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Mass Effect 4 Sounds Like Dragon Age: Inquisition In Space

"If this leak is genuine, the team behind the game is borrowing heavily from Bioware’s recent, and very well received, Dragon Age: Inquisition.

"Inquisition was a big turnaround for Bioware after the disappointing Dragon Age II, and they’re probably hoping that following the Inquisition template can entice Mass Effect fans still raw about the end of Shepard’s story in Mass Effect 3."

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Jivesh3442d ago

I wouldn't mind, my only issue with Inquisition is lack of cutscenes.

ThunderPulse3442d ago

I liked the fact that your actions were the focus.

thekhurg3442d ago

Me too. If ME4 is decision focused like Inquisition then I'll enjoy it.

Errefus3442d ago

ya i agree, i hope its decision u make change the outcome of the game

leahcim3442d ago

I am playing DA Inq in my ps4.

What an exquisite gem it is.

Dragon Age Inq + Space = MEFFECT 4 ! BOOM!

DevilishSix3442d ago (Edited 3442d ago )

Oh I would not be on board for Dragon Age in space at all. I am not interested in having that gameplay style in ME. DA good game but I like how ME plays just fine.

Jivesh3442d ago

ME plays perfectly, they don't need to change that aspect.

camel_toad3442d ago

Im fine with some crossover features but please EASE UP on the fetch quests. That part of DA:I sucked the life out of it for me towards the end.

kraenk123442d ago

Without those boring but necessary fetch quests and fifty hours less it could have been a great game.

Jivesh3442d ago

Inquisition Fetch Quests lack narrative.

3-4-53442d ago

ME4's story needs to be better.

* I felt like I was becoming a part of this huge universe in ME1.......

It never built upon that really.

* I want a whole Star Wars type of Universe where so much stuff happens it can't all possibly be told in one story.

* The Problem is that I think sometimes Writers actually think they have better "taste" than they actually do.

EX: Writer A " This is such a good plot...hahaha"

Us: " This plot is predictable "

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shodan743442d ago

Given how enjoyable DA:I was, I think it's a good thing they're potentiallty cross-transferring some of the features - or at least doing something similar.

Seems sensible to put some of the best ideas into their other popular action-RPG series.

Takwin3442d ago

I loved Dragon Age Inquisition and so did my wife. We both put over 75 hours of enjoyment into it. I get why some people have some quibbles with it, but that is a game that is made well, is fun, and appeals to a very large group of people. It is a real AAA game with depth and story and fun.

That said, Mass Effect is one of my top 5 game series ever (Dragon Age is somewhere in the 10-20 range for me), so taking what worked with DAI and putting it in space sounds GLORIOUS!

SCW19823442d ago

I really hope this is not the case. Dragon Age Inquisition was a bloat fest.

Dark113442d ago

Yeah too many fetch quests.

kraenk123442d ago (Edited 3442d ago )

I agree...if it will be just like DAI I'm not gonna buy it. My hopes are on The Witcher 3 to make everything better than DAI with its meaningless side quests and huge but empty and lifeless feeling world.

anticlimax3442d ago

If they keep the quests a little more focused that'd be okay. I always say better fifteen big questslines than a hundred small ones.

Giving out inquisition points for a quest doesn't make it 'entwined in the storyline'. Each quest should honestly have its own proper (and interesting) story.

Inquisition had (despite many promises it wouldn't be so) a lot of isolated fetch or kill x amount of ... quests.

My_Outer_Heaven3442d ago

I feel that Commander Shepard needs to make some form of appearance in ME4 even if just a cameo or possibly the new antagonist.

I'm still hung up over the ME3 ending, I wish they could just confirm the indoctrination theory already and blow everyone's mind holes.

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Mass Effect 4 and The Challenges of Canonicity in Choice-Based Games

Game Rant Writes "Canonicity can be a tricky nut to crack in franchises with continuing narratives, and that's something Mass Effect 4 will need to contend with."

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Community525d ago
just_looken525d ago (Edited 525d ago )

wow gamerant forgot mass effect 4 came out years ago number 6 and 7 were cancelled.

The new mass effect which can be called number 5 will not have any of your choices why you might ask?

Well dragon age keep were your choices from number one can been seen in number 3 got unplugged from number one and number 2 is finicky.

Dragon age on pc requires a mod to get past the server login and non of your choices get uploaded to the keep even the dlc no longer works sense it needs a server check.

On xbox i teseted this only though local saves i was able to transfer choices from one to too but 0 of one dlc would work.

So if the more popular dragon age series is in this state why would they care about your mass effect choices?

Oh and that remaster that was tossed out still has day one issues and number 3 is still hard to play on pc do to lighting issues and ram limits imposed from 2014.

My expectations for the next bioware 2.0 titles is very low.

phoenixwing525d ago

They should redo the main trilogy

just_looken525d ago (Edited 525d ago )

They should redo the dragon age trilogy for sure on pc DA1 the ui is messed up sense it was for 4080p/720i days back in 2005. Getting to run is also very hard

The only way to play dragon age one is via xbox one backwards compatable state.

The ps3 version of dragon age one is pre throphy/ in game xmb so it has the freezing/crashing issues or just will not run.

just_looken525d ago

Well i am not American so please enlighten me on usa education before your country invades mine and forces us into your society

GhostScholar524d ago (Edited 524d ago )

@ just_looken

Did I mention education? Never said America did have negative points. I know for all you “enlightened” people you think everything is either all good or all bad, but in reality that’s not how life works. We have a government that traded a known terrorist for a basketball player who moonlights as a drug dealer. We aren’t perfect by a long shot. If you want to go political though how about your leader leaving his own country when the truck driver strike happened?

porkChop525d ago

Dragon Age is not more popular than Mass Effect.

shinoff2183524d ago

Yea I read that and was like I've heard way more people talk mass effect compared to dragon age. Personally I'm more into mass effect. It's got the whole dope ass sci fi thing going on while dragon age has the same old medieval thing

gold_drake524d ago

andromeda is a spin off tjo and not considerd a numvered title. as it has to 99% nothing to do with the trilogy.

i think they need to make the destroy perfect ending canon.
we need more of shepard. haha.

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Mass Effect 4 Can Explore Post-Apocalyptic Themes

Game Rant Writes "Mass Effect 4 will likely treat Mass Effect 3’s Destroy ending as canon, and this gives it an opportunity to explore a post-apocalyptic galaxy."

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Community678d ago
Rebel_Scum678d ago

Destroy is the best choice. Bring the relays back over the course of a new trilogy, maybe right at the end of the first game. Say it was Cerberus, Salarians or a bunch of keepers that created a relay.


Mass Effect 4 Needs to Make One Major Change with the Protagonist

Game Rant Writes "Mass Effect 4 has plenty of opportunities to change a lot about the franchise, particularly in the protagonist players can create."

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BrainSyphoned678d ago

Tons of opportunities since most anyone who made it special is long gone

ClayRules2012678d ago

“Mass Effect 4 Needs to Make One Major Change with the Protagonist“

To make sure the main characters face isn’t tired with the released game?