture. It should be an honor not a slight. You youngins have to much time on your hands looking for a fight over any perceived insult.

I_am_Batman1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

Q:"Who is the arbiter of what is offensive?"
A:"The people who are being offended. There is not one group of people that decides what is offensive."
----------------------------- ------------------------------ - -
Ok here are two more questions for you:

1. What characteristics determine a 'group' of people?
2. How big must the percentage of offended people within this group be for it to warrant alteration or banning of the game?

1503d ago
KiRBY30001503d ago


OK then here is what I'm offended by. I'm offended that some people are hooked on seeing racism everywhere they can. I'm offended by the absolute lack of logic of the process. I can go on and on about everything I don't like or support and express myself in a way that says those things are offensive. I made the statements. Will it stop now? Or does it only work in one direction?

People are bullying the creators of this game into restricting the range of what they are allowed to do artistically, and they think they're making the world a better place by doing so. Absolutely delusional.

1503d ago
Imalwaysright1503d ago


I'm deeply offended by what you wrote here. What are you going to do about it?

Also these are african masks built by african tribes https://www.pngitem.com/pim...

Wich again, offend me deeply so how do we go about cancelling those racist african tribes?

Dirtnapstor1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

Why is depicting characters of any real world resemblance racist? Where would we draw ANY concepts from if it were not the real world?
How do you know whether or not this game is being made by “White people” as you have inferred? What if they have Black devs on their team? What if specific aspects of this game were realized by the Black devs? It doesn’t matter who really, but my point is that you’re attempting to cherry-pick (is “cherry-picking” racist?)
Maybe, just maybe the team came up with something that look led pretty cool solely based on a collective of concepts gathered from what they’ve seen....and that’s it. Just that. Simple. “I like that look, let’s go with it” type of thing.
Are white people the only ones allows to be imposed upon?

Laxus1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )


These aren't real african tribal masks lol

Literally says "Costume" in the link. Foh

Yall just wanna be racist in peace. That ain't gonna happen. Dev already changed their minds.

morganfell1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

The developers did not change their mind based on the accuracy of the mask art but due to screaming of the perpetually offended. You should try living in the real world.

"The people who are being offended. There is not one group of people that decides what is offensive."

I'm offended by people kneeling during the Nation Anthem of the United States. And there are other veterans that are not. You see no group is completely consolidated. According to some groups other groups have no rights. Plenty of BLM supporters and black nationalists claim you cannot be racist toward Caucasians. Basically Caucasians do not get to decide when they are offended. It just becomes a never ending screamfest by people that want to live in an imaginary world where they are king and cannot conceive of a life where they are not a victim and must go tilting against demon windmills.

As for actual masks:



There are tons if you google them and look at authentic masks. I will bet 99.99% of the so called offended have never seen an actual traditional African mask in their life. This entire matter was nothing more than another case of an invented offense. And gamers, who used to be among the ultra savvy, are becoming more gullible by the year. In large part they bought off on it and got behind the glorious freedom cause. Pathetic.

And Neostream Interactive? South Korean developer. You know, Koreans. The ethnic group who have a well documented history of being racially targeted and attacked here in the US. Any guess who keeps doing that?

@Necrum - bingo.

Imalwaysright1503d ago


Ah yes, how easy it is for ignorants to point their finger at others and call them all kinds of "isms" and "ists". I searched for traditional african masks that can be found in museums and here are some of the results


So what are your excuses now? How come are you so casually calling others racists when you don't know the 1st thing about traditional african cultures? Are you going to call african tribes and the people behind the museums that are sharing traditional african cultures with the world all kinds of "isms" and "ists" as well?

morganfell1503d ago


Off the top rope with an atomic elbow. They scream the developer depictions were racist yet when you ask them why they simply say, "I can't believe you don't understand." They sidestep the question. Now they also need to explain your query. Why do these differ from the ones you and I linked?


Big red lips, blowdart...yep looks pretty stereotypical to me.

morganfell1503d ago

"Big red lips, blowdart...yep looks pretty stereotypical to me."

Except those features exist on actual African masks. And blowguns were used in Africa.

jambola1503d ago

and yet i guarantee most complaints were from spoiled, bored white people on twitter

jambola1503d ago

"Who is the arbiter of what is offensive?
The people who are being offended. There is not one group of people that decides what is offensive."

so if I, a white male, decides that the depiction is offensive, I am automatically right?

Hungryalpaca1503d ago

Your comment offends me. Remove it.

FlavorLav011503d ago

Games are art! Since when is art not ALLOWED to be offensive. And I don’t think that is was ever the developers intent here either. Every aspect under a microscope like this will only serve to kill creativity in exchange for safer PC experiences. Goodbye Doom, GTA, Last of Us. All too offensive. Don’t support games you find offensive, but also don’t censor art please. I’m white, blond haired, blue eyed, but I sure love killing Nazis in video games. Erry Day! Lol Lighten up a little folks, especially to this specific degree feels a little silly. This here was a theme, not a derogatory depiction.

Angrymorgan1503d ago

People do NOT have the right to NOT be offended, if you try to appease the offended you indirectly offend another group.

Nicknasty1503d ago

Seriously, lol. What’s wrong with showing culture? Nothing! It’s crazy thinking people like you that have no idea. Should we ban the movie Leprechaun then, for being stereotypical of Irish? It’s getting beyond stupid and needs to stop. These people that come up with this ridiculous nonsense are just so dang miserable to begin with.

ZombieGamerMan1502d ago

Alright than The Last of Us Part 2 should not exist cause it offends religious groups that believe homosexuality is a sin, Grand Theft Auto should not exist cause it's glorification of criminal life style is offensive to victims of crime, Call of Duty/Battlefield should not exist as it offends people who hate war. We can go down a long list of games that will offend someone to some degree, would you still say that games offending a group of people should still not be allowed to be sold?

Also if we start censoring or prevent people of using themes & imagery that illicit very negative feelings about a subject matter then you are killing art, freedom of expression and creating weaklings that can not handle the brutal realities of life. You don't toughen a man up by showering him with rainbows & sunshines

morganfell1502d ago

Before he edited his remark this Zef stated, "its a stereotypical depiction of how WHITE people see african tribal people."

Think about it. He automatically assumed it was white people. What the Korean developers did wasn't racist (remember it is how tribal people represented their own culture) but he believes it is and the first thing that crosses his mind is white people. What's the word for making such a stereotypical assumption about a group of people? Yeah its called racism. Imagine a Qwik Stop is robbed and someone says, "I'll bet it was a back guy" That would be wrong and this is no different. Mr race defender himself committed the first act of racism here then tried to quickly edit his remarks.

mandingo1502d ago Show
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ChristopherJack1503d ago

Would you support censoring a Terrorism Simulator game which promotes terrorist cells & trains people on how to commit acts of terrorism (building bombs, guns, tactics, etc)?

How about extremely graphical sexual depictions of minors?

Muzikguy1503d ago (Edited 1503d ago )

They should not censor their game to cater to anyone. I hope they rethink that. Start once and it won't stop

PrinceAli1503d ago

People like you are annoying... the logic that "trying to appease the 1% while ignoring the 99%" has always been a bullshit argument to have as it's simply saying im not offended so it doesn't matter REGARDLESS of if the thing people are offended by IS actually offensive... It's plain and simple BS... If it's a non-issue for you then great, let it be a non-issue for you... So when it's changed to not offend then it's gonna be a non-issue for you then too because it was never an issue for you ever.... it's simple

starchild1502d ago

First, some changes do affect me and I really despise how they're changed to appease these people.

Secondly, who said you can't have opinions about things that may not personally affect you? I stand up for what I believe to be right regardless of whether it personally affects me or not.

Third, lots of things done by people of the opposite political persuasion offend me greatly, but somehow it's only their side that supposedly has a right to be offended about anything. The double standards have to end.

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Cueil1503d ago

Really? People are crying about a indie game developed in Korea?

robtion1503d ago

The internet has created a forum for people to air every little complaint. Developers need to stop giving attention to vocal minorities and validating their distorted perspectives.

Game looks great. Love the art style.

shuvam091502d ago

There's a race war going on everywhere. A war where no one wins and everyone loses.

But this particular incident is so stupid. If this carries on, there won't be a single villain that won't be racist.

Grave1503d ago

Defund the "thought police".

1503d ago
EazyC1503d ago

The insane thing is that I think 95%+ of people think the same, but are too through terrified to deny the vocaln minority of perpetually offended dopes.

BlackIceJoe1503d ago

Defund the thought police is a trend I can openly support.

starchild1502d ago

Absolutely. We're all so tired of it.

It's very telling that many of these same people only care about superficial diversity. Actual diversity of thought is anathema to them.

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NobleRed1503d ago

F****** snowflakes. When will the developers realize they should stop listen to these clowns?

Most people who complain wouldn't even buy the game in the first place so why do you listen to them??

gamer78041503d ago

Fear of cancel culture is why. If they don’t change it now the mob will come for them again later and possibly destroy the whole studio. I honestly don’t have any interest in this game but pretty ridiculous.

KilluaX31503d ago

Well I've just taken the game off my wishlist. You can keep your censored piece of garbage.

1503d ago
1503d ago
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Little Devil Inside Rises From The Dead With New Gameplay and Dev Progress Update

Neostream Interactive, the developers of Little Devil Inside, has released a new gameplay trailer called "Despite All."

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robtion156d ago

Have had this on my PS wishlist for years now along with Stellar Blade. Finally!

Berenger156d ago

FINALLY! Been on my wishlist since Day 1🙌

Jin_Sakai156d ago

The developer message.

Dear all,

Began with a dream of two brothers.
You supported.
We became a team, then grew into a company and tried many hands to make light work.

Along the way in all efforts to making a great game, many great people have come and gone.
People with respectable but different purposes and pursuits.

In sharing these differences and thoughts, we were sometimes touched and moved and sometimes in conflict.
We are responsible for not being able to embrace the differences.

And of course, sincere apologies to you all.

So now, we're back to a smaller, bonded team with a single, common purpose - just to make a great game.

And all our core founding and starting members still here with the duty and conscience to fulfill what we set out to do.

We know this doesn't and shouldn't justify for all the delays and lack of news but we're still here, have been and always will be.

Equipped with one tide turning fact - having gone the long way around, we are stronger. Much stronger.

We have genuinely started discussions regarding publishing and once this clears out, hopefully we'll be able to answer what everyone wants to know.

Here, we've just strung together a series of gameplay clips representative of what we have been working on in the UE5 engine.

Can’t wait.

Yi-Long156d ago

Been interested in this ever since it was announced and I loved the art-style and music they showed in those very first trailers, but I have to say this last trailer and I think the one before this, has kinda dampened my enthusiasm, sadly.

Seems they have made some changes in what they were going for, and not sure if they're going in the right direction (for me).

It seemed originally they were going for some kind of epic world-exploration stuff, and this now seems 'smaller' in scale/location.

Nacho_Z156d ago

Just ridiculous levels of charm and personality. Gameplay looks good, glad it's back on track.

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Our Most Anticipated 2022 Games

"2021 has been a great year for video games. We’ve had It Takes Two, Forza Horizon 5 and Chicory: A Colorful Tale just to name a few. The year has however seen a huge number of delays announced. The majority of those are pushing release dates out of this year and into 2022. The first quarter of next year is absolutely fit to burst with big releases. So much so that I’d expect at least a couple to ‘blink’ and push back further into the year. With so many great-looking projects listed for the next 12 months, we thought we’d share our most anticipated 2022 games with you." Paul @ Thumb Culture

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RaidenBlack956d ago (Edited 956d ago )

Mine are : The Invincible, Atomic Heart, STALKER 2, Forbidden West, Starfield, Suicide Squad, Hogwarts Legacy, Arc Raiders, Plague Tale: Requiem & Evil West. Also since its Infinity Ward this year: CoD: MW'22.
FF XVI, too .... 2022 seems likley.


A closer look at Little Devil Inside’s world map

Dev details on the extended gameplay seen in State of Play.

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GaboonViper1003d ago

This looks stunning, i love it.

Jin_Sakai1003d ago

Agreed. Can’t wait for this one!

darthv721003d ago

I like how when it is zoomed out, they look like weeble wobbles. Very impressive looking game.

FlavorLav011002d ago

Right!? Reminds me of the old claymation Christmas animated specials. Rudolf and little drummer boy. Looks fantastic and fresh. Game wise I think it looks full of character with mechanics that don’t appear done to death. Can’t wait!

RaidenBlack1003d ago

This was the highlight for me from the whole SoP.

Si-Fly1002d ago

Not saying much when everything else was meh at best! But I have to say this looked stunning 🤩

Destiny10801003d ago (Edited 1003d ago )

what happens, if you run over those cute little sheep

cant wait to play this beautiful game

GaboonViper1003d ago

Plot twist - the sheep are actually the main boss of the game.


Traecy1003d ago

My first glance I thought it was interesting but after this recent trailer I'm on the fence. I may have to see more gameplay to make my final decision if I will buy this or not.

Hellcat20201003d ago

And still somehow no release date

monkey6021002d ago

I know! For a game that was supposed to release during the summer and is already years past its expected crowd funding release this is excruciating! I cant wait for it though.