
Tekken 7 Reportedly Has Much Higher Input Lag on PS4 When Compared To XB1

Tekken 7 appears to have significantly higher input lag on PlayStation 4 in comparison to the Xbox One version of the game.

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2610d ago Replies(9)
DashArrivals2609d ago

If this article is true... then they'll patch it. No worries

Knockknock2609d ago

Like they did with prey and made it worse with massive frame pacing problems.

XiNatsuDragnel2610d ago

Okay that sucks if true, because in fighting games I prefer consistency over resolution.

Kurisu2610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

The game seems fine to me, I haven't had any problems nailing down some 10 hit combos! So don't worry about what the article says in regards to that.

To anyone who has played today, how has the online been? Yesterday on launch day it was really hard to get in to a match, I managed about four games. Also I had my game data wiped after a game failed to sink - luckily I hadn't got too far in to the games story mode, not that would have mattered anyway as it's short. Haven't tried treasure battle yet either which I'm glad of because it would have been annoying if I lost all the money and items on top of rankings.

Lennoxb632610d ago

Input lag in most cases is unnoticeable to the naked eye.

PapaBop2610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

Because you wouldn't notice it. it works out at 7.2 frames of input lag, the fastest move in Tekken is 10 frames so it wouldn't be overly noticeable.

I only tried online for the first time today, found 8 different opponents and lost connection to each one. Harada (Tekken's lead developer) said they're working on fixing it which shouldn't be too difficult considering it's purely a problem with matchmaking. I hear the actual netcode is very very good though.

Princess_Pilfer2609d ago

Uh, wrong? If the fastest move in the game is 10 frames, that means while you *should* have 7 or 8 of those to react properly, you instead have 3. That's a big ****ing deal.

Eonjay2610d ago

It plays fine on PS4 so far from my experience.

kowan2610d ago

The game plays fine. Both offline and Online(4 bars and up).

derkasan2609d ago

It works just fine offline on the Pro for me, but both Ranked and Player matches are pretty laggy, even with four bars. Hopefully today was just a bad day.

andrewsquall2609d ago

Don't worry they even had to strip away effects in the Xbone version too so you get your consistency as well as awful last gen resolution.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2609d ago
freshslicepizza2610d ago

Other titles as well, The Last Guardian, Prey. How common is this problem?

Nyxus2610d ago

The Last Guardian has higher input lag on PS4 than Xbox One?

sho0ok2610d ago

Lol.. Ofc he means these games has hight input lag too, not necessarily compared to XB1


I think he means ps4 struggles to run games regardless of ps4/ps4pro and the resolution

And that is sad!

PistolsAtDawn2610d ago

Stop thinking in terms of everything being a console war. It makes you look like a fanboy. CLEARLY he just meant that it had high input lag.

Rimeskeem2610d ago

Less common than your dumb comments

Liqu1d2610d ago


XB1 has higher input lag in some titles as well, but I'm sure you'll ignore that fact. Interesting how TLG has higher input lag on PS4 compared to Xbox considering it's an exclusive.

Alexious2610d ago

Yes, of course, no one is saying it's across all the games. Just one case.

Sitdown2610d ago

But should it be happening at all, given how we are constantly reminded that the ps4 is the best and most powerful console the world has seen.

*enter poor coding by the developer here*

gangsta_red2609d ago


Insecure much? Moldy never compared or said anything about Xbon One.

He's asking why do these games have input lag and gave a few examples. Unless you want him to list every single game on every platform so you wont feel threatened?

rainslacker2609d ago

I'd imagine TLG did have higher input lag on the PS4 compared to the X1. Any lag at all is greater than zero.

gangsta_red2609d ago

I dont think he meant to compare them just asking why other titles have lag too.

rainslacker2609d ago (Edited 2609d ago )

Lag is a software issue. the controller should always poll the system at the same interval if all other things are equal(radio signal, possibly battery life, etc). So if the software itself has noticeable lag, it's in the way it's designed which is introduced between the system receiving the signal, the OS processing it for the game, and then the software recognizing it and doing something about it.

Dunno which system has more or less lag on the controller connection since for the most part, I've never had much problem with it on wireless controllers.

Aenea2609d ago

That you're not banned yet is unbelievable to me...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2609d ago
NotSoMad2610d ago

If only I actually cared about this.

X-Alchemist2610d ago

Doesn't make much sense writing a comment about it then.

KwietStorm_BLM2610d ago

What a brilliant and relevant comment.

gums0072610d ago

NotSoMad, you cared enough to comment lol. I have an xbox one and Ps4 which i enjoy both for different reason but it sure is fun to see all the fanboys get all defensive and act like they don't care even when they take time out of they're day to tell people...

HaikusfromBuddha2610d ago

Maybe not for you but for those who are serious fighting games players a single frame of input lag severely throws off competitive rhythm. Say an Xbox owner and PS4 owner play on a different version at a competitive event, either one will feel the difference when trying to input combos.

jrshankill2609d ago

You'll find that pro players who document and memorize frame data will seriously care about this.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2609d ago
Muadiib2610d ago

There's clearly an endemic issue on Sony's end.

DAEMONIFEAR2610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

I notice lag and judder issues on most games on my pro and even the ui dash is juddering it's brand new with a 1tb sshd installed too it's always done it even my launch ps4 was the same..

My launch x1 was like this from the original launch dash but haven't had any issue since...for a long time!!

The thing I hate most about my ps4pro and ps4 in general is the download times are ridiculous and there's nothing that can be done to speed it up!! That's sad!

rainslacker2609d ago

Actually, there are things that can be done about. It's a router setting. Look it up on Sony's forum. Most people have praised Sony's relatively fast download speeds this gen, so seems the issue is on your end.

Gardenia2610d ago

Sony didn't make this game you know

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garos82284d ago

losers with nothing better to do in their pathetic pointless lives.

Vengeance1138284d ago

A strong case for legal murder. Activist lives don't matter.

Vader82284d ago

'Just Stop Oil' whilst also disrupting commuting, vandalising other people property and just generally being dicks.

gold_drake284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

they remind me of those idiots who glue themselves on streets haha.

Unknown_Gamer5794284d ago

I never understood the logic of that form of protest. If anything, it increases fossil fuel consumption by forcing a lot of vehicles to idle until the road is no longer blocked. I’m all for protesting a cause one believes in, but I would think people would want their form of protest to at least make sense.

gold_drake284d ago

yeh, its quite dangerous too, cause u never know if anyone needs medical attention or not.

TheEnigma313284d ago

When these people get beaten up sometimes, it's always a real treat