
Why We Never Got Dead Space 4

In 2008, Dead Space introduced us to Isaac Clarke, a lowly engineer forced to fight his way off a zombie-infested spaceship. It was an instant hit. Dead Space racked up over two million sales, nabbed a handful of awards, and seemed set as the next big thing in survival horror.

Dead Space 2 arrived in 2011. Dead Space 3 hit in 2013. And then…nothing. While publisher Electronic Arts claims that Dead Space is still "important" to the studio, a sequel still hasn't happened.

gangsta_red2732d ago

Dead Space 3 is the perfect example of a series where the big wigs got too greedy and tried to turn it into what everything else was on the market. Just another run and gun shooter.

So disappointing because the first one was brilliant. Second one was okay but I didn't like the added powers and the third one...well, complete trash. Funny it took EA only 3 games to kill a franchise but Capcom with RE it took a lot more.

darthv722732d ago

I gave up on the third as it just didnt have the same charm as the first or the second. I should finish it though... then again I have seen the ending on youtube so no biggie. I got other games to play.

DeadManMMX2731d ago

If you play it co op it has some fun tricks to it. Where one co op partner will hallucinate and see things the other can't and you'll have to protect them. I thought it was a good take on the individual psychological horror each person is hit with when they get closer to the marker.

_-EDMIX-_2731d ago

Agreed. Might as well consider a 3rd game never existed.

Like...really folks, 3 is that far from Dead Space 1 and 2.

Dead Space 2 legit felt like the Aliens to Alien, the Resident Evil 1 to 2 etc lol

It still had the survival elements and the horror, on a bigger scale and did a great job of mixing some more action, with classic horror and survival elements.

....then dead space 3 showed up lol

Kleptic2731d ago (Edited 2731d ago )

@ED, I know we have our disagreements from time to time, but couldn't agree more.

The first was Alien; claustrophobic and purposely limited in certain areas, but elegant in it's mechanics. It never tried to be something it wasn't.

2 was Aliens; more action focused but retained the atmosphere (and had plenty of out right scary situations of it's own; that freaking spider-thing that took over corpses?...gtfo), and continued the story in an extremely balanced and logical way.

I actually never tried 3. I planned on it, but read previews before release showing the direction it was going (and there was a demo at one point i believe) and just really didn't get into it. It would be something i'd play just to see if it's really that bad, but haven't yet.

Harkins17212731d ago

2nd one had the perfect blend of horror and action. 3rd one was still good but it did lose its charm. It did add things that would be great for a 4th.

RedPill862731d ago

It didn't. It wasn't meant to be an action game. The second, while a good game, was objectively worse than the first. It simply didn't have the atmosphere right.

tyasia02731d ago

*cough* *mumble* Mass Effect Andromeda *cough* *mumble*

WelcomeToTheFamily2731d ago

At least Capcom fixed RE with RE7 Biohazard. EA however wont do anything with this series because they like fifa more lol.

Harkins17212731d ago

@Redpill86 The atmosphere was amazing. They improved so much over the first game. They made sections like the baby section in chapter 6 so fun to play through. And zero gravity was so much better.

Dark-soul2731d ago

Capcom redeemed resident evil with resident 7, briliant game and many people enjoyed it.

_-EDMIX-_2731d ago


I feel Dead Space is a great example of how you run a game into the ground.

Horror titles were just not selling like that, even RE wasn't getting huge 5 or 6 million sales when it was just survival horror outside of the action RE4-6.

I think EA should have just budgeted around the first games sales for it s sequels.

Dead Space is not going to be this huge 6 or 7 million unit sell survival horror series, its just not. Not even RESIDENT EVIL was able to be that in regards to survival horror. The HEIGHT of RE when it was JUST survival horror before its action phase was like 6 million.

If Resident Evil isn't getting those sales and they damn near invented survival horror, Dead Space was just never getting anything like that.

Resident Evil has yet to reach those RE2 sales in regards to a traditional survival horror.

EA if they are going to do Dead Space, I feel need to do an REVII. Budget to the sale you EXPECT TO GET, not the damn sales you want. Dead Space as a survival horror is not moving RE5 numbers folks, we just don't have any evidence to even suggest that.

EA went wrong when they start pumping money into Dead Space expecting HUGE blockbuster COD type sales.

If the budget accordingly and understand they won't be getting exaggerated COD sales, I think a Dead Space 4 can do really, really well.

Its up to EA.

-Foxtrot2731d ago (Edited 2731d ago )

Dead Space 3 will always p*** me off because they understood the outrage at Capcom for the way Resident Evil went, even calling Dead Space the "Resident Evil" of last gen. However despite this EA still got the studio to make Dead Space into a generic, over the top third person co-op action game which was dumbed down as hell...the SAME GOD DAMN THING Resident Evil 6 did.

They knew and they still did it...

Even small things about it ticked me off. I mean why have a generic soldier grunt character added when they could have used Ellie who was introduced in DS2 and survived. Instead they turned her from a badass into a damsel in distress.

They need to just continue from Dead Space 2 and pretend Dead Space 3 never happened or do a reboot-retelling of the first game so they can take the game in a new direction. I wouldn't mind an expanded, improved version of the first game with Issac being allowed to speak.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2731d ago
ShadowKnight2732d ago

Its time to go back to its roots just like the first game.

DreadGara2731d ago

Why DS 4 not out yet?
Because EA that's why...
Thanks for screwing the franchise EA.

gantarat2730d ago

Developer busy make star wars game.

crazychris41242732d ago

They should reboot the franchise and go back to its roots. I dont play that many horror games but the 1st game was a lot of fun. Always would turn off the lights and crank up the volume.

daBUSHwhaka2732d ago

Dead Space was a tremendous game from start to finish.

Sciurus_vulgaris2731d ago (Edited 2731d ago )

I played through both Dead Space 1& 2, with headphones on and the lights off. Which really added to the atmosphere. I throughly enjoyed both the first and second Dead Space titles, despite the terrible motion sickness the games gave me. Dead Space 3, was a good, but not great game, not particularly scary, nor that strong of a TPS. I did really like crafting weapons in the third game.

SCW19822732d ago

The first Dead Space is a masterpiece. Dead Space 2 was a good sequel that became to much blockbuster action game but still had creepy moments. Dead Space 3...............we don't discuss Dead Space 3.

Cy2731d ago

I'd like to read this article but they want me to click to a new page after 2 freaking paragraphs and, no, not gonna deal with that clickbait bullshit.

bitboi2731d ago

this...this is why i didn't bother going to page 3...sites need to stop doing crap like that

Show all comments (60)

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DefenderOfDoom2507d ago

Simple, do not bother with a Dead Space 3 remake. Rather have a new entry for Dead Space.

myfathersbastard507d ago

Yeah I agree. Make a dead space 3, but have an original story/setting. They’ve proven they can do the game justice, and I think they could evolve 2 in a good direction, keeping a similar tone. I’d love s Dead Space 2 and 3 though. The remake was fantastic. Top tier remake, up there with RE2.

jznrpg506d ago

Remaking 3 would need to be a reworked and somewhat changed remake as 3 was flawed in most peoples eyes and the worst entry.

Ninver506d ago

It's the worst in the series.


Dead Space 3, A Ten Year Reunion

WTMG's Kyle Nicol:

"Was Dead Space 3 really that bad?

Well, it’s a complicated question. Dead Space 3 is undeniably the weakest of the trilogy. It’s a game that deviates so far from the original formula, that it throws a lot of what made Dead Space special in the first place out of the window. Although, where it does make up for it is one of the best cooperative shooters on the market, even after all this time. Do I recommend playing this game ten years later? Hell yes. But make sure your expectations are in the right place. It has a lot of problems that bring it down."

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SimpleSlave591d ago

Dead Space
Dead Space 2
The Callisto Protocol
...Lost Planet 3?

HeliosHex590d ago

They need to seriously continue this ip with a new entry. Even if it's just another movie I don't care I love everything about this game.