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Naughty Dog: Golden Abyss Was ‘Under Consideration’ for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Chris Mawson writes: "Naughty Dog considered including PS Vita game Golden Abyss as part of the upcoming Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection but ultimately decided it fell too far outside of the narrative arc of the trilogy, Naughty Dog has today confirmed."

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Community3286d ago
-Foxtrot3286d ago

Since there is no multiplayer it should have been included.

But I think held off on it because they know they can sell it as a full on remaster by it's self in the future.

I mean it is called the "Nathan Drake Collections" and Golden Abyss was a Nathan Drake game so I don't see what the problem was.

I think we'll get another collection in the far future with GA and Uncharted 4 included.

Darkwatchman3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

I'm a fan of the series. One of my favorite franchises of the past decade, but I think Golden Abyss was a mediocre game and I'm not bothered by its exclusion from the collection. It's easily the worst in the series with the worst level design, worst characters, and worst writing along with gimicky puzzles. Such a disgrace to the series. It's a shame because the gunplay itself felt very good for a handheld title. If only the rest of it was as well made.

jb2273286d ago

Was it really that subpar? I've never been a handheld guy so I've been holding off for a console port but that's a bummer to hear it's not quite up to snuff. I'd still love to play it though for sure.

Darkwatchman3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

I wanted to like it a lot, but I didn't. It was very very below par for the series. Nothing it did was as well executed as any of the other games. It also has the most terrible excuses for boss fights. Literally just swiping up, down, left, or right on the touch screen. It's a really underwhelming game. When my friends and I talk about it, we'll joke around and say Golden Abyss never happened because we all equally dislike it.

I'm getting a lot of dislikes, but honestly, objectively speaking, it did nothing as well as the other Uncharted games. If you want a console franchise that translated well to a handheld, get Killzone Mercenary. Despite being a Vita game, it is absolutely fantastic and had it released on console at $40, it would still hold up. Killzone was an excellent example of how to translate Killzone to vita. Uncharted was a horrendous example of how to translate that to Vita.

OB1Biker3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

of course the story/characters are not as good but dont forget its not from ND.
other than that its a gem on the Vita. A joy to play even though swiping is overused.

Darkwatchman3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

It not being made by Naughty Dog isn't an excuse for the subpar writing and characters. And if it hadn't overused the gimicky vita features and kept them to a minimum for only things that made logical sense like Killzone, it would have been an overall better game, though still not as good as any of the console games.

Killzone Mercenary was a gem. Uncharted Golden Abyss was far from it.

3286d ago
Vegamyster3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )


I wouldn't say it was subpar, i thought the story/character were alright and the visuals were great but the framerate made aiming sluggish, the AI was pretty simple and it was overloaded with finger swipe qte & gyrometer sequences that didn't need to be there, the 2 bosses towards the end of the game is literately 20+ finger swipes.

LgbtWarrior3286d ago

Disgrace? No your way off. it was very good and well received.

Mr Pumblechook3286d ago

I only got to play through half of this on the Vita before I got rid of it and it was fine but not exceptional. However i would like to play the full game so would appreciate if a cheap remaster was made. £7.99/$9.99 would be fine and not too expensive.

PSVitaPS4owner3286d ago

It was not subpar. You unfairly judge it by comparing it to the PS3 versions. For a "handheld" game, it is perhaps one of the best handheld games that I have ever played. I have a Vita, and Golden Abyss is still my most favorite handheld game. Nothing since it came out compares (well, maybe Killzone Mercenary).

badz1493286d ago

I don't mind the inclusion of GA because 4 games is better than 3 games in my book, ALWAYS!

But I still disagree woth those calling it a mediocre or subpar game. PS3's Uncharteds focus on narrative, action and shooting but the puzzles are lacking, IMO, for a treasure hunting game or are too simple. The explorations are also a bit limited and collectibles are too "lazy". Compared to that, GA makes you work for the treasures with its rich amount of puzzles, with the Vita adding ways for how puzzles are delivered and solved, collectibles are plenty and creative, the gun fights are also intact with the series' signature and the narrative and story is not bad at all. I love the conversations with Sully which are hilarious as always!

In short, I love it and I would love for another entry like it on the Vita. One can only hope.

PhucSeeker3286d ago (Edited 3286d ago )

True! It was a fun/ok handheld game. But it wouldn't be that much fun if it was played on the big screen. The environment is just to small for a big screen.

jmtstan3285d ago

I like Golden Abyss, I really do, but it was the weakest title of Uncharted series. For one I agree with the constant touch screen control that requires you to swipe up or down.

Overall, this game is enjoyable, and its the best you can get for a portable Uncharted, so no complaint here.

Nivekki3285d ago

Yeah Golden Abyss wouldn't work well on the big screen, it was pretty sub-par as UC games go.

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NewMonday3286d ago

Golden Abyss is better than the first Uncharted

Darkwatchman3286d ago

Hell no. Not even close. The first Uncharted had better writing and characters along with more organically and better designed levels. It also isn't plagued by the constant trashy overuse of the vita's touch screen for superfluous actions. It also had the dullest puzzles. Such an incompetent game. The first is better in every way

NewMonday3286d ago


first Uncharted was a good game, not a great game

plmkoh3286d ago

Better graphics and no bullet sponge enemies that can magically side step. Easily better than the first.

jmtstan3285d ago

First Uncharted is the one that sparks the interest for UC2. Sure the texture pop up and screen tearing hinder the experience, but the story, the voice acting and the music really set up the mood of the series.

Nivekki3285d ago


first Uncharted was a good game, not a great game'

It was better than the Golden Abyss, far better.

Only Vita owners would disagree. Mostly because they have very little to compare it to on Vita. The Abyss is where the Golden Abyss belongs.

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3286d ago Replies(4)
scark923286d ago

Uncharted Legacy edition.

ABizzel13285d ago

Hopefully they add it later (early 2016) like Halo MCC has been doing.

medman3285d ago

I'm wondering why they even mentioned this...of course fans are going to wish that game had been included, because I think most are like me, who may have played the three main games on ps3 but missed the vita Uncharted. I would have loved to play Golden Abyss on ps4.....

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Rhezin3286d ago

Would have loved to had this in the collection. The only Uncharted I haven't played.

FoxyGotGame3286d ago

I would have liked to play Abyss since I don't do Portable Gaming.

Could always come at a later date ...or not /

Gwiz3286d ago

That would've made it a sale to me,either buy a PS4 game or buy the Vita.
The GoW collection 2 on PS3 was a no brainer to me,i actually like the 3D as well.
Why a consideration?there's enough people that won't buy a Vita because they're not handheld gamers.This is a missed opportunity.


PS5 , uncharted master collection in 4k

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Top 10 PlayStation Plus Premium Shooters

There are some epic PlayStation Plus Premium shooters, from Naughty Dog's Uncharted series to the high-stakes action of Doom published by Bethesda.

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Community819d ago
Eonjay819d ago

Resistance 3 is such a great game. One of my all time bests.

cooperdnizzle819d ago

Couldn’t agree more. Still love It as a shooter to this day.

Just something about that game. I really wish they would just do a remaster, don’t even need a remake just bring it up to todays out put, touch up a few things if any, and I am there to buy it day one.

Of course I would love a remake built from the ground up. As long as they treated it like Shadow of the Colossus, or close to those type of remake. Wouldn’t want it to get the RE treatment…. Just because the game is already paced so perfect and hits all the right beats that I wouldn’t touch that aspect.


Top 10 Best Video Game Compilations

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BrainSyphoned935d ago

Game Cube's Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition.---Zelda, Zelda 2, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.


The 5 Best Remakes and Remasters on PS4

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Community1561d ago
darthv721561d ago

SotC is just... indescribably fantastic. Bluepoint was on point with that one. I look forward to their efforts in Demon Souls.

LoveSpuds1561d ago

Yup, that was a fantastic treatment of the original, such a beautiful game.

LoveSpuds1561d ago

I find it hard to look past The Last of Us on PS4, it was a fantastic remaster of my favourite game of all time so I simply adored it. A game that runs it damn close though, is Odinsphere which is flipping brilliant on PS4.

There have been some seriously great remasters on PS4 now I think about it, I loved the Bioshock collection, the DarkSouls remaster was great, The Spyro and Crash remakes were brilliant, Dragons Crown Pro, Gravity Rush and Dishonoured. Some fab remasters to compliment the hundreds of great new games on this generation.

AndrenNguyen14719921561d ago

Where's Final Fantasy VII Remake?