
Star Fox Zero Has Been Drastically Overhauled Following Fan Criticism | Game Informer

I’ve had a soft spot for the Star Fox franchise since 1993, when I went to K-Mart and purchased the first game in the series. I remember playing on a tiny 11-inch color television, leaning into the screen, and nearly falling off the chair as I dodged asteroids with my whole body.

I don’t know how many times I defeated Andross’ debris-spitting, glowing, polygonal face. But I can tell you that I did it on every difficulty level multiple times. Sometimes I took shortcuts. Sometimes I played through every stage.

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Community3127d ago
Neonridr3127d ago

Glad to see that Nintendo was listening. Can't wait to see the finished product.

higgins783127d ago

Yeah, because listening to so-called 'fans' is a sure way of releasing a good game. I mean, all said fans were right regarding Wind Waker's artistic touch, right? Fans...

Neonridr3127d ago

lol, nobody said that Wind Waker didn't play well.

I absolutely loved that game, and preferred the Cel-shaded style.

But there is a little difference between people upset over a graphic style vs how the game actually plays.

Majister-Ludi3127d ago

I'm not sure what your going for but wind waker is my favorite zelda. OT this is another franchise like metroid they made unnecessary changes to. I would literally buy the nx if they released a bigger more open polished star fox 64

pcz3126d ago

this game went from meh to whoa

people should complain more because nintendo would have happily released the meh version had people not been so vocal about how bad it looked.

WeAreLegion3127d ago

I'm glad they fixed those things, but it still sounds like the game is fairly simplistic.

Segata3127d ago

Starfox always has been. On rails shooter.

WeAreLegion3127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

Yeah, which is why I was hoping they'd make some changes. It's 2016.

Is it so much to ask for something fresh?

Sly-Lupin3127d ago

From Nintendo? Yes. Of course. It's very, very obviously too much to ask.

This is why we should all be damned thankful Nintendo bought up Monolithsoft and occasionally ponies up the cash to localize big, third-party titles like Dragon Quest and Bayonetta.

Perjoss3127d ago

When I think back to the original on SNES and how much it blew my socks off, it really felt like something ahead of its time, pushing the hardware to the point that the frame rate was kinda laggy in places. Makes me wonder what kind of game the new Starfox would have to be to have that same effect all over again.

pcz3127d ago

it would have to be made by Treasure.

it would be perfect

mad-dog3127d ago

Great that they listened but still no looker.
Oversaturated colors and shimmering jaggies everywhere.
Gameplay could be nice though.

higgins783127d ago

Who cares about GAMEPLAY in the face of some minor 'jaggies' (perhaps) and oversaturated colours (arguably). Better it (Star Fox 0) was on PS4 and/or XB1...inconsistent 30fps and screen-tearing wouldn't be an issue, oh, let's not forget being released incomplete with patch after patch month after month. Better?

mad-dog3123d ago

Why bring up PS4 and XboxOne? There are plenty of WiiU games that look better than this.

Segata3127d ago

This is a game being rendered twice. Once at 720P and once at 480P and 60FPS both ways so really 120FPS. Any hardware asked to render a game twice the visuals would be cut in half but few would remain 60FPS

blawren43127d ago

People still seem to ignore this fact on a regular basis. this is no small feat

mad-dog3123d ago

You mean the first person cockpitview on the pad?
Yeah fair point. But i think they could have done without that to be honest.

iplay1up23127d ago

Where have you seen new gameplay since the overhaul? Post link please.

MetroidFREAK213127d ago

The only reason I may buy a used Wii U...

mcstorm3127d ago

Really wow your missing some amazing games love the Nintendo IP's on the wiiu.

Looking forward to this game though cant wait to try it.

RosweeSon3127d ago

Yeah Mario Kart 8, Mario Maker, Smash Bros, Splatoon, Earthbound, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, Bayonetta 2 just to name a few games yeah they all suck?!... No chance classic games.

higgins783127d ago (Edited 3127d ago )

If none of the dozen or so ESSENTIAL games - and I do mean ESSENTIAL - haven't convinced you as of yet, don't bother, you are a lost cause.

MetroidFREAK213127d ago

The only other game I would get is Smash Bros... But I played the 3DS version a lot, so I kinda burned myself out of that... But I don't care... Busy playing my Xbox One to care about a console on its way out

ABizzel13127d ago

A game is only essential to a persons preference.

And while I bought a Wii U, it quickly became a non-essential console, because the games I wanted to play were also quickly coming to 3DS and just as enjoyable IMO.

Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Hyrule Warriors, Shovel Knight, Monster Hunter, and more were on both platforms, and beyond that the handhelds always have an unbeatable ace up their selves...Pokemon.

You say a dozen or so essential games.... well the Wii U has been out for 3 years, so that translates into 4 games per year. And the 3DS has 1/3 of them, and more than 1/2 if you count spin-offs / remakes / etc... that were released on 3DS.

The Wii U was just all around in an unfortunate positions this gen.

*The PS4 and XBO had much better hardware for only $50 more (eventually for the XBO, and at one point it was $100 less).

*The PS360 had slightly weaker hardware, with significantly larger libraries, were still getting 3rd party support while Wii U wasn't, and cost $100 - $150 less.

*3DS had a superior overall library several Wii U games were also made for 3DS, which was anywhere from $100 - $250 less than the Wii U.

I enjoyed the Wii U while I had it, and Bayonetta, Smash U, Mario Kart, Mario 3D World, Wind Waker, Splatoon, and Mario Marker were great (had a few more), 10 games over 3 years just wasn't enough to warrant a $350 console IMO.

iplay1up23127d ago

Xenoblade X, alone is worth buying a Wii U for. You just have to get past the first hour or so. I have 120 hours on one file and 50 on another. Playing the game two different ways on two separate files.

blawren43127d ago

Really, this is the game that finally convinces you? at least buy a new one to get the packaged games.

Umbasa3126d ago

Yea man, i have not bought a N system since the GC. But now that my kids started to take an interest we when ahead and got one.... I play it more then them and i never cared about wiiu but damn i am now buying games for me on it now. lol

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Shigeru Miyamoto would like to hand over Nintendo to someone 'younger'

Nintendo's Miyamoto is looking to hand over the reigns to a younger developer who can take his stead.

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Community90d ago
Inverno90d ago

Will that matter much when the other old heads will most likely say no to anything a younger dev would say?

RaiderNation90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

They're not going to put someone in that position with radically different ideals. The "culture" of Nintendo is as a company and a brand is as iron-clad as any you will find. I guarantee you, no matter who fills Miyamoto's position, they will hold the same philosophies as he does when it comes to game development.

VenomUK90d ago

Shigeru Miyamoto should hand over Nintendo to Xbox's Phil Spencer. Can you imagine what he would do to the brand with Microsoft's financial backing?

Cacabunga90d ago

A bit late for this impossible transition.. its at least a good thing he handed over Zelda to Aonuma. But Miyamoto’s creative mind is unmatched

Jin_Sakai90d ago (Edited 90d ago )

“Shigeru Miyamoto should hand over Nintendo to Xbox's Phil Spencer. Can you imagine what he would do to the brand with Microsoft's financial backing?“

As if money fixes everything. Have you seen the state of Xbox?

Nintendo Switch will go down as one of the best selling consoles in history and they’ve released countless great games. Nintendo actually have passion for gaming and make stellar games. The complete opposite of Xbox.

Redgrave90d ago

VenomUK is obviously baiting. Come on guys.

Inverno90d ago

Then not much point in giving the reigns to someone younger if they're not going to push ninty in a somewhat newer direction.

RaiderNation90d ago (Edited 90d ago )


Myiamoto won't live forever and at some point he will retire. He's going to have to hand it over to somebody eventually. He probably already has an understudy that he's grooming to take his place.

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Terry_B90d ago

Should have done that 15-20 years ago already.

solideagle90d ago

I hope to someone who cares for games and industry rather profits...

KwietStorm_BLM90d ago

Out of all the companies in the biz, Sony is who you call out for that of all things? lol how

Christopher90d ago

Yeah... a business is definitely not going to prioritize profits. What we want is profits plus a care for games. You're not getting one who doesn't care about profits.

Rainbowcookie90d ago

Its a matter of time but it would me a great loss.

cthulhucultist90d ago

By younger he probably means someone 60+ years old :-)

If any one has seen Jiro Dreams of Sushi movie ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... will probably know what I mean by this

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Interview: Shigeru Miyamoto Opens Up About Super Nintendo World and Nintendo's Future

In a new interview with IGN, Shigeru Miyamoto talks about designing Super Nintendo World, his opinion on video game stories, and why Nintendo is more than just a game company now.

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Community582d ago
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Nyxus583d ago
mkis007581d ago

At least the onecin hollywood is kond of a let down...too small, 1 ride, and 1 restaurant...lots of cool moving things, but once you see it thats it...kids could have fun if the lines dont ruin it.

581d ago

Star Fox Zero, Was it Really That Bad?

Has time been kind to Star Fox Zero? Does the game have any redeeming qualities that are worthy of revisiting? Should it be considered for a port to the Switch? Was it really that bad?

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Community1059d ago
Snookies121060d ago

Haven't played it since it came out, but I really enjoyed it. Can't tell if that's just nostalgia-tinted glasses, or if I actually consider it a good game though lol.

Vits1060d ago

It's a mediocre game that reuses ideas, scenarios, characters and moments from previous ones. Paired with one of the worst control methods that I had the displeasure of using.

CptDville1059d ago

Those controls. Boring and frustrating at the same time. Only with co-op they were bearable, but co-op was restricted to finished levels.

SeTTriP1059d ago

Yes couldn't finish it it was so boring.

MissAubrey1059d ago

controls made me stop playing also what good is a 65inch tv when you have to look at a tiny Wiiu tablet.. same with kirby & the rainbow curse..

Einhander19711059d ago

No it was great, just the control scheme spoilt things really. The wii u screen was not needed for it really

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