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Community3384d ago
Conkerkid113384d ago

"Konami Digital Entertainment, including Mr. Kojima, will continue to develop and support Metal Gear products. Please look forward to future announcements."

Kind of worrying that they don't mention Kojima Productions.

Uh oh... How's Silent Hills doing?

Nitrowolf23384d ago

This. I have a feeling it's most likely just a rebranding/naming of the studio or at least I'm hoping rather than just downright getting rid of them all together

turdburgler10803383d ago

Kojima San was so mad about quiets jiggle physics not being just right he quit.

morganfell3383d ago

It isn't just that. Look at this:


I know its dated April 1st but they are anouncing this now. As of April 1st Kojima will no longer be an executive at Konami.

morganfell3383d ago

I would have thought that but they are announcing it today and it just so happens that April is the very next calendar month so I do not believe this is a joke.

We could find out this is a huge elaborate publicity stunt that involves David Hayter but I don't believe so. This seems like a legitimate split, most likely brought on by Konami making a decision with which Kojima could not sit idly by and absorb. I would guess it involves Konami interfering in a creative decision involving MGS 5 hence the removal of the KojiPro insignia.

Xman2K3383d ago

Or maybe funding, as creating phantom pain must have been waaay expensive, they even opened up 2 whole studios for it

Kumomeme3383d ago

1st April is marked the started fiscal year for japan

dont expect it to be april fools since its no joke matter regarding huge organization restructure like this

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ZombieGamerMan3383d ago

Yeah cause obviously it can't mean anything else right especially not the possibility of rebranding it as Konami's primary studio. Nope it means loom & gloom

Hanuman3383d ago (Edited 3383d ago )

"UPDATE 2: Speaking to GameSpot, an unnamed source within Kojima Productions has revealed that after work on Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is completed, "Mr. Kojima and upper management will leave Konami".

Whoops, bad news.. :(

showtimefolks3383d ago

who owns the MGS IP? i think i know the answer already but just in case(does Kojima have any rights to the IP)

rainslacker3383d ago


Not sure if Kojima came up with the original Metal Gear game(he was listed as director) or just created the stories and directed the games for the Solid franchise, but even though he's made them into his own, the franchise actually belongs to Konami.

Kojima productions is also owned by Konami, although I believe that Kojima has a financial stake in the company.

joab7773383d ago

It's not good that it isn't his choice. But it's a terrible move on Konami's part. Yeah, he may be difficult (or not) and desire an excess orlf resources, but it is worth it. Even if he is the worst person to work with (and I doubt it), it is best to keep him happy.

Even if they are taking the popular path of restructuring to make games other than AAA, keep him as your only AAA IP, or let him do what he wants. Why?

Because it's profitable...and and EA, Activision etc. will jump all over this.

Personally I'd love for him to take the Cliff route and go produce and publish his own games. But, as we have seen, this is a problem too.

I guess I hope it all works out b/c it's crazy.

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WESKER20153384d ago

somethings up, i hope to here more on this issue

Khajiit863384d ago

The man is a legend. Whatever he decides we the gamers will be ok as long as he continues his great work elsewhere.

UKmilitia3383d ago

imagine if he joined Sony or Sony let him have his own studio.

Khajiit863383d ago

I wouldnt be surprised. Wasnt MGS originally PS exclusive?

UKmilitia3383d ago

i think back in the day it was all PS .
either way its a talent and one of gamings greats to many.
I really want to know more of the story because im not having it the games finsihed and then he just gone.
its not like he a normal coder or programmer or story guy like many of the others who have left teams this last year,

u4one3383d ago


metal gear solid was originally on Nintendo

DOMination-3383d ago

Metal Gear was Nintendo but MGS was timed exclusive for ps1 (it came to pc later and also had a gamecube remake)

ManiacMansion3383d ago

Than he would not have the money to make such a game Like MGS4 or MGS5

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Skullomania3383d ago


No. It was originally from the MSX platform.

AJ Hartley3383d ago

"You know your history, very good"
Sorry couldn't resist. Back to the future quote.

Xman2K3383d ago

Yes and MSX was Microsoft, isn't that ironic

PS4isKing_823383d ago

Well technically metal gear solid started on ps1. But metal gear as a whole did start out on msx and Nintendo consoles.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3384d ago

Well that didn't sound too hopeful.

Eamon3384d ago

Well this is weird... Every single MGS game has had "A Hideo Kojima Game" splattered everywhere.

Even if the box arts are just placeholders, what was the point of only removing the Hideo Kojima reference?

Sounds fishy...

XanderZane3383d ago

Unless he left Konami and has changed or created he own studio with a different name. He may have branched out beyond Konami. Something is definitely up though. I'm sure we'll learn more in the coming weeks.

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The 7 Best Hideo Kojima Games Beyond Metal Gear Solid

Hideo Kojima is widely known as a video games auteur, but what are his best games outside the Metal Gear franchise?

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Community96d ago

Kojima explains why he decided to make a new action-espionage game

During the latest episode of HideoTube, Kojima talked a bit about Physint and the other projects he's currently working on.

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thorstein134d ago

That is a fantastic interview. Physint is a love letter to the fans. What a legend.

YourMommySpoils133d ago

I'm guessing OD will also be coming to PlayStation, as the trailer states for all players lol

RhinoGamer88133d ago

Love to know how much he works on a game. 10% effort --- 90% credit

F0XH0UND922133d ago

Ever see the credits of a Kojima game? The guy is a machine and does so much for his projects.

Trilithon133d ago

hes a decision maker. people don't always agree. but at least he has made a decision. imagine how many execs wanting the main characters outfit to have flowers cause their daughter likes flowers. this the power of being independent. only the real fans breathing down his neck

WelkinCole133d ago

I really really miss MSG. For me its not a PS gen if there is no MSG. So this news is a God send for me.

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Death Stranding 2’s badass ship has got Kojima (and us) very excited

Death Stranding 2’s ship will be a core mechanic in the new PS5 game, as Hideo Kojima reveals key details during a fresh HideoTube episode.

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contra157133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Give us something new kojima