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Scalebound Gameplay Impressions, Now it's Time to get Excited

PoliGame's Talks about the Gameplay footage of The Xbox exclusive Scalebound. Does this game actually live up to it's hype or does it fall flat. Which begs the question can we really trust CG trailers?

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Community3338d ago
TheGreatGamer3338d ago

SB looks freaking amazing and 4 player co-op!

Poli_Games3338d ago

RIGHT!? That got me so excited!!!!! You can tell how excited i am by how many F bombs i dropped

TheGreatGamer3338d ago

Yeah that definitely made it easy to tell! The game is a day one purchase for me

Genuine-User3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

Unfortunately I can't share your excitement for this game.

There was nothing amazing or exciting in the 8 minute gameplay demonstration, in my opinion of course.

3338d ago
poppinslops3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

@'Genuine'user - I'm curious, did you like anything from Microsoft's conference?

Genuine-User3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )


I know what it is. And I still don't think it looks amazing or exciting. RPG's have most definitely become my thing.

Open-world, dragons and co-op do instill some hope in me, but from what I have seen so far, it's just not my thing.

My opinion can change in the future.

Genuine-User3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )


Yep. Quantum Break was spectacular, Halo 5's multiplayer match was exhilarating and Crackdown's cloud-based destruction was impressive.

poppinslops3338d ago

Good answer... I shall remove you from my list.

4Sh0w3338d ago

I wasn't expecting what was shown. I was expecting gameplay along the lines of Vanquish without all the tech -with Dragons. Wow, but what we got was something so much more impressive and I really like what Kamiya is cooking up with Scalebound. The details in the Dragons look absolutely amazing and the game world is so beautiful to look at too. This guy is right Microsoft have a winner on their hands with this game....thanks to the talented Kamiya-san.

My only negative is the main character is a bit cocky+corny but Japanese made games always have that sort of vibe to me, its definitely nothing that will stop me from getting this game day 1.

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Yi-Long3338d ago

It looked very good indeed. Personally, it could convince me to buy an XBO, but it would have to offer the option for Japanese voices.

Not interested in dub-only releases.

Kingdomcome2473338d ago

Why would it be dubbed? The script is written in English, and is voiced in English, as it's original language, with an English speaking protagonist. It's not being developed, or written with Japanese as it's primary language, and then translated into English. That would be like expecting Vanquish, Metal Gear Rising, or Bayonetta, all games primarily targeted at a Western audience but developed by a Japanese developer to be voiced in Japanese as it's primary language.

3338d ago
Yi-Long3338d ago

@Kingdomcome: No it isn't. Games like Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising and Scalebound are made by Japanese, in Japan. It's creator, Kamiya, barely speaks a word of English, so I very VERY much doubt the original script would be in English.

I want my entertainment in the original language whenever possible. In gaming, in 2015, with the possibilities we have now when it comes to storage and downloads, it's ALWAYS possible, and thus it should ALWAYS be offered as an option to have the original language.

poppinslops3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

So epic... can't wait to see what it's like to ride a dragon!

VaporCell3338d ago

This game has me underwhelmed though...Graphics are nothing too fancy, just very vibrant solid colors but I guess it's the art style, I don't mind that. The gameplay elements just seemed to not bond together and the "cool" music playing along the demo didn't match the pace of the action of the game. I kind of like some of the enemies as they look to have a very old school art style like before games started trying too hard to look realistic. I'm not gonna criticize frame rate for obvious reason. Maybe they should have shown some co-op, because it looks too generic giving commands to a drake and watch it attack ;/ reminds me of Riley from cod ghost. And by the way, they fail hard at trying to create funny or entertaining moments with the boring main character, and the whole idea of him having headphones listening to music and try to make him cool is a bad attempt...very bad execution imo
I own ps4, xbox one, and a pc for league of legends only so dont even call me a fan boy, just expressing my dissapointment...

SuperStatePro3338d ago

It's pre-alpha and a year away. I thought it looked good even still.

opoikl3338d ago


I'm with you all the way on this. You expressed my feelings exactly and in doing so pointed out that it's damn difficult to create a cool & likeable main character like Nathan Drake or even Delsin Rowe. It's so easy to go overboard on this, as you walk the fine line between relatable and caricatural.

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Haru3338d ago (Edited 3338d ago )

I think the game looks good/average the animations look stiff and the framerate was all over the place

Poli_Games3338d ago

Yeah the frame rate was very odd. But, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, scone it was probably a very early build of the game. Plus dragons!!!

Kingdomcome2473338d ago

Yeah. Thankfully it's a year out from release. There's plenty of time for optimization. I'm very excited for this game, and I'm eager to hear more about how co-op will work.

poppinslops3338d ago

Watch the IGN vid - much smoother... also, that was alpha footage, so it'll look even better when it releases.

falviousuk3338d ago

Like the crackdown footage, the Scalebound footage was pre-alpha also. you expect those kind of things in unoptimised early code.

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ZaWarudo3338d ago

Yeah, it looked great. My only gripe so far is the MC design... He looks like Eminem :L

showtimefolks3338d ago

so far it's pretty alpha but it doesn't look interesting and that's just for me personally. this game still have a long way before release so I know it will turn out just fine

in a 8 minute demo I am not sure if they can really show much. it did have a lot of potential so I am excited nonetheless

for me personally crackdown and quantum break were amazing. I read that crackdown destruction is online only. I hope they still offer great destruction to single player gamers

Lionalliance3338d ago

IT looks ok, but they need to improve in a lot of things.

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Canceled Video Games That Still Hurt The Most

The cancellation of Rainbow Six Patriots, Alice Asylum, and Scalebound, among others, have hit players and fans like a truck over time.

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Chocoburger64d ago

Advent Rising was planned to be a trilogy, and we never got parts 2 and 3.

Also wish THPS 10 was never canceled back in 2008. They were releasing the games at too fast a pace and just needed to slow it down instead of abandon the series entirely to make endless Guitar Hero games.

Stupid Activision executives.

RaidenBlack62d ago

My biggest "disappointment" for me, will always be Kojima's original MGS Rising from E3 2010.
The reveal trailer will always top my Gaming Expo highlights list, followed by MGS5 Ground Zeroes reveal at PAX 2013 and God of War reveal at E3 2016.
It looked soo good and cool. My heart sank when the whole Platinum's Revengeance thing got announced.
My 2nd disappointment is another Kojima, the Silent Hills.
3rd is tie b/w Rainbow 6: Patriots and the original Ghost Recon Future Soldier 2010 version.
4th is Unreal Tournament 4/2014
5th is Half Life Return to Ravenholm
(Dis)Honorable mentions: Delta Force Angel Falls, Brothers in Arms: Furious 4, Fallout Van Buren, Capcom's Deep Down, Original Duke Nukem Forever 2001 version, Prey 2, Command & Conquer: Generals 2, Timesplitters 4, Alice: Asylum, Mercenaries 3, KOTOR3, Star Wars 1313, StarCraft: Ghost, Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, Whore of the Orient, Fable Legends, Star Wars Project Ragtag and maybe Agent?
Half Life 2 Episode 3 should top my list, but I still believe it'll happen. You know what might break the gaming internet and steal some of GTA 6's thunder? If Valve just posts '3' in any of their social account.

Chocoburger62d ago

I love Rising Revengeance, but I would have loved to see MGS: Rising, where we got to see Raiden's body destroyed at Area 51, and play some portions of MGS 4 from Raiden's perspective.

Good pick.

rlow162d ago

Did you see play Advent Rising? If so, what did you think of it?

Chocoburger62d ago

Yes I played it long ago. Its kind of like Mass Effect, years before Mass Effect. You have to make choices which permanently affects the story.

Near the end of the game you have a bunch of super power abilities, I remember a shockwave stomp attack which wrecked enemies.

It was rushed out unpolished, so it had a lot of framerate issues, but I did end up having fun with it. Been over 15 years since I played it, so my memory is fuzzy, but I do remember I was looking forward to a sequel which never came.

XiNatsuDragnel64d ago

We need scalebound, Alice asylum, rainbow 6 patriots, battlefront 3, and half life episode 3 plz 🙏 if not official devs, fans make those games a reality do what cd project red dev said I have to look up the article but if something can't happen themselves then it's up to the fans to make it ourselves.

Relientk7763d ago

I played Alice: Madness Returns a couple years ago and it blew me away. What an amazing game and it still holds up. When EA said no to Alice Asylum I was so mad. EA also said something like "Alice is an important IP to us" Yeah, right an important IP that you do nothing with. License it out so we can get that 3rd game from American McGee.


Interesting and pretty solid list but I would day it's Star Wars 1313 that hurts the most in terms of Star War games.

DaReapa63d ago

Honorable mentions go to Eight Days, Agent, and Whore of the Orient to name a few.

Deeeeznuuuts62d ago

All of them! But none more than Agent for me, how good a rockstar espionage game could have been! 😭
The getaway too!

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Forget about Scalebound and Bayonetta 3, Platinum should be working on a Vanquish sequel

Why this criminally underrated shooter should share the spotlight with Platinum’s finest.

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ZeekQuattro955d ago

They should be working to getting games out on a timely matter not adding more games to the pile. I used to be a big fan of Platinum but their game turn out rate is atrocious these days. The games I want are no where to be seen and what is releasing is retro looking games no one asked for. I'm all for retro style games but not at the cost of bigger games sitting on the back burner for years at a time.

MIDGETonSTILTS17955d ago

Obvs…. Vanquish is da bomb 🤙


Scalebound Deserves A Second Chance

PlatinumGames wants to bring Scalebound back, and Microsoft should listen.

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Sciurus_vulgaris956d ago

“Excitement” and “interest” in Scalebound seemed to only occur after it was canceled… However, IO interactive is rumoured to be developing a game involving Dragons for Xbox Studios. So maybe IO Interactive’s title could be branded as Scalebound.

Bathyj955d ago

I agree. The game looked terrible. People only got upset because it's cancellation was a dig at Microsoft but I was with them on this one. Better to cancel a game then release a bad one. Then again someone might have liked it. I don't speak for everyone.

Kados955d ago (Edited 955d ago )

Personally was looking forward to it prior to cancellation. It looked a little rough/janky, but it was still very early in development, so i figured it would improve before launch.

Orpheo955d ago

I think the cancellation was a smart move. The main character looks cool, like Nero from "Devil May Cry 4," but the gameplay looked so boring I was yawning.

955d ago
phoenixwing955d ago

I like platinum as a dev but let's be honest they were doing their low tier work on the game which they're notorious for. They'll either do S tier perfection work or they'll do whatever to just get by for the contract they have. Maybe that's changed but they were doing low tier for microsoft and microsoft called them out on it and cancelled the project. I don't blame microsoft one bit for doing that. It was basically a whatever project for platinum while they worked on the other game at the time, i forget which one it was but it was just miles better.

MadLad955d ago

Microsoft already owns the IP, has the design docs, and has a playable build. Hand the project off to an internal team or another 3rd party.
Why give a second chance to a team that phoned in development and filtered their funds into other projects?

I like Platinum, but their management can be really shady.

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