
Dragon Age Inquisition Visual Analysis: PS4 Vs. Xbox One vs. PC, PS3 Vs. Xbox 360

"Following up on our initial analysis of Dragon Age Inquisition, we spent a few more hours playing Bioware's magnum opus across all the five platforms. We are pleased to report that this is perhaps Bioware's most optimized game till date with solid performance across the current generation consoles and PC."

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thekhurg3594d ago

Terrible website. Deserves zero hits.

vishmarx3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

because they dont share your opinion on something?
because there findings are slightly different than what digital foundry gave? you do realize that both of them are websites looking for hits and neither has 100% credibility just because they put a few graphs and numbers in their videos
or because like every second article on n4g theyre comparing consoles?

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Eurogamer/DigitalFoundry actually recorded evidence of their findings that are usually readily viewable by anyone with an internet connection gaming bolt just assumes everyone should believe them just because who every wrote the story says it's true.

There's a difference between credible evidence and hearsay and that's exactly the difference between Eurogamer/Digital Foundry and Gaming Bolt.

OB1Biker3594d ago

Anyone following Gamingbot for a few weeks should realize its a joke of a site which has its own biased agenda. Not visiting this site ever again

Kayant3593d ago

Hmmm no DF have some credible because they have special equipment to do analysis, that's forgetting their years of experience. Most of gamingbolt's analysis is wrong and worded for pure flamebait.

SilentNegotiator3593d ago

No, because their (1) comparisons suck and they make (2) content that is ripped off or idiotic dribble.

(1) They constantly use terms like "image quality" in their comparisons, even claiming that lower res games have better "image quality".

(2) http://n4g.com/news/1620092... -_- Because anyone thought it would have an advantage in something as basic as audio streaming.

GameNameFame3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

Lol. I cant believe xbox fans are now saying DF is not credible, but gamingbolt is.

Just stop it and accept, man.

PraxxtorCruel3593d ago

Not replying to you vish.

Is this the difference that supposed 50% extra concentrated juice boost offers? I mean what are we even arguing about? I own an XB1 but as always aim to get all 3 consoles and graphics wise that is all I'm missing? I can barely tell a difference. To be honest, this has actually put things into perspective for me. I'm happy with my purchase now more than ever. I somehow got the idea that 50% more power meant 50% better graphics, I appear to have been wrong.

Enjoy the games people, not the numbers.

Unspoken3593d ago (Edited 3593d ago )

"Anyone following *insert website name here* for a few weeks should realize its a joke of a site which has its own biased agenda. Not visiting this site ever again"

This statement was last seen being used on notoriously biased website, n4g. If you or anyone you know has seen this phrase, please feel free to use it to describe other sites which do not conform to your mentality.

*Paid for be the extremely biased association of modern gamers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3593d ago
BigShotSmoov0073594d ago

It's funny how these websites just see and report all kinds on nonsense sometimes. Gamingbolt always wants to talk about resolution and frame rate but never is spot on and completely truthful. They give all advantages to the PS4 version, with no actually video proof mind you of Dragon Age. Then you have eurogamer who gives the nod to the PS4 as far as resolution which we already knew but says the X1 gives you the smoothest out the 2 and shows video's to prove it. So who do we believe here hmmmmmm?

Kayant3593d ago

These should be opinion pieces because factual the info is either inaccurate or wrong.

Ctiboi20103594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Good to hear they worked hard to deliver a solid looking game on all platforms. Seems like the graphical differences are minor overall, according to the article.

OculusRift3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Christ, CAT.. Can you just ban Rashid from this site already?(or at least stop him from submitting stories for a while? At least Until he can get act together) He never submits anything of substance and when he does, it's either a blatant rip off of DF's work or something clickbait related to kick off pointless fanboy wars in the comment section for hits to his ad ridden site. It's http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photo... to say the least.


This game is shaping up to be (Along with LBP3, MGSV:GZ and GTA 5) one of the few games this year that aren't bug ridden, broken beyond belief and boring to come out this year.

gameseveryday3594d ago

Interesting. I have original screenshots from the PC, PS3 and X360 versions. Our comparison videos were published much earlier. DF have compared only the new and PC versions. I am not downplaying DF, their analysis are great. But your accusations have no base.

OculusRift3594d ago

My accusations? It's not an accusation if it's true. It's all in your submissions in comment history.

Xavior_Reigns3594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Well the one thing that has annoyed me a lot is* "intersecting geometry" I believe its called. Seriously why the hell is that still occurring. (If I'm wrong on that being the word, so be it but I think you peeps should understand.)

moegooner883594d ago (Edited 3594d ago )

Game is bloody great. But has plenty of bugs.

Ezz20133593d ago

TLOUR is bug-free too
other than that
i agree with every word you said

starchild3593d ago

LBP3 is bug free? Dragon Age Inquisition is bug free? Could have fooled me. Both of those games have plenty of bugs. I've actually had more problems with DAI on my PC than AC Unity. I've had no issues running AC Unity and no serious bugs...just a few minor glitches with NPCs mostly and nothing that has taken away from the game very much. With DAI I've had similar minor glitches, but I've also had it crash once and I'm still getting some stuttering in parts that I haven't been able to resolve.

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IIFloodyII3593d ago

I didn't even know this was on last gen, how rough is it? I'm not giving them clicks.

thricetold3593d ago

barely playable on last gen, one of the worst ports I've ever been suckered into.

jspsc1233593d ago

i remember the frame rate of origins on ps3. i still put 80 hrs into it

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Profchaos1062d ago

The quality of these free games has been awesome. Before anyone says they are not free I was already giving Amazon $6 a month for prime shipping and video this isn't why I pay for my subscription

Teflon021062d ago

Still technically paying for it, even if it wasn't your intent. They've been giving out games with Twitch prime, they just changed the name. It's the same sub as that was. If you weren't aware, great. But you're paying for it.

That being said, I don't personally care. For me as long as you're willing to pay that for 1 service and get more. I personally take it as free. Like prime video, music though the prime version is trash, and all the Twitch benefits are all free to me because I didn't care about those when I got it. Just comes with it.

Only noted because that's technically wrong as a defense to that argument, whether I'm on yourside with the initial statement lol

mkis0071062d ago

It's free to anyone who has already been paying. IDK why people need to split hairs.

TinkerNation1062d ago

How does Prime Gaming work? Do you keep the games, or is it only as long as you have Prime?

Germaximus1062d ago

lol Nice distraction from how they're now charging people to increase viewership. It's "just an option." /wink lol

NautilusXIII1062d ago

gonna assume this is pc only?