
Sony Announces Full Tokyo Game Show Line-Up: 70 PS4 Games, 33 PS Vita; Deep Down Will Get a Video

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan and Asia released today a new list with full line-up of games that the publisher will showcasee at Tokyo Game Show, including those that will be displayed only via video.

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Kayant3605d ago

Waiting for more Bloodborne and new deep down video.

PinkEye3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

Me too. Want some actual persona 5 and Metal Gear Online 3 gameplay footage too.

3605d ago
ocelot073605d ago

Excluding Portable Ops and Peace Walker. Only 3 MGS titles ever released with competitive online modes. MGS3,MGS4 (only mode was sold on separate disc in Japan) and now MGS5 will also have Online MP.

So am pretty sure he means MGS5 online modes.

GrandpaSnake3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

metal gear online on ps2 was epic then on ps3 was even more insane. the game had a wicked learning curve. Not to mention that metal gear online is always showed off on tgs, it is also the main reason why i was dissapointed with the phantom pain supposed multiplayer unveil.

Magicite3605d ago

Sony is going for the kill, 2015 will be megaton.

Evilsnuggle3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

70 GAMES b...buuut. ...bu..buuut.but PS4 has no games. Lol lol lol ;)

Serious time now . By next year PS4 will out sell wiiu in Japan. Sony is super serious about the Japanese market with all these new Japanese games. I can't wait until we Hopefully get some good JRPGs out of it. I'm still hoping and praying for a Panzer Dragon Saga 2 or Panzer Dragon Saga HD . I would also love Vagrant Story 2.

Hoping Sony bring DeepDown to the North American and Europe but a full retail version

True_Samurai3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

Um..... Most of them are mp and ports

↓↓ don't get so defensive Lol he was trying to claim as if all 70 were exclusives. Don't get sensitive at me homie. And DD is still Japan exclusive


MasterCornholio3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )


People play ports (The Last of Us) and Multiplats (Destiny).

Games are games whether you like that or not.


G20WLY3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

^Sorry Sammy, where EXACTLY did he use the word 'exclusive'?

In fact, it's you that's coming across as defensive here... This is a great showing and folks like you can't detract from that, hard as you may try.

Couldn't you try being happy for all gamers alike?

jrshankill3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

Did you bother to look at the list?

Lego Marvel? Playroom? Minecraft? UFC? Battlefield 4? Fifa? Lego Movie? Pro Evo?

gootimes3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )


A 95 rated port that still is the best game out this gen.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3605d ago
mechlord3604d ago

Persona 5.
Even if its video only, that's what i want to see the most.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3604d ago
Hellsvacancy3605d ago

Yep, it's going to suck being a PS4 gamer in the coming years, too many games not enough time

3605d ago Replies(4)
Sly-Lupin3605d ago

I was hoping to see the new Gundam game on that list, though.

But I don't think its a complete list of all the Sony-platform games at TGS; its just the games Sony is showing off. Because I know some NamcoBandai and SquareEnix games that aren't on the list but almost certainly will be at TGS.

LazyGoron3605d ago

Why are games like Fez on the list? Because it was free recently for PS+?

KentBlake3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

There are many games on the list that are already released in the US. Maybe they didn't release in Japan yet.

Knushwood Butt3605d ago

Actually, FEZ is free on PSN in Japan right now.

TimeSkipLuffy3605d ago

Because it is not only about games that have not been released yet. They use TGS also for games that have been released. That way they can promote those games for those who haven't tried or haven't heard anything about it yet.

jrshankill3605d ago

People "disagreed" with your post because they thought you were attacking their console of choice, yet you were asking a legitimate question.

This gen's community absolutely sucks.

LazyGoron3605d ago

LOL that's N4G for ya... There should be some sort of regulation on people who bubble down and disagree an abundant amount. Talk positively about X1 and you're sure to get some flak around here.

I like the articles where there's like 5 posts and then every post has the same # of disagrees, trolls disagreeing with every post just cause.

Someone got disagrees for saying they don't speak Japanese and hopefully videos are in a language they understand. Blows my mind.

LordMaim3605d ago

Perhaps people disagreed with his post because the list was of titles that were being showcased at TGS, and the fact that Fez was included in the PS Plus instant game collection is entirely irrelevant.

I'm not sure if it's because of any particular agenda or not, but you sure jumped to conclusions quickly.

UnwanteDreamz3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

Gens community? N4G isnt a community guy.

Also who else is tired of all the poor victims of fanboyism. Poor me people downvoted my random comment on N4G boo hoo. Come on man who cares about bubbles and agrees? Dont be a loser. Nothing has value that you dont place on it individually.

Sly-Lupin3605d ago

Its not as bad as last generation. Not yet, at least.

MaxKingoftheWild3605d ago (Edited 3605d ago )

I disagreed becaus his question is asinine since the list of games and reason for the list are clear. Had nothing to do with bashing any company since the post doesn't do that. But keep that victim mentality going. It makes this gens "community" so much better.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3605d ago
Zizi3605d ago

I hope the videos are not in Japanese cuz I don't speak the language.

General-Morpice3605d ago

The event is in Japan of course they're in Japanese.

LazyGoron3605d ago

Gamescom is in Germany but I didn't notice ANY event that I watched being spoken in German.

Liqvid3605d ago

Gamescom is an event that targets the whole European market.
TGS is aimed at the Japanese market.

UnwanteDreamz3605d ago

Wow I guess the " everyone should speak english" BS has spread to non english speaking countries as well. Sad

elninels3605d ago

I would appreciate a translation. I understand japan has a rather low percentage of people that speak English. So of course thwir event will be in the native tongue, however sony should realise how many people would watch this worldwide if the provided translations in a few languages.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3605d ago
Killzoner993605d ago

Do you expect EVERY country to cater to your narrow linguistic abilities? Do yourself a favor and learn some other languages and maybe you could understand these Japanese videos. It boggles my mind at how many Americans can only speak English.

Zizi3604d ago

Sorry, I'm not a native speaker of English.

Well, taking English as an international language, perhaps videos from TGS would be translated into the language. I wish. :)

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Layden Has 'No Idea' What Happened to Capcom Deep Down Game

Former Sony executive Shawn Layden has "no idea" what happened to Capcom Deep Down game, which disappeared after announcement.

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SullysCigar1056d ago

I thought this looked fun. I hope they do something with it eventually.

Rangerman12081056d ago

From what I have read, they wanted to delay the game to make the graphics "realistic". Imo, the game already looked good as it is. My guess is that perhaps they shifted their focus for a ps5 release but only time will tell.

Michiel19891055d ago

considering it looked basically better than any other game in that trailer, they were probably too ambitious. They also wanted to have endless dungeons, have several historic periods that they wanted to realize, infinite randomly generated loot. its not being made for ps5, it went in the dumpster, no way capcom would let them work on it from then on until now. it was like 9 years ago or something that trailer came out?

Ashunderfire861055d ago

I remember seeing demo footage of this game on the PS4! It already look like one of the best looking games on the PS4, like a prenext gen game before PS5.

Shinox1054d ago (Edited 1054d ago )

This was never meant to be a game and it was more like a showcase for their engine "Panta Rhei" that they never used in any game ( which probably named RE Engine now ) , yes this project was meant to be a low budget free to play game for the PS4 and planned to release in Japan but all of that was canceled in a matter of few months , this whole project has been silently canceled long long time ago and people does not know Capcom well when it comes to sideswiping projects

Giraiga131054d ago

@Shinox if what you said is true then that's a big shame really. I was really looking forward for the game, and it had some cool ideas and mechanics that caught my attention (though making it a F2P title was somewhat worrisome).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
darthv721056d ago

I always thought it was because of this games questionable development that they were able to do the deal for SFV in its place.

SyntheticForm1055d ago

As far as I'm aware not a single game was developed with the Panta Rhei engine. Some aspects of the engine may have been folded into Capcom's current engines, but who knows, really?

I thought it looked really good at the time it was shown.

Giraiga131055d ago

Agreed. The game had a lot of promise, jankiness aside. Plus, I sorta loved the survival horror aspects of the game in certain areas.

ManInRed1056d ago

Still sucks we haven't heard much from it. Really liked the concept behind it, and I feel like I was one of the very few who liked the game's music. A shame it's in hiatus as of now.

Sciurus_vulgaris1056d ago

I think Platinum has been overextending itself for a good while now. Scalebound was canceled after missing deadlines and Bayonetta 3 has shown nothing since its announcement in 2017.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago

Posted my comment on the wrong article..,

Rangerman12081055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

Like Darkborn said, you still have a good point, even if it's not related to this newspiece.

Sciurus_vulgaris1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

@Darkborn and Rangerman1208

I think Deepdown's disappearance is simply due to Capcom focusing resources on their already established IPs ( Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and too a lesser extent Devil May Cry). Despite the vaporware nature of Deepdown, Capcom has been doing quit well for the past 4 years or so.

TheExecutioner1055d ago

even capcom doesnt know .. no one knows what happened

Rangerman12081055d ago

Honestly, I want to believe the game will happen but after what happened with Wild, who's to say Capcom won't consider on pulling the plug on the game?

A shame cause the game looked very interesting.

Barneyco1054d ago

Excuse my ignorance but was Wild cancelled or delayed? I didn't hear news about that.

Barneyco1054d ago

I looked Wild up. I had no idea it was cancelled last year. I was looking forward to it.

spicelicka1055d ago

It's quite deep down this game

hulk_bash19871055d ago

Deep down seemed like Vaporware from the start. There was never anything shown beyond the initial reveal trailer.

Yppupdam1055d ago (Edited 1055d ago )

There is always games like this that look cool and excites everybody...and then it disappears. Look at "8 days", everything about that game looked as cool as hell, The Story, Ving Rhames as one of the characters and pretty cool game mechanics (of what video leaked out of them) That game still stings to me, I really wanted to play it.

Giraiga131054d ago

Same thing with The Getaway for the PS3. I always wanted to try out English GTA from Sony, but it sadly never came to be.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1054d ago
DVAcme1055d ago

While the game never came out, I don't think it was time wasted. If you look well at how the camera follows the character and how it moves around during "gameplay", you'll notice it's spot-on identical to the camera in Resident Evil 2 Remake. Deep Down might have been cancelled, but it most likely became a proof of concept for Capcom in development of the REngine.

Magic_Spatula1055d ago

I always thought it was a tech demo never intended to become an actual game. Pretty sure it's just them showing off what would eventually become their proprietary engine Reach For The Moon Engine or "RE Engine" as most people call it.

gleepot1055d ago

capcom calls it the RE Engine, because thats what its called

Giraiga131054d ago

To quote from the other guy, it's definitely likely that Phanta Rei probably transformed into the RE engine. Still, it sucks the game might not see the light of day, especially considering how ambitious Capcom was with it.

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Capcom Renews Deep Down Trademark

Don’t count this game out just yet. Are we going to see Deep Down release on PS5?

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_SilverHawk_1491d ago

Hopefully its still in development and will be released on ps5 because deep down trailer looked amazing when showed years ago

Sonic-and-Crash1491d ago

i hope this to transform to " Dragon s Dogma 2 Deep Down" ....would be smart move and excellent to revisit DDogma elaborate world

Lore1491d ago

I’m hoping for both

camel_toad1491d ago

Capcom is really sitting on Dragon's Dogma and I don't get why. It was an out of nowhere fantastic game.

They need to come out with the sequel already.

Hakuoro1491d ago

That's actually what I always thought, that it was just a code name for a Dragon's Dogma game.

bouzebbal1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

heard good things about DD.
didnt have a chance to try it, so i hope the series gets some love cause i think it was successful.

Michiel19891491d ago

@sonic I rather hope for a Monster Hunter deep down, that could be amazing

Army_of_Darkness1490d ago

It's probably gonna be a ps5 game now.

nitus101490d ago

I will agree Dragon's Dogma is an excellent game and having the ability to climb on huge enemies is fairly unique, however, I really hope that Capcom (if they make DD2) reduces those "escort missions" or at least makes them much more interesting. Of course, if I hear "Harpy!" one more time I am going to scream.🤪

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1490d ago
1491d ago Replies(1)
ActualWhiteMan1491d ago

Deep down, it’s just vapor ware..

NVMGaiden1491d ago

Absolutely, I'm more interested in games that exist like Pragmata and Resident Evil 8.

Yui_Suzumiya1491d ago

Those are two games I'm most excited for as well

NovusTerminus1491d ago

Renewing a trademark is a sign of life because they cannot just indefinitely renew it, they only get so many renewals before it is rejected and open to the market again.

Relientk771491d ago

Good, hopefully we see Deep Down on PS5.

Kavorklestein1491d ago

I kind of have a feeling that Deep Down was put off until new hardware because the Quality of what we saw in the trailer looked like it was causing major frame issues and stutters on the PS4 the time.

The PS5 may finally be able to handle the visual goal of what they were going for.

drizzom1491d ago

Actually would like to see it on PC too.

isarai1491d ago

Hopefully it maintains the technology (like their fluid/particle simulations) and 4 player co-op

lildudexst1491d ago

Oh now they wanna work on it again

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10 Missing Games We’d Love to Hear from in 2020

Here are 10 major video games that are missing in action from the public eye, and we hope to see them make a triumphant return in 2020.

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