
The Scariest Thing in Gaming is How Underwhelming these Consoles are

Bravo to the vigilant and patient gamers out there. Your unwaveringness has saved you hundreds of dollars as you continue to bask in the glory of the PS3 and Xbox 360, two consoles still at the top of their game.

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Blashted3623d ago (Edited 3623d ago )

I'm not disappointed, my ps4 makes my ps3 look like a toaster just look at sackboy's next gen upgrade dem stitches doe

robavila953623d ago

Not disappointed either. For their price (compared to a high end PC) consoles are a pretty good deal. I had a blast for many years with my 360 and now I'm having a blast with the PS4 :)

XbladeTeddy3623d ago

A PS4 and Xbox One is barely near being classed a mid range PC. You could build a high end PC for under £500

Eonjay3623d ago


You should go price the MINIMUM specs for Assassin's Creed Unity.

Whatever you think of the PS4 and Xbox One it really doesn't matter if companies like Ubisoft are going to try to kill PC gaming by making the minimums outside of what most people are willing to pay.

sinjonezp3623d ago

@robavila95, I get where you are coming from especially from a price point view. However, we look at the time frame from the release of the x360 and ps3 and the gains from a visual, and interaction standpoint is only marginal. We look at most games and visually, esthetically, and immersion is just not carrying that "wow" factor compared to a generation leap from ps1 to ps2-original Xbox. Mostly we get fps and resolution bumps for ps4-xb1. I think to keep the price down, they went with these types of systems. Could it be that developers are hitting a ceiling with creative intellectual properties? Myself I only see games that can be done on older Gen with graphics that are bumped just a bit. I would love to see something that just gives us that feeling of "wow". I am having a good time with x1 n ps4, but I do get where the writer is coming from

Highlife3623d ago

What does that get you? The games I'm interested in are on console. Uncharted 4, smash bros and so on. You might have better graphics of multiplats but they play the same call me if they get better gameplay and better ai because they don't.

Vegamyster3623d ago


Assassin's Creed Unity is a very rare exception and the game has parity on consoles anyway, what XbladeTeddy said isn't false since DF did a test using a sub £500 PC.



Aside from CoD Ghosts the games run just as good or better, Ubisoft cannot take down PC gaming, Steam has gained over 25 million active account in less than a year (100 million active total)

uth113623d ago

The PS4 and XB1 get highly optimized code compared to the PC, they both outperform PCs in the same class. As EonJay pointed out, the AC Unity specs show it can't run on a $500 PC. The 'recommended' configuration will set you back around $1100,

Vegamyster3623d ago (Edited 3623d ago )

So many dislikes but no counter arguments.


A $1100 PC will play every other multiplat on the market better, Unity's requirements are flat out crazy for no good reason. Getting the same or better performance in 99% of multiplats doesn't require a ton of power or money.



badz1493622d ago

it's hard to be overwhelmed by consoles anymore as the PC tech has been moving so fast lately and even TV tech is moving very quickly outpacing the lifetime of the consoles. people always expect consoles to cost considerably cheap and everybody knows how cheapness is not very generous to the term "performance".

I think last gen might have been a year or 2 too long. if these new consoles were released 2 years ago, we might have been overwhelmed a bit but 4k is here already and none of the console is capable of it and even struggling to reach 1080p/60fps.

meh...I think we get what we paid for and it will come down to games IMO. It's totally up to the console makers to show that raw power isn't everything. PC only gamers might not like it too much as this might be another gen where consoles are going to hold PC back with developers not willing to go the extra mild anymore but being content with console sales and all that extra power in the new GPU are gone to waste.

but to be fair, the jump to 4k is a HUGE leap as we are talking 4X1080p on a single display and no thanks to the high asking price, the adoption rate is still very low. I think consoles will do just fine for this gen and hopefully in 5 years time tops, new consoles will be released and will be capable of 4k gaming which should be expected to be a mainstream...hopefully...by then!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3622d ago
user56695103623d ago (Edited 3623d ago )

Look at sackboy next gen vs last gen lol they're the same game. You could have waited next year. That's around a year and a half wait just for games we want. I find it funny when people bring up games they jump to gfx. When people talk about gfx they talk about games that they like. It's should be common knowledge that last gen has more games and that they are still getting them, which is a surprise. But the games that came out on next gen was all hype and cross gen. Gfx I get the best on pc. Exclusives ? Not much, got a ton on pc. And like I said I could play it on ps3 without paying for online. I don't see the point in paying for these consoles with not much to play on them. Better of wanting to next yr. Kids should get it this christmas or next

With this console gen going back to 5 yr gens like before, where are all the games. The bulk of games seem to be around Feb and march that a yr and a half, so that's 3 and a half more yrs. They are good gfx wise but I thought the would give their fans a steady stream of games seeing how long last gen lasted. It's only next but damn things are looking dull. On all fronts I'm not impressed, I'm more impressed with wiiU at least they tried something different instead of being a pc with a ton of nickel and diming with missing features

Had to edited it. Phone sucks plus autocorrect works against me

sinjonezp3623d ago

I honestly would loved to see something better out of the xb1 and the ps4 considering it was EIGHT YEARS since the last console was released. I think more could have been done..but with cost inflation, could Sony and mircrosft have done more and keep the price competitive? That's a the question.

Jaqen_Hghar3623d ago

yeah there's definitely a jump and each dev has taken advantage to a different degree so far. A man thinks people are just too into comparing them to modern PCs and not against their predecessors which is what a man judges them by. Also devs need to move on from making cross-gen though in games like Forza, LBP, Destiny, and some others the differences are stark.

dreamed3623d ago

Why do all your posts say "a man" in them?..are you praying?....or are you really talking about..."a man" & who is this man?.

eyeDEVOUR3623d ago


A man cant believe another man would ask a man a stupid question like that...

jetlian3622d ago

Dream that irks me too! In the anime fairy tail a character elf-man always says (a man) makes me wanna slap somebody.

Anyway this gen ms/sony going for profit. They didnt go overboard. Im liking new gfx going to get better next year when real next gen hits come.

elninels3622d ago

It's proper grammar. He doesn't have to say "a man". He could say "one" however it is less specific.


Most people dont want to go out of their way to find the best price of each part and then build their own computer with zero expertise in the field.

Lets be fair. If one doesn't own a computer but rather a mac, then one needs a new monitor, speaker set, cpu, gpu, motherboard, memory, storage, OS, power supply, case, preferably some fans, preferably a better compound then what is shipped with your cpu , most likely a keyboard and mouse too.

Did I miss anything? Thats a lot of stuff. You can use pcpartpicker.com for help, but you'll see that a solid computer that will run games and mods as advertised in comments sections and on forums will be around $1,100 and up. Aaaand then you have to build it.

Forget all this and lets go boutique you say? Better have some serious cash on hand as that $1,100 dollar pc cost ~$2,000 from a boutique.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3622d ago
Magicite3623d ago

well, if people think PS4 is too weak, then WiiU should sit ashamed in the corner.
We all know that console gamers dont care that much about specs or graphics as PC gamers do.

3-4-53622d ago

To the person who wrote this article ?

* How are these consoles Scary ?

Please elaborate for us.

If you didn't mean "scary", then why us it in title, unless you just want attention. More attention than is truly deserving of said topic, which has been made to look like more of an issue than it really is.

PS4 = Really Good

Wii U = Really Good

XB1 = Really Good

3DS = Really Good

PC = Really Good

Vita = Really good.

The consoles are fine....

IF ANYTHING, it's the games that need an adjustment.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3622d ago
pyroxxx3623d ago Show
turdburgler10803623d ago

Sounds like somebody needs a wambulance;)

TheStrokes3623d ago (Edited 3623d ago )

Sounds like somebody has no patience. It's only been a year... man up or shut up.

Ps1/2/3 or Xbox/360/1....Ah whatever...I'm too drunk to care.

Silly gameAr3623d ago (Edited 3623d ago )

Yeah, no patience is exactly the problem. It's like some people want everything, and they want it now.

Oschino19073623d ago

They should call J.G. Wentworth.

SmokingMonkey3623d ago

LOL @ "journalists" who think we should have Holodecks by now!

pkb793623d ago (Edited 3623d ago )

How do you know you not just a character in someone else's holodeck program?

MRMagoo1233623d ago

Because we are self aware that's what makes us know we are real.

elninels3622d ago

And how do you know this "self-awareness" makes you know you are real? That doesn't make sense.

Spotie3622d ago

The scariest thing in gaming right now is how utterly deplorable the state of gaming journalism is.

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Skuletor195d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy85195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


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leahcim649d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.