
Microsoft reveals Xbox 360 users will soon be able to gift money to their friends

Microsoft's Mike Ybarra tweeted yesterday that users on the Xbox 360 platform will soon be able to make monetary transfers to their friends.

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Xbox Needs to Embrace PlayStation and Nintendo for Sustainability

Ybarra, who spent two decades at Microsoft, acknowledged concerns about the future of Xbox hardware by fans once more first-party games go multiplatform.

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ThinkThink102d ago

As an xbox guy, If porting some exclusives to sony and nintendo allows MS to continue offering gamepass day one, I'm all for it. Port them all if you need to.

Hofstaderman102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

Your way of thinking is why Microsoft is where they are. All they had to do was hold the line of the 360 circa 2010. Had the continued with thay strategy they would not have had to introduce gamepass which has spectacularly kneecapped them.

ThinkThink102d ago

@hof, but then they would still be in the same position as sony, fighting for those same 150 million customers. As a publicly traded company, they still need to show growth. Once sony is day and date on PC, they will also need to find new customers, likely by embracing 3rd party. What you consider "kneecapping" I consider an incredible customer value in gamepass.

Ironmike102d ago

Kneecapping the xbox and pc owners are loving it I do t think u telise how popular gamepass is

MrBaskerville102d ago

They were faltering in the last year or two of the 360 era. Don't forget that they doubled down on Kinect, which might be part of the reason why they didn't have much to show going into Xbox One.

QuantumMechanic101d ago

But GamePass is not MS' consolation effort; it was always the endgame! MS is all about subscription-based revenue-streams now! They have turned almost all of their businesses into software-as-a-service; only Windows remains. Stay tuned for that one in the next 5 years.

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OldDuffer102d ago

As a consumer, I really get that point of view.

As an ex dev seeing what's happened to the industry I have no doubt that GP is harming the industry I love by devaluing games, so my thoughts are little less positive about it.

I can agree with the sentiment that most of their games should be multi platform. Until they swallowed up these devs, most of the titles we are wating for would have been multi platform anyway.

Obscure_Observer102d ago


"As an xbox guy, If porting some exclusives to sony and nintendo allows MS to continue offering gamepass day one, I'm all for it. Port them all if you need to."

I won´t say all, but definitely some games I wouldn´t care either as long excellence continues to be delivered to us.

Cockney102d ago

If some then why not all? Think think isn't wrong, his reasoning is quite concise in that yes multi platform brings more funds to develop more games all available day 1 on gamepass, he's happy as Larry.

purple101101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

you keep saying continues mate, like its been happening all a long, I see on another post, you used the same word,

xbox has forza, which is a quality game, and the rest are 8/10's

they have very little 9 or 10/10s. quality bar is set lower for xbox.
also on topic, which would Playstation fans buy ported 8/10 games when they are accustomed to 9's

Obscure_Observer101d ago


"If some then why not all?"

Because if MS wants to remain in the console, business (like they already confirmed multiple times been working on a next gen Xbox console), they would never allow all of their flagship first party games to be available on the main competitor´s console.

Zeref101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Yeah it's better for the games too.

Like yeah Playstation gets Doom and Call of Duty. But they have to pay 70 dollars for it or 100 dollars if you want a special edition. Meanwhile we get it for nothing extra or 30 dollars for upgrades like the Black Ops 6 Vault Edition.

If Playstation and Nintendo players are used to fund my gamepass content I'm fine with that.
It benefits the games and me as well.

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Lexreborn2102d ago

I still find it funny that Microsoft is spinning its obligations that it has to releasing on other systems as if it is some noble decision. Before they bought the companies they did these games were all in development easily the last 3-5 years and had some type of standing agreement they absorbed.

People are acting like this is a dependency when in reality it’s them just trying to avoid major lawsuits. I am willing to bet any game that’s started development in the last year that would release in the next 5 will eventually be Xbox only unless in the next 5 years Xbox just fails hard.

And with the new skus they released I REALLY don’t foresee them having a huge jump. When now the disc version is a HUGE luxury at 600 with them not even having a physical presence anymore it’s them killing their physical market.

Eonjay101d ago

It's not just about them avoiding lawsuits. It's about them trying to maximize their returns. They didn't buy multiplat publishers to become exclusive. That wouldn't make sense money wise.

Zeref101d ago

The 600 dollar console is a special edition.

The regular Series X is still 500 dollars.

CrimsonWing69102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

They just need super strong games and consistency. This showcase was the first time since the 360 era where I actually was excited for what Xbox has. I already own a paper weight Xbox Series X, but now it’s looking like it’s time to blow the 3 inch layer of dust off it and give it some loving.

What Xbox needs to do now is be consistent with the releases. Don’t let this be a one time thing and then back the the poultry exclusives and typical Forza, Halo, and whatever else they just release. If they can do that I honestly believe they can rebuild the brand and possibly get it back to how it was when the 360 was alive.

Ironmike102d ago

I agree with article and I believe sony will follow suit budgets to big development times to long none can sustain this forever and sony won't be able to either

ThinkThink102d ago

I also think in 20 years we are going to look back and say "Remember when we used to have to buy a game publishers box to put under your TV in order to play their games?"


Former Blizzard President Says Closures Hurt Phil Spencer 'as Much as Anyone Else'

The former president of Blizzard Mike Ybarra in a statement on Twitter says Microsoft Gaming CEO is hurting just as much as anyone else following the closure of three studios under Bethesda - Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and Alpha Dog Studios. Roundhouse Games is also joining ZeniMax Online Studios.

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jambola137d ago

Yeahhh I doubt it's hurting a millionaire as much as it's hurting fans and people who lost their jobs

VenomUK136d ago

Mike Ybarra‘s defence of Phil Spencer is the dictionary definition of tone deaf. Even Alanah Pearce, who’s close to Aaron Greenberg and Phil called him out on it.

“Mike, I have a lot of fondness for Phil and don’t doubt he’s incredibly bummed about this, but CEOs can handle some “shots” amidst people having their lives destroyed. Your sympathetic posts should solely be directed at those who’ve lost their jobs.”


GamerRN136d ago

What makes you think these are Phil's decisions? This is likely coming from Microsoft, and not the Xbox division.

Name Last Name137d ago

Phil is the only guy in the industry that has plot armor.

RNTody137d ago

Hahahahahahaha! xD Legendary comment.

lelo2play137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

At this moment, even Xbox fanboys are starting to hate Microsoft. It's fu**up, after fu**up, after fu**up... that's the state of Microsoft gaming.
Purchasing developers left and right, then killing them off...

Phil was the worst thing that happend to Xbox. Might as well just shut down their gaming division and fu** off

Jingsing137d ago

I can already hear Jim Ross.. He has a family damnit!

Barlos137d ago

Poor Phil. He must be crying into his bonus cheques. Makes your heart bleed doesn't it?

MrDead137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

I'm sure he'll be upset that those cheques contain a small percentage of money MS is still making from the closed studios games too. Next time someone purchases High-fi Rush or Evil within all that money is now just Microsofts, just think the former devs at Tango who made Hi-fi Rush MS's most highly acclaimed game in years will get nothing more.

MS are buying these publishers for the big IP's like Elder Scrolls and Call of Duty they have little interest in the ones that don't make huge profits... and firing thousands and closing studios looks good on the next quarterly shareholder report. Gotta protect the share price.

Eonjay137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

This is all coming from the executive who thinks we should have the option to tip devs... apparently so publishers can pay devs minimum wage. Will someone think of the C-suite executives!!!

dumahim137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

That was from a former Blizzard exec. Did Phil make a comment on that also?

edit: Oh, it wasn't Phil who said this himself.

HyperMoused136d ago

Gott alove the tought process on that...gentlemen we need think of more ways to get money out of these..gamers...wait..what if they just gave us their money..like for free.

LucasRuinedChildhood137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

Yeah, the guy making $10m a year is hurting as much as those who have lost their jobs and are worrying about their future and supporting their family. /s

It takes a real lack of shame to even try put the Good Guy Phil™ spin on this. It's not going to work this time.

Profchaos137d ago

He's sitting around feeling sorry when he should of been doing everything in his power to get people jobs in other studios you're telling me after toys for Bob split from Activision there wasn't a opening in the call of duty mines for arkane it's just woah is me.

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Former Blizzard President Suggests Players Should Have Option to Tip Developers

Former Blizzard president Mike Ybarra recently suggested an interesting concept that has sparked a debate among gamers - the idea of being able to tip developers after completing a game.

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LG_Fox_Brazil161d ago

If I had a 100% way to be sure that this money would go to a fund or a reserve dedicated only to the guys who develop the games, be them designers, artists, programmers and so on, I could think about it.

But we all know that this 'tip' would only end up in a publisher's CEO pocket to buy a new yacht, so, no, I ain't tipping anyone anytime soon on this industry

neutralgamer1992160d ago

Exactly these companies were raising money for good causes and gamers were donation and come to find out they are keeping a good chunk of be pie

PapaBop159d ago

Yeah tip your developer, 5% proceeds go to developer, 95% to the publisher or whoever. Isn't tipping for staff not making minimum wage? How about they just pay their developers properly and like you know, give them fair bonuses? Too much to ask from Blizzard these days, Kotick saw to that and is now laughing all the way to the bank.

MrDead160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

It's the t**ts at the top looking at ways to cut devs wages and get the players to tip them like waiting staff, and I'll guarantee a percentage is skimmed and kept by Activision Blizzard. This is 100% for shareholder and CEO playouts.

Popsicle160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

I have to agree with this. On the surface tipping devs sounds like a great idea, but in the end it leads to pay cuts and subsidization of pay. Tips then become an expectation or the devs “can’t make a living.” Lastly, especially in the US, tip culture has gotten out of control, and it serves as an excuse not to properly pay employees. Sounds good but doesn’t end well.

drizzom159d ago

@ Popsicle

I think your right on the nose with how much tipping has become rampant. Instead of it being a relationship directly between the customer and the developer or employee, it now has a middle man ingrained in the system. DoorDash is one example. It ends up becoming a metric where the company can measure 'just how much more money you are willing to part with' before raising the price on the main product.

1Victor160d ago

Uh so they’re trying triple dip or more we buy the game that they’re already withholding/cutting content for dlc we was told that season pass would help the developers thrive we felt for it.
Now on top of all that plus their sales bonus they want tips enough is enough whatever happens to you create/built a good game get a bonus for sales milestones you care about your game and community we reward you with more sales not for doing 3/4 of a game then save the other 1/4 for dlc and passes after

raWfodog160d ago

The 'tip' is me buying your game in the first place.

S2Killinit159d ago

Very well said. If it was possible to send the money to either the developer or some organization for the betterment of gaming, sure. But we all know that will not be the case.

Rynxie159d ago (Edited 159d ago )

No, it would go to those on the top. They will still fire developers, have a bunch of microtransactions, raise prices of games and so on.

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H9161d ago

So they eventually don't pay their workers and depend on our tips to pay them like the case with waiters!

Deeeeznuuuts160d ago

That kind of practice is only normal in the states, as far as I know anyway, what a backwards system

H9160d ago

No it's as well in a every country that wants to amercanize

bloop160d ago

Ireland is literally the first stop across the pond and we don't have a tipping culture. The only establishments here that would expect a tip are the tourist haunts that Americans visit. Other than that, you might tip in a restaurant as a sign of gratitude for great service and waiting staff would be paid a full wage anyway.

Rebel_Scum159d ago

Tipping is not customary iin most countries dude. Get a passport lol.

Jin_Sakai161d ago

Is this a joke? How about the big wigs giving up some of their pay for their hard working developers.

MrBaskerville160d ago

Maybe the CEO could earn his money based on tips.

mastershredder161d ago

good god. The devs are not baristas dude. Total 1% ideals. Fing Chadosaurus.

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