
Blizzard’s president on the studio’s “new era” under Xbox

The dust is finally starting to settle from Microsoft’s huge acquisition of Activision Blizzard, but even Blizzard president Mike Ybarra still isn’t exactly sure how things will change for the company. “I literally haven’t sat down with [Microsoft Gaming CEO] Phil [Spencer] and said, ‘So what does all this mean?’” Ybarra tells The Verge in an interview.

Ybarra doesn’t seem worried, though. As part of his opening remarks at Friday’s BlizzCon 2023 keynote, Ybarra said that the show was the start of a “new era” for the company.

“I think the way [Spencer] approaches building teams and focusing on culture and enabling creative freedom is going to give Blizzard a lot more of that sense of being an independent studio than ever before,” Ybarra says. “That’s what I really mean when I talk about a new era of possibilities, of empowerment, of serving players even better than we ever have.” (It probably also helps that Ybarra worked for Spencer for eight years before joining Blizzard.)

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Kaii263d ago

*Prior to joining Blizzard, Mike spent 22 years at Microsoft.
The same guy that In February said the following, "Ybarra allegedly made a bizarre comparison to his and other executives' pay packages to those of rank-and-file employees, appeared to downplay the value of QA and customer service roles at the studio, and defended the company's decision to slash annual profit-sharing bonuses.

*According to several sources, Ybarra stated something to the effect of: "If you think that executives are making a lot of money and you aren't, you're living in a myth."

Sounds like a self-righteous prick living in looney toon land.

shinoff2183263d ago

Didn't ms come out and say something about reeling in bethesada more, why would they not with blizzard

Lightning77263d ago

Because Blizzard was operating semi independently before Acti reabsorbed them back into the fold.

Blizzard use to call there own shots back then.

The only thing that Phil is doing is letting Blizzard run and Manage themselves again.

shinoff2183262d ago

Lightning77 that just sounds like pure bs.

darthv72262d ago

@shin, why not try to be optimistic? If things turn out better... then it wasn't bs as you thought. Just have to let things play out first instead of assuming.

Gamingsince1981262d ago


The team that was successful back before Activision took over isn't even there anymore, nothing blizzard or MS can do will fix the fact they have no talent anymore. Especially considering MS has no talent themselves. Unless you class ruining the industry as a talent.

Lightning77262d ago

@Shin You seriously didn't know that? They were operating semi independently from Activision where they called there own shots and generating a crap load of money. It wasn't until Activision came in and started meddling and nearly ruined them. Jobs being lost and strikes started happening.

This news means they're able to go back to what made them successful (hopefully)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 262d ago
XiNatsuDragnel263d ago

Why do I feel it's cap there man?

Sgt_Slaughter263d ago

Independent? Under Xbox?


Jin_Sakai263d ago

It’s coming from an ex Xbox employee “Mike Ybarra” what do you expect. He’s always been full of crap.

262d ago Replies(1)
gold_drake262d ago

even from a outside perspective, being owned by someone instead of being your own boss, aint more independent.

the fk is he on about lol.

Neonridr262d ago

maybe read the article to see what he's saying.

just a thought.

Gamingsince1981262d ago

Yeah after reading it's all pure bs from an ex MS employee , I'm glad I wasted my time thanks 🙃

Charlieboy333261d ago

@Gaming Don't bother....his name is derived from the fact that he rides xbox and nintendo so much 'it' glows

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VersusDMC5d ago

Xbox NOT live for this game as it's not on xbox.

SNK doesn't have the MT framework isn't compatible excuse that capcom had with MvC Collection so i guess developers just don't want to release old school compilations on Xbox because they don't sell.

Eonjay4d ago

It never was about MT framework. This is easy to figure out because the Xbox One titles using it didn't magically become unplayable.


I remember I had Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 for GameCube imported. I had my GC modded to play imports. Ah, good times.

VersusDMC5d ago

Well this kinda guarantees the Capcom vs SNK collection is coming out. Pretty sure if Capcom allowed this to come out it also goes the other way.

RedDevils4d ago

Lol I got my on PS2 without import though.

ZeekQuattro4d ago

I wish Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars would make a return while Capcom is at it.

garos824d ago

i dont see it on UK ps store