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The sad state of video game review reception

Angelo writes for Player Attack: Last week saw the embargo expiration for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End reviews. The internet was in a frenzy to gobble up what it could of Nathan Drake’s supposed final adventure, with all current reviews giving the game praise. However one review – in progress, no less – kicked the proverbial hornets’ nest and caused the internet’s ugly face to come out from under its bridge.

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Community2968d ago
Genuine-User2968d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

I wholeheartedly condemn all of the vile noneness directed at Lucy O'Brien but we must hold reviewers to account for inconsistent standards.

That said, 8.8/10 is a great score.

SlappingOysters2968d ago

Yeah Lucy does seem to cop it a lot, unfairly IMO.

Eonjay2968d ago

No. IGN gets what they deserve. They wanted attention, and thats what they got.

Aloy-Boyfriend2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )


What if I told you that she also gave LBP3 a low score because of bugs, and later it was discovered that she didn't have the day 1 patch installed?

Not only that, but also she has criticized other games for being racist, feminist, and jada jada. The worst thing to happen in this media was Anita and the PC community (not PC gamers). Reviewers should let all that shit out of reviews and/or podcast. No one cares about your point of view of things like that, we want an objective piece (What the game offers and what not) and a subjective piece (Did you like it? Is it fun?).

jb2272968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )

Justin Davis from IGN might have had a bit of a slip on the latest episode of Game Scoop, he literally said (I'm not making this up, I believe it was around the 8:40 mark, it's the latest episode & it is worth skipping to this remark because it caught me very off guard):

"I've only started the game, I'm not as far as Lucy got before she wrote her review"

I'm not sure how that can allude to anything other than the idea that she didn't actually finish the game before she reviewed it. We expect reviewers to actually finish shorter games like UC4...we aren't talking about dropping 400 hours into Fallout 4 here, we are talking about a narrative driven campaign that can be most likely sped through in a dozen hours, but it doesn't sound like she finished even that before she wrote her review. I'm not one for conspiracies or anything, but that wording seems pretty clear. If she had finished the game as we'd have expected her too, Justin wouldn't have even used her playthrough as a touch stone, he would've stopped at "I'm not too far into it"...the fact that he specifically said that he wasn't as far as Lucy when she wrote her review seems to fairly obviously point to the idea that she didn't even finish the game before she reviewed it, which would be utter garbage in this instance.

UltraNova2967d ago

Based on her track record she is definitely allowing her personal views affect her work, I mean go read her Tomb Rider review then read Uncharted 4's. Plus I clearly remember the LBP3 patch incident. So she is inconsistent as well.

@ jb227

"I've only started the game, I'm not as far as Lucy got before she wrote her review"

If this is true and he actually slipped there, then if IGN has a shrivel of dignity left someone should do something about this.

That said how will IGN react if the multiplayer portion is also good? Lets not forget the 9s and 10s multiplayer only games received in the past and lets not also forget the score slamming some SP only games received.

Look I'm all for genuine opinions that might deviate from the general consensus, but only if they are genuine and not shaped by all the wrong reasons which in this case it may very well had been.

freshslicepizza2967d ago

jim sterling touched on this years ago,

sadly it looks like things are not gettting better this generation.

URNightmare2967d ago

Why the f*** websites release "reviews in progress" and give a score??? That's the stupidest thing. Don't give a score to something you haven't fully experienced! That's her fault. They wanted attention and they got it.

ginganinja2967d ago

It can 'allude to', Justin saying he's played some of the game, but he's not far enough into to feel he can judge it fairly, unlike the reviewer who has played it, in depth, for a lot longer - and according to said review, completed it.
I.e. It's not a statement regarding the review, it's him excusing himself from giving a more thorough opinion because he doesn't feel he's played it enough, yet.

NukaCola2967d ago

I really despise IGN and what they have become. I am so glad to have sailed the ship away with Kinda Funny.

8.8 is a great score, but they literally put minimal time into and this lady is a terrible writer.

Plus, the shear fact the game SEVERED such a low score with no justification is disgusting.

SolidStoner2967d ago Show
UnwanteDreamz2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

Other sites have posted lower scores. Did they all draw attention to their reviews by playing victim of the big bad internet? Some gamers have issues with the way people review games. Some people get worked up and act stupid online. Remind me how this is news to anyone? I have no issue with calling idiots out for their BS but lets not pretend a majority of gamers participate in this ridiculous crap. Millions are buying and playing UC4. What percentage do you think tweeted the reveiwer? What percentage actually comment on reviews they disagree with? I'm really tired of the media using the minority to judge us all. Last time I ever give playerattack a hit.

donthate2967d ago

What seems to me is people up in arms anytime a PS4 exclusive game gets a bad review. Nobody would dare give Uncharted 4 a low score, and a low score is below a 9 amazingly. Sheeeezzz. It shows the rabbid fanboy nature. Last generation it was the Xbox 360, this generation it is the PS4.

AndrewLB2967d ago


Did you even read the article? She gave very specific reason why it was marked down.

"What lets it down, however, is an uninspired and overly long third act which slows down its pace considerably with curiously repetitive gameplay. Uncharted 4 consequently falls short of the greatness achieved by some of developer Naughty Dog’s leaner, more inventive predecessors."

sliggio322967d ago

Eonjay: Ign definitely does not need attention, they're doing just fine without it.

WickedLester2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )


I agree 100%. It's one thing to have an opinion. It's quite another to just be purposely contrarian when it's SOOO obvious that this game is a 9+ or perhaps even a 10. There always has to be that one critic who MUST buck the trend to appear to be more insightful and level headed.

Unspoken2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

User reviews tell a different story. Sony must have paid some serious money to reviewers because this game is in no way perfect, and reviewers shouldn't be afraid of giving an honest review due to threats from the Internet mob. Definitely a sad state.

Allowing for no critism removes any need to improve. Games will stagnate because of it.

UnHoly_One2967d ago

The only real negative thing she had to say about the game was about the final part of the game.

So why everyone is convinced she didn't even play the whole thing doesn't really make sense to me.

She had one negative thing to say about one part of the game, and gave it a great freaking score, I'm really confused as to why anyone is upset.

Is it just automatic that a Naughty Dog game gets 9+, or else everyone has to get hysterical about it?

What happens when TLOU 2 comes out? Anything less than a 9.5 is probably a biased piece of crap, right?

I just don't get it.

Let me ask this question. Do you think that even 1 single person anywhere in the world decided to NOT buy UC4 because 1 place gave it a "terrible" review score of 8.8???

I'm guessing the answer to that is no, so let's not get so worked up, eh?

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Xavy2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )

She clearly had an agenda, and it shows.

Its easy to attack gamers on how stupid they are jada jada, but people forget who is fueling this shit alover the place, Yes you guest it the gaming media, reviewers, consol wars all day everyday. You cant feed people bullshit and expect non of this bullshit to fall over you in the end.

When u as a reviewer dont give a honest opinion on a game, gamers will smell it and attack you. Nothing new here, she expected it because she knew what she was doing.

OC_MurphysLaw2968d ago

@Xavy, I am curious...what was her agenda?

Aloy-Boyfriend2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )

I mean look at this shit:

- ign sweeden 9/10
- ign denmark 10/10
- ign italy 9.4/10
- ign spain 9.6/10
- ign middle east 9.8/10


- ign 'murica: 8.8/10 (not final) review in progress

How come the other IGNs published their scores the following day the embargo lifted in the morning, but IGN 'Murica is still in progress? It's obvious they are doing this for clicks, and it has worked.

There are over 15,000 comments already, add 15,000 more when she gives it a higher score because with a good serviceable MP it can only go higher right? Well this is the part where they rub their hands: People are confused about the score, while xbox fanboys and trolls have gone beyond madness ridiculing the game ignoring the "not final tag."

My problem is not with the review itself... I'm disgusted by what IGN has become: flaming wars and doing this Review in progress all to get extra clicks. Many were already smelling the BS of this new plan: "Oh I can imagine how many comments the review will get when they give it a low score as no final." Whatever final score the game gets, the damage has been done. And they think they do this for good when they don't.

Vegamyster2968d ago (Edited 2967d ago )


"When u as a reviewer dont give a honest opinion on a game, gamers will smell it and attack you."

Except Eurogamer had very similar criticism but didn't receive the same amount of flak because they don't use review scores. IGN gave it a 8.8 for the SP but it wasn't final because she didn't have enough time with the MP. Here's a quote from the end of the review:

"Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a remarkable achievement in blockbuster storytelling and graphical beauty. Though it’s let down by a lack of imagination and some self-indulgence, especially in a third act that drags on far too long, Uncharted 4 carries on the series’ proud tradition of peerless polish and style. Most importantly, it’s a gentle sendoff to the rag-tag group of characters we’ve known for nine years. A worthy thief’s end, indeed."

How is this not "honest" coming from people who haven't touched the game yet & in what way does it sound bad? Like i mentioned with Eurogamer, she wasn't the only one who found the game a grind at times. Now is this me defending IGN like some other user told me in a different article? Nope, my favorite reviewers are ACG, Eldergeek & neither of them use review scores, IGN, Gamespot and many other big ones typically have weaker reviews in my opinion. I'm just wondering why a high number score like 8.8 = horrible but reviews that paint a perfect picture of a game are great despite being just as vague. Personally I've never really cared for scores and for the sake of argument if UC4 averaged a 75 I'd still be looking forward to it because it looks like fun and that's what matters.

Edit: You know, i'd like at least one person to give me a counter argument rather then just down vote me lol.

miyamoto2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )

Uncharted 3 got a 10/10 from IGN Murica and Uncharted 4 an 8.8/10?
Yeah right

Lucy's 8.8 is clearly meant to get the clicks for IGN.

Vegamyster2968d ago


UC3 was reviewed by Greg Miller, not Lucy.

Lamboomington2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )


"Uncharted 3 got a 10/10 from IGN Murica and Uncharted 4 an 8.8/10?
Yeah right

Lucy's 8.8 is clearly meant to get the clicks for IGN."

Come on man, that's just incredibly stupid. I mean, like gobsmacking levels of stupidity. How did you come to that conclusion ? wow, I really don't know what to say to that. :/

Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, she like Uncharted 3 at the time more than Uncharted 4 ? I know that it's incredibly far fetched, and the broader concept is unfamiliar to many on this site, but have you ever considered it ?
Was it even the same reviewer ? Please tell me, because if it wasn't the same reviewer, your statement makes even less sense.

People will find some reason or the other to accuse a lower score of clickbait and whatnot. It's the same with every popular game. It's always the same thing, whether it's Uncharted 4 or Batman Arkham Knight or The Order 1886.

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Aither2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )

Like it or not IGN is a big name gaming review site. The fact that she gives out inconsistent scores is merit for complaint among gamers. The same complaints would be said even if this was a male reviewer that gave inconsistent scores like Lucy does, and bringing your ideology to your work place is unprofessional which is why both IGN and Lucy O'Brien are being criticized for giving her one of the biggest games of the year to review.

OC_MurphysLaw2968d ago

Noted and I would like to think the same complaints would be said of a male reviewer in a similar circumstance. So... I openly wonder if Jim Sterling is seeing as much or more aggressive commentary for giving the game an 85?

Aloy-Boyfriend2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )


apparently not because he gave RoTR the same score as U4. Maybe this genre is not his cup of tea. At least he is not bringing genres to his reviews

2968d ago
GamingIVfun2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )


The complaints about inconsistencies in the way games are reviewed by her and IGN US. I don't think many people think Jim Sterling is inconsistent in the way he reviews games. I don't see him as a person that does things for cheap hits. I think IGN US does it quite often.

rainslacker2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

I didn't even know the reviewer was a woman. Don't follow reviewers or anything to know their preferences. Just seemed odd to do a review in progress, and one of the reasons for not rating it at a final score was because they hadn't played the MP portion.

When I see review in progress i think, "First impression" review, and it's mostly worthless.

I don't think the score was low or bad or anything like that, it just seems like a slipshod way for IGN to publish a review score, regardless of who the reviewer is. If they wanted to do a first impression review, then they shouldn't have assigned a score.

If I came onto any forum and said I played the few hours of any popular game, said it wasn't very good, but would give another review later, I'm sure I would receive much of the same criticism. Hell, we see this all the time from people who never even play the game, but go on to say it's not very good, or their statements are not consistent with the common consensus. Generally, if someone is respectful and detailed in why they don't like something, but can understand why others would, they're left alone, or the actual topic is discussed further until the fan boys do take control of any discourse...but that's a different issue IMO.

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joab7772968d ago

This has nothing to do with anything but the inconsistency of IGN reviews. It's absurd. We all know that U4 is one of the best games to come out in some time, and it gets an 8.8? C'mon. Even every other IGN gave it 10's.

nosferatuzodd2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )

I agree i've bin watching this woman tearing down video games for months now she's not a very good reviewer

kenwonobi2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

The reviews there have gone down hill severely since Colin left. He was the only balance towards the other Microsoft leaning side of their reviews. Now they have no balance. Complete agenda laden propaganda website. This is the problem with reviewers. Not fans. The reviewers are now fanboys, bought off, feminists, political sides with a pulpit to voice their opinions now. It's never just a honest review anymore at some sites.

WickedLester2967d ago

Not for Uncharted 4. 8.8 is an insult to that game.

Aceman182967d ago

Wtf would I give two sh*ts what reviewers thinks about a game (s) in series that I love, or for that matter any game that interest me when it's my hard earned money I'm spending on it?

People should stop giving these people any type of weight.

senorfartcushion2966d ago

You can't GET inconistent standards when it comes to subjective opinions.


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2968d ago Replies(3)
OB1Biker2968d ago

'What lets it down, however, is an uninspired and overly long third act which slows down its pace considerably with curiously repetitive gameplay.'
And as a result:
' Uncharted 4 consequently falls short of the greatness achieved by some of developer Naughty Dog’s leaner, more inventive predecessors.'
The score is not a problem. It's the reason she gives that sounds weird : too long 3rd act = Uncharted 4 not great
If that makes sense to you then it's fine but no need calling 'the Internet ugly face' gamers who don't get her reasoning.
As long as criticism remains polite that's everyone right to question reviews.

DragonDDark2968d ago (Edited 2968d ago )

And that chapter is only 1 one out of 22 lol

And it's only early in the game. I personally liked it.

OB1Biker2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

Yea actually I found it very short and I enjoyed it too.
Moreover it looks great and fits completely in the narrative showing Nate s life.
After I was like ' oh it was that one??? Wtf? Haha'

Vegamyster2968d ago

" too long 3rd act = Uncharted 4 not great "

How do you come to that conclusion? She said the game was great but didn't like the overly long 3rd act lol.

OB1Biker2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

Come on didn't you read? She clearly says because of this the game 'falls short of the greatness achieved by some of developer Naughty Dog’s leaner, more inventive predecessors.'
Uncharted 3 was very slow to start and I personally found a bit boring the stealth museum act at the beginning of Uncharted 2 but both were great games.
She even start her review saying this 'overly long third act ' is why the game falls short. That's not even logical.
It's basically 'too much game: -1, IGN'

Vegamyster2967d ago


Yes i did read, she says nowhere that the game isn't great, saying a game isn't as good as it's predecessors is not the same thing.

"8.0-8.9 - Great

These games leave us with something outstanding to remember them by, usually novel gameplay ideas for single-player or multiplayer, clever characters and writing, noteworthy graphics and sound, or some combination thereof. If we have major complaints, there are more than enough excellent qualities to cancel them out. "

OB1Biker2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

Yea she s clearly saying it's not as great as the previous games and like I said the previous games were not perfect either.
So it is : 'too long 3rd act = not that great' is a correct way to report what she's saying. You know 'not so great' or whatever you want to call it is not the point but the reason she gives for that negative comparison vs older games and what you point out makes it sound even worse. Heck is she saying uncharted 3 was better because of ONE slow chapter in Uncharted 4? Come on

Vegamyster2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

I agree the previous games had some pacing annoyances but i haven't played/beat this game and i assumed you haven't either since it just came out today unless your store shipped them out early by mistake ect, so really we don't know how it fairs to the previous games in this regard ourselves. She also didn't review the previous games, those were done by Chris Roper (UC2) & Greg Miller (UC1/3) who thought UC3 was perfect.

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spicelicka2967d ago

I could literally break every review down like that for inconsistencies. It's a far reach.

kenwonobi2967d ago

1 out of 22 acts too long. Minus .2 for Tomb Raider reasons...... Let's just be glad it wasn't shorter than Tomb Raider. Then the reason would be minus 1.5 points because not as long as Tomb Raider.

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Pongwater2968d ago

It's not "video game review reception". It's humans on the internet.

Christopher2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

The people who disagree are people who don't want to admit the increased openness to hostility/negativity towards others online merely for the difference of an opinion.

ILostMyMind2968d ago

I think the problem was not she have given note 8 to Uncharted4 but she have given a smaller note that Tomb Raider. I did not play any of the two games but played the previous and unless the ND has done a lot of shit, which she says did not happen, U4 should have a higher score. Either that or she's definitely not meant to be a revewer. In any case, she gives opinions to the people. She should learn to accept them as well.

garrettbobbyferguson2968d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

"The problem is she gave the game I like a lower review score than another game that I don't like"

Quality people you lot are.


You would be defending someone who has an opinion like this, lmao.

superchiller2968d ago

Maybe English is not his first language? Don't be so quick to condemn.

DarXyde2968d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

It's blowing my mind and I find it hilarious that people can't accept an 8.8/10. When has that ever been a bad score? No, really, when has that ever been a bad score?

People need to stop acting like such rabid, sorry excuses for gamers. Not every opinion is going to be 9+. The Last of Us, the most awarded game of all time until very recently, got scores lower than Uncharted 4. What's more, people are always saying, "reviews don't matter!" and now when a reviewer from a big website gives it something ever so slightly lower than a 9/10 (2 percentage points, people. TWO. POINTS.) they're calling for O'Brien's head.

That's censoring opinions, people. It's not even like she said anything bad. It sounds like she very much enjoyed the game.

People are truly unbelievable. the Xbox fans played Quantum Break and politely disagreed with the reviews. What on earth is going on with PlayStation Nation?

I love PlayStation, but it's this type of behavior that makes me ashamed to associate with the lot of them. If this starts Facebook trending, that deserves some shame and I actually hope the Xbox crowd calls you lot out for it. It'd be pretty amusing and well-deserved.

PS, I acknowledge your disagrees and general dissatisfaction with my take. Frankly, I stand by it and could only care less by not acknowledging the disagrees. Face it, people are being absolute children about this.

UltraNova2967d ago


"I love PlayStation, but it's this type of behavior that makes me ashamed to associate with the lot of them. If this starts Facebook trending, that deserves some shame and I actually hope the Xbox crowd calls you lot out for it. It'd be pretty amusing and well-deserved. "

That ^^ right there discredited your whole argument and earned you those disagrees, simply because you where promoting fanboy wars (pitting xbox against PS fans).

As for the review, its clear that the issue here is not the score (8.8 is a great score after-all), but this particular reviewers' inconsistent past(LBP3 incident), strong political views that affect her work (worst thing to allow in your work, especially in journalism) and IGN's recent click bait, flame war direction and general degeneration that let to this fan uproar.

So please try looking at things more spherically.

GrubsterBeater2967d ago


"the Xbox fans played Quantum Break and politely disagreed with the reviews. What on earth is going on with PlayStation Nation? "

Uhhh, no.. they flipped out and made it seem like reviewers giving low scores had invalid opinions, and flew off the handle with name- calling, rabid fanboyism, and an army like defense force. I don't know what comments you were reading. Lol

MasterCornholio2967d ago


"the Xbox fans played Quantum Break and politely disagreed with the reviews. What on earth is going on with PlayStation Nation? "

No they didn't. Didn't you see the posts that Rookie made where he manipulated review scores to make the game look better?

DarXyde2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

UltraNova and Mastercornholio,

As far as these comments sections go, I really do respect you two. I'll address your points individually.


People will always disagree, especially in an article where people are irate with the content. That's not my concern. As far as putting them against each other, I think they do that enough on their own. One game gets criticized, the other goes into defense mode and talks about the other's games, assuming they're single platform gamers, etc. For example, if someone brings up Quantum Break being a letdown, the other goes into defense mode and said it's still better than The Order, and it snowballs from there. What I'm saying is once the natural process starts happening, it will be well deserved. Pitting them against each other? Not at all. It would happen with or without my endorsement, trust me. The consistency of her reviews are one issue, but it looks more like civil war. People are apparently upset for different reasons. You say it's the inconsistency on a political level (in which case, I wholeheartedly agree with you), but I'm also seeing people complain about how the other IGN reviewers have given the game better scores. It's like they're expecting conformity to the higher end scores. Her review is a bit on the lower side, but that's assuming the multiplayer doesn't increase it. The review isn't even done yet and people are up in arms. What does that say? It's frankly embarrassing.


What else is new with Rookie_Monster? Here's the thing though: in either case, manipulation is not necessary. I think people look at review scores in a different light from me. Look at the means, not the individual scores. Quantum Break's aggregate score is perfect because it says, "this game really isn't for everyone". And how very true that is. Uncharted 4 basically says, "this game is incredible. Must buy". They're not even comparable. I simply don't see how Lucy O'Brien's score takes away from that at all for some people.

As for the flipping out,I didn't see that here, nor did I see any articles like this where people are livid with the defense of other scores.

If I missed it, I stand corrected. You gents are still great and I.appreciate the civil replies. Game is out now. Looking forward to your personal impressions as I'll be sharing mine once it arrives later. :0)

Christopher2967d ago

@DarXyde: The xbox furor was there, only there are how many more people on PS4 than XBO? So, obviously the more populated platform will have a higher number, but likely similar percentage to the whole, of 'loud' and 'irate' people.

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Tobsesan2967d ago

Its her opinion, of course she can say Tomb Raider is better.

Imalwaysright2967d ago

Yes, god forbid that someone may actually enjoy TR more than Uncharted.

Christopher2967d ago

Wait, I can't like Tomb Raider (2013) more than Uncharted? Why didn't I get the memo?!?!

kenwonobi2967d ago (Edited 2967d ago )

This is why she shouldn't review games. "It's too long"usually isn't a criticism these days. Good games are usually criticized for being too short. You don't ever see people saying, "that really great game was too long". Especially a campaign driven game.

Christopher2967d ago

I disagree when it's a story-driven game like Uncharted games. When you stick to a certain area of the story for too long, I could definitely see it as having 'dragged on' instead of keeping the same pace as the other areas of the game. Adding 'filler' time in a game doesn't denote quality, just time.

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Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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RaidenBlack117d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai117d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

116d ago
lellkay116d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z116d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Uncharted Love: How Nate & Elena Found Their Happily Ever After

This Valentine's Day got me thinking of some of my favorite video game couples. Specifically, Nate and Elena from the Uncharted Series.

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Crows90219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

219d ago