
Did Nintendo screw up by releasing Brawl with a flawed online experience?

Iran White writes:

In a year where Metal Gear Solid 4, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Little Big Planet, and other high quality, highly anticipated games were to be released, Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Brawl was once mentioned as an equal. A worthy candidate for Game of the Year...

...However, the game has a flaw so large that it would now be laughable to mention it as a serious game of the year contender.

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Pennywise5804d ago

No, only sony is wrong when they do that.

Peter Griffin5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

when they do what? Ur tryna be funny and ur failing becuz u dont even kno what ur talkin about

According to this clown, SONY is wrong when NINTENDO releases BRAWL wit a flawed online experience.

N4g should start having screening tests before they allow some of these users create accounts

Bonsai12145804d ago

obviously you don't detect sarcasm very well over the internet. brawl is a party game. more fun with people around you playing it. playing online detracts from the overall experience.

LethalToxins5804d ago

Griffin did miss the sarcasm. Nintendo did screw this up. They could have had a lot more sales had they has voice chat and a good online service. You don't actually need people next to you to have fun in a 'party' game. You just need to be able to talk crap and joke.

Peter Griffin5804d ago

i think perhaps ur are gettin confused at who my reply is directed at. Its pointed at Pennywise and belive me, that guy is not being sarcastic. TRUST me. He's just a troll bashing Sony in a Nintendo article

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5804d ago
TruthbeTold5804d ago

there are two sides to the argument. Why should Nintendo care? The game has sold 7 million units.

ChickeyCantor5804d ago

Meaning there are enough people who would play with you in the same room. Although the online part is a miss, it's still has some magic to it how friends come together to play brawl.

ChickeyCantor5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

LMAO, people disagree with me.
You guys don't have friends?XD


" They could have had a lot more sales "
What are you talking about, they sold sh/t loads. More than the average game does in such short time.

-Angel-5804d ago

True, and the game is great, but it's not GOTY type of game, many titles have exceeded it by lengths and deserve that title.

Kareshi_X5804d ago

atleast the game was fun and was a good experience overhall. Unlike a certain war game exclusive to the ps3.

Danja5804d ago

really and im sure you haven't played Socom to know just how fun it actually is..even 1UP siad it's a much better game now..

but Brawl is really fun and even though the online portion wasn't so hott...it's still a good game to play with friends..

tda-danny5804d ago

And he's about to get one less...

ChickeyCantor5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

Sakurai had the lead and he F*cked it up, but he already said he will do another one since he felt like to much was missing anyway ( due the fact he couldn't do all the stuff in there, deadlines and whatever...yeah right).

I seriously hope it would be more like mario karts system, that one was more lag free, well i never had lag.

But the online thing means jack apparently, my younger brother(18) plays it allot with friends, he even arranged a tournament with real trophies, to him its such a good game. (but melee still tops it IHO)

TruthbeTold5804d ago

He's confirmed that he will personally work on another one at some point? Awesome. I missed it whenever he said it.

ChickeyCantor5804d ago (Edited 5804d ago )

As i recall correctly, he did say that.

here ya go
" “It’s taken over three years to make Brawl but I actually stopped trying to include new ideas early on in development.

What happened in the next year and a half was that we distilled the game down, worked out which ideas we had time to include and which we didn’t. Sadly, we had to trim out many great concepts just to keep within the time contraints. I had a lot more characters, for example.. but sadly I can’t discuss which ones didn’t make it.

There are 39 characters in the game this time around and just adding a few more wouldn’t be enough to justify a new game in my opinion; I’d have to draw a line in the sand and have a new approach to make it worthwhile. As long as the fans enjoy it, though, that’s what matters and in the distant future, I guess that might be something I have to consider.”
So guys, prepare in a few years for a newer version of Brawl with new characters guaranteed and expected new features, possibly improved WiFi system, it is not yet know if this game would be developed for Nintendo Wii or for the next console in which Nintendo will develop"


And as I also remembe rhim say that Brawl wouldn't be made if Iwata didn't ask it at all.

Cheeseknight285804d ago

Here's hoping that there are at least 50 characters.

Oh, and isn't this article a little late?

Gr815804d ago

Brawls online should take it out of the running for GOTY. For me its def my favorite multiplayer game this gen by far. I think its waay better than Melee. Plus I haven't experienced some of the extreme lag some people describe. But I'd definitely agree that MK's online is way better.

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5 Best Fighting Game Stage Themes

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Tetsujin830d ago

Tekken Tag Tournament 1 Arcade OST - Nina Williams
Street Fighter 2 - Ken stage, Ryu Stage, Vega (Claw), and Guile
Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Karin theme
Tekken 3 Arcade OST - Hidden Characters Theme
Super Street Fighter 2 - Fei Long CPS1 version (found on Hyper SF2 A.E.)
Tekken 2 Arcade OST - Kazuya and Devil theme
Marvel vs Capcom 1 - Strider Theme, Ryu, and Roll

Tedakin830d ago

There should have been at least one Mick Gordon Killer Instinct theme on here.

Rebel_Scum830d ago

Should be some tunes from the first Mortal Kombat in any list tbh.

I really like the use of Mozart’s Dies Irae in Wolfgang Krausers stage in Fatal Fury 2.

azizlksa829d ago

Volcanic rim for Street Fighter 4 is probably my favorite stage theme


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JSusie5956d ago

Orlandu/TG Cid in Final Fantasy Tactics
Bo Jackson in Tecmo Super Bowl.

The end.