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Battlefield 5 Official Reveal Trailer

Enter mankind’s greatest conflict with Battlefield V as the series goes back to its roots with a never-before-seen portrayal of World War 2. Assemble your Company of customized soldiers, weapons, and vehicles – then take them on an epic journey through the Tides of War. Experience the most intense, immersive Battlefield yet. You will never be the same.

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Nyxus2315d ago
Skull5212315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

Some great stuff, some bad. Overall underwhelming trailer, I need more information. Choice of "lets make a woman talk first in a WWII game trailer" was a questionable choice.

bolimekurac2315d ago

that was a amazing trailer and its gonna rock on the xbox one x. so impressive it is

Gaming_1st2315d ago


Far from a amazing trailer. Actually i was a little disappointed.

abstractel2315d ago

Hth do you justify criticizing this game trailer for having a woman speak first? It's not about whether there were a lot of women soldiers during WW2, there's been so many stories told and other parts of the trailer (including her arm) is showing that this is their take in this version of their WW2 game. Just really don't get how that choice bothers you.

2315d ago
Omnisonne2315d ago

I'll wait for any news on MT's for starters.. The action looks good, but that's all it showed really, hope the gameplay will be changed up enough from previous titles to keep things interesting.

-Foxtrot2315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

I was going to say I know there were some woman on the battlefield during WWII but that level of bad ass I'm not sure. Most of the roles women had during WWII were searchlight operators military wise


I don't think it bothers people because "oh my God...sexism" it's just the studios always make out they want these well told Battlefield games about the core aspects of the war they are making the game about and also trying to respect our history by showing it as it happened...however they end up doing things which make you scratch your head and go "Did they do that?" contradicting their own statements. Of course these kind of games take into the "over the top" nature but you can't add or change our history just to bring in "equality". People were closed minded back then, we have to learn to accept it and tell history as it was.

It's like TV shows or films set during the past where they feel like they need to include a woman or black character despite the fact the time period they've chosen might make people think "Really? In those times?"...and for what? Because everything these days needs to include diversity.

Now if it was a modern or future based war game...well do what you like considering we live in a more open minded and progressive world

fathertime44642315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

Most Russian snipers and a lot of french resistance were women in ww2, so yeah plenty of bad ads women to go around.

Looks pretty damned sweet, I like that it's just set in ww2 and not necessarily true to life. Sometimes that makes for a better game when you dont follow the dots completely.
More excited for this than BLOP 4

hazard17remedy2315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )


Woman fought on the front line, usually in anti aircraft units. And not only 50, 100. Hundreds of woman's gave their blood and lives to fight in the WWII.

-Foxtrot2315d ago


Russian Snipers and some French Resistance members...not really "on the battlefield" is it. I'm talking about in the trenches, on the front lines, in the heart of the war like shown in the action packed trailer, not resistance groups within home cities or some snipers. Not to mention a person on the battlefield with a hook hand? You'd most likely be dead with two hands considering how deadly and brutal the war was, managing to be an over the top bad ass with one working hand...come on. Lets not pretend they aren't trying to please a certain crowd so they can get some brownie points with people.

If the game was about a resistance group composed of regular average joes within the town with hardly no fighting experience while they try to hold back a hostile German take over of where they live then sure that sounds great, it would fit within the story.

Gazondaily2315d ago

"Choice of "lets make a woman talk first in a WWII game trailer" was a questionable choice."

Seriously? Why ?

kevnb2315d ago

what was good about it? It looked the same as every other campaign in the genre that sucked.

Skull5212315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

The social justice warrior mentality is strong with EA. Made sure to get both a woman and a black man in that splash screen. Nothing against either, but the forced diversity is overwhelmingly apparent, and that stuff got old a long time ago.

I just hope they retain a good amount of historical accuracy or you can count me out. If I start seeing all sorts of optics on weapons it's a no-buy for me, we already know you have another modern Battlefield game in the pipeline, and that is where that stuff belongs.

2314d ago
WelkinCole2314d ago

Does it bother you that much that a woman talks first?. Its just a freaking game. Its not real life.

I hate how triggered the SJW crowd are of anything but you folks are getting just as bad.

It would be nice to come in a gaming tread for once and not talk BS gender politics.

2314d ago
fathertime44642314d ago

It's more than obvious that you have a reading disability. Did I or did I not also say that it's not true to life and I kinda liked it more for that?! Learn to read and comprehend.
Also last I checked, you had to be on the front lines or beyond them in order to be a successful sniper. Also the trenches were in ww1. Learn your history and for God smacks learn to read, it's very important

-Foxtrot2314d ago (Edited 2314d ago )


You always know when someone is grasping for straws for their counter argument when the first line they have is a personal attack

***It's more than obvious that you have a reading disability***

Was that really needed? Anyway some snipers were female but mostly Russian and there was still hardly enough of them to really make a difference in all this. Is the woman in the trailer Russian? No? Then kind of an invalid argument

LOL trenches weren't used in WW2? Are you serious? Course they bloody were, only difference this time was they were used in a different way rather then full on defence like during WW1. Mostly to strengthen gains made during the on going struggle along with having them used as a jumping off point during offensive attacks.

Maybe you should read up on your history huh? Next time it'll make you look a little less silly.

fathertime44642314d ago

What branch of military were you in that you feel so entitled to pi$$ on the female soldiers of that time that fought and did for people like you?
I was in the us army and Male or female front lines or not should always get more credit than a bigot like you

Ceaser98573612314d ago


Well amazing looking trailer Graphics wise but can't say whether the game will be amazing and its gonna rock on the Ps4 Pro too ,

Gazondaily2314d ago

Lol a woman and a black man in this shooter are what you guys are complaining about....right...

SolidStoner2314d ago (Edited 2314d ago )

Im sorry, but as a Hard-core BF fan, I didnt miss even one BF game, playing since 1942 :D

BF5 looks like a cartoon for children and has no feel of WW2, spit in the face for game fans and WW2 veterans..
Core fan audience is looking for calm representation of WW2, with realistic BF graphics and physics, especially gun control and recoil, just hope it will get a proper Hardcore mode with 1 bullet HS, like in other realistic FPS, we have to take away those super human running and jumping with no consequences when you get shot, it looks/feels stupid and is made for egoistic retards..

edit: and fix rate of fire of guns, make it realistic and represent each gun like it should work in WW2, please no more fake "balancing" just so cry babies can shoot with every weapon the same way..

Kryptix2314d ago

Seems like whatever SJWs that worked on Andromeda got moved towards this project.

The trailer disapppinted me, I can easily tell this game will be "fruity" allowing whatever stupid cosmetic item they can come up with. Most likely taken inspiration from Fortnite that I wouldn't be surprised they went this route to cater to everyone because they're also adding their own batgle royale mode.

This reminded me of the time Brothers in Arms was being turned into something different and the project got cancelled.

Well, after the right steps with BF1, they're going to lose that momentum with this one.

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morganfell2315d ago

very vaguely loosely in a nebulous manner.

2315d ago
The 10th Rider2315d ago

I think they were trying way too hard to show off the revised movement and character customization.

notachance2315d ago

they look like a bunch of modern gym goers in an overdramatic CoD-ish trailer lmao, you can't just put english voice actor and then calling it "english troops in WW2".

subtenko2314d ago

piece of cAABBAGe loosely

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2314d ago
Aceman182315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

Seems alright, but ima pass its EA so I'm pretty much done with them. Also I'm FPS out lol.

2315d ago
notachance2315d ago

if only you're this optimistic about PS4 games

showtimefolks2315d ago


Gamers like you are the reason EA is where it is today. Day one that's what EA and Activision are looking for

You have zero knowledge of whether it will have MT or Loot boxes yet out of average trailer you made the choice of day one

Enjoy it because soon that $60 will just be the entry price and we will have to pay for everything

Star wars BF2 didn't teach any of yall a thing

Obscure_Observer2315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )


"You have zero knowledge of whether it will have MT or Loot boxes yet out of average trailer you made the choice of day one"

What i know is that there´s not pay to win in place! I´m a competetive gamer and a BF fan. As long as there BALANCE i don´t give a damn about MT´s.

Also, i couldn´t care less about what you think about me. I´m not a hypocrite and i KNOW for a fact that i´m not gonna be like alot of you said White Knights of gaming that will resort to any kind of lame and pathetic excuses to justify your TLOU 2 or Death Stranding day one purchases, even if those games have Pay to Win or MTs in place.

Only 3 weeks to go.

darthv722315d ago

It shouldn't matter to you if obscure is getting it day one. It should only matter to you if you are or aren't getting it day one. From the sound of it... I'm thinking aren't.

showtimefolks2315d ago

TLOU2 and death stranding won't have them bro stop talking out of your behind to justify your bad purchase. How the heck you know for a fact it won't have pay to win when star wars Bf2 had them before the backlash and it was developed by dice

gangsta_red2314d ago


Maybe the things that bother you aren't the same things that bother him.

If this isn't your thing then you fight that good fight, but please don't push your concern on others.

It's his money not yours.

SuperbVillain2314d ago

How? Theres no season pass they said all the dlc will be free

showtimefolks2314d ago


Didn't EA say the same thing with star wars BF2? And we know that game was a masterpiece and didn't have anything to do with pay to win

gangsta_red2314d ago

Is it okay for him to be excited now? Does he have your permission?

Gazondaily2314d ago

Stupid hivemind mentality.

"You have zero knowledge of whether it will have MT or Loot boxes yet out of average trailer you made the choice of day one "

So?? If the gameplay is good and he doesn't need to purchase optional extras he shouldn't let keyboard warriors dictate whether he should buy the game or not.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2314d ago
CodeNameTBW22315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

I'll WW2 nope i'll wait for the next one real game, This is Battlefield 1.5

subtenko2314d ago

DAY V !!!!!! (Return Rental)

Ceaser98573612314d ago

"According to the Battlefield 5 website. players will have to find and craft tampons during battle if their character has her period while in a trench."

tell me this is a joke??

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2314d ago
Brave_Losers_Unite2315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

See, if we gamers complain about shady company practices, they will listen. Never stop fighting greed

It was a nice trailer. I'm more interested on more information and gameplay footage before deciding to buy it

UltraNova2315d ago

Yep its easy to get excited...I mean look at the damn GOD its gorgeous...but lets wait and see how EA shoehorned MTs in BFV.

rpvenom2315d ago

Yeah. The trailer was very well made and it looks great. But F EA.

And to the comments about hating that there was a female.. seriously guys? It's a fxcking game.. not based on true stories.. relax.. You're reacting the same way SJW's are..

UltraNova2314d ago (Edited 2314d ago )


Regarding the whole female focus thing. I dont care but isnt Dice padding themselves on the back because BF is kinda realistic? Did they come out and say, you know this game is set in WW2 but we are doing our own thing that has no or even somewhat historical accuracy? No they said during the reveal that they will take us to a trip through untold WW2 stories! I dont blame anyone that either gets irked or likes this female focus thing tbh.

CorndogBurglar2315d ago

I'm at work and haven't watched yet.

Did it say no MT's or Loot Crates? Because that is what most people are hesitant about, I think. Not their ability to put out a good Battlefield game.

morganfell2315d ago

They said no Premium Pass...which means they have another heretofore untold scheme planned.

blacktiger2315d ago

NO Pay to win means no more cheating, nothing to do with lootcrates and microtransaction

gigoran2315d ago (Edited 2315d ago )

Shady company policies? Oh because apparently EA invented loot boxes because a bunch of idiots complained about completely optional micro transactions that were funding the free dlc for the life of the game and they feel they have achieved something. It’s not like any other popular online game is using the same method of funding the free expansion of their rockstar game. When did they attack rockstar for that again? Oh that’s right, it’s all EAs fault

T2X2315d ago

People are severely disillusioned when it come to products they enjoy vs corporate earnings. Business cares about profit, and I care about a good product. I buy these games and don't give a crap about making a "statement to the industry" I'll enjoy it and not care. They're making boatloads of money and 5% of the population not liking it doesn't matter to them.

CorndogBurglar2314d ago

You don't have to an invent a shady policy to use a shady policy.

Let's face it, EA tried some really horrible things with Battlefront 2. Possibly one of, if not the worst progression systems ever seen completely geared around taking more money from customers.

It was so bad that they had it removed before the game even released due to fan feedback, then released an apology, then spent the next 6 months making a new progression system.

Yes, other games have had loot crates and MT's, but EA became known as the worst far.

I'm happy to hear what they are doing with Battlefield 5 tho. No pay to win, all DLC and maps are free. That is perfect. I would be willing to spend some extra cash for cosmetic items with a practice like that.

But it is EA. So I'm still very cautious. But it certainly sounds like they learned a valuable lesson from Battlefront 2.

blacktiger2315d ago

don't get caught bro, they took premium dlc and kept single player which is nice. But it is essentially a same game (same game engine) with better graphic.

I wanted a new enginge for destruble but I guess they are saving for Bad Company 3! Worse it might not even come next year since Star Wars Battlefront 3 might come next year. I'll pass for now. I hope you guys enjoy a lot :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2314d ago
Chaosdreams2315d ago

This trailer is so colourful. I like.

getbacktogaming2315d ago

lol imagine if they made a WWII game in black and white :P

Chaosdreams2315d ago

Should be a game mode. :P

2314d ago
subtenko2314d ago

its green gras patches brown dirt, 3 tone building, and orange/yellow explosions.....

Majin-vegeta2315d ago

So...alternate WW2 seems like it

getbacktogaming2315d ago

might as well play wolfenstein!

Relientk772315d ago

Wolfenstein is effing sick! I agree

Gardenia2314d ago

At least Wolfenstein has nazi's

DonkeyWalrus2314d ago

Well, as far as I know (and I could be wrong), there weren't English chicks with pirate hook hands running around the battlefields of WW2 lol

AmstradAmiga2314d ago

There were certainly woman on the Battlefield in WWII and the prosthetic shown in the video was accurate for the period and not a pirate hook as you eluded to.

DonkeyWalrus2314d ago

The pirate thing was a joke. There may have been some women involved, sure, but show me a single disabled English woman actually fighting on the frontlines.

MrVux0002314d ago (Edited 2314d ago )

I don't know who was your professor in the history class, but there were no documented British female ***soldiers*** during WW2, the only ones that were truly ***soldiers*** were on the Eastern front deployed by the Russians.

This is why the OP stated that the game is a "alternate WW2" representation and not the real thing.

And that is without mentioning the prosthetic arm gripping a full auto Thompson machine gun and even worse, a ‎Springfield bolt action sniper riffle...

MrVux0002314d ago (Edited 2314d ago )

Sending a message and blocking before someone could reply...very rude indeed.

PS: Concerning the remark made on my history professor. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't...i would not know since i was too busy listening to his lectures instead of paying attention to what my professor does in his free time.
But unfortunately,skirts and shorts were not allowed back then so you can cross that off your sodding list.

CorndogBurglar2314d ago

Wow! Talk about a coward! You send a rude message to someone then instantly block them so they can't reply? Even though he didn't even really say anything offensive?

You should probably consider whether or not talking to people in message boards is for you, because clearly you can't handle it.

Go ahead and block me now, coward. I said far worse than anything MrVux00 said. And trust me, I won't miss having conversations with an unreasonable child.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2314d ago
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Battlefield V now broken on Steam Deck / Linux with EA anticheat live

That's all folks. EA anticheat has now been added into Battlefield V, so it's the end of being able to play it on Steam Deck and other Linux systems.

This joins the likes of Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2: Deluxe Edition, EA SPORTS FC 24, EA SPORTS FIFA 23, Battlefield 2042 and Madden NFL 24 that all have EA's own homegrown anti-cheat that make them simply unplayable on systems running Linux.

Now if you try to run it, you'll be greeted with an error. A shame to see a game that's multiple years old get broken like this and no doubt EA will continue to use their own EA anticheat in future online games. Battlefield 1 is still okay, and Apex Legends is also still running but perhaps it's only a matter of time before EA force it onto those too?

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Community171d ago
just_looken171d ago

more comments here:

47 comments in hours bf5 won't launch anymore ea is saying meh not my prob bitch tosses a faq

Yes counter cheating that is good but when the ea app on pc is still totally broken and these cheaters are on 2042 same anti cheat this is just putting scotch tape on trumps file cabinet to prevent leaks its nothing more than a stop gap.

I mention ea app as for 4years it was in beta then tossed out with 3 year old issues and i still cant not get the products that i purchased on origin yeah i purchased digital but guess what there is no dvd games on pc anymore.

Philaroni170d ago

Likewise, I'm about to do some games with some friends here but if you wish to PM me I could share my Discord if you like to talk further. Oddly you bring up THQ that I did some work for in the past.

Also for Starfield I have just a Stock GTX 1080. Not even the 1080i version on an ultra wide and with some Ini, changes and other weird things I know I got it working at Series X frame rate. Sure not the the fancy graphics options. I know Bethesda games have always been more CPU then GPU limiting. A good application I don't see many using is Process lasso. It helps with may CPU heavy games on PC. (Battletech is the main one I use it for) Can find it here if you like.

""Xbox has made custom engines like forza/unreal they used to support epic back in the day like slipstream like you said but they make so much cash they do not need to work as much as sony.

But the issue i find is the lack of passion behind games aswell as the mass amount of users that love the broken/microtransantion filled games we get every day. Back in the day when a game was crap or had something wrong it was a oh crap are we going to get shutdown or like thq just poof gone. But today its na who cares fix it later or write it off then oh wait never mind they like it such as the new cod.""

Going to combine me response here. You are right, MS and I do feel like what they do with not just Froza and also the tech they use in Flight Sim. Is not given enough credit. If I am correct the next Fable game is going to be using a mix of things from the Turn 10 Team, maybe Unreal? Hard to say at this point, But MS along with Sony both own a full License of the tech (Days Gone for Sony) I agree with you on the talent and passion part, games have become too much, at least AAA games the 'Milk, butter, eggs and toast" to support places now days. Innovations in gameplay and such has fell lower and lower. I still don't see mechanics and ways of playing games like I did so many years back, its a bummer.

For MS maybe the end as even though they might have a massive advantage in software and services (I use to work in Azure) They can kind of do some things at cost but seem to fail at it a lot. The cloud gaming push I don't think is going to have the effect so many hope for (Not sure why anyone wants that) I still want MS to have a chance but, if I sit here with my magic dice and roll it on MS games over the last forever, it could land on Crackdown 3 (Remember that?) The cloud powered game... and now they are trying to do it again with Kojima some what. As an engineer, its not happening now, tomorrow or anything in the next 24 years. I remember back on this interview with John,

We are not even at that point yet. So hope we get there and I hope MS is still a player but I do feel you are right in many ways, they are already trying to slowly retreat just by the rhetoric alone.

Ether way again PM me and we should talk more, would love to do so.

Philaroni171d ago

The rough part of all of this is that for those of us on PC mostly be it Windows or Linux based, the anti-cheat sucks up a lot of resources. It kind of reminds me of the conversation between, security and freedom. Too much of ether is both good if managed well or very bad. We just as gamers keep seeing this pop up over and over again. Wish I had some magic wand to stop cheaters... but I don't... hell we just seen what happened with Apex at a high level event.. getting that kind of access and such is not good... but at the same time. Can anyone, one person provide me an example where Anti Cheat has even like a hit rate above 50? I know I'm pulling numbers out of my ass, but it seems the cheaters beat the systems in place time and time again. Where there is a lock, and a smith to make it. We always will have a thief that breaks it.

just_looken171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

I can

Sense everyone seems to have brain rot and forgot the ps3 that is the solution.

The ps3 for its first half had systems that would only launch the game if it saw you had a ps3 controller along with a inhouse operating system and a real gpu/cpu it was way harder to run cheats off of along with the ability to make custom rooms.

Yes there were p2p lag switching then later on thanks to that dev kit leak cheat menus but for years games like killzone/mag had dedicated servers that were hard to crack a operating system/cpu those in public had 0 knowledge how to make stuff on them.

Right now if they put all mp files on the server so we just stream the game that would be a huge step or make the multiplayer run in a sanboxed mode separate on the system.

Philaroni171d ago

I'm glad you brought that up that Killzone had Dedicated servers. I remember the Yellow Dog Linux days of PS3, as well. EA use to do more Dedicated Servers for games but as time went on they would 'rent them out' and slowly the official servers would die down.

P2P Lag always had that magical thing (Gears 2 (Aak the shot gun) and Halo 2,3) fans know as host advantage. That alone allowed for lags switches, booting of others from games. ECT. (Though I admit, was the most fun I had when our team could beat cheaters. Man was that a good time)

I fully agree with you, the fact so much is working how it is has in a hard way compromised network/client security issue. I'll pick on COD for example where some assets are local and other are on server, between games and between even evolutions/iterations of the engines used.

just_looken170d ago


Thank you for the reply i am glad others on here remember

Now back to the series x having games with the same frame rate as a 2005 xbox 360 but the masses thinking that is fine and next gen.

Starfield on series x native 780ishp fallout 3 xbox 360 720p both 30fps gaming has "grown so much"

Sadly we are not in large numbers and see mp/sp tech wise/cheater wise has gotten worse not better.

Philaroni170d ago

I hate to say it about Starfield I'd have too look at reports from way back when. I swear to god they said it was going to launch with Creation Kit 2 (I worked with 1 alot in Skyrim mods in the block based aka cell based structure) Back then it was great, but for the life of me I don't know how a Studio like Obsidian can make a game same as Bethesda but with less bugs and bull shit. (Fallout Veg and Outer Worlds) Not that it was with out bugs but when a 3rd party does better with your own tech... I find an issue... with it all.

Frame rate stuff I only understand from two points, design and marketing. On the Design part yes back in the day 30FPS was I swear almost more common then now days. It was not a design compromise to keep it at 30 as the hardware and the way the game was being 'displayed' (Key thing there) was as impactful. Now days I feel the Marketing side wants a 4K trailer running likely rendered on a Xbox or PS system with little text saying (Oh wit was on a PC that no one is able to afford... of course teasing there a bit.)

I do understand that Starfield is a 'simulated world' where like every item you drop is there, for like forever... cool, that is not too new now days and design wise, is kind of a dumb thing.... who cares how many carrots you can collect... is it cool sure, makes for good PR in some ways. Lack of tangible game play is the issue. I can't take credit for this but a buddy of mine worked in advertising and I shit you not at Fast food. They would make wax and even 3D print now and then post render foods you would get, just for you as the client at a Burger King to not be given as you where sold on. (((( He did not work for them FYI.. but others)))

Issue with gaming as you are saying is too much is on the 'presentation.' It does not sell like it use too, that type of advertising. Most of it is word of mouth, who my friends tell me is a good game or not, what my friends are playing. Then comes the reviews.

Its dumb that our next gen systems feel like we gone all but up a step that we already went down two to three on. Take Uncharted 4 for example 30FPS SP and 60 MP. That I can deal with, and that was a PS4 game.

I do at times dis Xbox a lot, but come on, they still have yet to make there own damn game engine. Slipstream failed heavily, where Sony and most of their own studios have tech they made for the games they are trying to build. I am unsure how Xbox is again now saying the 'next' system will be the best ever. Sure it will be duh? Tech changes and grows, but I never seen a system use it so poorly. (I blame alot on the bloated Xbox OS FYI)

just_looken170d ago


You can have both presentation and framerate pc's have been doing both for decades now 4k ray tracing bla bla yeah that is different but starfield is no maxed out minecraft with its seed tech with ray tracing minecraft uses seeds also with huge buildings but for years pc's can do 60fps on that.

I mentioned 30fps because back in the day we had hd consoles alot of users had sd tv's just getting into hd tv's so i get the graphics difference but we are talking about 20years of hardware difference.

A real hardware console 6700 3700x 16gb of ram can run starfield at 60fps not maxed out but its possible this was pre performance patches:

Remember the apu/igpu tablet crap the consoles are using are based off of the 6700

The xbox operating system has always been windows based from windows 2000/xp xbox-xbox 360 the tail end of the 360 using vista/7 then to the series x using windows 10 that is why backwards compatibility works great its all direct x based with the same bc as a window's pc. What we see today is just the change from needing games to survive to making games as a product m$ makes more money in a week than what sony can make in months.

Xbox has made custom engines like forza/unreal they used to support epic back in the day like slipstream like you said but they make so much cash they do not need to work as much as sony.

But the issue i find is the lack of passion behind games aswell as the mass amount of users that love the broken/microtransantion filled games we get every day. Back in the day when a game was crap or had something wrong it was a oh crap are we going to get shutdown or like thq just poof gone. But today its na who cares fix it later or write it off then oh wait never mind they like it such as the new cod.

The new cod is making bank yes users hated it but the sales show the masses that do not post love it sadly

Heck did you see that wow has limited time store items now with hundreds online defending it because they think the store its what's need to keep the game online despite the $15 a month payment and m4 ownership.

I find in the end of this generation Microsoft will go the way of sega they might also just buy sony as everything sony except music/games is not making money they are a cheap buy for microsoft right now so we would just have 2 companies fighting in the gaming ring with papa os watching from the sidelines.

Great chatting 2 you may i recommend looking at rpgm games? they are out there even though i have a i9 4090 custom rig right now along with a ps5 i have been playing 4yr old games or rpgm stuff this year. Its funny i remember being a 2360/ps3 owner stacks of adventures now i am like well time to see what is in the past.

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EA anticheat and Battlefield

Battlefield V, getting easy anticheat

We're pleased to share that EA Anticheat will be extended to #BattlefieldV this Wednesday, April 3rd at 08:00 UTC.

You will need to restart your game to benefit from the changes of this Client Update.

Learn more via our updated EA Anticheat Blog:

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just_looken179d ago

Other sources from battlefield official accounts.

So steamdeck might have issues and those out there that are anti kernal drm will get a surprise. Depending on your setup you also might get new issues as i know rgb software likes to fight with easy anti cheat.


Amazon Digital Game Sale For Xbox Series X/S & Xbox One

Daily Video Game writes: "There is a new digital game sale Amazon is offering for both Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One that heavily discounts several popular titles like GRID Legends, Mass Effect Legendary, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and more for Xbox owners right now!"

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