
Review: DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition

Stevivor -- "The controversy over Capcom’s reboot of Devil May Cry is long done and dusted, but it might have chased fans away from the franchise. If nothing else, the release of DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition gives those types — and others who missed out — a chance to play a great little game."

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Jackhass3427d ago

I've been kinda meaning to play this game, so I might give the remaster a try.

XisThatKid3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

This is great, now that it's not cool anymore to hate this game because someone else does This game can get the sales it deserves I see some unbias reviews plus on the great current gen systems with 60FPS like they intended to do from the jump.
Hopefully We get a sequel to DmC sometime and I guess DMC5 for those that want that.

KnightRobby3427d ago

It actually is a lot of fun tbh. Too bad there was a lot of disrespect towards the original character concept (the mop on the head). I mean, it's like someone new stepped in and said, "Eff you hardcore fans for supporting the franchise all these years. Now I'm gonna change it up with or without you bitches."

Still...fun game though! Seriously. And that is the world today.

Summons753427d ago

When's 4 come out, nobody cared about this the first time and nobody will care this time around.

Benjammin253427d ago

Give it a rest will you? The game has gotten way more hate than it ever deserved. Guess what? It's a good game. Devil May Cry fan boys aren't going to change that fact.

Summons753427d ago

Considering it was terrible gameplay and (not sure if they fixed it in the remaster) a ton of game breaking technical issues to top off a bad story and poor art design...yeah I would say that's pretty bad and it was pretty much consensus and then we add in the very VERY poor sales and the devs insulting gamers and Japanese developers all because they can't handle criticism. The game's hate is justified, why do you think they are releasing the better game as well as this?

OmegaShen3427d ago

You need to lay off the demon milk, because it's blinding you from the truth.

Story was dumb, humans drinking something that came from a demon -_- Really? It's like they weren't even trying and I heard Devil May Cry 4 sold three times more then this game (which it says the fans didn't care for it).

SnakePlissken3427d ago

Gotta agree with you! It was a great game!

areisul3427d ago

Notice how when the announcement came everyone was excited for the ~five seconds worth of DMC4:SE teaser, not the trailer for the Definitive Edition.

DmC:Devil May Cry should never have been a DMC game. Is it fine on it's own merits? Sure, if you can stomach the edgy pseudo-political story, the terrible teenager's-wet-dream dialogue, and the uninspired enemy/boss/art design. But the game shits on everything Devil May Cry was about while the devs pretend like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread when it's not.

It sold like shit for a reason, and I'm going to be happy when it sells like shit again.

pivotplease3427d ago

If it's any consolation for the reboot...dmc4's story was absolutely retarded as well.

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DragonKnight3427d ago

It got exactly the hate it deserved. There's so many reasons I could easily go into, but they've been stated before so I won't. Devil May Cry 4 is indeed what most are waiting for. Truthfully, the only reason Capcom is releasing this is off the hope that DMC4 will help to sell this DmC definitive version since the original flopped so badly.

VileAndVicious3427d ago

Last I checked DmC has sold somewhere around 1.6 million life time....


This is about in line with most other games in the franchise. So I wouldn't exactly say it sold horribly

DragonKnight3427d ago

Those fell woefully below Capcom's expectations, and lifetime sales matter little compared to immediate sales.

VileAndVicious3427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

Lol Capcom also wasn't very happy with the 5 million copies of Resident Evil 6 that sold.

Honestly DmC did about as well as any hack & slash from recent memory (especially in 2013). Bayonetta and MG-revengeance included.

I personally think they expect too much out of their games.

Id be surprised if DMC4:SE does much better. But we shall soon see

saukelover123427d ago (Edited 3427d ago )

im fan boy and i think the game is awesome i like the old and the new Dante but more of a Vergil fan anyway

aPerson3427d ago

Another day, another remaster...

forgetmenot3427d ago

Im looking forward to Dmc 4 remaster ,but to those who enjoyed DmC enjoy and ill leave it at that.

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DmC: Devil May Cry - So Good They Named it Twice

DmC: Devil May Cry launched 10 years ago to critical acclaim, but caused a significant stir amongst fans of the series.

SDuck554d ago

all in all, it was the 2nd most replayed by me (first being dmc5)

Godmars290554d ago

Named it twice cause they lacked imagination.

ApocalypseShadow553d ago

No matter how many times they try to push this game, I'll never play it.

But the PR keeps pushing it and pushing it when other DMC games are better and sold better.

TheLigX553d ago

Lol that’s absurd. You must be a real charmer.

Sgt_Slaughter553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

Ah we're at that point in time where failed games end up being needlessly defended and pushed as "underrated" or "gems"

There's a reason this caused Capcom to go back to the traditional DMC franchise.

DMC V became the top selling game in the series by a longshot. Even the team was more eager to make a new DMC game rather than try and continue the DmC reboot/spin-off and listened to fan input for V.

CBaoth553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

cue the puff pieces for Ninja Theory. Like what we saw happen with Deathloop and Tokyo, the MS marketing team is starting the hype machine early. So we see the revisionist history with their past games. Suddenly it's the best in the series lol. They've never made a bad game, they've just never made a successful one. Now, right or wrong because of the timing, their new game has the extra pressure of being the face of GP in 2022 alongside Starfield and Redfall. A lot of pressure for a studio that made its last game with 30 people. Let's hope 4th time's the charm


Looking Back to 2015 and DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition

Daniel writes: "DmC on Xbox One may have disappointed many, but it also provided an entry point to a previously impenetrable series for newcomers."

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AK911590d ago

It sold poorly it’s why we have DMC5 instead of DmC 2 and from what I’ve been seeing of that Anarchy Reigns clone from Team Ninja I think it was for the better.


How The Devil May Cry Games Pulled Me In

Pratyush writes- "According to fans, the wait for the latest DMC installment was torturous; 11 years without a sequel to a game that not only defined a genre but even after all this time, stands atop every other game that it inspired or was inspired by. DMC5’s trailer sent every person who loved video games into a frenzy. More than a decade later, an icon of gaming was returning after being dragged through the mud *cough* DmC *cough*.

DMC5’s reveal trailer brought with it all the cheesiness that was popular in the early 2000s and felt gamey for all the right reasons. Add to that, the persistence of my colleagues that the DMC games (and Ninja Gaiden) were must play action titles and their sarcastic jabs at me for having only played the (shitty) reboot; I relented. Before the release of DMC5, I went back and completed DMC3 and 4, only missing out on DMC1 because it kept crashing on my system (and 2 because that was in a, uhhh “league” of its own)."

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ApocalypseShadow1691d ago (Edited 1691d ago )

Dante had style for an @$$ kicker. That's what attracted me to the franchise. That first demo that came with the Code Veronica game was Gothic and Castlevania like walking down those hallways. It was amazing. And the attract video in-between made you want more.

As a fan of the series, buying the manga, buying the action figures, watching the anime, it turned me off with Tameem Antoniades of Ninja Theory saying Dante had no style and he knew what was better. That first pick of his "Dante"
showed me he didn't know what he was talking about. Especially with the fact that he needed to be redesigned from turning fans off to him. Besides the story being changed and the combat system being inferior to previous combat systems. Result: less sales. Capcom had to keep releasing it over and over or pair it with other DMC games in bundles to sell it. It under achieved.

Waiting for a DMC 5 with a more traditional Dante, is what fans like me wanted. It's like Jared Leto Joker.

Complete turn off. No one wanted that. And movie sales showed that for Suicide Squad. While the Joker in the latest movie is not a turn off. And made a billion plus. Jared feel alienated after the new Joker was green lit. But it was fans who were alienated from a character they liked that was a turn off. Harley Quinn was alright. But that's only because Margot Robbie is hella fine. You can see her sexiness thorough the makeup.

Glad Dante is back. The cool Dante.
Yes. Devil May Cry 2 was a step back and umm... Interesting. But was stylish. And that Japanese commercial is still awesome to this day.
FU Tameem Antoniades.

Fist4achin1691d ago

Good series to get pulled into!