
On Sleeping Dogs, Wei Shen, and sexually attractive male heroes

Polygon: "I've been live streaming games a lot lately. It's been a great way to feel connected to other folks in this hobby of ours during a rocky time. It's fun and, in some ways, important.

One recent stream allowed me to confront a topic I've been wrestling with for almost as long as I've been playing games: the treatment of characters as objects of desire.

We were streaming Sleeping Dogs (the newly released Definitive Edition), and the topic of protagonist Wei Shen's attractiveness came up. To be clear — we aren't far into the game, and I can't speak to the rest of Sleeping Dogs as it represents its hero and supporting characters. But immediately, we all noticed that Wei Shen was, well, a good looking fellow."

caseh3615d ago

Waaahh, he's being objectified waaah waaah naked man waah waaah waaah clearly misandry waaaaaaaaaaaah.


Zero-One3615d ago

Just another boring news day. Move along, nothing to see here.

Roccetarius3615d ago (Edited 3615d ago )

Not once was i actually thinking about Wei Shen's attractiveness, while i was playing the game. Sure, i dressed him up in expensive suits and such, but it never really crossed my mind because he's a good character.

The regressiveness going on currently is mind boggling.

kingdip903615d ago (Edited 3615d ago )

It's not progressive it's regressive.

Complaining about attractive characters in a work of fantasy! Should complaints like these effect change it will be limiting on what game makers can do.

I understand the article doesn't recognize that attractive male protagonists are sexualized as female ones are but I disagree. More skin does not necessarily make a character more sexualized.

If men find a female who Is scantily clad appealing and she is portrayed like that to be attractive on purpose then yes that's sexualization.

If women find a handsome rogue appealing and he is portrayed like that to be attractive on purpose then yes that's sexualization.

But what's wrong with playing out a fantasy? Why should men or women feel shame for enjoying media... why are people always trying to shame men simply for being men

Roccetarius3615d ago (Edited 3615d ago )

Sites like Polygon are becoming increasingly ''progressive'' ; in that they see this in each game, which is what's mind boggling.

If more people start to think like them, that's damaging to the industry.

Mankey3615d ago

I'm done with sites like Loligon and Notaku. Just done.

Donnywho3615d ago

We love boobies, we can't help it.

Spotie3615d ago

Even if we could, would we want to?

This does once again bring up the question: why do the feminists attacking gaming always overlook that men are treated in the same way they women are portrayed in gaming?

MookaTek3615d ago (Edited 3615d ago )

In all of the years that I have been alive (33) there have been several constants. Rather than list them all, I will elaborate upon one that relates to this article: Most people like to look at attractive people. Don't worry, I'm not objectifying the rare group that likes to look at ugly people. Nor am I objectifying ugly people. Nor am objectifying the ugly parents of ugly people.

I think I'm done apologizing. Please don't write an article about my objectifying nothing, because I understand we must all love nothing for what it is: Beautiful.

Anyway, I like ass and titties and most girls like a six pack on a dude. Some dudes like a six pack on a dude and some girls like ass and titties. The fact that we exist in the year 2014, surrounded by technological wonders, with experts on TV ranting about anything and everything about nothing, whilst bigger and better bombs are being built and entire civilizations are being laid to waste, and babies are being popped out at an exponential rate, not one goddamn person in power has figured out that naked people are cool and made it acceptable is almost mathematically impossible.

Well, back to Sunset Overdrive, playing as a girl that I made as naked as possible because I like naked chicks.

Ripsta7th3615d ago

Thats the rule of life, you are good looking and the world will throw itself at your feet

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It's A Crime That There's No Sleeping Dogs 2 Yet

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Sleeping Dogs from the early 2010s is one of the best open-world games out there but in dire need of a resurgence."

LG_Fox_Brazil164d ago

I agree, I consider the first one a cult classic already

isarai164d ago

You say "yet" as if it's even possible anymore. United Front Games is gone, along with anyone that made this game what it is

CrimsonWing69163d ago

That’s what happens when games sell poorly. And I’ve seen people wonder why people cry when a game sells badly… this is your answer.

solideagle163d ago

Majority of the time it's true but if a company/publisher is big (in terms of money), they can take a hit or 2. e.g. I am not worried about Rebirth sales as Square will make Remake 3 anyway but if FF 17 doesn't sell then Square might need to look for alternative. <-- my humble opinion

Abnor_Mal163d ago

Doesn’t Microsoft own the IP now since they acquired Activision?

DaReapa163d ago

No. Square Enix owns the IP.

Abnor_Mal163d ago

Oh okay, Activision owned True Crime, but when that didn’t sell as intended it was canceled. Six months later Square Enix bought the rights and changed the title to Sleeping Dogs.*

*As per Wikipedia

boing1163d ago (Edited 163d ago )

Sleeping Dogs was a sleeper hit back then. It was fantastic. It actually still is. Would love a sequel to this, or at least a revive of True Crime series.

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Top 30 Best Open World Games of All Time – 2023 Edition

The past few years have seen some excellent open-world titles on top of the existing classics. Here are some of the very best that you should play.

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Nobodyreally310d ago (Edited 310d ago )

watching the video is better then going through 31 pages of gamingbolt.

LG_Fox_Brazil310d ago

Do they explain in the video why there are two numbers 3? Starfield and Tears of the Kingdom?

xeniate304d ago

It's always refreshing to see games embracing the streaming community.


8 Games that need sequels

GF365: "Here are eight games that need sequels. These games are ones that players would love to experience another time, bigger and better."

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Leeroyw511d ago

Bloodborne is a game I still restart and play every few months. I would welcome just a re release in 60fps with a visual upgrade. It's a perfect game. If I was king for a day I would include the randomizer mods because then it would be a kind of rogue like and I could play it forever.

gleepot510d ago

Sure, ill take a sequel to all of these.