
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Xbox One Listing Spotted

A European video game site has listed an Xbox One version of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, leading many to believe it's a PS4 timed exclusive, rather than full on exclusive.

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jrshankill2531d ago

Yeah was bound to happen. At least MS let us know about console exclusives.

Sonic_Vs_Mario2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )


Microsoft's E3

Launch Exclusive - First on Xbox
Windows 10 store and Xbox One exclusive - Xbox Exclusive
Premier Launch - Multiplatform game

naruga2531d ago

however this remade trilogy has alot of references to Naughty Dog(trademark logo etcetc) ...probably will be removed for Xbox....
..the remake is at least bad in comparison to the originals ...not even a bit captured the magic ....everyone who has PS3 or ps1 still alive keep the original , dont buy this trash .....and at last let CB die ....if is not in Sony hands is lke dead anyways

DARK_WOLF2531d ago

Oh i see. Its not ps4 exclusive now so its trash right?

naruga2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

@Mummmy yes that s exact right ...i hate non exclusive games :3

PistolsAtDawn2531d ago

To be fair....as a multi platform gamer.....every multiplat game might as well be exclusive. Best graphics/fps, best network, best controller, best UI....there is seriously no category where PS4 is the better place to play...they lost their only advantage. If you ONLY have a PS4....sure....but if you have both....why would you ever play a non exclusive game on PS4?

ninsigma2531d ago

Only advantage?? Never go full retard.

blitz06232531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

Wait what? Sony wasn't the one yelling the word EXCLUSIVE every time they showed a trailer of a game during their conference. Microsoft was basically using that term on every game even if it's timed and just puts a tiny text that says launch exclusive. Now tell me again who's trying to spin exclusivity? To be honest Sony has more reason to do that given their games are actually exclusively developed by their own studios, but it's pointless because the conference is about showcasing games and not counting how many exclusives you have

morganfell2531d ago

The game is a PlayStation Exclusive. The reason there was some question concerning Sony's remarks and their "Coming to PS4 Pro and PS4 first" is the trilogy will eventually appear on PS Now which covers a wide variety of devices.

Sunny_D2531d ago


The same reason you're stating your bullshit opinions as fact. Duh.

Best graphics/fps Yeah, buddy how many Xbox One X users are there compared to the Original Xbox one owners who aren't upgrading? 😂

"best network" Your opinion

"best controller" Your opinion

"best UI" Wait, you mean it's no longer the sluggish maple syrup UI it used to have? I guess removing the SNAP feature was really needed . And once again, your opinion.

But the biggest reason people will play on PS4 IS: Almost all their friends have one. Was that so hard to figure out?

60 million vs ~25 million, what console you think has a better chance of having a person's friends on it?

2531d ago
morganfell2531d ago


True on the bye bye but this wasn't known by lower Sony officials when the confusion first took place. It is why there was the change in listings at Sony UK.

TripleCs2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )


Do you put any thought or go over any of these comments that you post before posting them just to see how stupid they sound or do you just post these things straight out of your ass?

"To be fair....as a multi platform gamer.....every multiplat game might as well be exclusive. Best graphics/fps"

Best graphics/fps? Not if you're an original Xbox One owner.. According to your every multiplat that came out for the past 4 years may as well have been exclusive to the PS4 or the overwhelming majority should have been exclusive am I right? In fact Xbox One owners will continue to have the worst versions of multiplats for the rest of this generation, not PS4 owners. Xbox One X will have the best multiplats on console at least, No arguments there but the problem with your statement is that it's based off the idea that every Xbox One owner is going to buy or own an Xbox One X when that is indeed not the case. In fact the main group and main demographic of Xbox One owners are going to own the standard SKU.

I find it funny that you're crapping on PS4 owners but also crapping on your fellow Xbox One owners in the process and you probably don't even realize it lol

"best network, best controller, best UI....there is seriously no category where PS4 is the better place to play...they lost their only advantage"

PS4 has the best network, best controller and best UI! See? I can post opinions as well and pass them off as facts but guess what? They're still opinions at the end of the day and passing them off as facts doesn't make them true.

" If you ONLY have a PS4....sure....but if you have both....why would you ever play a non exclusive game on PS4?"

Hmm, idk.. maybe most peoples friends are playing their multiplats like COD, NBA 2K, etc on PS4 which is indicative based on the PS4's sales numbers. Maybe that's why people might be playing multiplats on PS4. Great looking visuals are important but my friends are more important so I know I'd sacrifice better graphics and/or FPS if it meant playing with friends. Others may feel the same way.

DigitalRaptor2531d ago

Anybody replying to PistolsAtDawn should know that this guy has multiple times stated that he thinks every single PS4 exclusive should be rated 10 points lower on the scale no matter what and that every single Xbox exclusive should be rated 10 points higher no matter what. The same person who egregiously lied about Uncharted 4 and consistently trolled on its articles, and tried to convince the world that Quantum Break was the better game robbed of merit by those who played it.

This guy has nothing valid to add - just Xbox is better... because he likes the things he likes.

andrewsquall2531d ago

@PistolsAtDawn Lol to make use of your 2007 1080p TV is the reason to buy it on PS4 perhaps?

"but if you have both"
You talk as if XboneX is out right now and not another 5 months away. You also talk as if 20 million current Xbone users will all instantly be upgraded to XboneX too at its launch WITHOUT having to fork out a load of money (you know, to get that use out of that decade old TV).

So when is the 100 trillionth Xbone dashboard revamp out again because its so perfect? ^_^

2531d ago
UltraNova2531d ago

Are we seriously discussing a fake listing by a no name retailer who is looking to draw some traffic to their site?

If the Crush trilogy was coming to xbox, MS would have spend 20 minutes thumping their chests at E3 and you can be damn sure about that.

It will be a PS exclusive for at least a year if not forever.

Bruh2531d ago

Still missed the point dipshit, MSFT was straight up about which games were timed exclusives, while your BFs at Sony dodge the questions even at one on one interviews.

2531d ago
donthate2530d ago (Edited 2530d ago )

Tha amount of denial and now this. The salt is overflowing and Xbox One X isn't even released. When the DF articles comes out this November, there will be an ocean of salt. People all that salt isn't good for your blood pressure, even if you are excruciatingly young at mind.

Angel9112530d ago


Sony is arrgonat liars...showing timed exclusive as full exclusive...

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 2530d ago
-Foxtrot2531d ago

Oh is that how you defend their misdirections at E3

If they were asked point blank at an interview they'd avoid the question

freshslicepizza2531d ago

Watch the interview with Jeff from Giant Bomb. Phil answered those questions very clearly. There were no protecting the children in the audience remarks.

Bigpappy2531d ago

I'm not a fan of this series at all. no interest

AmUnRa2531d ago

Who cares about your look at the series, the most gamers who played it loving, it.

Deep-throat2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )


No bro, the HD remake looks ace. Don't be a hater!

And no I don't need a PS console to replay the OG games, PC gamers have emulators bro!

TheUndertaker852531d ago

The PSP & Xperia devices also support PSOne classic titles like Crash. Vaio also if I remember correctly.

Vita can in certain regions. PS3 can both digital and physical. There's really already a thousand and two ways to play the original titles.

the_dark_one2531d ago

well sony did say at the conference last year it would come first to PS and they never said it would be ONLY ON PLAYSTATION

Platformgamer2531d ago

No, they said that a remaster version of the first three crash will be coming to ps4, but FIRST he'll come back in the new skylanders game.
Your memory needs a check ;)

TheUndertaker852531d ago

He is also featured in the Skylanders TV show. That's neither here nor there.

Unless you mean Crash Bandicoot was hyped as Sony exclusive for Skylanders Imaginators then unlocked for all platforms a year later then yes, same scenario as here. Also the first platform exclusive character for Skylanders to do as much. Bowser and Donkey Kong plus the exclusive ride did not.

Should've been easy to see. Activision never stated anything about exclusivity in interviews or even via official outlets. The game also doesn't sport the exclusive heading on the cover either. Even Sony sites & retailer listings left out any mention of exclusivity. Then statements saying first on PlayStation should've told people that would mean a second version if not more would follow on other platforms.

ILostMyMind2531d ago

On both cases nothing was said about exclusivity.

ILostMyMind2531d ago

Sony never said that game would be exclusive.

butchertroll2531d ago

Wait. Some retailer put a game on their store and it's confirmed that Xbone versions exists? LOL

There are numerous examples.

generic-user-name2531d ago

You mean how MS had to make up a new term so they could deceive you by saying they had 22 exclusives?

2530d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2530d ago
Yohshida2531d ago

Played the original games on monday on my PS1. Crash 1-3 are great, but Crash Bash and Crash Team Racing should get more love. Those games are insanely good.

Yohshida2531d ago

Dont hate on Crash Bash and Crash Team Racing =(

MoonConquistador2530d ago

He wasn't, he was talking them up.


Yohshida2530d ago

I was commenting on the disagrees

Angainor72531d ago

Nothing to troll about here, hopefully its true so more people can experience Naughty Dog's masterpiece.

2531d ago Replies(10)
danny8182531d ago

Are you not gonna buy it because it's no an exclusive? Lol

PlayStationBrah2531d ago


DigitalRaptor2531d ago (Edited 2531d ago )

In the past, retailers have actually mocked up Xbox One cases for upcoming first-party Sony games on shelves. That leads me to believe retailers are clueless about what platforms games are on. Plenty of them have put unannounced games available to pre-order. This has also happened before where a PS4 exclusive appeared with an XB1 version on an obscure European online store, and... nowhere else. There's also no way a retailer like that will have this information as of now.

JasonKCK2531d ago

I thought PS4 gamers only play new games anyway. Well, that's what most PS fanboys say around here every time BC is brought up, so you PS fans shouldn't care about this.


BlackTar1872530d ago

it's funny you don't even understand what's happening.

How much of a running start are you going to get before you jump off the cliff of misinformed?

I can do it to I thought Xbox people only play old games so why are you interested in xboxx? LOL the joke is Xbxox has no games for it either hahaha

JasonKCK2530d ago

The joke is how triggered you got from my comment.

DigitalRaptor2530d ago

Damn, those mental gymnastics sound taxing.

The funny thing is, you don't even know who PlayStation Brah is or understand that he's being playful here, but you felt triggered enough to go off on a fanboy rant out of nowhere.

JasonKCK2530d ago

DigitalRaptor is it one of your alt accounts or something? You sure know a lot about someone who has made only 20 comments.

DigitalRaptor2527d ago (Edited 2527d ago )

I have zero alt accounts, and you're not the first Xbox fanboy to accuse me of that. Real lazy comeback. I interact aside from N4G, and am able to make connections elsewhere. I know the name from someone I happen to recognise from Twitter. https://twitter.com/Playsta...

His username is also a Google search away. Instead of assuming stuff, do some positive research.

JasonKCK2527d ago

Sounds more and more like an alt account.

DigitalRaptor2526d ago (Edited 2526d ago )

You hear that boys? He's on to something.

No, the reality is you got schooled, and you have nothing left of worth to say. Nothing you want to baselessly accuse Sony fans on here of will get away from the fact that your inner fanboy was triggered by a joke and the second response contained laughing emojis, which shows he was clearly joking. But you were so focused on taking the first comment seriously you didn't even care to see that.

The definition of blind fanboyism.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2526d ago
ninsigma2531d ago

Wouldn't take a random website as confirmation of this. While I do believe it will come to other platforms and some point, until they say so officially, I'll just consider it a PS4 game.

Sonic_Vs_Mario2531d ago

It's a popular gaming store in Hungry

ninsigma2531d ago

Fair enough. Never heard of it. To be Fair (to me), I wouldn't take it seriously even if it was Amazon. Official word is law :)

morganfell2531d ago

In Hungry? Is that near Starvation?

moegooner882531d ago

According to Best buy, it is one year exclusive, now this site says < 6 months. Next is one month 🤷‍♂️. Seriously though, this is getting ridiculous.

ninsigma2531d ago

That's why I just consider everything other than official word from Sony or Activision as fake news :)

I do think they should just come out and say it though which ever way it is. They should definitely be making public whether it's full or timed exclusive.

bumbleforce2531d ago

Lol ya ps4 version tuesday. X1 version surprise release on.........friday

ziggurcat2531d ago

bestbuy isn't an official on a game's exclusivity - I've see them get information wrong all of the time, and they certainly have never advertised any timed game as a "x month/x year exclusive" in their store before. It was clearly fake.

JackTheLiz2531d ago

There are multiple international sites with a Xbox One listing which makes me think this is more likely to be true then not.

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They're all phenomenal tbh but Persona 5 took my heart...

1306d ago