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New Star Ocean 4 HQ Pictures

New pictures of Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope in high quality.

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B-Rein5775d ago

Yeh this game looks very nice, like the visuals looks promising.
only star ocean game i've played was Star Ocean 2; Till The End Of Time and that was pretty good. I see this game has simlar style of graphics pretty kool

Perjoss5775d ago

I really hope this is good, I thought Undiscovery was a pile of cack, so I'm still waiting for a good RPG since the almighy Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey.

xhairs95775d ago

Looks good but my only question is, what about the backgrounds?

It seems all these games now are filled with nice HD up close but the backgrounds are all blurred now, where's the full experience?

WikusVanDeMerwe5775d ago

Have to admit even though the backgrounds are in most if not all cases blurry but there is no denying that those are some really really good looking screens maybe even the best yet from any game but that is my opinion.

xhairs95774d ago

They are good, but I wouldn't go that far.

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fufotrufo5775d ago

I was blown away when i saw them! I wasn't expecting much from this game and now I'm really really impressed..

The Makr5775d ago

and the screenshots just have me looking forward to it even more!

Julie5775d ago (Edited 5775d ago )

Beautifull screens , and they are keeping SO style , i love it , where i will find time to play all these games?!!!! :0

Thx to share them :=)

CloudsEnd5775d ago

Too bad the most of the Xbox Owners are not going to buy this game, because they dont like that stuff.
Yeah, its not a lie that the most of the Xbox Owners are brainless Shooter-Freaks.
Dont disagree with me, everyone of you knows it.
I only bought my Xbox 360 for one sole reason, the J-RPGs.

GUNS N SWORDS5775d ago (Edited 5775d ago )

360 has more of a selection of RPGs than wii or ps3 (not trying to be a hater on either console) and those games did hit good sales marks.

i'm a fan of both RPGs and JRPGs, and judging by these pics, this game will sell pretty well, just like tales of vesperia.

edit, (btw i did not click disagree.)

CloudsEnd5775d ago

Yeah, its allright, but still, you may like RPG/JRPG too, but dont say others do so too, i mean, look at the Halo 3 Sales, i mean, thats just a plain shooter and sold that much.
Sure the Xbox 360 has more RPGs than the PS3 or the Wii, thats the reason i bought one, but still the Xbox Fanbase is made of Halo-Lover.

GUNS N SWORDS5775d ago (Edited 5775d ago )

but, "HALO" soled well because it's was an anticipated title, now gears and fable have become as well, and their not even of the same genre, same thing with mass effect.

edit, (in other words, it doesn't necessarily have to be a shooter to be an anticipated title, that goes for all consoles)

lowcarb5775d ago

Many 360 owners play love rpgs and grew up playing them. Just because Sony had them on lock last gen doesn't mean we don't like JRPG's. That's a stereotype and I bet these games sell really well regardless of the image some people have on 360.

CloudsEnd5775d ago (Edited 5775d ago )

Im just telling what i see with the Sales of some games.
And really, i dont like see it that Games like Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon or Tales Of Vesperia doesnt sell well on Western Terretory, just because Microsoft thinks they dont need to make much PR about those titles.
You are completely right, Games like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears Of War and Fable were selling fantastic, because they had a good PR.
But Microsoft just uses the JRPG for Japan, they may release them here in EU and over there in America, but they dont show how great they are.
Okay, there were some Inet-Advertisiment. But that just happened after a bit before it got released.
They need to make up a hype about those games, especially Star Ocean 4!
The same thing goes to Sony, they should advertise their titles more and more!
Like i said, i dont like to see good games getting low sales, just because there were no PR. :/

Those who know what is good, dont need PR on Games, they buy it. But still there are people who're going with the Advertisiment.
If Star Ocean 4 gets a nice PR it will sell like the double amount like it would without PR.

Just 5 Months then we going to get this Masterpiece... I hope its going to be not so short! Want atleast 50h Gameplay.

ceedubya95775d ago

How can you expect every single RPG that comes out to sell in the millions? The fact that these games don't sell a lot doesn't have anything to do with the console its on. JRPGs are a niche market. They generally don't sell extremely well.

After Final Fantasy, and maybe Dragon Quest, the list of top selling RPGs falls off sharply.

Don't generalize the whole 360 gamer base like that. Its just flat out wrong. A lot of 360 owners are multiconsole owners and have had PS2s, PS1s, and SNES and such well before this. And they are no strangers to this genre.

PS360PCROCKS5775d ago

I agree only on my end, I'm more of a standard american gamer. I have tried to expand myself and really enjoyed fable 1, and mass effect but their very western anyways so who knows.

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Gaystation 35775d ago (Edited 5775d ago )

Microsoft wins the Tokyo Game show!

TheColbertinator5775d ago

This game looks very good.I have been a fan of Star Ocean for years since the PS1 days.First day buy for me.

zimbo0075775d ago


and MS

a console like x360 doesnt even exist in Japan.
lol BOTS

win TGS after seeling like just 670k consoles in 3 years

Those screens look just like IU

we have WKS --1080p and better looking and playing than all mega flop RPGS on x360

nieto25775d ago

are you forgetting about White Knight Chronicles? besides i want one of those pink PS3's!

PSK225775d ago

We will wait and see but Microsoft has not win until it actually happens. This is just one game. So may the best man wins. I'm supporting PS3

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Nathaniel_Drake5775d ago

Although I am a PS3 only owner, I have SO3 for the PS2 and the story is horrible and the gameplay mechanics are just as bad, so some advice to 360 owners is to wait for the review and take the respectable review sites somewhat seriously

robotnik5775d ago

I can confirm this, SO3 was pretty bad, long ass cutscenes, annoying characters, (Peppita Rosetti WTF?), and the story was just retarded.

The battle system was OK, but hitting the enemies was a bit hard.

But Im pretty sure that they will fix all that crap, but still... I think this will be a 8/10 game...

Final_Rpg5775d ago

I disliked "Star Ocean till the end of time" on ps2, the pre-puberty voice dubs, the mediocre story and the weird battle system. But this game looks damn gorgeous... If I had a 360 I'd buy it for the visuals lol.

nieto25775d ago (Edited 5775d ago )

the first and second SO were really good, only the third was crap...

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10 Most Overlooked RPGs That You Should Play Now

Many overlooked RPGs lie dormant in the catalogues of gaming, but players can pick up their swords and shields with these amazing JRPG hidden gems!

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PlayStation Plus is a secret paradise for RPG fans

From games that digitaltrends DeAngelo Epps has always wanted to play but missed out on, like Odin Sphere, to newer titles that he'd love to re-experience like Yakuza: Like a Dragon, there was enough there to justify diving back in. And those titles aren’t even a small percent of what’s available here. Vanillaware titles, Square Enix games, NIS franchises he’d never even heard of — there’s a whole lot to dig into.

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Eonjay241d ago

PSPlus is Amazing for RPGs and NIS America, Square Enix and Vanillaware games are perfect for PSPortal.

LG_Fox_Brazil241d ago

Not really a 'secret' but a paradise indeed, I just finished Soul Hackers 2, pretty good, and started Labyrinth of Galleria and I am having a blast. Tons of great RPGs in the PS4/PS5 family

Mr_cheese241d ago

Secret is the click buzzword. Can't have a title without bait these days.

anast241d ago

secret, shadow, hidden

OtterX241d ago

Perfect for playing on the Portal, since rpgs can be such timesinks. For those people who can't stay glued to the TV, it's good to give some freedom around the house, out on the porch or whatever. I haven't picked up a Portal yet, bc of life priorities, but I definitely anticipate picking one up asap and playing more rpgs!

ziggyzinfirion241d ago

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy VII:Remake for the first time on PS5 and I am freaking blown away by this game so far. I don't know why I waited this long or due to my huge backlog but had to be honest, this game exceeded my expectations.

OtterX241d ago

Yea, story pacing aside, the combat system is pretty killer, especially if you slow it down to play it more like a tactical turned based jrpg!

I actually wish FF16 had gone this route, instead of the DMC route. The FF7:R system gave enough action for those who wanted to play that way, while still appeasing us old school turn based jrpg fans.

Glad you're enjoying!

crazyCoconuts241d ago

Some of the best in game HDR I've ever seen in that game. I liked it a lot too. My first final fantasy game believe it or not

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A beginner's guide to Star Ocean

Star Ocean is one of those series that did, and still does, things that others don’t. Think of it as a JRPG for fans of series like Star Trek. The casts regularly involve people from more advanced civilizations getting involved with those who are still growing, even though there are various measures in place to allegedly stop that sort of interference. As a result, people get energy weapons, cyborgs, magic and people who can turn into cats. It is a lot to take in.

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autobotdan1698d ago (Edited 1698d ago )

Let's see here. There was another classic JRPG series that started this SCI Fi. It was Phantasy Star by Sega. Before Star Ocean, there was Phantasy Star 1-4 on Sega consoles

Bhuahahaha1698d ago

a beginners guide to star ocean....after playing the 3rd game
you've been told that the universe (SO lore) is just a ------------------- and close the book

VsAssassin1697d ago

Yeah, that plot twist didn't work for me. I wish SO3 isn't canon, but it is. Anyway, SE can just sweep SO3 under the rug perhaps by soft rebooting the franchise.

Nerdmaster1697d ago

The first two were so great, among the top RPGs on 16 and 32-bit era. I wonder why it went downhill after that...

LiViNgLeGaCY1697d ago

I still regard the 2nd Story as one of the greatest JRPG's of all time.

ChronoJoe1697d ago

Play the PS1 game and then the PS2 game and then the rest probably aren't worth your time unless you're a superfan of the series. I think that's all you need to know.

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