
LucasFilm Uses Legal Force To Quash Star Wars Battlefront Knock-Off

Frontwire changes direction and abandons its use of Star Wars assets for its upcoming title Galaxy In Turmoil.

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Community2975d ago
Majin-vegeta2975d ago

In other news water is wet...

ONESHOTV22975d ago

wow what a waste if these big companies aren't making any money off a product they will try to sh--it all over it that's not cool if the modders are not selling the game then just leave them alone what are you gaining from canceling a free project like this.

Gridknac2975d ago

It paints the company in a bad light. I mean if fans can take a old cancelled game and turn it something amazing that fans actually want for free, whats that say about the over priced, content gutted piece of shit their multi-billion dollar company put out? It said right in the article that Lucas film didn't care, it was EA.

iceman062975d ago (Edited 2974d ago )

It probably has a lot to do with licensing. These "big companies" paid big money for the rights to use the Star Wars IP. No matter how good the fans do with mods or their own creations, it does set a bad precedent to allow them to just use assets that others would have to pay for. It cheapens the value of the IP as a licensing tool and revenue generator. Now, if anybody wanted to create a Star Wars game, and not pay, they can point to the modders and say "they didn't have to pay, why should we?" I would imagine that would be a difficult proposition to fight in a court of law. One gets access for free and the other (just because they can) has to pay.
Plus, that IP has been very protective about its use. Unfortunately, especially for a product like this, that's the business.

Edit: Doesn't matter that the modders are working for free because they are doing it with an IP that they don't technically have the right to. That could potentially hurt LucasFilm's ability to license in the future (as I explained above) I'm not saying that I don't think that LicasFilms couldn't show some leniency. I simply see that it is a bit more complicated than just letting fans use the IP for free. The IP has become one of the most lucrative ever and it didn't get that way by letting people have it for free...whether we like it or not.

@DeadlyFire...Not "young" by any stretch. I am aware of LucasFilms being lenient (as I mentioned in the edit) in the past. But, as videogames have become more lucrative, so has the potential for the Star Wars IP. I understand that EA would be upset because they dropped a pretty penny on the IP. That "grey area" that you speak of is really, at the end of the day, pretty much about that contention. How can you charge one and not the other...even IF one doesn't profit? What does that do (if anything) to the value of the IP? Once again, I don't necessarily support the idea of killing fan projects, but I understand how it might happen from the business side.

ONESHOTV22974d ago

iceman06--"It probably has a lot to do with licensing" i stop reading from there dude the modders are doing the work for free they are not reselling the game they remade so how is that hurting EA/ lucas art art in any way ? i know they have the rights to their property but isnt this going to the extreme for a fan made project that's not going to hurt their company in any way i guess it all comes down to money if they are not making any then the project can't go on. when i see devs do this i give them even less respect if they gave us what we asked for then there would not be a need for the modding community to step in and do their work.

DeadlyFire2974d ago

Lol iceman Anyone could do a Star Wars game for free back in the day. You obviously are young. There is a big grey area with licensing ips and free projects. As long as there is no profit. Everything is in house created. Its a thin line. Lucasfilm has always been open to it and approved of alot of things. EA on the other hand doesn't support modding at all. So they will press legal as much as possible.

Hoffmann2975d ago (Edited 2975d ago )

In other news..the developers are clever and already announced that they are developing the game without the Star Wars license and characters but based on the concept of Battlefronts 3.


NerveGearneeded2975d ago

sounded like EA is the bad guy again.

uth112974d ago (Edited 2974d ago )

because some people don't believe in copyrights and will get their panties in a bunch over it?

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Aspyr Allegedly Used A PC Mod To Add Xbox Exclusive Content To SW Battlefront Classic Collection

Aspyr Media Inc allegedly used a fan-made PC mod to add previously Xbox exclusive content to Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection.

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Community212d ago
XiNatsuDragnel213d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion212d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid212d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09212d ago (Edited 212d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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Battlefront 2015's PC Community Pleads for Action Against Persistent Server Issues and Hackers

Delve into the server challenges facing 'Star Wars: Battlefront 2015' players, as the community rallies for solutions and seeks EA's intervention.

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The Golden Age of Star Wars Gaming: Exploring the Iconic Titles of the Early 2000s

Explore the unforgettable era of Star Wars video games in the early 2000s with "The Golden Age of Star Wars Gaming"

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Community557d ago
gurp557d ago

love all of the classic star wars games

The3faces557d ago

Had a blast playing Kotor when it first released can't wait for the remake to drop.

Terry_B557d ago

urgh..that website design is as ugly as possible. bad colors.