
Top 5 Third-Person Shooter Games Of All Time

"As far as my memory serves, my tryst with video games started almost two decades back with the first-generation gaming consoles. Now that was the time when the Mario brothers and the Contra soldiers were causing humungous waves in the ocean. These were the days I’ll always cherish dearly, and it was a happy time indeed. But things got better and better with every passing year, with game developers implementing features that were never thought possible.

From the gaming consoles to the intricate plot details of the games, everything went for massive improvements. Rising from the 2D-generation gaming arrived the first-person and third-person video games and we could (literally) hardly focus on anything else."

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Cat Rescue Story Lets You Run Your Very Own Cat Shelter in September

Nacon has announced that Cat Rescue Story, a game about running your very own stray kitty shelter, is coming to PC and consoles in September.

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GaboonViper21h ago

This sounds like the perfect game for me as i rescue stray cats in the real World.


Minishoot’ Adventures review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "All in all, I have little to complain about with this game. You can expect about ten hours of gameplay with even more to do after the credits roll. If you enjoy the classic Zelda games or shoot ‘em ups, Minishoot’ Adventures is worth checking out!"

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Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked Review - Speedy Sega Smash-Up | COGconnected

The Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked collection is a great way to play three classic titles that mostly hold up to this day.

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